Edwin Moses is once again unbeatable - Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @cliffordyawn2696
    @cliffordyawn2696 3 роки тому +10

    In my opinion Edwin Moses should have been voted Athlete Of The Decade when Casius Clay won it. Edwin didn't lose a race for almost ten years...and when he did he raced the man who beat him one last time and beat him, then he hung up his running shoes.
    I'm kinda surprised that more African Americans don't know about him.
    Mr. Moses in my book you were the Athlete Of The Decade
    Oh I failed to mention Edwin attended Moorehouse college on an Academic scholarship, not an Athletic one and he majored in Physics.
    At the time he was in college he had to train at a local high school because there was no track to train on at Moorehouse at that particular time. Just thought I would throw that in. I have a lot of respect for this man!

  • @stevenv1002
    @stevenv1002 11 років тому +13

    The 400m hurdles is regarded as the most difficult track event. Moses makes it look effortless!

  • @Tommy1198S
    @Tommy1198S 8 років тому +4

    Edwin's running form is so fluid and I like how he snaps his lead leg down after going over a hurdle.

    • @mathematics5573
      @mathematics5573 6 років тому +2

      deprived of a 3rd Olympic gold more like. He should have won 3 golds.

  • @michaelgasiciel9317
    @michaelgasiciel9317 5 років тому +1

    Back when the days were good!! Also got a degree in physics from Morehouse College back around the ‘76 games. What a time that was. So great!!!

  • @sovurss
    @sovurss 12 років тому +6

    Edwin Moses still won the bronze medal in 1988 Seoul Olympics. Unfortunately, He was affected by the USA olympic boycott in 1980 and He was deprived a possible gold medal.

    • @cbs70sfan49
      @cbs70sfan49 6 років тому

      sovurss : If I'm not mistaken, the '88 Games is where he mistakenly went to the 1st place position on the medal podium by sheer habit.

  • @kargelr
    @kargelr 4 роки тому +2

    Just saw an interview where he said during his prime he could kick a basketball rim and land on his feet.

  • @ericgielen7864
    @ericgielen7864 Рік тому

    Le plus grand sur cette distance à jamais dans la légende ❤

  • @waynepoole15
    @waynepoole15 4 роки тому +8

    I'm here because of spike lee lol bloods

  • @Parag0n
    @Parag0n 12 років тому +2

    1:20 - He even catches the hat

  • @kauagarcia3018
    @kauagarcia3018 4 роки тому +1

    Esse era fera.
    123 provas invictas.

  • @rickc16
    @rickc16 8 років тому +1


  • @DenisVinny
    @DenisVinny 12 років тому

    Nice one!

  • @sovurss
    @sovurss 12 років тому

    Yes, Sheng Yu. You are right, but I did a comentary about Edwin Moses. Soviet Union dominated Gymnastics in that time and had good swimmers, like Salnikov, Zabolotnov, Zhulpa, Sidorenko, Belokon, Volkova, Dendeberova, but USA still was the dominant force in men's swimming. Relating to Gymnastics, Korolev, Bilozertchev and Artemov could win several medals in Los Angeles. In the women's side, Yurtchenko, Shushunova and Mostepanova were Soviet hopes to win medals in 1984 olympics.

  • @IvanDaniel28
    @IvanDaniel28 6 років тому

    how’d he get a shoutout reference on NFL GameDay Highlights on NFL Network today? (Sept. 23, 2018)

  • @publiuspublicola9570
    @publiuspublicola9570 12 років тому

    What's the title of the background music?

  • @ShengYu1995
    @ShengYu1995 12 років тому

    you can say that to pretty much to every Soviet swimmer/gymnast in 1984.. where the soviet actually dominated Swimming/gymnastics back then..its not just america that was affected....the War was pretty bad for every athlete in those countries.

  • @orodedavid6556
    @orodedavid6556 4 роки тому +1

    I need to hear the crowd, not the music lol

  • @mahtivaari72
    @mahtivaari72 9 років тому +1

    Sven Nylander always 4th.

  • @teddybotana4023
    @teddybotana4023 8 років тому +1

    Jungle Fever!?

    • @michaelharrison4178
      @michaelharrison4178 8 років тому

      but you can't stop watching us or beat us your to slow and dumb

    • @mothertree
      @mothertree 8 років тому +4

      There has never been a more humble man or an outstanding athlete moreso than Edwin Moses.We could all take a lesson and make this world a lot better by doing so.Thank you Edwin Moses for setting the bar for everyone...your fans...we are still watching you buddy!

    • @cliffordyawn2696
      @cliffordyawn2696 3 роки тому

      @@mothertree Amen

    • @cyclepowered8799
      @cyclepowered8799 3 роки тому

      @@michaelharrison4178 *you're, *too. Einstein.