Berserk 2016 (Blood and Guts and Guts and Blood)



    @HUEMOB 9 місяців тому +525

    Robbed of a mother's love at birth
    Left to drown in blood
    He was to die beneath her corpse
    Meant to rot in a cesspit of despair
    Born to die as a waste of air
    Raised as a child one shorn of fate
    In a fit of rage
    He knows a violent destiny
    Will await
    Only life by sword shall reign
    And he never to death be slain
    Shiro Sagisu and Susumu Hirisawa both showed their love of berserk in their music with in my opinion are some of the greatest tracks ever.

    • @Seoseupainaotivesseidoembora
      @Seoseupainaotivesseidoembora 8 місяців тому +80

      Guts and blood and blood and guts and guts and blood and blood and guts and guts and blood and blood and guts...

    • @solaris4019
      @solaris4019 8 місяців тому

      @@Seoseupainaotivesseidoembora YOU ARE IDIOT.

    • @Aaliyah7777
      @Aaliyah7777 5 місяців тому +4

      ​@@Seoseupainaotivesseidoembora yeah that what ive been tooking for 😂😂

    • @dima45ft93
      @dima45ft93 4 місяці тому +9

      ​@@Seoseupainaotivesseidoembora Also, when this is sung, sometimes you can hear "blood and guts and God's hand blood and...."

    • @TheEnderOfDays
      @TheEnderOfDays Місяць тому

      Damn that’s the same guy who worked on the Shin Godzilla ost

  • @drag0fek0
    @drag0fek0 Рік тому +2968

    It's still amazes me how the worst adaptation of berserk has managed to make arguably one of the best osts in the franchise

    • @purplegoopguy
      @purplegoopguy Рік тому +677

      it sounded better in the manga

    • @gleb-sf5sy
      @gleb-sf5sy Рік тому +51

      респект тебе братан жаль что ты непонимаешь руский язык

    • @Igndraw
      @Igndraw Рік тому +225

      I thought the same thing until I discovered that this song is actually from the movie trilogy, the 2016 version just adapted with this guitar on the background, it fits very well tho.

    • @drag0fek0
      @drag0fek0 Рік тому +38

      @@Igndraw oh i didn't know that. Thx for the info

    • @ARandomDudeOnYoutube157
      @ARandomDudeOnYoutube157 Рік тому +17

      fr they also use it correctly so its a sht ton more interesting

  • @drunkmunki3196
    @drunkmunki3196 8 місяців тому +216

    Blasting this while the eclipse happens

  • @aaryansnair1400
    @aaryansnair1400 Рік тому +900

    Imagine after several years passed in the berserk story and u see a behelit in a museum or in a auction in the modern world

    • @matt8399
      @matt8399 Рік тому

      1117 years have passed the world is spinning and on the brink of chaos gangs, drugs, and crime and a war between 2 countries is happening on the other side of the world a soldier gone rouge for being falsy accused of deserting comes across an old suit of black armor, sheers of a piece of tin roofing and sharpens it. Meanwhile, a young girl with long red wavy hair comes across an odd looking red neckless. THE STRUGGLE BEGINS ANEW.

    • @shadowoflugia
      @shadowoflugia Рік тому +30

      My first thought will be prop 😂

    • @Savahkahkim
      @Savahkahkim Рік тому +111

      @@shadowoflugia when it opens it's eyes and winks at you, what then?

    • @kakyoin3856
      @kakyoin3856 Рік тому +73

      *berserk - sign ost start playing*

    • @KLWarlord
      @KLWarlord Рік тому +52

      If I ever see a behelit anywhere, fuuuuuck no. I'm out.

  • @Heroics64
    @Heroics64 Рік тому +854

    The amount of times ive listened to this in the gym is insane. At least like 3 times per session.

    • @shapirodeadking5012
      @shapirodeadking5012 Рік тому +59


    • @GreekHandofThanatos
      @GreekHandofThanatos Рік тому +26

      It really makes you think during each set doesn’t it. Just lifting iron and continuing to build yourself up.

    • @sloppiesweeaboocorner
      @sloppiesweeaboocorner Рік тому +8

      Thats how you do it brother

    • @francodipalma4756
      @francodipalma4756 Рік тому +12

      lol I feel you, my gym playlist consist of only anime music for that extra pump

    • @CorvoArmazi
      @CorvoArmazi Рік тому +7

      And you’ll only get stronger in your struggle. Make fear, fear you brother⚔️⚔️

  • @boomerraptoons8323
    @boomerraptoons8323 Рік тому +465

    We bout to make it out the eclipse with this one 🔥

  • @popculturenerdyt7572
    @popculturenerdyt7572 Рік тому +241

    The 1997 theme is how guts really is, but this song is more like how his enemies see him

    • @skeleton599
      @skeleton599 Рік тому +47

      i think of it as 1997 guts the more peaceful and good hearted loving side of him and this song his pain anger and will to seek revenge

    • @ameer781
      @ameer781 11 місяців тому +11

      That's golden age guts he's been changed so much since the eclipse he's almost unrecognizable

    • @lewiscameron5761
      @lewiscameron5761 11 місяців тому +23

      Lmao its literally "the black swordsman arc" you can't compare guts before and after the eclipse that's the entire point of the character

    • @WhoTfsTrendn
      @WhoTfsTrendn 9 місяців тому +1

      Nah bro you definitely ca he still hatbors that same hate before and from the eclipse ​@lewiscameron5761

    • @rogaldorn3643
      @rogaldorn3643 7 місяців тому +8

      @@WhoTfsTrendn What? Did you even read the books? Guts didn't have much hate before the eclipse, only self hate about Gambino and hate for Donovan. But before the eclipse Guts found people he cared for and friends within the band of the hawk. Hell he left the band to be the only kind of person Griffith said he would consider be a friend. The real hate and rage came after the betrayal and eclipse.

  • @tdab3883
    @tdab3883 Рік тому +485

    Man the other version got blocked on my country lmao, sadge

    • @jaturaphatuehara6192
      @jaturaphatuehara6192 Рік тому +39

      Not you but me too(even original black swordman)

    • @SairinEarthsea
      @SairinEarthsea Рік тому +59

      Not blocked but taken down. Looks like shiro's music is being added to his topic, same happened with his bleach songs.

    • @eldiegosinesi7908
      @eldiegosinesi7908 Рік тому +3


    • @Venom_1462
      @Venom_1462 Рік тому +7

      same :(

    • @Nombrenooriginal
      @Nombrenooriginal Рік тому +12

      ​@@SairinEarthsea i can't read the comments that make me cry now 😢

  • @yugenryuujin1407
    @yugenryuujin1407 9 місяців тому +366

    Me a totally average guy:
    He's literally me.

  • @evensersho5692
    @evensersho5692 Рік тому +205

    Don't worry it's not your TV, the glare is actually his eye.

  • @Eren-ey7jo
    @Eren-ey7jo Рік тому +365

    The best OST ever in Berserk

  • @robloxlover8947
    @robloxlover8947 Рік тому +118

    2:25 to the bare flesh of the one who is free... TO THE ONE WHO LEFT IT ALL BEHIND... AND HIS OVERWHELMING INTENSITY

    • @atlas1325
      @atlas1325 Рік тому +5

      I can't wait to see my boy Toji in the next episode

    • @shred0164
      @shred0164 11 місяців тому +3

      i have no idea what toji has to do with this but it is fire

    • @Takecareofyourself01
      @Takecareofyourself01 11 місяців тому +6

      @@shred0164the music that people use to make edits of Toji sampled this melody

  • @sebastiancaris
    @sebastiancaris Рік тому +359

    When Casca looks at Guts after she recovered her memory… play this song… it matches PERFECTLY!

    • @yeetwchybaban
      @yeetwchybaban Рік тому +3


    • @sebastiancaris
      @sebastiancaris Рік тому +53

      @@yeetwchybaban don’t know if you read it yet, but when Casca looks at Guts she gets PTSD

    • @bar0nv0nstrubel57
      @bar0nv0nstrubel57 Рік тому +42

      Idk, that scene deserves a far more somber song IMO. That's one of the few times you see real despair on Guts face until the brand new chapters, and it needs something to fit that.

    • @sebastiancaris
      @sebastiancaris Рік тому +2

      @@bar0nv0nstrubel57maybe you are right, the thing is a long time ago I watched a YT video of that chapter (a read along) and on that part the guy used this OST, it blew my mind

    • @bar0nv0nstrubel57
      @bar0nv0nstrubel57 Рік тому +3

      @@sebastiancaris I can see that having a big impact, this song is awesome and grand for that kind of scene. I get why it'd be cool on a read through

  • @theblindelf7991
    @theblindelf7991 Рік тому +32

    the berserker armour.... And the way it puts Guts back togheter remind me of this song.

    • @_____Shadow_____
      @_____Shadow_____ 10 місяців тому +1

      Personally, I think the second part of My Brother covers it perfectly, seemingly Calm, but metal as fuck, showing how Guts doesn’t care about Pain or anything else while wearing it

  • @ultimatelegend8306
    @ultimatelegend8306 10 місяців тому +23

    For the longest time i thought it said "blood and guts and guts and god hand"

    • @sm0l_gog3ta
      @sm0l_gog3ta 8 місяців тому +4

      Me too lol

    • @Ulvmannsskjebne
      @Ulvmannsskjebne 7 місяців тому +2

      Wait wtf, what is it saying then if not that?

    • @ultimatelegend8306
      @ultimatelegend8306 7 місяців тому +1

      @@Ulvmannsskjebne it says "guts and blood and." And then repeats blood and guts and.

  • @fireboy93939
    @fireboy93939 Рік тому +194

    See y’all when this has 1 million+ views. Miura is king ✊

  • @Ben_Kimber
    @Ben_Kimber Рік тому +176

    If you’re ever arguing with someone about which fictional character has the hardest life, just get them to listen to this and pay close attention to the lyrics of the chorus. Then tell them that this song covers only a tiny fraction of what the character this song is about goes through in his life.

    • @h4ryry
      @h4ryry Рік тому +1

      diavolo suffered more

    • @Ben_Kimber
      @Ben_Kimber Рік тому +1

      @@h4ryry Can't say I'm familiar. Can you summarize what he's gone through?

    • @h4ryry
      @h4ryry Рік тому +9

      he's from the series jojo's bizarre adventure , he is a mafia boss that wanted to kill his daughter to make people not know his identity , the main character giorno put him in something called "infinite death loop" where he dies in everyway possible and he keeps on dying and dying and suffering to this day , its pretty crazy @@Ben_Kimber

    • @Ben_Kimber
      @Ben_Kimber Рік тому +9

      @@h4ryry Sounds like the time the Joker acquired Mister Mxyzptlk's reality powers and became Emperor Joker, and proceeded to torture, kill, and revive Batman over and over until he either mentally broke him/drove him insane or came very close to it.

    • @NartOfficial371
      @NartOfficial371 Рік тому +2

      @@h4ryrysomehow being in a death loop seems relatively tame compared to what guts has been through. The man has literally know nothing but death and grief from the moment of his birth, and the one time he was happy it was all ripped away from him in the most brutal and tragic way imaginable.

  • @diaride4231
    @diaride4231 Рік тому +63

    I'm here cause the original video got blocked on my country lel

    • @Nombrenooriginal
      @Nombrenooriginal Рік тому +6

      I still have the original on youtube

    • @Graddg
      @Graddg 7 місяців тому

      @@Nombrenooriginal what video are you talking about?

  • @peterthuynh4282
    @peterthuynh4282 Рік тому +28

    my favorite line was when they said blood and guts

    • @Laughy-Flaaffy
      @Laughy-Flaaffy Рік тому +3

      Got me all teary eyed when he said it again

  • @JingRoku
    @JingRoku Рік тому +37

    Take me back to 2016 I know the anime was shit but as a berserk fan since its inception it was still good to be there

    • @khuturuwmorow6267
      @khuturuwmorow6267 Рік тому +8

      Wouldnt it be more precise to just critiszie the animation? I mean the voice actors fitted, the music was from Shiro Sagisu and the plot was still bersek. The characters and the atmosphere and co. too. But indeed, I see that the animation may destroyed your immersion

    • @JingRoku
      @JingRoku Рік тому

      True. I stand corrected.

    • @ТАДАМ-ю4ж
      @ТАДАМ-ю4ж Рік тому +2

      shit? nothing was bad at all

    • @flynnegan2880
      @flynnegan2880 Рік тому +6

      @@khuturuwmorow6267a lot of the show was cut and a lot of scenes got altered that didn’t really make sense progression and development-wise tho, even if the show had decent-good animation, the changes would still definitely be criticized

    • @lewiscameron5761
      @lewiscameron5761 11 місяців тому

      ​​@@flynnegan2880While this is true, to some one who never read the manga it wouldn't apply. It's rare to get an entirely faithful adaptation of anything.

  • @clerpington_the_fifth
    @clerpington_the_fifth Рік тому +28

    would someone please tell griffith to stop shining that goddamn laserpointer in guts' eye?

    • @juke414
      @juke414 5 місяців тому +1


  • @mustafalaith357
    @mustafalaith357 Рік тому +55

    What a masterpiece

  • @doginboat
    @doginboat Рік тому +19

    This is THE best berserk song.

  • @mr.mcnuggies
    @mr.mcnuggies Рік тому +43

    Berserk ost is just something else man 🔥🔥

  • @mr.mcnuggies
    @mr.mcnuggies Рік тому +28

    Yo I’m so fucking dead they played this during the scene where Griffith gets reborn 💀💀💀

  • @Sylverserpent59
    @Sylverserpent59 Рік тому +46

    I swear the theme for Guts is soo powerful and just fits him soo well 🔥. This song perfectly captures Gut's eternal pain, anguish and despair. A man who from birth was cursed to suffer, one who was raised in unrelenting battle and tirelessly training till he could not stand. A man who knows nothing more than the life of the sword and the blood it sheds from the foes he cuts down. Things like love, compassion, and emotional attachment, are too heavy a burden to carry when you live a life of bloodshed, pain, and death. Guts is a prime example of what happens to a man who trustes you and you take away everything from him right in front of him in the blink of an eye and make him suffer for nothing. He becomes beyond broken. He becomes a shroud of death that will not stop or give up till he has his vengeance.

    • @yaboynel5024
      @yaboynel5024 10 місяців тому +1

      Nice paragraph, but have you caught up with the manga yet? Or read it? It's telling a very different story

    • @Sylverserpent59
      @Sylverserpent59 10 місяців тому +1

      @@yaboynel5024 i only know just the main events that take place and who Guts is as a person. Im aware of alot of the differences in the manga and anime but i still find it awesome purely for the violence and the way things unfold. About a year ago i started learning about the lore of Berserk and what its all about and i still have alot to learn and know about this anime but i overall love the character that Guts is.

  • @GameHopperME
    @GameHopperME Рік тому +16

    And he never to death be slain.

  • @ianjessop7336
    @ianjessop7336 9 місяців тому +2

    This song is SUPER underrated. It tells the listener explicitly about the shit Guts had to go through in his tragic life. A real work of art.

  • @NugzBugz
    @NugzBugz Рік тому +16

    This is the ony Blood and Guts video left on youtube. I had the second last one and it was blocked couple of days ago.

  • @magnumopus8124
    @magnumopus8124 Рік тому +24

    Oh shit! As many times as I played this video, it's my first time noticing the visual effect around guts' eye. I really need to get back to reading the manga. Shit gets wild during the "millennium falcon" arc.

  • @AntoineTurnerXYZ
    @AntoineTurnerXYZ Рік тому +94

    Really wished it ran smoother instead of having it glitch every few seconds ☹️

    • @jacktaylor8837
      @jacktaylor8837  Рік тому +33

      Yeah, same here not sure why it's doing that all of a sudden.

    • @kevo3132
      @kevo3132 Рік тому +16

      It's Copy written. So they cut all good copies That was once out there.

    • @Nombrenooriginal
      @Nombrenooriginal Рік тому

      What you mean?

    • @Nombrenooriginal
      @Nombrenooriginal Рік тому +1

      @@29.rohangaur9a5 i don't hear it

    • @29.rohangaur9a5
      @29.rohangaur9a5 Рік тому +13

      @@Nombrenooriginal there are you may not notice but there are som cuts and glitches.

  • @JohnnyReborn665
    @JohnnyReborn665 Рік тому +24

    When the ATF tries to raid you, but you've got a heap of iron for them.

  • @-EX-E-
    @-EX-E- Рік тому +33

    This video really need the 60 fps

  • @makoajohnson2341
    @makoajohnson2341 Рік тому +14

    idk man. Admittedly the golden age arc is a guilty pleasure. Obviously the Manga is better and carries the raw emotion of the arc, but having a cinematic was still entertaining.

  • @Human_01
    @Human_01 Рік тому +24

    Amazing series (arces)! Brilliant soundtrack! 😭😭👍✨

  • @ethancollins3789
    @ethancollins3789 Рік тому +22

    I still swear I hear Christopher Lee's voice but I know that it can't be....

  • @ComfortsSpecter
    @ComfortsSpecter 11 місяців тому +2

    The Comfort Of Man Know’s No Bounds
    The Freedom Of The Man
    So Beautiful

  • @DexFlex_YT
    @DexFlex_YT Рік тому +11

    listen to this goes hard while doing squats

  • @AddisonandHearts7199
    @AddisonandHearts7199 8 місяців тому +1

    This song sends chills down my spine and it always reminds me of the Eclipse and it also reminds me of Gut's nightmare about the eclipse in the 2016 anime😬

  • @xXCHubacaSlay3rXx
    @xXCHubacaSlay3rXx Рік тому +5

    Gym & after gym showers hit different with this.

  • @davidopitz972
    @davidopitz972 6 місяців тому +1

    people hate on the 2016 berserk because of the cgi but when Griffith returns in the last episode and this plays is so awesome

  • @chrismedina54
    @chrismedina54 10 місяців тому +2

    I listen to this before every date.

  • @touya194
    @touya194 Місяць тому +1

    That ending guitar riff is amazing

  • @shatev
    @shatev 7 місяців тому +1

    I think this very good shows Guts emotions, what he feels

  • @svenyes4078
    @svenyes4078 Рік тому +4


  • @Laughy-Flaaffy
    @Laughy-Flaaffy Рік тому +26

    The song really reflects the “meaningless killing” Guts talks about when he speaks of battling. Whether a 100 men in battle or killing just one-it doesn’t matter, he feels nothing, it’s just within his nature to swing the sword.
    The song kinda feels like “you’re going through the motions, again and again, with an emptiness and lack of purpose”. Just blood and guts over and over. The same meaningless motion that Guts engages in within battle.

  • @Invalid_Smile_Producer
    @Invalid_Smile_Producer 7 місяців тому +34

    Berserk fan age range: 14-50?

    • @printHelloWorld0
      @printHelloWorld0 6 місяців тому +6

      One of the few Mangas and story in general,which makes a grown man shed in tears.

    • @printHelloWorld0
      @printHelloWorld0 6 місяців тому +2

      As well as motiving once self esteem and confidence!

    • @Invalid_Smile_Producer
      @Invalid_Smile_Producer 6 місяців тому +4

      ​@@printHelloWorld0This manga has it all: excellent illustrations, a brilliant plot with a lot of deep content and wisdom, and a skillful combination of religious, occult and mythological themes.
      And you put it very well, it's not only one of the best manga ever, but generally one of the best stories in general.

    • @BBardot
      @BBardot 5 місяців тому +1

      Would say that technically berserk is more 18+ for obvious reasons

    • @Invalid_Smile_Producer
      @Invalid_Smile_Producer 5 місяців тому

      @@BBardot Technically yes, but in practice...

  • @omargaliz3483
    @omargaliz3483 Рік тому +16


  • @jara7689
    @jara7689 Рік тому +2

    Pov: You saw the toxic guy from a year/week/day/min/month/hour ago in (Game here but it's related to Shooters or Adventure games).

  • @domdom21br54
    @domdom21br54 Рік тому +33

    6:05 best moment

  • @danielknutson-do4cu
    @danielknutson-do4cu Рік тому +2

    This would fit perfectly for Guts and the pods of elf children.

  • @klaxocuchulainn2554
    @klaxocuchulainn2554 11 місяців тому +1

    Shopping for groceries had never felt so epic

  • @touya194
    @touya194 13 днів тому +1

    If everything else about Berserk 2016 was as good as the ost, the show would probably be regraded as one of the best in anime history

    • @jajatodo2072
      @jajatodo2072 12 днів тому

      In my opinion the first season was OK at best it wasnt awful i gave it a pass but the second season took a massive dive from what already was mid

  • @HierophantX
    @HierophantX Рік тому +13


  • @carldarley6026
    @carldarley6026 Рік тому +19

    Anyone hear God hand sometimes?

    • @Ok-kz5ec
      @Ok-kz5ec Рік тому +3


    • @bro-dy6848
      @bro-dy6848 Рік тому +2

      when I didn't listen closely to the lyrics I thought it was "I can not stand not stand god hand"

    • @hanswruske5958
      @hanswruske5958 Рік тому +1

      It is intended from Shiro Sagisu that this part sound so similar. Very nice from the Mastermind Shiro

  • @William_Afton2014
    @William_Afton2014 16 днів тому


  • @TwoHands21
    @TwoHands21 Рік тому +6

    BRO 0.75X HITS DIFFERENT!!! 🔥🔥🔥

  • @AuttismoClips
    @AuttismoClips Рік тому +6

    i hear gods hand and blood and guts, its kinda scary

    • @hanswruske5958
      @hanswruske5958 Рік тому +6

      It is intended from Shiro Sagisu that this part sound so similar

  • @ShinRyuuji
    @ShinRyuuji Рік тому +11

    Why did they remove all the versions of blood and guts this annoys me greatly

  • @brenardfrancisco5495
    @brenardfrancisco5495 Рік тому +13

    I thought this was guts and god hand😂😂😂😂

  • @LoLo-hh4cv
    @LoLo-hh4cv 10 місяців тому +1

    Gutz and broly you feel me!!!

  • @ermac81
    @ermac81 Рік тому +4

    Best version of the song, but this upload is a little choppy 😢

  • @taekwon_therrien
    @taekwon_therrien Місяць тому +1

    the most brutal anime of all time with the most hated villain of all time, deserves a real anime. come on. like a continuous one. consistent. like come on lol

  • @felldoh9271
    @felldoh9271 6 місяців тому

    I like watching 2016/17 because of the ost and here and there the animation is decent, sometimes even good.

    • @jajatodo2072
      @jajatodo2072 12 днів тому

      Its ok but the episode where guts gets the berserker armor just looks bad man

  • @Chris-kd4et
    @Chris-kd4et Місяць тому +1

    Wish this anime continued. Rip

  • @Drogaidon
    @Drogaidon 6 місяців тому +1

    When the lyrics goes: "Guts and Blood and Guts ..." I hear: "Guts and God Hand"

  • @lewiscameron5761
    @lewiscameron5761 8 днів тому

    This video is the only non cover/remix of this version I can find on UA-cam, but it's a shame the audio stutters

  • @ethangilbert4896
    @ethangilbert4896 3 місяці тому +2

    I really dont like Berserk 2016, but i cant lie that its soundtrack was amazing. The rest wasnt to bad either, just so unfortunate we got shitty cgi instead of a real heartfelt anime

  • @бедныйеврей-ц7у
    @бедныйеврей-ц7у 6 місяців тому

    Smb: How long have you been listening to this song?
    Me: blood and guts

  • @RAYMER2008-q2p
    @RAYMER2008-q2p 10 місяців тому

    A mi me encantaron las peliculas de 2008 2013 , ahora me quiero ver el anime de los 90

  • @Slevioa
    @Slevioa 9 днів тому

    Work made easy: Train while listening to this

  • @VenusChad
    @VenusChad Рік тому +3

    Did the original video get taken down for the song? Can’t find it anywhere

  • @ghufranzulfiqar9846
    @ghufranzulfiqar9846 11 місяців тому

    Now that's you call a protagonist music

  • @cerinezr100
    @cerinezr100 Рік тому +1

    i love this

  • @donutsuplex1009
    @donutsuplex1009 7 місяців тому +1

    This version with the guitar goes hard as fuck..though I still love the original.

  • @pl9nningforburial
    @pl9nningforburial Рік тому +6

    i thought it said Guts and Godhand💀

  • @st.sigmar
    @st.sigmar Рік тому +3

    excuse me sir, how did you even manage to add this audio on youtube? i've tried to use it as background to my game video but hosting resticted me of doing so(((

  • @waveey2603
    @waveey2603 Годину тому

    Can i sample one of the 5 songs that you played on the keyboards for my music stuff?

  • @randompeople8759
    @randompeople8759 2 місяці тому

    Js realize the ethereal man lyrics is "The five god's hands. Guts fight the fate" smth like that

  • @rudolphmiller
    @rudolphmiller Рік тому

    I blast this while playing crusader kings 3

  • @the_nerd_showtv5562
    @the_nerd_showtv5562 Рік тому +1

    I don't know why but that's the only video on youtube that i can find of this version of the song, does anyone have the same problem?

  • @my3gman822
    @my3gman822 8 місяців тому +1

    For PIMPIN!!!!!!!

  • @rohitkupatnaik3253
    @rohitkupatnaik3253 7 місяців тому +2

    Me entering my villian arc through this

  • @linksonofgoku
    @linksonofgoku 10 місяців тому

    I have been searching, please does anyone have guitar tabs or sheet music for this exact arrangement. I only find the passionate's arrangement, or the basic chords for the regular version. but the intensity and feel of this one specifically is just so enticing to learn

  • @CarNage64SR
    @CarNage64SR Рік тому +3

    actually really enjoying berserk 2016 so far not sure why all the hate xD

    • @ameer781
      @ameer781 11 місяців тому +1

      Cuz ppl who can't animate have opinions lol

    • @lewiscameron5761
      @lewiscameron5761 11 місяців тому +2

      People can't look past the animation. Other critiques I've heard is that there was alot of the story missing or adapted. But tbh it's super rare to find any anime adaptation of any manga that doesn't cut parts out and change things.

    • @Nombrenooriginal
      @Nombrenooriginal 11 місяців тому +2

      For many reasons

  • @michaelpoteet4171
    @michaelpoteet4171 8 місяців тому +1

    Can my Golden Knights start entering the Fortress to this song.

  • @Катя_Жуковская
    @Катя_Жуковская Рік тому +13

    Еее, статичная картинка в 60fps

    • @Berk-kw8op
      @Berk-kw8op Рік тому +4

      Чел у него глаз горит 🔥)

    • @Катя_Жуковская
      @Катя_Жуковская Рік тому +1

      @@Berk-kw8op я Катя😡

    • @Berk-kw8op
      @Berk-kw8op Рік тому

      @@Катя_Жуковская 😧

    • @Berk-kw8op
      @Berk-kw8op Рік тому

      @@Катя_Жуковская я Паша, приятно познакомится

    • @Phobos123
      @Phobos123 Рік тому +10

      ​@@Катя_Жуковская он сказал 'чел' т.е. человек (сокращённо) раз ты ответила 'Катя', указывая на женский пол, но отрицая обращение 'чел', получаем итог женщина =/= (не ровно) человек. Тогда кто? Что? Животное?

  • @jkumadapharaoh8514
    @jkumadapharaoh8514 10 місяців тому +2

    This hard af. In the gym boissss. Let’s goooooo 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

  • @PEEshooter-pr3sq
    @PEEshooter-pr3sq 4 місяці тому +1

    This one has some kind of glitch in the audio... WTF its hurting my ears.

  • @funny-gv3ml
    @funny-gv3ml 8 місяців тому

    The one who left it all behind ost :

  • @terselanguage
    @terselanguage Рік тому


  • @asakuriva
    @asakuriva 5 місяців тому

    Who created this masterpiece???!!!

  • @sm0l_gog3ta
    @sm0l_gog3ta 10 місяців тому +6

    3:11 Ice Spice

  • @Thereissandinmysoup
    @Thereissandinmysoup 8 місяців тому +12

    While it has the worst animation in the franchise it’s ost hits hard

    • @mothersbeaware1
      @mothersbeaware1 6 місяців тому +1

      Only the 2016 anime, the other parts were nice lol idk who they hired for the cgi but they need to be beat

    • @lewiscameron5761
      @lewiscameron5761 5 місяців тому

      Can you really call it a franchise when there was only two of them? 😂

  • @joshuaolsoncook
    @joshuaolsoncook 4 місяці тому

    Peach really let Bowser have it…..

  • @akai96
    @akai96 Рік тому

    Is this version available on Spotify?

  • @danielprokop419
    @danielprokop419 Місяць тому

    We got a music adaptation

  • @Menhtrol
    @Menhtrol 10 місяців тому

    As far as i'm concerned this is Guts second theme song. 😄

  • @curtisrodgers5326
    @curtisrodgers5326 9 місяців тому

    whats with the laser thing on his eye.

  • @ChamseddineZARRAD
    @ChamseddineZARRAD 3 місяці тому +1

    if you listen carefully Guts and => God's hand, it was intented