8-21-2022 LIVE Part 2: When People try to Intimidate Us

  • Опубліковано 14 жов 2024
  • Nehemiah - Rebuild, Restore, And Renew
    Nehemiah 4 - When People Try To Intimidate Us
    August 21, 2022 | Pastor Scott Reeve
    Some thoughts as we begin:
    • Neh. 3 gives a list of the people who helped in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem (see insert).
    • In Neh. 4 we read about those who opposed what the Jews were doing and tried to intimidate them from completing their work.
    When People Try To Intimidate Us - Observation and Response
    Often people who oppose us have no moral bearings.
    • Vs. 1 tells us that Sanballat was “angry” (burning with anger) and was “greatly enraged” at what the Jewish people were doing.
    • Sanballat liked to be in control. With the walls rebuilt, Jerusalem would become a commercial center again and he did not want that to happen. He made threats.
    • Note: When people feel like they are losing control of something or someone, and they are filled with anger, they go to different extremes in how they respond.
    • Vs. 1 tells us that Sanballat “jeered”, mocking the Jews. Vs. 2 tells us he did this in front of others hoping to get the king involved.
    • Vs. 2 shows how these individuals mocked the Jews.
    • Note: People who go to the measures these did, where they verbally go after others, usually have some deep-rooted issues.
    • In vs. 3 Tobiah gets involved in putting down the people.
    • Point: Verbal attacks can wear us down. They can demoralize and discourage us. Know they will happen, but stay the course.
    We need to pray.
    • Nehemiah did not immediately respond or retaliate.
    • He asked God to intervene for the people (vs. 4). See Rom 12 :19.
    • There are times we must speak up, but we need to pray.
    • In vs. 5 Nehemiah asks that the Lord not forget what these men are doing to the people. He needs help dealing with the situation.
    • In vs. 6 the people kept working. Do not stand around and listen to the critics. Do what God has said to do.
    • Nehemiah’s prayer is not unbiblical.
    • Point: Begin with prayer. Ask God for help and guidance.
    People will attempt to threaten and intimidate us.
    • This builds off our first point, but is obvious as we read Neh. 4.
    • In vss. 7-8 the anger of the opposition leads to threats.
    • This is what people do who are insecure and angry. They threaten.
    • Point: Be aware that this could happen.
    When intimidated by others, we prepare, protect and continue.
    • In vs. 9 the Jews prayed but they also set a guard for protection.
    • Point: Be prepared when intimidation comes. Do not back down. Stay the course. Gather people who think as we do.
    People will do everything they can to discourage us.
    • This ties in with our first and third points regarding those who oppose us and attempt to intimidate us.
    • The threats discouraged the people. They were tired. See vs. 10.
    • When attacked and tired, it adds to the stress we are in.
    • In vss. 11-12 we see how the enemy tried to stop God’s work.
    • Point: When discouraged, it is easy to quit. Take time to recharge. Take a break, get refreshed.
    Our response is to not quit, and make any changes that are needed.
    • Sometimes, we must challenge people who try to intimidate us.
    • Note vss. 13-14. Nehemiah put families together because he knew they would defend each other.
    • People who threaten others do not like to be stood up to.
    • We are an example to others when we refuse to give in.
    • In vs. 14 Nehemiah encourages the people to keep at the task and not be intimidated. We must do the same.
    • Point: We may be mocked. So was Jesus. We must respond with wisdom from God when dealing with people who are against us.
    We must do what is best for everyone.
    • Attacks against us can affect others.
    • In vss. 15-23 Nehemiah has a plan that will help everyone.
    • As vs. 20 says, when we are doing God’s work, He will help us.
    • Point: When serving, it is about what is best for God’s kingdom.
    With God’s help we can handle opposition that tries to intimidate us. Stay the course and encourage each other.