It's part 1 of the 4 Christmas specials! I hope you enjoyed this one, it was very fun to make! I realize that I used a bunch of the same characters from my Markov betadciu, but that's for lore purposes. This one's supposed to be the aftermath of Markov, and part 2 of the Christmas specials will be very lore based. Let's see if you can figure out what's going on in my custom lore.
Yes, lore. I had this idea for almost a year now, and AGcovers' lore inspired me even further, so I made my own stories!
It's part 1 of the 4 Christmas specials! I hope you enjoyed this one, it was very fun to make!
I realize that I used a bunch of the same characters from my Markov betadciu, but that's for lore purposes. This one's supposed to be the aftermath of Markov, and part 2 of the Christmas specials will be very lore based. Let's see if you can figure out what's going on in my custom lore.