Topical Retinoids to Reverse Skin Aging

  • Опубліковано 21 гру 2024


  • @jenniferpearmain9557
    @jenniferpearmain9557 Рік тому +35

    For anyone interested, Dr Dray (a board certified Dermatologist) has a detailed video called 'Tretinoin dangers? VA study explained' about the tretinoin study mentioned in this video.

    • @FerideD
      @FerideD Рік тому +7

      Dr. dray did a good job. Disappointed in Greger on this video , misleading and not thought out or investigated. 😢

    • @voicedbird
      @voicedbird 11 місяців тому +5

      Thank you for mentioning Dr Dray's video on this. I'm super disappointed in how misleading Dr Gregor is here.

  • @annissagraves3076
    @annissagraves3076 Рік тому +8

    Can’t give up my retinoids! I’m plant-based, oil-free/sugar-free, low salt. I’ll be happy enjoying the longevity of this healthy lifestyle plus daily exercise and add retain-a as my “vice”. At 50, the benefits are definitely worth the risk to me.

  • @jrmint2
    @jrmint2 Рік тому +47

    The chemoprevention trial was a small group, and the control group was 40+% smaller than the treatment group. given that 14% of control group died....and we don't know the causes of death, or how the candidate selection was made...its not enough to convince me to stop using tretinoin.

    • @carriemaioranabrown3373
      @carriemaioranabrown3373 Рік тому +13

      I agree. Also, I'm disappointed that this video didn't include the weaknesses of this small, isolated study. The general consensus in the medical literature is that this study did not provide sufficient evidence to show causality, or to change prescribing practices (except that elderly male patients should be counseled about the study).

    • @djayjp
      @djayjp Рік тому +2

      No, I think the results are valid and will be replicable. Vitamin A (not beta carotene) has a long established history of increasing mortality. Also it greatly increases skin cancer risk. It's just not possible to always protect against UV. Also it should increase aging long term via increased cellular turnover rate, leading to cellular senescence faster. Consider that there are no long term studies....
      A healthier alternative, which also boosts collagen, is exfoliation (though this also increases susceptibility to UV).

    • @frstnmlstnm8484
      @frstnmlstnm8484 Рік тому +5

      @@djayjp But even the doctors who did this study don't think there is a link. "We didn't see any evidence for a cause-and-effect relationship," said Dr. Martin Weinstock, chief of dermatology at VA Medical Center in Providence, R.I., and a professor of dermatology and community health at Brown University, also in Providence.

    • @djayjp
      @djayjp Рік тому

      @@frstnmlstnm8484 Correct, scientists are always very cautious to confirm such. Correlation does not equal causation. They'll have to design another study specifically to confirm such. But I'm sure if you read it they will still say the retinoid group did exhibit a statistically significant increase to mortality and the only identified difference between the two groups was one was taking retinoids and the other wasn't.

    • @TheGuzzler679
      @TheGuzzler679 Рік тому +2

      ​@@djayjpCell turnover = faster aging cells? What about the increased cell turnover from fasting/autophagy? Or is there a different sense of tretinoin increasing turnover?

  • @abc_cba
    @abc_cba Рік тому +27

    I'm Indian, I use Tretinoin 0.01% gel every night, then slug.
    Use sunscreen everyday!
    Wear UV 400 glasses.
    Most people think I'm in my 20s, meanwhile I'm approaching 35😂

    • @scienceislove2014
      @scienceislove2014 Рік тому

      .. hmm that sounds interesting..
      Do you care to share the name of the brand (sunscreen) and "UV 400 GLASSES"?

    • @alexiatepila8159
      @alexiatepila8159 Рік тому

      You're not Indian sorry

    • @abc_cba
      @abc_cba Рік тому

      @@scienceislove2014 @scienceislove2014 Sunscreen keeps on changing by seasons.
      But I make sure it has a ++++ PA rating and my favorite chemical UV filters are Tinosorb S, Tinosorb M and Tinosorb A2B, Uvinal A Plus, Mexoryl AX and SX as they all focus on UVA I and II which are more detrimental and there all year round irrespective of the UVI Index.
      I do not use Avobenzone as it's very unstable and completely gets degraded within an hour or so of solar exposure.
      Whereas, in Summer, I go for Zinc OXide and Titanium Dioxide, as we have UVI above 12 cuz, that's the last measure on a UVI scale but where I live, I guess it most be UVI 17 or something. Yeah for UVB there is this compound not sure the spelling but it's called Iscotrinazol which is the best chemical UVB filter!!
      I don't stick to brands at all. It depends on what INGREDIENTS they have!!!
      Also, i make sure I never purchase US sunscreens as they're outdated and completely useless for any place that is not in the northern hemisphere plus, what's the need to have it applied every 2 hours?
      Plus, being an Indian, I bargain like crazy, so, i know it's Winter when nobody purchases sunscreens and the company's offer huge discounts during Winter as they don't want their Sunscreens to sit idle in the shelves or warehouses.
      I'll actually start purchasing now as it's December all the way until January when they would even offer one plus one free item.
      I didn't know the significance of UVA light and how it's the main culprit for aging but now I am sure to block it out.
      UVB is not my concern unless it's March-October here in where I live (Central India).
      And it's my sincere request - stop using US sunscreens, they're still stuck to the 90s science. Go for Korean or Japanese sunscreens if you choose premium or Indian ones with the filters I mentioned.
      Yes, stay off of Processed foods.
      The reason why I didn't mention L'oreal sunscreen (of the many others that I use) is because,in the US they don't add the filters that even the EU approves. So, the composition is different for a US sunscreen vs non-US sunscreen.

    • @abc_cba
      @abc_cba Рік тому +1

      @@alexiatepila8159 "you're not Indian sorry"
      First of all, you missed the article "an" Indian, secondly, you missed the comma separator before Indian, then you missed it again after that before sorry.
      Now tell me what are you sorry about? 😒
      Plus, you barely even know me to know If I'm an Indian or an alien. So, please keep your tr0lling to yourself.
      We at nutritionfacts are a community and we interact with each other and share our experiences to help each other. Keep your useless rant to yourself, nobody cares!
      Bye, Felicia!

    • @TuscanWonder
      @TuscanWonder Рік тому


  • @drunkvegangal8089
    @drunkvegangal8089 Рік тому +21

    When, when, will we just accept aging? It's OK to grow old and, indeed, living a long life is the goal of most people, cross-culturally, and world-wide. Embrace you aging self - and embrace (hug) your friends and relatives. With care, proper diet, and good sleeping patterns - you too could be old someday.

    • @abetterlivedlife
      @abetterlivedlife Рік тому +2

      My dermatologist prescribed Tretinoin for a skin condition, not aging. It does have some other uses.

    • @Monicalala
      @Monicalala Рік тому +3

      People want to age well.

    • @drunkvegangal8089
      @drunkvegangal8089 Рік тому +1

      @@abetterlivedlife ...then, perhaps, you are embracing your own aging processes...? If so - my comment should be well understood by you rather than feeling the need to reply with qualification(s) or explanation(s).

    • @drunkvegangal8089
      @drunkvegangal8089 Рік тому +2

      @@Monicalala To age well simply means to age - to grow old - with as few morbidity complications as possible not as few wrinkles as possible :D :D

    • @Julia.260
      @Julia.260 Рік тому +1

      Tret does not make you look younger. It makes you look good,dor your age

  • @toto850
    @toto850 Рік тому +11

    Using tretinoin is the best thing I've done for my skin.

    • @TheSpeedyone2
      @TheSpeedyone2 Рік тому

      I, as well, but I choose to ignore the other things going on for 40 years. I used sunscreen heavily all this time, but still have massive health problem five year's after starting retinoids. I have kept a journal most of my adult life to reread and make sure things match up. I decided it was worth it have nice skin and the rest of my body sick. No one should have to have to the addiction I have to staying clear skined and youthful. It's an awful way to live. Just be careful everyone! I do care and I get it. It's so tempting! I don't want a red face or wrinkles.

    • @No_co_OK
      @No_co_OK 11 місяців тому

      May not be the best thing for your lifespan though...

  • @Andrea-ue7gv
    @Andrea-ue7gv Рік тому +8

    Tretinoin is not banned in europe 🤦🏼‍♀️ you can even get it without prescription in some pharmacies in spain, italy and greece

    • @voicedbird
      @voicedbird 11 місяців тому +3

      He really crapped the bed on this video.

  • @debrajean743
    @debrajean743 Рік тому +4

    Tomorrow 12/15/23 Dr. Andrea is going to address this video. I'm going to see what she says. She said it has some very interesting things in it. She uses the strongest Tretinoin every night. I use the .05% cream (the middle one) every night and have been for years. Hold on everybody and definitely watch Dr. Dray's video tomorrow.

  • @jennifers6435
    @jennifers6435 11 місяців тому +4

    I am waiting to see some long term studies on red light for anti aging..

  • @marysmith7765
    @marysmith7765 Рік тому +5

    Tretinoin is the only thing that’s put even a dent in my rosacea. Rosacea is actually painful and most things make it worse. It’s so bad that people actually stare at me. I went over a year of trying everything I could but nothing helped. My other alternative is doxycycline and frankly I’ll take my chances with using tretinoin a couple of times a week.

    • @bringhomethebasil8729
      @bringhomethebasil8729 10 місяців тому

      Going 100% gluten free will get rid of it .. over time. You will see immediate improvement in a week but it takes a little longer for residual redness to disappear

  • @princesstwobuns8506
    @princesstwobuns8506 Рік тому +5

    So retinol is the best option? What about bakuchiol?

  • @AR-fx2mv
    @AR-fx2mv Рік тому +21

    So what's the final answer here? None of them?

    • @stavokg
      @stavokg Рік тому +8

      I’m wondering the same. Takeaway, please…🙏

    • @karlaschmid
      @karlaschmid Рік тому +9

      I think he said at the end that Retinol itself is best way to go. ?

    • @VeganChiefWarrior
      @VeganChiefWarrior Рік тому

      studies show the safer retinol doesnt work for skin aging, only acne, so i dunno, lets just exfoliate our own way insted of relying on acid to fpeel our skin off

    • @danh5637
      @danh5637 Рік тому

      Lasers or mesotherapy at the safest

    • @ElayneWest-lo3nr
      @ElayneWest-lo3nr Рік тому +4

      It does prevent and even reverse skin aging; however it also makes your skin more sensitive to sun so you need sunscreen if you’re going to use this product.

  • @thomastoadally
    @thomastoadally Рік тому +8

    You are what you eat! Including your skin!!!

  • @shockwave1986
    @shockwave1986 Рік тому +4

    Can you look at microdermabrasion, chemical peels and microneedling. These seem powerful home remedies to reduce skin ageing

    • @chamuuemura5314
      @chamuuemura5314 11 місяців тому

      Micro needling can work great… but even the person who introduced it to me doesn’t properly adhere to pre-needling care (no NSAIDs etc) or post care procedures and is over aggressive with intensity (depth x frequency).
      Despite that, she seems to have some improvement in facial complexion over 18 months of doing it. If she had more discipline she might get better results, but I think that applies to most people, who overdo the painful part but neglect the mundane.

  • @viamem6933
    @viamem6933 Рік тому +6

    Irónico, la primera vez que use un ácido hialurónico me irritó la piel, pero cuando usé por primera vez la tretinoina la irritación fue cero XD. Aunque la muerte no suena tan mal.

  • @wildbill6366
    @wildbill6366 Рік тому +14

    CeraVe has a great easy non irritating retinol.... By the way I bought Treninoin gel in Greece recently ,Corfu exactly at the pharmacy .. So becoming less available but still there ... Also Thailand has it ..

    • @Veemerica
      @Veemerica Рік тому +3

      Spain has it too, without prescription

    • @leftyfourguns
      @leftyfourguns Рік тому +1

      In some countries (like USA) Treninoin is prescription only. It was only just some years ago that we started to get over the counter retinoids in USA, like adapalene

    • @bryceandrewmusicofficial
      @bryceandrewmusicofficial Рік тому

      CeraVe tests on animals, don't buy from them.

    • @thelasttrumpet2915
      @thelasttrumpet2915 Рік тому +1

      Also Andorra (Spain) has it without prescription.

    • @jennifers6435
      @jennifers6435 11 місяців тому

      Greece and Thailand are very corrupt countries….but, maybe the FDA is also

  • @JaiNormis
    @JaiNormis Рік тому +6

    Might the dietary carotenoids we eat reverse skin aging?

    • @VeganChiefWarrior
      @VeganChiefWarrior Рік тому +3

      according to studies eating aloe vera improves fine lines where as rubbing it on the skin doesnt, just to back up your theory

  • @mariarosemusic
    @mariarosemusic Рік тому +10

    Could you elaborate further about that study about all cause mortality higher in long term tretinoin use? I've been using tretinoin for a year and wondering if I should stop

    • @YohielSpeaks
      @YohielSpeaks Рік тому +3

      I've been using retin-a (aka: tretinoin) for over 30 years, and this is the first I hear of it's being potentially fatal. Yipes!

    • @Benevolence4
      @Benevolence4 Рік тому +2

      based off the studies he presented in the video, it looks like a different format of retinoic acid might be a good way to go! I've been using retinol in squalane for a while and had good results, but *definitely* am not gonna start tretinoin now heh

    • @dylan_mayes
      @dylan_mayes Рік тому +1

      @YohielSpeaks a couple years ago, law firms were trying to find clients for cases of damages from this product. I had a notice in my mail and it had been a few years since I used it in high-school. I never have serious health issues so I never see a doctor, but that had me wondering.

    • @DamnTastyVegan
      @DamnTastyVegan Рік тому +1

      @@dylan_mayesYikes! That doesn’t sound good at all! Crazy how easily dermatologists give this stuff out without mentioning studies like this.

    • @YohielSpeaks
      @YohielSpeaks Рік тому +2

      Pub Med, the National Library of Medicine and National Center for Biotechnology Information has published at least two contradictory articles regarding retinol on it's website.
      On June 1, 2009, it published the following opinion: "High-dose beta-carotene supplementation in high-risk persons has been linked to increased lung cancer risk in clinical trials; whether effects are similar in the general population is unclear."
      Then, ten years later, on June 26, 2019, it changed its tune and said: "Retinoic acid (RA) is a highly active retinoid isoform with promising anti-lung cancer activity."
      Like anything else, I imagine it's a personal choice. Go figure!

  • @kocsiserika1987
    @kocsiserika1987 Рік тому +1

    And what is the experience with retinal cream? Is it good or not? And what about bakuchiol?

  • @purpl3Fairyy
    @purpl3Fairyy Рік тому +2

    Yes thank you! I've been hoping for these skincare videos for years now :D Woohoo!

  • @TillyFloss
    @TillyFloss Рік тому +10

    God, this is confusing! Retinal, retinal, retinadehyde, retinyl palmitate, tretinoin... and have seen ads for granactive retinoids.

    • @TillyFloss
      @TillyFloss Рік тому +6

      @@pdblouin not mutually exclusive - I use both! But the sunscreen won't reverse damage only protect against new damage. The retinol products I've used have def made a difference. I think the benefits are v well proven now. It's just a minefield picking my way through v similar sounding ingredients! 🙂

    • @Johnny-gm9wo
      @Johnny-gm9wo Рік тому +1

      I generally agree with you but many have sworn (vs placebo group) that their wrinkles have diminished with tretinoin/retinol.

    • @betzib8021
      @betzib8021 Рік тому

      Just watch Dr dray ....a little research doesn't make this doc a derm...he can't even pronounce the drug correctly. It is TREH ti noin.

    • @jrmint2
      @jrmint2 Рік тому +4

      @@pdblouin I can assure you that tretinoin works, i'm working on reversing decades of sun damage. i wasn't a daily sun worshipper, but tanned regularly and burnt a few times too.

    • @jrmint2
      @jrmint2 Рік тому

      @@TillyFloss Ive used Differin, which is adapalene and its a 3rd generation retinoid and the 1% is now available OTC, its less irritating. not sure what the studies on efficacy w tretinoin head to head are...I used it for 2 years and it reduced my fine wrinkles where I smile and evened my skin texture. I did switch to the tret though in the end bc theres just more studies on it.

  • @SilverFan21k
    @SilverFan21k Рік тому +1

    Ty for covering Aging

  • @megeek727
    @megeek727 Рік тому +9

    I am a fan of mechanical exfoliation for getting rid of fine lines. It takes time but in the long run it is safe and effective. I was able to remove my crow's feet over a few months of once a week exfoliation. Too many things can go wrong with chemical-based products because everyone's skin is different. I use moisturizers and sunscreen but that is where I draw the line and go no further.

    • @minifix
      @minifix Рік тому +8

      What do you use to exfoliate?

    • @megeek727
      @megeek727 Рік тому

      @@minifix I use the cheapest fragrance-free facial soap (Walmart's store brand equate) and a battery-powered facial scrub brush called "Soniclear" by Michael Todd. The key is to always wear a moisturizer both day and night.

    • @scienceislove2014
      @scienceislove2014 Рік тому +7

      No... Don't do that..
      Mechanical exfoliatiation is unevem and unsafe.
      And don't be scared of the word chemical.. as everything's a chemical

    • @cmntr_
      @cmntr_ Рік тому +6

      Retinoids help your skin produce collagen and therefore make it firmer, which physical exfoliants don't. If for whatever reason you don't want to use so-called 'chemical' exfoliants (there are many safe beginner-friendly products), at least use exfoliants that do not have sharp edges such as sugar. Walnut shells and other physical exfoliants can and often do cause microtears in the skin, leaving it vulnerable to infection.

    • @Urmomlolllllll
      @Urmomlolllllll 11 місяців тому

      Same here. Have been exfoliating 1-2 times a week for almost 2 decades. Combine that with a good moisturizer and sunscreen in the morning, good to go. If I want to look extra, I’ll pop on an under eye mask before makeup. My favorite exfoliators (have tried maaaaaaany): Kate Sommerville ExfoliKate, ZO Skin Polisher and Dermalogica (normal or strong)

  • @nazokashii
    @nazokashii Рік тому +2

    So interesting! Thank you, this is so important to know

  • @AK-qg7mp
    @AK-qg7mp Рік тому +10

    I put kale juice on my face.
    Kale is king

    • @VeganChiefWarrior
      @VeganChiefWarrior Рік тому

      i did that once, a whole kale smoothie cause it was 2 strong haha

  • @TheAugusTele
    @TheAugusTele Рік тому +3

    Now thats a game changer 👏🏼

    • @VeganChiefWarrior
      @VeganChiefWarrior Рік тому +1

      what is? what did you learn thats going to change the game for you?

    • @Andrea-ue7gv
      @Andrea-ue7gv Рік тому

      @@VeganChiefWarriortretinoin, obviously

  • @kiwiwriter
    @kiwiwriter Рік тому +9

    Clearly a dietary suggestion or two, or a DIY whole food extract or two, plus backing science... needs to be next in this series.
    Slapping products on my face has zero appeal, especially with the price tags associated with most of them. You've helped me look and feel younger with what I put in my body, continue in that vein and leave the cosmetics to the charlatans.

    • @kiwiwriter
      @kiwiwriter Рік тому

      Moisturiser and sunscreen - absolutely!
      1/2 cup extra virgin coconut oil (moisturiser)
      1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil (seals in moisturiser)
      1/4 cup fresh aloe vera gel (moisturiser)
      3 tablespoons non-nano zinc oxide (sunscreen at around 30 SPF)
      Black tea bag/s to add a tint to it.
      Warm oils just enough to bring the coconut to liquid state. Add in aloe gel and zinc and blend really well. Put in jar in pot of hot water and add tea bags to soak in mixture and to add a tint to it. Remove tea bags. Stir and shake well. Keep refrigerated so it goes solid and aloe does not separate out and zinc stays well mixed in.

    • @PK-wv4st
      @PK-wv4st Рік тому

    • @VeganChiefWarrior
      @VeganChiefWarrior Рік тому

      funny you say that, i read aloe works better for your skin when ingested, now i just need to eat more rosemary to keep my hair strong, i developed a random weak patch in my beard recently and it wont grow back so im going to try rosemary oil but maybe its also time to make use of my rosemary plant, might need a sunnier spot for it

  • @judgerock3419
    @judgerock3419 Рік тому +7

    You gotta be kidding me.

  • @TuscanWonder
    @TuscanWonder Рік тому

    I’ve been using tretinon sparingly for 20 years due to acne. What has caused such deaths in those clinical trials? Should I use differen or another retinoid?

    • @LeonardoLion
      @LeonardoLion Рік тому +1

      You're 100% good. Watch Dr. Drays response video.

  • @lorah3005
    @lorah3005 Рік тому +10

    👍 Whole food plant based for the environment and health; vegan for the victims!

  • @Pierluigi996
    @Pierluigi996 Рік тому +3

    So tretinoin is the problem but not retinol right?

    • @jrmint2
      @jrmint2 Рік тому +6

      They didn't test how would we know? also the tretinoin trial seems small

    • @Pierluigi996
      @Pierluigi996 Рік тому

      @@jrmint2 oh ok thanks! So is it safe still? Or should we be considered?

    • @VeganChiefWarrior
      @VeganChiefWarrior Рік тому

      retinol only works for acne, tret acid peels your whole face off, just exfoliate youl end up better off

  • @FerideD
    @FerideD Рік тому +5

    Disappointed in the misleading way this video ended. Kinda makes me regret getting multiple copies of the latest book.

    • @voicedbird
      @voicedbird 11 місяців тому +3

      Agree this was sketchy as hell. I immediately unsubscribed.

    • @julietteyork6293
      @julietteyork6293 9 місяців тому +2

      I stopped following him too. This isn’t the first study he’s misinterpreted.

  • @simmiedavissimmiesings8185
    @simmiedavissimmiesings8185 Рік тому +2

    Mary Kay makes a very effective retinol cream combined with a calming lotion. No scripts needed.

  • @AndrewPawley11
    @AndrewPawley11 Рік тому +1

    I love this channel!

  • @aroundandround
    @aroundandround Рік тому +5

    I expect any expert talking about reversing skin aging to show their face and be a picture of healthy glowing timeless skin themselves.

    • @LGuetz
      @LGuetz Рік тому +1


    • @davin8r
      @davin8r Рік тому +18

      Then you clearly don't know much about how and why scientific research studies are done.

    • @mediokritet
      @mediokritet Рік тому +16

      You confuse human scientists with perfect omnipotent robogods

    • @aroundandround
      @aroundandround Рік тому +1

      @@mediokritet Greger is not a scientist. That’s laughable.

    • @davin8r
      @davin8r Рік тому +8

      @@aroundandround what's laughable is that you clearly don't know the definition of a scientist

  • @quietstormaps
    @quietstormaps Рік тому

    I just got a prescription for using retin a, lol. I wonder if using it once a week is effective for anti-aging.

  • @methodtraining
    @methodtraining Рік тому +1

    1 to 8%?? That’s a huge percentage. I was prescribed 0.5%.

  • @juliedesnick7401
    @juliedesnick7401 Рік тому +11

    OMG! Needed spoiler alert. Watch the whole video. In the end he says, Tretinoin is great, but it might kill you! It's banned in Europe.

    • @Veemerica
      @Veemerica Рік тому +12

      It's not banned in Europe. I am using it and I'm in the Netherlands

    • @Mimijona
      @Mimijona Рік тому +10

      Its not banned at all, its just a drug that needs prescription. Such weird way of communicating it. A version of this adapalene only recently is available OTC in the states and tretinoin is still precription in the states just like in EU. Wtf. From what I know there are studies over decadea on it and it is a very researched drug that many use just for cosmetic purpose but yes still require perscription. Some countries in Asia sell it OTC anyways…

    • @Veemerica
      @Veemerica Рік тому +6

      @@Mimijona yes, a very weird way of communicating. Tretinoin has been used for many decades. It saddens me as I always trusted de. G. Now I wonder...

    • @juliedesnick7401
      @juliedesnick7401 Рік тому +5

      Thanks for the replies. It appears to be a complicated question that Greger oversimplified. Here's one thing that I found. Look this up: no retinol is not banned but these are the changes proposed by the European Union.

  • @davin8r
    @davin8r Рік тому +13

    It's pronounced "tret-in-O-in", doc.😉

    • @NutritionFactsOrg
      @NutritionFactsOrg  Рік тому +3

      I thought so to, but google puts the emphasis on the ti

    • @davin8r
      @davin8r Рік тому +13

      @@NutritionFactsOrg I've been practicing dermatology for 16 years and never heard it pronounced like that, but there are more important things to worry about😆

    • @meganmanson6488
      @meganmanson6488 Рік тому

  • @elchicousana2
    @elchicousana2 Рік тому +1

    As chemistry, I'd rather use natural betacaroten and astaxanthin, than synthetic vit A form, as retinol.

    • @samvandervelden8243
      @samvandervelden8243 Рік тому +2

      There's no difference between naturally derived retinol and the synthetic retinol in topical products

    • @elchicousana2
      @elchicousana2 Рік тому

      @@samvandervelden8243 you are right nephrotoxicity and citotoxicity is a fancy word that doctors use instead of sandman to scary people to over use synthetic drugs.
      Also UI (as in international units) to define absorption, biodisponibility and pharmacokinetics are some fancy stuff laboratories use just for fun to look elegant.

    • @VeganChiefWarrior
      @VeganChiefWarrior Рік тому

      @@samvandervelden8243 actually there is, the natural form didnt help with skin aging, only acne

  • @aroundandround
    @aroundandround Рік тому +5

    Scientists can’t figure out which of the retinblah tretinbleh compounds help because they themselves got all confused with the names.

    • @aaronsuever4362
      @aaronsuever4362 Рік тому +8

      No they didn’t get confused. They have a separate name for each version. It’s just confusing to people who don’t study this topic closely enough to understand the differences. And the information presented here is what some of the results are, of studies that have done so far. As usual, there is no “magic bullet”. Some of them help, some help more than others, some have more side effects than others. If you want to mock the science, then maybe you should become a scientist and do a better study.
      I’m tired of seeing people who barely know the first thing about science, dumping on science like they know better.
      And don’t get me started on all the science deniers that use smartphones and don’t see the irony.

    • @SkyRiver1
      @SkyRiver1 Рік тому +5

      @@aaronsuever4362 Evidently you are not able to determine if a statement is humorous sarcasm.

    • @aaronsuever4362
      @aaronsuever4362 Рік тому +3

      @@SkyRiver1 No, I saw the humorous intent. But it was mis-placed humor.
      Nobody knows the answers until they study it, and until enough good studies have been done to have some confidence in the results. All the various compounds makes the topic confusing, yes.
      But the scientists doing the studies aren’t confused by the names. Everyone else, probably yes.

    • @SkyRiver1
      @SkyRiver1 Рік тому +3

      @@aaronsuever4362 Thanks for yet another blinding flash of the obvious. I think that both aroundandaround and myself knew, the "wisdom" contained in your first comment to begin with. But if you actually perceived the joke, neither of your comments indicate it in the least.

    • @aaronsuever4362
      @aaronsuever4362 Рік тому +3

      @@SkyRiver1 perceived it, just wasn’t funny to me. Jokes are rarely funny *to everyone*. As I’m not perceiving value in your “wisdom” either, I’ll just say “thanks” and move along to better things. Have a nice day! 😊

  • @The_Catnip
    @The_Catnip Рік тому

    I guess I am an anomaly, because I have Hashimoto's, Celiac, Sjögren's, Vitiligo (Hashi and Celi came way before tretinoin), I am using 0.025% tretinoin since maybe 2015-2016, and I have no problems with the cream or with my body/blood.
    Tretinoin not banned in Europe, in my country I can buy it from a huge store without prescription.
    Also, if anyone LOOKS UP the de@ths of these people, they would find out that they couldn't found correlations, not to mention the lack of background data about the patients.
    Why do you want to ban tretinoin this much, Dr.?

  • @voicedbird
    @voicedbird 11 місяців тому +2

    This video is so misleading and disappointing. Especially because if I didnt happen to be obsessed with and well versed in skincare I'd be taking this at face value and avoiding tretinoin for no good reason. It's seriously making me question his nutritional advice if he's willing to put out a video like this. Everyone please watch Dr Dray's response to this instead. Get skincare advice from actual board certified dermatologists.

  • @00mysunrise00
    @00mysunrise00 11 місяців тому

    Tretinoin is not banned in Europe, fyi

    • @Urmomlolllllll
      @Urmomlolllllll 11 місяців тому

      True. Its use is restricted though and should be monitored by a professional because if added to an already high vitamin A intake (through food and supplements), you will exceed the recommended daily dose. Vitamin A overdose can lead to side effects, liver damage being the worst outcome.

  • @VeganChiefWarrior
    @VeganChiefWarrior Рік тому

    i thought the best way was to intake it.. like aloe vera, rubbing aloe vera on the skin doesnt seem as effective as eating it according to studies

    • @BoogieBoogsForever
      @BoogieBoogsForever Рік тому

      That seems nuts.
      Which might also help if ingesting helps. 😂

  • @lilo4784
    @lilo4784 Рік тому

    Is Botox preventing crows feet safe

  • @jean6460
    @jean6460 Рік тому

    Trentinoin made me feel so anxious, I had to stop it!!! Crazy!!

    • @davin8r
      @davin8r Рік тому +16

      That wasn't the tretinoin, it was your anxiety.

    • @jean6460
      @jean6460 Рік тому +4

      @@davin8r is it not possible that Trentinoin can make anxiety worse?

    • @aaronsuever4362
      @aaronsuever4362 Рік тому +3

      @@davin8r the implication was that the anxiety returned to previous level when they stopped use. And the video acknowledged that it can be absorbed systemically, meaning that it doesn’t just stay on the skin. So it’s entirely possible that it could have any number of effects. If other users experienced similar symptoms it would be worthwhile to investigate, since so many people have interest in using these products.

    • @davin8r
      @davin8r Рік тому

      @@jean6460 sure, for instance if you're worried about the increased risk of death seen in the Veterans Affairs study mentioned at the end of the video.

    • @Macorelppa
      @Macorelppa Рік тому

      That's Placebo

  • @angiebee598
    @angiebee598 Рік тому +3

    You just broke my heart 😉

  • @jennifers6435
    @jennifers6435 11 місяців тому +1

    Another quack

  • @Alcysx
    @Alcysx 7 місяців тому

    The only people who defend your quackery are other vegans, I swear.

  • @jennifers6435
    @jennifers6435 11 місяців тому

    You mean there is no free lunch?

  • @V3V0.2M
    @V3V0.2M Рік тому

    wasnt the deaths becuase using tretinoin or retinol in the daytime causes teh sun to react with it increasing cancer risk or something?

  • @LOVEisTHEultimateLAW
    @LOVEisTHEultimateLAW Рік тому

    For a second I thought you were preaching about accutane LMFAO I ll just eat my greens thx

  • @thomasowens5824
    @thomasowens5824 Рік тому +4


  • @Nisa_Young
    @Nisa_Young Рік тому +3

    Just stop using those creams and use lemon juice on a cotton swap and rub it on your face . Cucumber and watermelon to moisturize there.

    • @alp2610
      @alp2610 Рік тому +2

      Lemon juice is how you damage skin

    • @lexly
      @lexly Рік тому +21

      Honestly this is horrible advice for good skin care. Please look into the issues with using citrus fruits topically!

    • @momi_yuki_diary
      @momi_yuki_diary Рік тому +11

      Yes, putting lemon juice directly on your face is not only irritating to the skin but also increases photosensitivity. Stable forms of Vitamin C such as Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate (SAP) formulated into serums and such is what is recommended.