Dance Gavin Dance - Spooks (Tree City Sessions)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @marcusgooda8117
    @marcusgooda8117 8 років тому +209

    I quite like hearing Tilian's voice slightly lower than his usual range. It's nice

    • @dylanbrown4039
      @dylanbrown4039 4 роки тому +2

      Blue dream kinda hits different on tree city sessions 2

    • @danger-wildman7x
      @danger-wildman7x 3 роки тому +1

      Right yo I’m saying this one actually isn’t bad that he’s not singing as high

  • @IvoryChocobo
    @IvoryChocobo 8 років тому +136

    Will Swan you're an amazing rapper and guitar player

  • @KHmixerX
    @KHmixerX 8 років тому +50

    2:56 to 3:02 is such an eargasm. I'm in love with Tilian's take on this song. Will Swan's guitar work is unmatched as well.

    • @GunBlade666
      @GunBlade666 4 роки тому +2

      what album did you start with? im curious is all

    • @KHmixerX
      @KHmixerX 4 роки тому +2

      @@GunBlade666 DBM2 was my first.

  • @FinalStage4L
    @FinalStage4L 8 років тому +72

    Still prefer Jonny on his songs but tillian sounds pretty good here has any else ever wondered what Jonny would sound like singing Kurt's songs

  • @omgitsrobsandy
    @omgitsrobsandy 8 років тому +144

    I love hearing tilian's take on old DGD songs, this album is perfect

  • @jonnythancortez8130
    @jonnythancortez8130 8 років тому +77

    surprised nobody is talking about how amazing the instrumentals are

    • @Cjswaggprincess
      @Cjswaggprincess 8 років тому +3

      They are sickkkkk.

    • @AyoGabos
      @AyoGabos 8 років тому +4

      +Jonny Cortez they sound insanely tight. best part, easily.

    • @mattfinch1746
      @mattfinch1746 8 років тому +5

      no kidding. i never listened to this set until now and the instrumentals are absolutely amazing, especially during Will's part

  • @KindledEmbers
    @KindledEmbers 8 років тому +163


    • @ajeezy29
      @ajeezy29 8 років тому +10

      killed it!

    • @jimmybuffettsr1157
      @jimmybuffettsr1157 7 років тому +7

      He blows my mind. The pure of definition of a musical genius. I can't even comprehend some of the rifts the dude writes.

  • @wesleyesquivel6524
    @wesleyesquivel6524 8 років тому +32

    The screaming and the music sound like it's straight off of the original track. It's amazing how well they executed these DBM2 songs (grant it all of them were well executed). Tilian and Will killed it too.

  • @karolsomething7143
    @karolsomething7143 8 років тому +166

    They should do Elder Goose, Blue Dream, The Backwards Pumpkin Song, All Strawberry songs xD And... ROCK SOLID

    • @myamichelle2708
      @myamichelle2708 8 років тому +15

      +pounce bounce

    • @karolsomething7143
      @karolsomething7143 8 років тому +4

      +Mya Michelle Yeah, I like that one too :3

    • @LetsGoInStyle
      @LetsGoInStyle 8 років тому +3

      Who the fuck likes rock solid

    • @LetsGoInStyle
      @LetsGoInStyle 8 років тому +3

      +wet cup it was a joke fuk u boi

    • @breakinglight9422
      @breakinglight9422 8 років тому +9

      Rock Solid only works with Kurt and Jon. You NEED the talking part there, and Tilian has never even attempted to do it (and I think it should stay that way)..

  • @MrJakotic
    @MrJakotic 7 років тому +12

    3:17 The note Tillian hits, it's so spot on.

  • @Kremle
    @Kremle 7 років тому +19

    3:25 The combinaton of everything is to cry for

  • @ReneeSitra
    @ReneeSitra 8 років тому +98

    It's sad and downright scary how underrated Matt's drumming is on this song
    How can you listen to the outro and not comment on how fuckin hard he goes at the end
    We get it already wil swan is a god on guitar and his raps are fun to listen to
    Now give the other members their fucking credit already

    • @MarsCandyBar
      @MarsCandyBar 8 років тому +3

      -Just generally thinking because a lot of the guitar is just a ton of loose soloing while the drum holds, although an insanely difficult rhythm, a rhythm none the less.

    • @leonkennedy6440
      @leonkennedy6440 8 років тому

      Are you a drummer? A good one, I mean?

    • @myriamontiveros7070
      @myriamontiveros7070 7 років тому +13

      Leon Kennedy do you have to be a good drummer to appreciate Matt?

    • @jimmybuffettsr1157
      @jimmybuffettsr1157 7 років тому +7

      For real though. His songs are just unreal to play on drums. Seriously, the guy writes the most insane and trickiest parts.

  • @xTreyray
    @xTreyray 6 років тому +11

    Jon Mess has become the best hard vocalist Ive ever heard in my life. Bless the Mess.

    @BEFOREYOOFALL 8 років тому +18

    This is why DGD is my favorite band.

  • @uptownsavage9974
    @uptownsavage9974 7 років тому +13

    The way Jon Mess has came along throughout the years tho...

  • @fridayjuniorjuniorfrizzle9272
    @fridayjuniorjuniorfrizzle9272 2 роки тому +4

    every little child can benefit from smoking weed!!
    that line always spoke to me tbh ever since i was a lil kid..

  • @AyoGabos
    @AyoGabos 8 років тому +18

    woooow they absolutely murdered this one, sounds incredible.

  • @Blader
    @Blader 8 років тому +60

    killed this one

    • @TacticianAMV
      @TacticianAMV 7 років тому +3

      Blader o hello der

    • @Blader
      @Blader 7 років тому +2

      We meet again lmao

  • @marielac.b.4757
    @marielac.b.4757 8 років тому +3

    Creo que no podemos comparar. Tanto Tilian como Johnny son excelentes cantantes, ninguno es mejor que el otro. Nos puede gustar uno más que otro pero lo importante es disfrutar y agradecer a DGD por su música. Me encanta la diversidad musical de la banda.

  • @outofthebloom9546
    @outofthebloom9546 8 років тому +10

    OMFG THIS IS SO GOOD!!! Tillian and Jon both killed it

  • @WolfyBoO
    @WolfyBoO 8 років тому +78

    Jon did a great job, sounds like the original rofl.

    • @ajeezy29
      @ajeezy29 8 років тому +14

      Jon mess brung the mess xD

  • @drunkemonke1995
    @drunkemonke1995 8 років тому +92

    All I wanna do in life is have a jam session with Will Swan

  • @Zoominero
    @Zoominero 8 років тому +13

    honestly perfect

  • @tonycatalfamo4946
    @tonycatalfamo4946 8 років тому +52

    i would have loved to see blue dream on this album along with uneasy hearts.

    • @ZadkeilMercy
      @ZadkeilMercy 8 років тому

      +Tony Catalfamo Tillian doing Uneasy Hearts would have been magical

    • @tonycatalfamo4946
      @tonycatalfamo4946 8 років тому

      +Gauge Stibbs ive seen him do it is pretty magical

    • @ZadkeilMercy
      @ZadkeilMercy 8 років тому

      Tony Catalfamo I had a change to see them on the 10 year anniversary and missed it. Still kicking myself about that.

    • @BiggKaiser
      @BiggKaiser 8 років тому

      +Gauge Stibbs saw them up in Austin for the 10 year anniversary, it kicked some serious ass bro

    • @VoltaAstral
      @VoltaAstral 7 років тому +1

      Tree City Sessions Pt.2

  • @jimmygoobs
    @jimmygoobs 8 років тому +2

    Will Swan is my favorite guitar artist the stuff he puts together is always fucking amazing

  • @AnimateTheWorld
    @AnimateTheWorld 8 років тому +48

    in my opinion tillian did an amazing song on every song.

    • @jacobbutler7942
      @jacobbutler7942 7 років тому +3


    • @jimmybuffettsr1157
      @jimmybuffettsr1157 7 років тому +3

      I agree. Him and Jon are fantastic additions to the band. Imo, they take the band to the next level they have deserved for a while.

  • @IAmMightyMike
    @IAmMightyMike 5 років тому +3

    Hearing these tracks make me cry of nostalgia.

  • @DefectiveFilmsStudio
    @DefectiveFilmsStudio 8 років тому +8

    This album is fucking epic.

  • @PedroCota90
    @PedroCota90 8 років тому +2

    Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

  • @swordsdance1592
    @swordsdance1592 4 роки тому +5

    "Every single little child can benefit from smoking weed" is my favourite Jon Mess lyric ever 😂 and Tilian aboslutely murdered this

  • @adobewanjerkobi
    @adobewanjerkobi 8 років тому +5

    This was the best nailed Jonny Craig song on the Tree City Sessions album.

  • @Christian-kf1xh
    @Christian-kf1xh 8 років тому +3

    Jon slayed it!

  • @TehErr0r
    @TehErr0r 8 років тому +7

    my favorite off this release, Tilian killed it, mess always on fleek

  • @christianjordan1713
    @christianjordan1713 8 років тому +2

    Will spitting that hot fire!! 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

  • @movolce7177
    @movolce7177 8 років тому

    This is something that I knew I needed since I saw Tilian with DGD live for the first time!

  • @hyperjak810
    @hyperjak810 4 роки тому

    The way Swan pops off right after the rap part at 2:23 is why I came here, only he can do it like that

  • @StealingTuesday100
    @StealingTuesday100 8 років тому +2

    god this new album makes me so happy

  • @jonpinedo
    @jonpinedo 8 років тому +6

    Fuuuuuuuuck yeah

  • @yokoprp
    @yokoprp 8 років тому +9

    mess don't miss

  • @jakenorman3637
    @jakenorman3637 8 років тому +5

    Oh My God

  • @leomendez1456
    @leomendez1456 7 років тому +5

    "Every single little child can benefit from smoking weed"
    Absolutely love that part

  • @RedHairMaster
    @RedHairMaster 8 років тому +27

    Funny how Johnny's parts look so easy form Tilian.

    • @crowing3886
      @crowing3886 8 років тому +21

      he has a huge range higher than Kurt's and Jonny's. he had to sing is super lower registers to match them instead In his natural register. which shows his versatile vocals

    • @jackbuchanan6441
      @jackbuchanan6441 6 років тому

      I do prefer Jonny's voice but i can not deny that Tilian is technically a far more talented singer.

  • @keiferfosterkeithfoster6603
    @keiferfosterkeithfoster6603 6 років тому

    I love this song 😍 and man they did so good remaking this song.

  • @tonyed6923
    @tonyed6923 6 років тому

    every song is a masterpiece

  • @ajeezy29
    @ajeezy29 8 років тому

    This made me so happy

    @KATMERCADO-d9j Рік тому +1

    Fool, your word means shit
    My eyes, they wander
    Not a lotta shit left to break inside the mind of acid-whore
    Swallowing your sister's nightstand might cover up the clogging pores
    The sound of Master Blaster's tank weapon gun addon, I believe
    Every single little child can benefit from smoking weed
    You're filling your pockets with my bones
    Filling your pockets
    Slow plans, stuck in my bladder, turn yourself sideways
    Slow plans, stuck in my bladder, turn yourself sideways
    I don't know much about computers
    But I know that you look like a child abuser
    Slow plans, stuck in my bladder, turn yourself sideways
    Slow plans, stuck in my bladder, turn yourself sideways
    Sideways, sideways
    Move in, take what's not yours
    Take what I worked for
    Slow down, stop me now
    You're tearing apart my soul
    And lately we should be making me
    The best type of record for wasting, please
    Amazing bark is getting dark
    You know that I know, can ride the arc
    And lately we should be making me
    The present elect is a burning tree
    And you know that I know that I can't be me
    So I can be you, and well, you can be me
    I'm a T.O.Y F.O.R you, on my pleasure principle
    We keep it on the down low, 'cause public eyes are sensible
    There ain't no outcome without the illusion that I let you in the first place
    Girl, you know what we're doin', this is dirty sex
    Back seats, over the tables, under the sheets
    At the workplace, on the beach, in the hammock where I sleep
    I know it's your birthday, but could you call me up at 3:30?
    Damn, okay, where do you want to meet?
    'Cause I know the lonely road it took to get there
    And I believed, I believed it at your lonely word
    Well, I knew the lonely road it took to get there
    Yeah, I believed, I believed it in your lost words
    Well, I know the only road it takes to get there
    And I only feel it now because I've been there
    And I know the lonely road it takes to get there
    And I only feel it now because I've been there
    Slow down, stop me now
    You're tearing apart my soul
    Move in, take what's not yours
    Take what I worked for
    A thinly veiled guise elected for another new sound
    Capitalize when you dumb it down
    You defect and I'll be raging on top of my car
    You defect and I'll be passed out, covered in tar
    A thinly veiled guise elected for another new sound
    Capitalize when you dumb it down
    A thinly veiled guise elected for another new sound
    Capitalize when you dumb it down

  • @jakemorse7232
    @jakemorse7232 8 років тому +8

    The only DBM/DBM2 song that Tilian nailed! Love this!

    • @jackbuchanan6441
      @jackbuchanan6441 6 років тому

      He did well on all them but I agree, I get the feeling Tilian really likes Spooks because it's a far superior performance versus all the other songs.

  • @stiv2879
    @stiv2879 8 років тому

    best album so far

  • @chadbrobertson
    @chadbrobertson 3 роки тому

    i think they all did a very good job :)

  • @floobor
    @floobor 8 років тому

    I seriously can't handle this song

  • @xenophontis29
    @xenophontis29 8 років тому +7

    Fuck. This is my second favourite DGD song and I think if I listen to this a few more times, it will be better than the original for me.

    • @drewzeegrows
      @drewzeegrows 8 років тому +11

      relax fam. Noone is better than JC

    • @JiuJitsuTrashcan
      @JiuJitsuTrashcan 8 років тому +1

      +johntrollston420 Hahaha eww. "Fam" and Jonny Craig in the same sentence.
      Jonny's an asshole druggie, "relax fam." Shit's all about Tillian now 8)

    • @xenophontis29
      @xenophontis29 8 років тому

      mfw i life both of them lol

    • @JiuJitsuTrashcan
      @JiuJitsuTrashcan 8 років тому

      +Witch Hazel Oh nooooo, I'm super hurt bruh!1!!1!

    • @Ikisis
      @Ikisis 8 років тому

      Better then the original, WTF are you smoking when you liten to this so i can get a understanding of what is destroying your frontal lobes.

  • @DailyScratcher
    @DailyScratcher 6 років тому

    Such a complete song

  • @offiziellerkanalvondoggen-3116
    @offiziellerkanalvondoggen-3116 5 років тому

    The first 13 seconds are wonderful.
    Pure magic.

  • @babc4323
    @babc4323 6 років тому +3

    This is the version of this song that gets stuck in my head. Wonder if they'll have a Tree City 2.... Would be interesting to hear him sing safe to say you dig the back seat.

    • @clyman96
      @clyman96 4 роки тому +1

      They are 😁

  • @jaime3342
    @jaime3342 8 років тому

    got chills when swan kills it

  • @j3r3myb3nn3tt
    @j3r3myb3nn3tt 8 років тому


  • @MattysEdits
    @MattysEdits 8 років тому


  • @mariahfaison5020
    @mariahfaison5020 3 роки тому

    I love dgd but something about the title of this song does not sit well with me. Does anyone know if they talked about the reason behind the title of this? Asking for a friend

  • @nickskywalker0118
    @nickskywalker0118 7 років тому +2

    Jon Mess is my God

  • @NightOwlparallax
    @NightOwlparallax 4 роки тому

    Dgd needs more songs with rap sections

  • @CEO_of_R.I.P.
    @CEO_of_R.I.P. 4 роки тому

    Anyone else think this sounds like it wasn't preformed live or that that just really put more effort into this one?

  • @garbagemancan
    @garbagemancan Рік тому


  • @itsyagirlVofficial
    @itsyagirlVofficial 8 років тому

    I was hoping the song would be a Stirner reference... SPOOKS!

  • @cyclonesky1988
    @cyclonesky1988 8 років тому

    this is sick!! fuck yeeahhhhh....

  • @davidfore5428
    @davidfore5428 8 років тому


  • @weststigers411
    @weststigers411 8 років тому +3

    Jonny's version always wins :')

  • @cmays209
    @cmays209 8 років тому

    Amazing bark, it's getting dark...

  • @alexsavering3818
    @alexsavering3818 6 років тому +1

    I love this song. Everything about it is perfect. I personally think this is superior over Spooks on DTBM2. Don't get me wrong, Jonny sang this song with more passion and emotion but Tilian Just KILLED IT.

  • @chriss8792
    @chriss8792 8 років тому

    if dbm3 don't happen we gonna riot

  • @tiredspacedog
    @tiredspacedog 8 років тому

    thank mr skeltal

  • @urielkosovo5177
    @urielkosovo5177 8 років тому +1

    Again no tick :(

  • @decaf4450
    @decaf4450 8 років тому

    it kiinda sounds like one instrument is off and fucks it up..
    But I still love it, I mean, I based my name partially on this song :p

  • @lilcoochivert1658
    @lilcoochivert1658 8 років тому

    Oh noes

  • @RebornSound
    @RebornSound 8 років тому


  • @moolahbby
    @moolahbby 8 років тому +3

    ahh to hear wills verse again :)

  • @ridgejordan1859
    @ridgejordan1859 8 років тому

    The beginning was good

  • @BonIvermectin
    @BonIvermectin 3 роки тому


  • @GunBlade666
    @GunBlade666 4 роки тому

    pretty dope to hear till till cover jonnys songs. i prefer jonny but yea

  • @twilitsaenguani485
    @twilitsaenguani485 4 роки тому

    Tilian doing Johnny is an experience when you are high, they are so damn delicate.

  • @chunce8025
    @chunce8025 8 років тому +1

    holy shit 2:55

  • @YuchiGucci
    @YuchiGucci 8 років тому

    666 likes, i love life right now. xD

  • @stompxpertttv7180
    @stompxpertttv7180 8 років тому


  • @Ikisis
    @Ikisis 8 років тому +3

    Johnny Craig's Vocals where x10 better. His vocals just made this song, without them i dont get that (FUCK YEAH, FUCK YOU, FUCK THEM, FUCK US) feeling ya know

    • @VoraxUmbra
      @VoraxUmbra 8 років тому +10

      They're two different vocalists, I still think this was a phenomenal performance. This is live After all. That being said, no one can outdo Jonny

    • @jojo-zv1sz
      @jojo-zv1sz 8 років тому

      fuck you lmao

  • @Drakkiore
    @Drakkiore 8 років тому


  • @novalandhika4986
    @novalandhika4986 8 років тому +2

    i miss jonny craig after hear this song...

  • @camouranth8895
    @camouranth8895 6 місяців тому

    2024 and still one of my top 5 albums

  • @joelthepizzawizard493
    @joelthepizzawizard493 8 років тому

    the guitar player

  • @LeonardoAkira
    @LeonardoAkira 8 років тому

    holy fucking shit, this is amazing but i still prefer JG

  • @jaime3342
    @jaime3342 8 років тому


  • @Phi24
    @Phi24 8 років тому

    I want to play this on guitar but I DON'T HAVE 25 FUCKING FRETS.

    • @ty_chaa
      @ty_chaa 8 років тому

      just tune up a half step if you have 24. wouldn't go more than a whole step and a half though

    • @Phi24
      @Phi24 8 років тому

      I have 22 frets.

    • @ty_chaa
      @ty_chaa 8 років тому

      +Phikicheli dang man. maybe something like a pitch shifter, but idk other than that

    • @Phi24
      @Phi24 8 років тому

      +Ty Cha or buy a new guitar

    • @ty_chaa
      @ty_chaa 8 років тому

      +Phikicheli lol, I guess that works too

  • @Brenaissanceman
    @Brenaissanceman 8 років тому +1

    As much as I love tillian and this song. I think jonny's version is superior. Mostly because of the instruments. Jonny has more passion in his singing too. Don't get me wrong. For a live session. This is the shit. And Jon, will and tillian both kill it. But jonny's is better in my opinion. Still love you guys though. Good work.

  • @marcorodvas
    @marcorodvas 8 років тому +1

    i actually like this more than the original

  • @dainodawg3160
    @dainodawg3160 8 років тому +9

    they should have redone them with the original clean singers, but new everything else.

    • @xTreyray
      @xTreyray 8 років тому +2

      nah fam. the last clean singer sucked live.

    • @dainodawg3160
      @dainodawg3160 8 років тому +3

      xTreyray uhhhhhh, no kurt is my favorite singer, i saw him live multiple times, he was great.

    • @xTreyray
      @xTreyray 8 років тому +2

      +Dylan Daino you're deaf.

    • @dainodawg3160
      @dainodawg3160 8 років тому +4

      xTreyray i like him best man, cant you just accept it.

    • @PsychoticProphet
      @PsychoticProphet 8 років тому +6

      +xTreyray 1. Fuck your opinion on Kurt , he's great
      2.Rings of Saturn my nigga

  • @MrZee15
    @MrZee15 8 років тому

    I liked Jonny Craig's vocals better. but I liked Jon's vocals better here xD

    • @centenoz
      @centenoz 8 років тому +1

      +MrZee15 That's because mastering under Jonny was shit. Jon Mess, while live, sounds miles better here.

    • @MrZee15
      @MrZee15 8 років тому

      so the mastering was done by Jonny?

    • @centenoz
      @centenoz 8 років тому

      It was Kris Crummett. He's done all the producing in their albums. But the band has had input, and you can certainly see Jonny's influence in Royal Ocean, DBM, and DBMII.

  • @hellarepublican8923
    @hellarepublican8923 6 років тому

    Ik Jon was gonna struggle with this one

  • @traviswright4592
    @traviswright4592 8 років тому +1

    jonny will always be my fav these remakes deffo not liking em

  • @kavithabrunner4177
    @kavithabrunner4177 8 років тому +1

    i feel like im the only one who doesnt dig tilian tryna do jonny songs. im a jonny fangirl. . . crucify me

    • @Laloestaburrido
      @Laloestaburrido 7 років тому

      Kavitha Brunner Jonny was DGD best singer. T is not bad at all. but there is no one like Jonny.

  • @duffy5079
    @duffy5079 8 місяців тому

    Jon sounds out of breath hear. Tilian just sounds meh

  • @jaredweinberger2305
    @jaredweinberger2305 5 років тому

    This is fucked, No Jonny Craig!

  • @Braxnond
    @Braxnond 7 років тому

    Tillian is fucking great. But Jonny's work really shouldn't be touched by anyone but Jonny. He's too good. Let's be realistic, all personal feelings aside...