There is no point in being selectively angry. So you don’t believe in buying fake bags, a purchase is a purchase, regardless of the intention. I personally think it's crazy to care too much about how people want to spend their money. I bought real coach, marc jacobs, and mcm. If it's more than 1500, I'll buy a replica *gtdupe* . Guess what else I have in the bank, I'm a homeowner and drive a Lexus. I saw someone on UA-cam who had tons of luxury items, lived in their mom's house, and was broke
I have a burgundy *gtdupe* tabby bag and I love this bag. I actually swapped two straps and put a chain on top and I'm obsessed with it.
Loving your videos a nice shopping bicester ❤ xx
this vlog just made my day better 🤣😭
that makes me so happyyy i hope you enjoyed it ❤
I swear the happiness I feel when @ *LVGUCI* uploads a video is beyond!!!!
when was this vlog x
"promo sm"
There is no point in being selectively angry. So you don’t believe in buying fake bags, a purchase is a purchase, regardless of the intention. I personally think it's crazy to care too much about how people want to spend their money. I bought real coach, marc jacobs, and mcm. If it's more than 1500, I'll buy a replica *gtdupe* . Guess what else I have in the bank, I'm a homeowner and drive a Lexus. I saw someone on UA-cam who had tons of luxury items, lived in their mom's house, and was broke