You are what you choose to be | Mihaela Tatu | TEDxBacau
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Mother, trainer, TV personality, Maria Tatu is and forever will be 3X Woman. On the stage of TEDxBacau, she starts a confession, a mutual dialogue with her public; a fascinating and captivating talk about the life of a human being.
Taking personal examples, she illustrates the most important parts of the human life: childhood, adolescence, maturity and present, because nothing is more important than the present.
“Whatever you do in life, weather you are a famous tv personality, president or doorkeeper, try to do your best and never forget that above all you must be human, because presidents come and go; today you are president and tomorrow you’re doorkeeper, but the human condition can never be taken.”
With an unseen force and energy, Mihaela teaches us a lesson about the courage of making a change, of reinventing yourself, of how to surpass difficult moments in life and how to do everything with professionalism, in the best possible way.
Mihaela Tatu started working from an early age. She was only 18, when she received a job in a factory from Brasov. After 11 years of hard work, from which 1 year as an unqualified worker and the rest as an accountant, Mihaela decided to follow her dreams. Soon after the '89 Revolution, she realized something was not right with her life and she wanted to tell stories to children. Instead of doing that, she became moderator of a morning radio show in Brasov. She won the 2nd prize of the national contest "Marconi Days" at the "Radiophonic voices" section and the first prize at the "Public Ads" section. Then the life pushed her to television, a sector that gave her the chance to fulfill her dreams of producing a show with and for children. In 2000 Mihaela's life was ready for another change. She moved to the capital city of Bucharest, where she received a contract as a moderator of the "Viata bate filmul" (Life above the movie) tv show - a title that remained in the minds of Romanian spectators, from the very first broadcasting day. It was the first tv show to handle real problems faced by women in the early '90s Romanian society. Soon, other shows came along; titles such as „De 3x femeie” (3X Woman) (a tv show broadcasted for 7 years), „De suflet” (From and for the soul), „Celebri sau nu” (Famous or not), „La Mihaela Tatu” (With Mihaela Tatu) and „La hanu’ lu’ Tatu” (Tatu's Inn), remained in the hearts and in the minds of Romanian spectators. After some serious health problems, which she gracefully surpassed, Mihaela took the decision of stopping her tv career. She took a 2 years break and traveled around the world. Among her destinations was Camino de Santiago de Compostela, or St. James way ... 826 km on foot in 6 weeks. On her return she gave up television because she was incapable to resonate with what was happening in the media world. She has started a long but fruitful process of personal development. After achieving a certain level of knowledge, she started sharing her experience especially with young people. The new Mihaela Tatu gives her voice to animated cartoon characters, and is an ANC trainer specialized in communication and information delivery. As a trainer, she starts from diction, phrasing, attitude and emotion management. After a thorough study of the phenomenon itself she concluded that the trick for a better expression differs depending on the speaker's abilities. She believes that the new generation has a lot to prove. Her message delivered at TEDxBacau is "You are what you choose to be!" Mother, trainer, TV personality, Maria Tatu is and forever will be 3X Woman.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
Acesta este unul din discursurile mele favorite de la TED Roamania. Ce femeie faina, ce dictie!
Ai dreptate! Dar e foarte fake ca om, crede-ma. Genul ala de om care niciodata nu prea a avut o relatie buna cu fiica-sa, desi mereu a sustinut contrariul. Se lauda cu fiica ei, dar fiica ei... cu ea, niciodata. Stiu detalii intime.
@@michaeld.3998 Nu știu, nu te pot contrazice că nu știu detalii, doar din televiziune și online o cunosc.
MUltumec, Mihaela Tatu pentru acest discurs. Vad imbinate perfect inteleptele vorbe primite de la parinti si alegerea drumului in viata. Esti extraodinara!
Great job, Mihaela Tatu!!! Felicitări pentru tot mesajul , in mod deosebit imi place că ți-ai amintit de vorbele tatălui tău. 👍👍👍❤️
Cea mai buna dictie din mass media romaneasca . Felicitari Mihaela pentru tot ceea ce ai realizat si ce ai devenit !
Ce discurs frumos, ce plin de viata, ce curajos!
Cate lectii de viata in doar 20 de minute! Wow, multumesc.
Absolut superba. Vocea, energia, dictia, prezenta.
O iubesc pe femeia aceasta. Este minunat de deșteaptă și profundă.
Ascult si invat,o super doamna.Felicitari ,dna Mihaela
Sunteti pozitiva si minunata! ☺ Mult succes si multa sanatate!
Bravo, Mihaela! Esti o invingatoare! Mai spuneai ceva deosebit si despre ce gandeai sau faceai la 30, la 40 si la 50 de ani. Ei bine, eu si cu familia mea iti dorim sa ne mai poti bucura cu vesti bune, pana la 120! Optimismul tau e contagios dar mai ales incurajator.
Statutul de om nu ti_l ia nimeni!Superb pacat Ca CE e bun e atat de rar
Esti foarte tare !👍Te apreciez foarte tare!
ce femeie incredibila!
Foarte frumos , multumim !
💗💗💗💗 am savurat fiecare secundă
E formidabila!
2:21-2:41 ❤
Super faina!
Tare discursul, nu ca al lui Stefan Mandachi...
Toti cei care repeta "Acesta este ted talk ul meu favorit..." e clar ca sunt boti. Prea multi asta fara noima.
ce voce..
Buna dictzie :)
De ce?
Poate din cauza lipsei totale de modestie? 🤔
Da, mândria exacerbată urâţeşte oamenii.
@@carmenzamfir3866 Exact.