Video Storage Enlightenment Achieved

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Video storage is a nightmare. It just is. I spent a long time looking at hard drives, RAID arrays, cloud solutions, SSD drives, and whatever else I could come up with...but one specific solution emerged as better than all the rest.


  • @austinmacheka
    @austinmacheka 2 роки тому +3

    Fact i have close to 100tb of old footage now going to take your advise and only keep final exports

  • @davidcovington901
    @davidcovington901 2 роки тому +4

    Plus, how are you going to remember every unused B-roll shot? Congrats on feeling like you can breathe

    • @RealJamesArcher
      @RealJamesArcher  2 роки тому +1

      Even if I had the shot, it's faster to find one in a stock library because it's all indexed and categorized 😄

  • @benniilsen
    @benniilsen Рік тому +3

    Hahaha that legit wasn't what I expected your answer to be. But this is helpful. I've been struggling with this personally and for my work. But I'm not quite ready to delete anything yet. I'll mull on this for a bit.

  • @TuckerPearce
    @TuckerPearce 2 роки тому +1

    Great points here!

  • @nextlevelcraig
    @nextlevelcraig 2 роки тому +4

    This is madness! But correct. But still madness! Know what I mean?😂

  • @audio2u
    @audio2u Рік тому +1

    Couldn't agree more! About a month ago, I looked at the HDD space I was consuming by having backed up all of the assets for my 120+ youtube videos, and like you, came to the realization that I would NEVER go back to that stuff.
    Unlike your channel, my content has a limited shelf life (because the software tutorials I do go out of date as the software progresses). So it's not like I'm ever going to need to re-use that old footage.
    As you said, you can always extract a portion from the rendered video, and I would do a Peter McKinnon/Josh Yeo, and simply apply a filter to make it look like old VHS video footage to hide the compression artifacts. :)

  • @carolynatherton2106
    @carolynatherton2106 2 роки тому +5

    This channel is heaven sent. Really. I discovered it within the past 24 hours and everything - all your uploaded content - is so perfectly targeted towards my needs. THANK YOU JAMES! 💥

    • @countsydneythedog
      @countsydneythedog 2 роки тому +2

      Amen to that. I felt the same way today when I stumbled onto James Archer (on a different subject.)

  • @ProPetPhotog
    @ProPetPhotog 2 роки тому +3

    James you are giving me anxiety! You're not wrong tho .

    • @RealJamesArcher
      @RealJamesArcher  2 роки тому +3

      You can do it, Monique! Maybe just start with a few really old projects. Delete a few files and see how you feel. It'll become addictive!

  • @randyrektor
    @randyrektor 2 роки тому +2

    I have a rule that I keep all of my B Roll and I delete all of my A Roll.
    I also keep the final export, thumbnail PSD, and stills options from the video.

    • @RealJamesArcher
      @RealJamesArcher  2 роки тому +2

      That's actually not a bad idea. B-roll tends to have more potential reuse, while A-roll is pretty much use it once and throw it out.

  • @PhillipRPeck
    @PhillipRPeck 2 роки тому +3

    I've been doing this very same thing for the last couple years. Just save the render and delete the rest

  • @TodorescuProgramming
    @TodorescuProgramming 2 роки тому +1

    4k at 24fps is this = 3840 x 2160 pixel x 24 fps x 60 seconds x 30 minutes = 358,318,080,000
    kudos for give the almost exact number

  • @3dchick
    @3dchick Рік тому +1

    I actually used to mock people who needed a terabyte of external storage. Now, 8 tb onboard and 8 more external isn’t enough. Sigh.

  • @GregTardif
    @GregTardif 2 роки тому +1

    Nice! I save some broll here and there and any family photos and videos. But that’s it. Talking head absolutely needs to go away haha.

    • @RealJamesArcher
      @RealJamesArcher  2 роки тому +1

      Plus, this way nobody finds my flubbed outtakes when they go through my stuff after I day. All they'll have is the perfectly-executed takes. Epic legacy.

  • @embers-cotswold-walks
    @embers-cotswold-walks 2 роки тому +1

    Love this channel & this topic is so pertinent to me at the moment. The raw footage for each of my vids is about 60 GB (30 vids/year). I know it's 'small fry' & could get away with purchasing a 2 TB external drive each year. My issue is what am I storing & how easy would it be to find? My present solution is to render a video from all the 'cut' clips which have the potential to make the final cut (approx 150 clips) & discard everything else (apart from the final cut). This reduces my storage requirment by 70% & makes things easier to find at a later date should I wish to. Thanks again.

  • @RockTo11
    @RockTo11 6 місяців тому +1

    100GB M-Discs, is the answer. Affordable, and the most reliable long term archival media.

    • @joestrahl6980
      @joestrahl6980 6 місяців тому

      What is an M disc? Explain.

    • @RockTo11
      @RockTo11 6 місяців тому

      @@joestrahl6980It is a writable DVD or Blu-ray (up to 100GB) which etches the data into "stone". No organic dyes. The etched data can last for approximately 1000 years.
      The disc surfaces are made from hardened materials, being much more resistant to scratches than regular writable optical discs, and much more resident to environmental factors too.
      There are alternatives too, some rated for 300 years, or 100 years. Those are usually called "archival grade".
      I also have some of Sony's proprietary 128GB discs which are very good quality.
      So... these are great for cold storage. Burn off a few copies, and keep at different locations.
      Very important data could even be kept in a safety deposit box at a bank.
      One other thing, there are disc catalog applications which will scan the disc TOCs (only takes a few seconds), and it will build a database of every single file on every disc you scan. From then, you can quickly search the database for a file, or any term, and it will show you which disc it was on. All you have to do is label your discs to correspond.

    • @RockTo11
      @RockTo11 6 місяців тому

      @@joestrahl6980One other thing. M-Discs have been tested by various governments, and their findings indicate that the archival quality is as good as described by the manufacturers.

  • @ParamotorSteve
    @ParamotorSteve Рік тому

    One way to keep raw footage is you could convert all your higher rez high data rate stuff to a lower quality lower resolution mp4. It wouldn't be the best quality but would still look decent and you'd still have your stuff. I don't do this with all my raw footage but I do this with the stuff I'd definitely like to keep.

  • @DilatiOnO
    @DilatiOnO 8 місяців тому

    or u could shoot LESS footage only do most important shots nobroll (i have my cam shutoff after a few seconds or u could use remote 2 end the shot or shoot timelapse only)

  • @ruok3351
    @ruok3351 2 роки тому

    3:45 meme potential

  • @VozMadridista
    @VozMadridista 2 роки тому

    Great answer!

  • @TechieSewing
    @TechieSewing 2 роки тому +1

    Welcome to the light side ;) I'm always feeling odd when other youtubers discuss their raw files storage... but I just delete all that after uploading the video (the final video I do store).

    • @RealJamesArcher
      @RealJamesArcher  2 роки тому +2

      It's so liberating! I feel way less stress now.

  • @mpark1206
    @mpark1206 2 роки тому +1


  • @nileshjoshi99
    @nileshjoshi99 2 роки тому

    The answer is to compress the video without loosing quality.

    • @johnhpalmer6098
      @johnhpalmer6098 2 роки тому

      Unfortunately, if the footage is compressed from say, a GoPro or consumer camcorder, then compressing it further is not the answer, and if you must compress for say, YT, same deal. Just sayin'.

  • @matejphoto
    @matejphoto 2 роки тому +1

    Great points here! I just bought couple of 5TB drives to store recent projects.
    I will be keeping the final exports, thumbnail files and some general Broll (camera reviewer so those are useful).
    But why is your raw footage so HUGE? I shoot with Canon in 4K and my projects are much smaller (I don't shoot raw footage).

    • @johnhpalmer6098
      @johnhpalmer6098 2 роки тому

      If you shoot stills, RAW allows for more manipulation of the footage when in a photo editing software like photoshop, then save out to Jpgs when done. You can only do so much with editing photos in any compressed format, and part is the image has been flattened, so to speak so you can't manipulate some things at all once it's been compressed. Moving footage is I think different due to the codecs used.

  • @Pfagnan
    @Pfagnan 2 роки тому

    So if I’m using Première Pro what is the best way to proceed? Is it using Windows to manually delete all the video files as well as the project files themselves? I have a separate folder for each project. I just don’t want to confuse Premiere too much!

    • @RealJamesArcher
      @RealJamesArcher  2 роки тому +1

      That's essentially what I did. Most of my older projects were in Premiere, and I just kept the export and deleted everything else. It was scary, but I haven't regretted it yet!

    • @Pfagnan
      @Pfagnan 2 роки тому

      @@RealJamesArcher Thanks for the useful tips man!!! 👏

  • @ericksebban
    @ericksebban Рік тому

    So true!

  • @LostInTech3D
    @LostInTech3D 2 роки тому

    I wonder if there's a way to store it lower res/lossy instead. I don't have remotely the same problem thanks to my max of 1080p/25 meaning I can probably store all my footage ever.

  • @leraginasian
    @leraginasian 2 роки тому

    What about phones? I usually don't backup my phones data because it either takes too long, or simply doesn't work (I have an android that I can't backup to my apple laptop). I keep all my phones, as that it the only way to view the files. I've also tried using the cloud and I hate it. It doesn't upload correctly (accurately) and the files are compressed. My only solution at the moment is to buy an iphone so I can back things up, or else, I'll just keep on keeping my phones as their own backup. Btw I loved this video. Clear, direct, concise, and honest.

  • @jamies8973
    @jamies8973 Рік тому

    That's not what I wanted to hear.

  • @hdcw2000bc
    @hdcw2000bc 2 роки тому

    I never kept personal projects, but I had too many clients wanting to go back into an edit years later to ever get rid of a paid job - those got two physical backups kept in two different locations.

  • @marcinhf
    @marcinhf 2 роки тому

    Or you could have a drive that you use as a "trash bin" that you empty every couple of months (to make room for your newest trash).