Karaoke Opera: Smanie Implacabili - Così fan Tutte (Mozart) Orchestra only with score

  • Опубліковано 1 лип 2020
  • Full Orchestra. Complete list (150+) www.karaokeopera.com
    Vocal version here: • Karaoke Opera: Smanie ...
    After her fiancé has gone off to war, Dorabella grieves his leaving, and in this mock-heroic aria, she is singing that her grief is too much to bear and that she should thus die.
    Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra
    John Landor
    A Musical Concepts production
    Ah, scostati, paventa il tristo effetto Ah, go away, beware the sad consequence
    D´un disperato affetto! of a desperate emotion!
    Chiudi quelle finestre…odio la luce Shut those windows…I loathe the light…
    Odio l´aria che spiro…odio me stessa I loathe the air I breathe…I loathe myself…
    Chi schernisce il mio duol… Who will make light of my pain…
    chi mi consola? Who will comfort me?
    Deh fuggi, per pieta, lasciami sola. Ah, leave, for mercy’s sake, leave me alone.
    Smanie_implacabili Implacable restlessness,
    che m'agita..te that disturbs me
    entro quest'anima Inside this soul,
    più non cessa..te, must cease no more
    Finchè l'angos..cia until the anguish
    mi fa morir kills me
    Esem..pio misero A miserable instance
    d'amor.. funesto, of fateful love,
    Darò_all'Eumenidi I will give to the Furies,
    se viva res..to if I stll live,
    Col suono_orri..bile.. With the wretched sound
    de..' miei sos..pir.. of my sighs..