...Sad, isn't it? And _that_ is because, unlike the majority of "reviewers" out there, *I RESEARCH THIS SHIT **_BEFORE_** I GO ON CAMERA.* #inb4 #GetOnMyLevel
Thanks soo much for the power animal reviews. I am coming into a large sum of cash for graduation and I wanted to buy a whole line of super sentai mecha. I have been researching different lines bc I want to spend my money on the best one available and your reviews on the power animals has helped me come to a decision. I am going to collect the power animals. Thanks a lot for the reviews! :D
Hi there Eva I was looking on ebay to see what power animals are available (not many). But whilst I was looking on there, I found Gao Ape on ther going for $250 for the toy and $32 for postage and packaging. But it only has 9 days left on there and I throught I might tell you because you said you wanted one. P.S. it is mint and box !
I 10/10 recommend watching Wild Force, not gonna lie graphics and some of the story were pretty cheesy but I had never seen such story telling since. There was so much dark stuff going on, especially for a Power Rangers show. I don’t cry often, but when watching this show, I bawled my eyes out. Seriously. The entire series had so many plot twists that I was dizzy by the end.
@ChaosZero102 The 2010 MMPR Megazord was already reviewed on CDX, I don't have it (because I already had the original), and the 2010 Dragonzord is confirmed to be *never* coming out. ANY new PR toys that we get now (notice we haven't gotten anything new in for months now...?) will be based off of "PR:Samurai" (2011). --EVA_Unit_4A
@Jonzilla37 -_-; My bad; I read your comment wrong. I thought you meant Gao Falcon. So, your Gao Eagle's legs were lose? At the feet or hips? The Yellow Eagle Wild Zord I have has really loose talons, and supposedly that was a line-wide problem for US releases, but not for the Japanese Gao Eagle. --EVA_Unit_4A
When I watched JT Mitchell's review for the Turbo Zords,he said that the conncectors inside the Mountain Blaster and Siren Blaster were die-cast metal.
@TheJackodono1 I don't have the larger Gao Lion, nor do I want it because I don;'t like the Gao Kentaurous combo. I have several PRDT Zords, but I don';t have much time for them right now. I will get to them, but not right now. Thanks for asking!
I live in Texas and I remember never seeing it in stores either, yet I got one for Christmas that year. I guess that proves the existence of Santa Claus
for future reference, I don't think that there was ever a name change to the name of the Animarium, and it seems to be the same name for both Gaoranger and Wild Force
@TheHotrodshot I obviously can't post a link in this response, but search online for "Ooebi's Hobby Factory" (in Japanese-only, so make sure it's browser-translated when you go in), scroll down the left side for his Super Sentai listings, and then you'll find the GoaRanger menu. Gao Panda is the first of the alternate links there, I think. --EVA_Unit_4A
@CollectionDX Yes, Lost Galaxy (Gingaman). Pink Ranger Kendrix dies when she destroies a weapon called the "Savage Sword" which absorbes power every time it makes a hit. She comes back to life at the end of the series, but the situation was due the actress having Leukemia. Other than that, no ranger has ever died and staied dead.
@DaOneToRuleDaWorld You're the second person to nominate "MagiRanger". Dude, if it wasn't for the fact that I only had access to PR at the time, I would have been hooked on Super Sentai as early as 11! I remember trying to bring it up in 5th Grade, and everyone around me said "Meh". I found out about PR just when I was supposed to not be liking toys anymore, so I was right on the edge of aging out of the show when it came out. Only reason I tolerated PR was the giant robots. --EVA_Unit_4A
That sound gimmick was added to the Falcon Zord to make it more playable with kids. It's the same reason why they gave the Deluxe Kongazord a motorized Bison Zord figure.
@odObo01 Thank you very much! Though I get ridiculed at times for providing backstory (i.e. being repetitive for those who already know it), I find that it adds a little spice to what we / I collect, and it helps outsiders understand the toy's place in the line. --EVA_Unit_4A
@CollectionDX Mine is actually pretty stiff, and it ratchets at the hip and the pivot point (The part that twists down to form the Mane) on the wings are unsynchronized.
When I watched JT Mitchell's review for the Turbo Zords,he said that the conncectors inside the Mountain Blaster and Siren Blaster were die-cast metal.And not ALL the decals in the MMPR zords were changed. Some were unchanged.
@ChaoticSasuke I have already covered several of them on CDX, though none of them have videos. Also, since most of the PRDT versions were already covered by someone else, I can't. I do, however, have several from AbaRanger that I haven't covered yet that I could easily get to this year. --EVA_Unit_4A
@zoidsmaniac I can't name many of the earlier ones, but some of the later Super Sentai Series that were a little more Real Robot were OhRanger, GoGo-V, TimeRanger, DekaRanger, and Boukenger. --EVA_Unit_4A
@CollectionDX Speaking of other Megazords EVA, are you planning at all to review the new 2010 release of the Megazord, (and or Dragon Zord when it eventually comes out)?
So hypnosis works on Angels now? :D Great review, I've certanly been enjoying them. The Isis Megazord was one of those toys where there will be lots in certain areas, but not a lot in others. Being from the UK, yes i can tell you we had both the Deluxe and that RC Command Isis Megazord as well. The transforming version certanly looked less blocky. Thanks again for making these. :)
Arg i so wantd Isis Megazord back in the day, I remeber going to a walmart and saw a crapy Isis playset and I was like "NO thats not the one I want" Thanks to your review Ill stik to the isis just for the electronics. Cool videos BTW!
@CharlieC213 It's onomatopoeia, a mixture of symbols for "roar" and "fang". So, it could be translated as "Roaring Rangers". IDK- I can't read Japanese; I got this off of Wikipedia! >.
@lordcrimson777 Ooh, I have no idea! Generally speaking, I only know the US conversions, with a minor in UK conversions. ^^; However, I have heard that a good share- though not all!- of the HK variants are more closely related to their PR counterparts than they are to the Japanese versions. --EVA_Unit_4A
@theALLMITiY You can't use Gao Lion in any combo except Gao King, and that requires that Gao Eagle be present. Gao Kentaurus is the ONLY other combo I am aware of that involves Gao Lion, since it is a torso component, and that required special circumstances for that combo to occur. In the official listings of the Hundred Beasts, it is not unusual for one PA to be linked to only one combined form (ex: Gao Lion, GaoLigator, & Gao Kong). --EVA_Unit_4A
@cfighter95 During filming, I was hesitant to say for certain whether-or-not the Dlx. Isis Megazord was released in the US or not, as I could never quite get a clear answer wherever I looked online. All I ever personally saw in stores was the Isis Command Megazord. (*yawn*) --EVA_Unit_4A
@AshTheDogWolf Yeah, that's called Gao Icarus Another Arm and Foot. I didn't go over combos that has two-or-more accessory PAs attached. I debated making a video for that, but it seemed kinda pointless. I did, however, go over all of that in my review "Hyakujuu Gattai! The Power Animals Assembled" on ColectionDX (.) com. --EVA_Unit_4A
@CollectionDX to be honest, both could go either way, since L and R are interchangable when translating japanese to english. in fact, a lot of places, including the Super Sentai Time Capsule and Wikipedia, use the spelling "Animarium" for both Gaoranger and Wild Force. and it makes sense if you think of it as a play on words like "Aquarium"
@CollectionDX It is a compliment in nerd society :P and i hung out with mostly nerds in highschool, nerds and geek and we all just did our own thing so it worked out well :)
@EVAUnit4A I lived with my grandmother as a child when i had all of them , as i got older though i eventually moved with my Dad and Toys remain at my grandmothers house . idk if all of them their but most of them are
@ChaosZero102 Re-MMPR was being released by Disney. When Saban got the rights back, all new toy production shifted to them, so Disney PR toys can no longer be made. That's why. Now, Saban could continue the line if they choose, but considering how fast it was yanked out from under us, I doubt that. Damn- I really wanted some more Retrofire Megazords... --EVA_Unit_4A
I'm buying The Isis Megazord that my friend used to own as we were collecting them at the time, the only ones we're missing is the Predazord and Animus since i had the Wildforce Megazord and Kongazord while he had the Isis Megazord i was gonna get the Predazord and he would get Animus as we both agreed that he was a remodel of the Wildforce Megazord.
@MercuryRanger83 I plan to, yes, as I've already posted several of them to CDX (they were some of my earliest reviews!). When that will happen, though, I am not sure. I will try to get to them in 2010. --EVA_Unit_4A
@yatagara111 Smaller size was kinda necessary considering the amount of detail (and inclusion of die-cast metal) that went into the PAs. But, I'm very willing to give that up because they are so awesome. I mean, can you imagine a 14"-tall Gao Icarus with a 24" wingspan!? If there's a bootleg of it out there that size, I WANT IT. --EVA_Unit_4A
@darksidus08 Power Rangers originates from Japan. PRWild Force was called "Hyakujuu Sentai GaoRanger" (Hundred-beast Taskforce Roar-rangers). This toy is the original Japanese version of the Falcon Wild Zord.
@MrFluffyification Thanks. I always try to include a little background from the TV series/movie where the toy comes from to provide some substance to to the justification of their existence. Cool toys, yes, but sometimes how they're included in the story is just as cool. --EVA_Unit_4A
@The26thprime The word "gao" is onomatopoeia in Japanese for an animal roaring. So, "Hyakujuu Sentai GaoRanger" becomes "Hundred-beast Taskforce Roaring-Rangers". --EVA_Unit_4A
@6thhokagephil Oh, and I didn't give GoseiPhoenix a second glance. It's a barely-changing block-former just like the rest of the Go Headders... and the Bakuryuu, and the Deka Machines, and the Gougou vehicles, and the Geki Beasts, and the Engines, and the Origami (though those were more parts-formers), and the-- --EVA_Unit_4A
@Xandthatfriend No, because that is how Gao Falcon first appeared. And also, THE SHOW AIRED TEN YEARS AGO SO THERE'S NO NEED TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT SPOILERS ANYMORE. >.>
They don't _remove paint_ in order to have "less import fees." They "dumb" the toys down so Bandai America doesn't spend as much to manufacture the toy, because Americans are unwilling to pay as high a price for a child's toy than Japanese. Thus Bandai caters to the American audience by producing toys that cost less and are in the price range Americans are willing to pay. 3 of the easiest ways to do that include removing electronics, not using die cast metal, and not doing as much detail work on the paint. And more recently, even using less plastic, by making smaller versions.
i am 11 and have wanted them for a long time and seen every 1 of your vids and like them all and how much did you pay for them or tell me if you whould like to sell them
@Mugenlazlo 'Cause, in the story, Gao God was the original hero mecha for the GaoRanger before it was destroyed 1000 years ago; then Gao King took its place even though both existed at the same time back then. --EVA_Unit_4A
@CollectionDX sooo, that a no on the gosei mecha reveiws? >3> (is stupid when he wants to be) if so, whats your next mecha you have your eye on to reveiw? ^3^
@Mugenlazlo It's "Gao Kentaurous". Two reasons. 1- it's a centaur, which doesn't strike me as very cool in-context of GaoRanger since they've been very consistent in using real animals and not fictitious ones. Also it just looks awkward to have those giant wings on there. 2- they just made Gao Lion larger rather than introducing a final Power Animal, which didn't make sense since there are 75 other Power Animals to choose from to make! There was indeed a Gao Horse, why didn't they use it???
@appleboy94 I'm planning to, but I'm not sure how to go about it. That video may be a while longer in being posted than all of these were. --EVA_Unit_4A
@fryk000 That irked me at first, too, seeing as they had separation joints for assembly. But, I've come to appreciate that they *aren't* like every other Super Sentai bird's wings usually are. --EVA_Unit_4A
@6thhokagephil Well, Gao Falcon does indeed come from out of a volcano, it's covered in lava when it does so, and even the narrator says in passing that it's like a phoenix. However, calling it "Gao Phoenix" would have been breaking canon with all the other Power Animals, which are based on real animals [save for perhaps the Soul Bird]. But you're absolutely right. --EVA_Unit_4A
@TheDarkmaker01 Asking if I want a Soul Bird is: A- not paying attention to the video B- repeating what others have said But enough of this bickering. I'm pleased you watched the video! ^^
@takanuinuva WHAT DID I *SPECIFICALLY SAY* IN THE VIDEO-!!? D=< And, sadly no, I cannot cover the Soul of Chogokin #GX-22 Evangelion Unit-04 because someone else already did. --EVA_Unit_4A
that toy did come to the u.s. i remember geting one as a kid for xmas
You're the first person on UA-cam to know exactly how to transform the Falcon on camera
...Sad, isn't it?
And _that_ is because, unlike the majority of "reviewers" out there, *I RESEARCH THIS SHIT **_BEFORE_** I GO ON CAMERA.*
Thanks soo much for the power animal reviews. I am coming into a large sum of cash for graduation and I wanted to buy a whole line of super sentai mecha. I have been researching different lines bc I want to spend my money on the best one available and your reviews on the power animals has helped me come to a decision. I am going to collect the power animals. Thanks a lot for the reviews! :D
I love the whole series and its going to be my birthday soon and I really want this series because of your reviews
I like how you began by tell the story and the deaths of GaoBlue GaoBlack GaoYellow and GaoWhite. Very good job!
We did get the blue predazord, it was an fau swarts(sp?) exclusive, I ran into it a few times, isis was also available in fau swarts.
@CollectionDX thnx i remember having either the VHS or DVD of one of the episodes and show grew the camera guy...
I'm intrigued about their combination abilities.
the "normal" Isis megazord definitely made it to the USA. I still remember the day I unwrapped the thing, and it's still my favorite mecha to this day
Hi there Eva
I was looking on ebay to see what power animals are available (not many). But whilst I was looking on there, I found Gao Ape on ther going for $250 for the toy and $32 for postage and packaging. But it only has 9 days left on there and I throught I might tell you because you said you wanted one.
P.S. it is mint and box !
great videos we all appreciate it EVA
this video was made on my birthday!
It's a sign!
@TheJarvier It did get in the U.S. version it's called the Isis Megazord
I 10/10 recommend watching Wild Force, not gonna lie graphics and some of the story were pretty cheesy but I had never seen such story telling since. There was so much dark stuff going on, especially for a Power Rangers show. I don’t cry often, but when watching this show, I bawled my eyes out. Seriously. The entire series had so many plot twists that I was dizzy by the end.
Shout! Factory released _Gaoranger_ on DVD, so I'll be watching that. After that, I seriously doubt I'd have any reason to watch _PRWF._
bandai: lets remove the badge mode on the samuri megazord
The 2010 MMPR Megazord was already reviewed on CDX, I don't have it (because I already had the original), and the 2010 Dragonzord is confirmed to be *never* coming out.
ANY new PR toys that we get now (notice we haven't gotten anything new in for months now...?) will be based off of "PR:Samurai" (2011).
My bad; I read your comment wrong. I thought you meant Gao Falcon.
So, your Gao Eagle's legs were lose? At the feet or hips? The Yellow Eagle Wild Zord I have has really loose talons, and supposedly that was a line-wide problem for US releases, but not for the Japanese Gao Eagle.
When I watched JT Mitchell's review for the Turbo Zords,he said that the conncectors inside the Mountain Blaster and Siren Blaster were die-cast metal.
I don't have the larger Gao Lion, nor do I want it because I don;'t like the Gao Kentaurous combo.
I have several PRDT Zords, but I don';t have much time for them right now. I will get to them, but not right now.
Thanks for asking!
I live in Texas and I remember never seeing it in stores either, yet I got one for Christmas that year. I guess that proves the existence of Santa Claus
for future reference, I don't think that there was ever a name change to the name of the Animarium, and it seems to be the same name for both Gaoranger and Wild Force
I obviously can't post a link in this response, but search online for "Ooebi's Hobby Factory" (in Japanese-only, so make sure it's browser-translated when you go in), scroll down the left side for his Super Sentai listings, and then you'll find the GoaRanger menu. Gao Panda is the first of the alternate links there, I think.
@CollectionDX Yes, Lost Galaxy (Gingaman). Pink Ranger Kendrix dies when she destroies a weapon called the "Savage Sword" which absorbes power every time it makes a hit. She comes back to life at the end of the series, but the situation was due the actress having Leukemia. Other than that, no ranger has ever died and staied dead.
You're the second person to nominate "MagiRanger".
Dude, if it wasn't for the fact that I only had access to PR at the time, I would have been hooked on Super Sentai as early as 11! I remember trying to bring it up in 5th Grade, and everyone around me said "Meh". I found out about PR just when I was supposed to not be liking toys anymore, so I was right on the edge of aging out of the show when it came out. Only reason I tolerated PR was the giant robots.
That sound gimmick was added to the Falcon Zord to make it more playable with kids. It's the same reason why they gave the Deluxe Kongazord a motorized Bison Zord figure.
@CollectionDX you said in the video you weren't sure if it was in europe, i was saying it is!
Actually, there was a slight change:
GaoRanger = "Animalium"
PRWF = "Animarium"
I don't remember what it was called in Gaoranger. But in Wild Force it was the Pegasus Megazord combination.
Thank you very much!
Though I get ridiculed at times for providing backstory (i.e. being repetitive for those who already know it), I find that it adds a little spice to what we / I collect, and it helps outsiders understand the toy's place in the line.
@CollectionDX Mine is actually pretty stiff, and it ratchets at the hip and the pivot point (The part that twists down to form the Mane) on the wings are unsynchronized.
When I watched JT Mitchell's review for the Turbo Zords,he said that the conncectors inside the Mountain Blaster and Siren Blaster were die-cast metal.And not ALL the decals in the MMPR zords were changed.
Some were unchanged.
Thank you!
...You know I also reviewed Gao Kong, right?
I have already covered several of them on CDX, though none of them have videos. Also, since most of the PRDT versions were already covered by someone else, I can't. I do, however, have several from AbaRanger that I haven't covered yet that I could easily get to this year.
I can't name many of the earlier ones, but some of the later Super Sentai Series that were a little more Real Robot were OhRanger, GoGo-V, TimeRanger, DekaRanger, and Boukenger.
I would love to see the Falcon Zord put together with the Bears and Taurus. I think that'd look badass. Could you do that?
@CollectionDX Speaking of other Megazords EVA, are you planning at all to review the new 2010 release of the Megazord, (and or Dragon Zord when it eventually comes out)?
So hypnosis works on Angels now? :D Great review, I've certanly been enjoying them. The Isis Megazord was one of those toys where there will be lots in certain areas, but not a lot in others. Being from the UK, yes i can tell you we had both the Deluxe and that RC Command Isis Megazord as well. The transforming version certanly looked less blocky. Thanks again for making these. :)
Arg i so wantd Isis Megazord back in the day, I remeber going to a walmart and saw a crapy Isis playset and I was like "NO thats not the one I want"
Thanks to your review Ill stik to the isis just for the electronics.
Cool videos BTW!
are you going to review all the different combinations of the power animals?
It's onomatopoeia, a mixture of symbols for "roar" and "fang". So, it could be translated as "Roaring Rangers".
IDK- I can't read Japanese; I got this off of Wikipedia! >.
Ooh, I have no idea! Generally speaking, I only know the US conversions, with a minor in UK conversions. ^^;
However, I have heard that a good share- though not all!- of the HK variants are more closely related to their PR counterparts than they are to the Japanese versions.
Yeah, pretty awesomesauce.
Surprisingly, not when it came out! Watch the credits again for the price.
Yes, you may reference me in your video. Hey- shout-outs are always fun!
No, I'm not getting the Hustle Rod either.
You can't use Gao Lion in any combo except Gao King, and that requires that Gao Eagle be present. Gao Kentaurus is the ONLY other combo I am aware of that involves Gao Lion, since it is a torso component, and that required special circumstances for that combo to occur.
In the official listings of the Hundred Beasts, it is not unusual for one PA to be linked to only one combined form (ex: Gao Lion, GaoLigator, & Gao Kong).
@EVAUnit4A You know the English name for that combination is Isis Megazord Predator Mode?
During filming, I was hesitant to say for certain whether-or-not the Dlx. Isis Megazord was released in the US or not, as I could never quite get a clear answer wherever I looked online.
All I ever personally saw in stores was the Isis Command Megazord. (*yawn*)
Yeah, that's called Gao Icarus Another Arm and Foot. I didn't go over combos that has two-or-more accessory PAs attached. I debated making a video for that, but it seemed kinda pointless.
I did, however, go over all of that in my review "Hyakujuu Gattai! The Power Animals Assembled" on ColectionDX (.) com.
@CollectionDX to be honest, both could go either way, since L and R are interchangable when translating japanese to english. in fact, a lot of places, including the Super Sentai Time Capsule and Wikipedia, use the spelling "Animarium" for both Gaoranger and Wild Force. and it makes sense if you think of it as a play on words like "Aquarium"
@CollectionDX oook but i didnt ask if u were reviewing it............
How do you have them display?
Gaobig lion is to tie up the loose pieces.
I think like 4 mega ziod and no loose power animal
nice review : )
@CollectionDX It is a compliment in nerd society :P and i hung out with mostly nerds in highschool, nerds and geek and we all just did our own thing so it worked out well :)
@EVAUnit4A I lived with my grandmother as a child when i had all of them , as i got older though i eventually moved with my Dad and Toys remain at my grandmothers house . idk if all of them their but most of them are
Well, we published that video months before we knew about the cancellations. ;P
Panel lines, yes. They're all painted in.
Re-MMPR was being released by Disney. When Saban got the rights back, all new toy production shifted to them, so Disney PR toys can no longer be made. That's why. Now, Saban could continue the line if they choose, but considering how fast it was yanked out from under us, I doubt that.
Damn- I really wanted some more Retrofire Megazords...
@FuraiSkygon Apparently you have never played with any figures from Transformers Animated.
wing detail is koolz....are those gold lines on the wing panel lined?
I'm buying The Isis Megazord that my friend used to own as we were collecting them at the time, the only ones we're missing is the Predazord and Animus since i had the Wildforce Megazord and Kongazord while he had the Isis Megazord i was gonna get the Predazord and he would get Animus as we both agreed that he was a remodel of the Wildforce Megazord.
Thank you. ^^
Yeah, I was really disappointed when the Command Megazord was all we got.
I plan to, yes, as I've already posted several of them to CDX (they were some of my earliest reviews!). When that will happen, though, I am not sure. I will try to get to them in 2010.
hey eva u wouldnt happen to be planning any reviews for ninja storm. that is by far my favorite super sentai series
Thank you! ^^
the rachet problem is from the first owner he may have moved the legs to much and it sanded the ratchet points
Smaller size was kinda necessary considering the amount of detail (and inclusion of die-cast metal) that went into the PAs. But, I'm very willing to give that up because they are so awesome.
I mean, can you imagine a 14"-tall Gao Icarus with a 24" wingspan!? If there's a bootleg of it out there that size, I WANT IT.
@TheJarvier It did as Isis Megazord
Will Gao Polar and Gao Bear fit under the ultimate defense shield? There doesn't seem to be much room for large shoulders.
Power Rangers originates from Japan. PRWild Force was called "Hyakujuu Sentai GaoRanger" (Hundred-beast Taskforce Roar-rangers).
This toy is the original Japanese version of the Falcon Wild Zord.
Thanks. I always try to include a little background from the TV series/movie where the toy comes from to provide some substance to to the justification of their existence. Cool toys, yes, but sometimes how they're included in the story is just as cool.
The word "gao" is onomatopoeia in Japanese for an animal roaring. So, "Hyakujuu Sentai GaoRanger" becomes "Hundred-beast Taskforce Roaring-Rangers".
@CollectionDX sorry I wasn't aware that it was already done. How About Zeo or turbo?
Oh, and I didn't give GoseiPhoenix a second glance. It's a barely-changing block-former just like the rest of the Go Headders... and the Bakuryuu, and the Deka Machines, and the Gougou vehicles, and the Geki Beasts, and the Engines, and the Origami (though those were more parts-formers), and the--
do you plan on doing magiranger reviews?
No, because that is how Gao Falcon first appeared. And also, THE SHOW AIRED TEN YEARS AGO SO THERE'S NO NEED TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT SPOILERS ANYMORE.
one of the many things i liked about the gao and wild force line was all of the zords could change out limbs and be something different
That already happened with Gao King Another Arm (swap the Shark and Tiger for the Hammerhead and Wolf, respectively).
They don't _remove paint_ in order to have "less import fees." They "dumb" the toys down so Bandai America doesn't spend as much to manufacture the toy, because Americans are unwilling to pay as high a price for a child's toy than Japanese. Thus Bandai caters to the American audience by producing toys that cost less and are in the price range Americans are willing to pay. 3 of the easiest ways to do that include removing electronics, not using die cast metal, and not doing as much detail work on the paint. And more recently, even using less plastic, by making smaller versions.
That would explain why Bandai America makes the Zord Builder.
they do that now at least.
@CollectionDX its friggin awesome, but i can't make the pegasus thing
i am 11 and have wanted them for a long time and seen every 1 of your vids and like them all and how much did you pay for them or tell me if you whould like to sell them
'Cause, in the story, Gao God was the original hero mecha for the GaoRanger before it was destroyed 1000 years ago; then Gao King took its place even though both existed at the same time back then.
@CollectionDX sooo, that a no on the gosei mecha reveiws? >3> (is stupid when he wants to be)
if so, whats your next mecha you have your eye on to reveiw? ^3^
Did you do a DX Gao God review?
did you do hyakujuu gattai gaocentauras yet
I had collected ALL of these toys and then sold them on eBay for a good hunk of money even tho they were used!
It's "Gao Kentaurous".
Two reasons.
1- it's a centaur, which doesn't strike me as very cool in-context of GaoRanger since they've been very consistent in using real animals and not fictitious ones. Also it just looks awkward to have those giant wings on there.
2- they just made Gao Lion larger rather than introducing a final Power Animal, which didn't make sense since there are 75 other Power Animals to choose from to make! There was indeed a Gao Horse, why didn't they use it???
@zoidsmaniac meants to say that reals have the actual energy source.
I know this is a long-time video but I still want to know where you got all the zords, do u have a link ???
Oh, gosh, you're right- it HAS been a long time! It seems to me I got most of them off of eBay piecemeal over the course of a year.
i was looking for captain falcon!
@CollectionDX thank you just glad i got 2 wild force mega zords and one konga mega the legs for the the konga suck
did you get gao kong yet? I want to see the toy version of GaoKnight
I'm planning to, but I'm not sure how to go about it. That video may be a while longer in being posted than all of these were.
At PR, or at GaoRanger...?
No, "Gao Kentaurus".
That irked me at first, too, seeing as they had separation joints for assembly. But, I've come to appreciate that they *aren't* like every other Super Sentai bird's wings usually are.
do u have any pictures of Gao Panda? ive never seen it before.
Well, Gao Falcon does indeed come from out of a volcano, it's covered in lava when it does so, and even the narrator says in passing that it's like a phoenix. However, calling it "Gao Phoenix" would have been breaking canon with all the other Power Animals, which are based on real animals [save for perhaps the Soul Bird].
But you're absolutely right.
Asking if I want a Soul Bird is:
A- not paying attention to the video
B- repeating what others have said
But enough of this bickering. I'm pleased you watched the video! ^^
And, sadly no, I cannot cover the Soul of Chogokin #GX-22 Evangelion Unit-04 because someone else already did.
Top-tier, certainly!
Looks so awsome.
@EVAUnit4A You're very welcome. :)