Space Engine - Interstellar

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @DaniXks
    @DaniXks 7 років тому +26

    And I finally watched it! Stunning. This has to be the best Space Engine video ever made to this day. The compositions, the variety, the colours, the ideas, everything works harmonically in a spectacular way. You have great eye for these things and maybe you don't even know it yet :D
    But i'm telling you, I don't even know If I can compete with this!
    It's truly well made, fantastic work :)

  • @vav1st150
    @vav1st150 10 місяців тому +1

    I rewatched this video many times and then lost it. I looked for it for a long time and was disappointed and thought it had been deleted.
    A few years later I found it again. Now I'll never lose it.
    Best Space Engine video ever.
    Thank you!

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  10 місяців тому

      It got banned in certain countries for some time due to the copyright claim, then it reappeared somehow but views didn't go up since then. Glad you like this video.

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  10 місяців тому

      I reuploaded this video several years later and it will be less likely to get lost for no reason, you can save that second upload of this video anywhere you want

    • @vav1st150
      @vav1st150 10 місяців тому

      @@ikaabuladze6510 Thank you so much for reuploading the video X)

  • @nabeelmerchant4836
    @nabeelmerchant4836 6 років тому +7

    Earth is actually more beautiful than all of these planets out there. No one appreciates what we have right now.

    • @SalmonFeet
      @SalmonFeet 3 роки тому

      Nah I’ve lived on earth long enough I want a change of scenery

  • @alext6832
    @alext6832 7 років тому +3

    Very good camera angles, well-directed video. Thank you.

  • @batatereluelimusic
    @batatereluelimusic 6 років тому +1

    ძალიან მაგარი ვიდეოა, მიხარია რომ ქართველებიც იყენებენ Space Engine-ს.

  • @usmchero2099
    @usmchero2099 6 років тому +2

    Amazing! The designers of this software deserve major kudos for such a detailed product!

  • @CarnivorousPlantsAndGardening
    @CarnivorousPlantsAndGardening 6 років тому +1

    Space engine is the most beautifully made game in history every picture is just pure beauty

  • @thestrangecrisismalachi4121
    @thestrangecrisismalachi4121 Рік тому +1

    Beuterfull 🌌👨‍🚀

  • @dreamodyssey-ambientspace8985
    @dreamodyssey-ambientspace8985 14 днів тому

    I can think of several concepts for these images.
    And he was very well married to music.

  • @sziklamester1244
    @sziklamester1244 6 років тому +2

    Nice video and nice music and a very underrated game. I hope some day someone will invest more money on this game to evolve it into some massive space sim-strategy-rpg esque game. The potential is there so this game can be much more than just a simulator game. Hopefully the developer(s) will stick with this game for long time.

  • @ნინოქურთაული
    @ნინოქურთაული 7 років тому +2

    მადლობა გაწეული შრომისთვის რაც ამ ვიდეოს შექმნას დასჭირდა, ძალიან ვისიამოვნე. წინა ნამუშევრის შემდეგ მოლოდინები ისევ გამიმართლდა

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  7 років тому

      ნინო ქურთაული მადლობა დიდი 💖💖

  • @01710F
    @01710F 6 років тому +1

    awesome software, super awesome shots. impressive motions. perfect scene

  • @Chris-ur7mp
    @Chris-ur7mp 9 місяців тому

    I'm digging the instrumental on this

  • @moxeve7889
    @moxeve7889 7 років тому +1

    უკომენტაროდ,რაც კარგია კარგია

  • @rage9one
    @rage9one 7 років тому +1

    Beautiful edit! Thanks for sharing :)

  • @markvi1082
    @markvi1082 6 років тому +1

    Simply wonderful

  • @Redline0332
    @Redline0332 7 років тому

    Thats a masterpiece. I love space.

  • @MatthiasLenardt
    @MatthiasLenardt 6 років тому

    Beautiful recordings. Thank you for sharing!

  • @MarkArandjus
    @MarkArandjus 6 років тому +3

    2:55 best shot

  • @SpainSpace
    @SpainSpace 6 років тому

    The first Endurance scene is magnificient. Congrats, this video is gold :)

  • @xivonyt4747
    @xivonyt4747 6 років тому +1

    You deserve more subscribers for what you do and your hard work :D

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  6 років тому +3

      XivonYT yea i work hard for every video to have minimal flaws

  • @theredstonehive
    @theredstonehive 7 років тому +4

    This is awesome! Why didn't I find this sooner?

  • @oofernoobynoob6866
    @oofernoobynoob6866 4 роки тому +2

    u pretty underrated you need subs so i subbed to u ;)

  • @astrofan5145
    @astrofan5145 6 років тому +1

    Amazing ❤️

  • @Archil8884
    @Archil8884 7 років тому +1

    ძალიან კარგია.

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  7 років тому +1

      Archil Kikvadze მადლობა 😍🤗

  • @prakritishgogoi
    @prakritishgogoi 6 років тому +2

    how did you capture such beautiful angles?

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  6 років тому

      Charlie Gogoi ima pro alrdy 😎😂😂

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  6 років тому

      Charlie Gogoi well.. practice makes perfect

    • @prakritishgogoi
      @prakritishgogoi 6 років тому +1

      thanks for the info

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  6 років тому

      Charlie Gogoi so that's why i spent 2 months for this video, wanted everything to be perfect :)

    • @prakritishgogoi
      @prakritishgogoi 6 років тому

      any extra software you used to capture?

  • @lukasi.v4269
    @lukasi.v4269 6 років тому

    Listen Prelude to Shona while watching this, totally worth it :)

  • @ИнгаБжалава
    @ИнгаБжалава 7 років тому +1

    👍წარმატებები შენ!

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  7 років тому

      Инга Бжалава მადლობაა 😍😍

  • @circlesgd8710
    @circlesgd8710 6 років тому +4

    I love this so much! Massive congratulations on doing such; you are unbelievably dedicated! Thank you for this!
    P.S. I have a question; for the scene 1:18 , do you increase the mass and size of an object and then convert it into a wormhole? How did you do it? How did you also do scene 2:43 ? I'm trying to make my second Space Engine video, and I have been spending days trying to figure out how to make the "perfect" wormhole scene haha. Any help would be appreciated; and once again, fantastic job! :)

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  6 років тому +2

      i dont even remember correctly what i did back then, for the first one i think i changed type of a big star to "Z", then it became a wormhole, for the second one i created a spaceship, chose warpdrive and increased "Boost Exponent" a little bit so that bent the space-time around it. hope this helps :D

    • @circlesgd8710
      @circlesgd8710 6 років тому +1

      @@ikaabuladze6510 Yes, but unfortunately I do not know how to enable such. Do you have Discord, Skype, Instagram, or any other social media platform that I could contact you for some help?
      Nonetheless, thank you for everything!

  • @SPLWF
    @SPLWF 5 років тому +1

    Love it, love the track. I can also recommend Our Origin by Armin van buuren. Also another good track is Interstellar the blizzard intro remix

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  5 років тому

      i have written song name in the description, thanks 😍

    • @SPLWF
      @SPLWF 5 років тому

      @@ikaabuladze6510 I saw that's why I edited my reply. Thank you, didn't know they're were so many great remixes to this Hans Zimmer track. Interstellar is my favorite movie of all time, the music also makes it special. :)

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  5 років тому +2

      @@SPLWF check out my latest vid, i think u will like it too :)

  • @DRIVECLUBistimelessPS4
    @DRIVECLUBistimelessPS4 7 років тому +2


    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  7 років тому +2

      DRIVECLUB-is-timeless was it good? 😀

    • @DRIVECLUBistimelessPS4
      @DRIVECLUBistimelessPS4 7 років тому

      It's dope, beautifully done! I just finally gave SE a good go and amazed at what's there :) ! Thanks for sharing your video. :)

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  7 років тому

      thanks 🤗😊

  • @maialacabidze9698
    @maialacabidze9698 7 років тому

    წარმატებებს გისურვებ ჩემო იკა!

  • @Redline0332
    @Redline0332 3 роки тому +4

    What kind of losers put dislike to your video?
    They should be crucified for that!!!

  • @facukaku021
    @facukaku021 6 місяців тому

    Friend, how do you achieve those graphics in space engine? I would appreciate it if you could answer me, I also want to create content... and what type of hardware do you use?

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  6 місяців тому

      I was not doing anything special, just had the graphics on maximum. I was using GTX 1060 6gb and Ryzen 5 2600, 16 gb ram

  • @chrisgamezzz3674
    @chrisgamezzz3674 4 роки тому

    Where do you find that black hole? I’ve been looking it up but no results

    @TOExHEAD 6 років тому


  •  6 років тому +1

    This is incredible ! One word, AMAZING !!! What texture packages and addons did you use ? Will you share the link?

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  6 років тому +2

      Uğur Ohtamış interstellar addon only as i remember, u can download that from spaceengine website

  • @SandroAbuladze
    @SandroAbuladze 7 років тому

    mah man...

  • @shamandanLP
    @shamandanLP 6 років тому

    How do you get such a quality terrain texture?

  • @etandawee-_-8754
    @etandawee-_-8754 6 років тому +1

    Were there any mods used in this video?

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  6 років тому +1

      Etan Da Weenie only interstellar addon

    • @etandawee-_-8754
      @etandawee-_-8754 6 років тому

      But how come everything looks so detailed?

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  6 років тому

      Etan Da Weenie many adjustments in premiere like sharpness and so on, i also have maxed Landscape LOD

  • @josebarria3233
    @josebarria3233 5 років тому +3

    Meanwhile my PC struggles to launch and run this game at 10 fps

  • @moxeve7889
    @moxeve7889 7 років тому

    წარმატებას გისურვებ

  • @NSGPresents
    @NSGPresents 6 років тому

    What are the specs of your Pc?

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  6 років тому +3

      NSG Presents CPU: i3 6100 3.7Ghz (2015)
      GPU: Zotac GTX 750 Ti
      16 GB RAM

  • @SushilKashyap8611
    @SushilKashyap8611 6 років тому

    3:29 min India

  • @xAleeex
    @xAleeex 6 років тому

    my game does not look nearly close to your stunning-looking game. .__.

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  6 років тому

      alex i actually worked hard to get this detail, i used filters and adjustments in premiere

  • @awesomestudiosmc5768
    @awesomestudiosmc5768 4 роки тому

    Bro I wish you 1 mil subs (But I don’t wanna be surpassed so... yeah lol)

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  4 роки тому

      i wish but i will never gonna make it coz SE is underrated program and doesn't get much attention from people

    • @awesomestudiosmc5768
      @awesomestudiosmc5768 4 роки тому

      Ika Abuladze Well... maybe try a new montage? Minecraft today is the most popular game with over 200M copies sold

    • @ikaabuladze6510
      @ikaabuladze6510  4 роки тому

      @@awesomestudiosmc5768 I'm not into that game tho

    • @awesomestudiosmc5768
      @awesomestudiosmc5768 4 роки тому

      Ika Abuladze Helped me #238

  • @LoveintheSon
    @LoveintheSon 5 років тому

    Very cool vid,I don't think it looks like that in vr.It does like excellent.Jesus is my Lord and Savior !