Roar winds! Froth sea! In my heart it foments more; Strike misfortune’s tempest! Courage will defiantly prevail. Joyously he faces danger, Like the sun eagle a-hunting, Diving with cheeks fresh and red Dauntless towards certain death. Oh how blessed is the man Who in truth can say: You, Danger, are my bride, Loyally to me betrothed. Oh how blessed is the man Who in truth can say: Courage, you are like sunshine. Courage, you are a noble wine! Sunshine retains its light, Juice of the vines ages not: Thus is valiant courage eternal, Thus a hero’s blood blenches not. Should the world be torn asunder, Courage remains firm and steadfast; Yes, if the sky itself collapses, Courage becomes a god amongst gods.
Was war das erhebend bei der Abschlussdisco des letzten WGT in der Volkspalast-Kantine, als die Masse der Tanzenden und Umstehenden in den Kehrreim einfiel!
Roar winds! Froth sea!
In my heart it foments more;
Strike misfortune’s tempest!
Courage will defiantly prevail.
Joyously he faces danger,
Like the sun eagle a-hunting,
Diving with cheeks fresh and red
Dauntless towards certain death.
Oh how blessed is the man
Who in truth can say:
You, Danger, are my bride,
Loyally to me betrothed.
Oh how blessed is the man
Who in truth can say:
Courage, you are like sunshine.
Courage, you are a noble wine!
Sunshine retains its light,
Juice of the vines ages not:
Thus is valiant courage eternal,
Thus a hero’s blood blenches not.
Should the world be torn asunder,
Courage remains firm and steadfast;
Yes, if the sky itself collapses,
Courage becomes a god amongst gods.
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Was war das erhebend bei der Abschlussdisco des letzten WGT in der Volkspalast-Kantine, als die Masse der Tanzenden und Umstehenden in den Kehrreim einfiel!
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