I love old orchard and used to go there often. Train was awesome to watch. We had a cottage nearby in Ocean park but my family went there way back in the 60's
Nice capturing the Old Orchard Street crossing signals before getting upgraded. A unique crossing with the inward facing pedestrian gates, mini bell, and the pedestrian signal on the other side had a Federal Signals bell. The WCH aurora flashers are going away with the CSX upgrades, get them while you can.
Man do those crossing bells at old orchard street sound good
I love old orchard and used to go there often. Train was awesome to watch. We had a cottage nearby in Ocean park but my family went there way back in the 60's
Nice capturing the Old Orchard Street crossing signals before getting upgraded. A unique crossing with the inward facing pedestrian gates, mini bell, and the pedestrian signal on the other side had a Federal Signals bell. The WCH aurora flashers are going away with the CSX upgrades, get them while you can.
Wow that mini bell was healthy !
Yeah it was dead for a while but started working again. It seemed to work when it was cold out