Transit Systems Inner West 2158 ST Volvo B12BLE Euro 5 Custom Coaches CB60 EVOII Bus ride.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @SamuelThing
    @SamuelThing 7 днів тому

    Sorry For Spamming 😢😢😢

    • @travelexplorer774
      @travelexplorer774  7 днів тому +1

      @@SamuelThing It’s okay. Just don’t do it again.

    • @SamuelThing
      @SamuelThing 7 днів тому

      Actually, it was me I’m a kid

    • @EOL66852
      @EOL66852 7 днів тому

      you see @travelexplorer774 you need to trust the right person to not do it again. because otherwise someone else on the same account will abuse it again and again. & i cant tell who the person is if they simply can't be trusted you know because I was aware at that time that this account was under the same name as it was the same person who was spamming then someone else was on that account. trying to blame me last time. as the main issue is,1. trusting the right person under the same account name weather it's the person or someone else running it, & 2. giving people too much privileges of commenting like whatever they want. should be limited to people who are transport enthusiast that can give insight and information on about buses in our state. but too much freedom will let them go too far. as transport vloggers have a hard time doing their job doing what they love on a daily basis because they enjoy filming public transport for everyone. with people taking up so much attention on the comments from other people, I just feel that, they need to give others a chance & not take the spotlight away from everyone. because the comments were there designed to allow everyone to give their say on a video.
      but spamming is taking it too far for attention. because people simply need to do the right thing and work on their behaviour to make the vloggers job easier. be careful about the person you trust @travelexplorer774 because this person might still have refused of not doing it again. but always keep watch on your comments in case he does it again. because I was the one raising the issue with this account to make sure your videos are not being spammed too much by people just seeking attention. so if it's understood that people can't expect to get attention their way all the time.

  • @SamuelThing
    @SamuelThing 7 днів тому

    Sorry What i Did