Gameplay is more tactical and not Arcady, once u get hang of the pace and defending game is fun , it’s more passing oriented and slower players also work very well
Im actually enjoying it more than expected the gameplay feels better and more realistic but less responsive at times it’s good tho, I would pay the extra bit to be able to player sooner to be fair hahahahaha
16:11 He Timed the shot green
bought like 30 davies for 28 &’ flipped in the morning for 36-37 😎
Amazing video❤❤
Is fc25 good im on a holiday so i havent played yet im just wondering if its worth it im definately gonna buy either way tho lol
Yeah rush is fun if you have friends to play with
Gameplay is more tactical and not Arcady, once u get hang of the pace and defending game is fun , it’s more passing oriented and slower players also work very well
Im actually enjoying it more than expected the gameplay feels better and more realistic but less responsive at times it’s good tho, I would pay the extra bit to be able to player sooner to be fair hahahahaha
The gameplay is very fun
Its shit like every year
The white kit you got from playing the game counts as a black kit, that's why you got the constant kit clash.
Got my Messi for 40k last night😎
Should I sell my Lautaro I can make 60k profit since I packed him but don’t know if he will go up or down tomorrow any advice?
He's never been meta meta so I'd sell him and just re invest
Meanwhile I got to dive 2 and packed jack shhhhhhht
Just make alt accounts and do marquee matchups
Militao is juice man
I just flipped 30k profit for Saliba
el nate
I fucked up so badly, I listed my pires with min buy now and lost 30k
I just flipped 30k profit for saliba
You Sound on crack on this channel 😮