Does God exist?

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024


  • @WaveFunctionCollapsed
    @WaveFunctionCollapsed 5 місяців тому

    0:25 that part destroyed atheism in seconds 😂

    • @jeremiahseitz9842
      @jeremiahseitz9842 2 місяці тому

      You apparently have a different definition of that word. Probably all of them, but sure, let's continue.

    • @WaveFunctionCollapsed
      @WaveFunctionCollapsed 2 місяці тому

      bro combined proof of all those words logically follows to god

  • @carolynedunsford6582
    @carolynedunsford6582 Рік тому


  • @WaveFunctionCollapsed
    @WaveFunctionCollapsed 2 роки тому +2


    • @nickdelancy2731
      @nickdelancy2731 2 роки тому +6

      Krishna is a false, dead god. Holds no power, other than the power that demons and Satan can perform. The last truth sounds like there are other truths. It's completely illogical. How can two opposing truths both be true at the same time?
      Christ said He is the way, the truth and the life. That eternal life can only be known through Him. Jesus Christ is life. Salvation can only be known by placing your faith and trust in the finished work (atonement) on the cross for sin. That true forgiveness of sins can be found ONLY in the God of the Bible. Narrow is the way that leads to life. Christianity is not one road of many. It's the only road. You must be willing to give up your current life and choose Him. Count the cost. Please beg for mercy, pray that your heart be changed. I pray for you and God bless.

  • @sear9993
    @sear9993 Рік тому +1

    If god exists and he is omnipotent, he should have the ability to appear right in front of me. "Seeing isn't believing", is not a valid excuse because why should I believe that someone or something exists, when there exists no solid proof that they do. If god appears in front of me, I will fully believe, but I seriously doubt that would happen.
    On your first point: "Morality, goodness, evilness, and emotion exists, therefore god exists".
    This does not prove god's existence. We act with others' wellbeing in mind because we have our own wellbeing in mind. If someone murders someone else, then everyone doesn't like that person. Humans are social animals and when nobody likes you, then it's going to make life much, much harder on you.
    Your second point: "Logic points to god because a cause and effect chain cannot go back infinitely".
    Nobody knows for sure whether or not there even was a beginning to everything. Maybe there was something before the big bang. We have never observed god in any sort of way (you might say that you have, but if someone genuinely has, there would 100% be proof that god exists somewhere such as a recording of something god is doing that cannot be physically explained to be a natural phenomenon). In fact, logic points in the opposite direction of god because if the biblical god did exist, he would conflict directly with what we know to be 100% true: evolution. There is physical evidence to support evolution, while none exists to support the "Adam and Eve", story. Also, the biblical firmament doesn't exist at all (I can't believe I have to say this, but the earth is not flat).
    Your third point: "Subatomic particles give evidence that they must have been arranged in this exact way by a creator because if they were not, then life wouldn't exist as we know it".
    I think the reason "hardened atheists" cannot explain it very easily is because it's rooted in some place where we do not know fully yet. Also my expertise is severely limited on this specific topic just as I suspect yours must be. Atheists can't prove that they weren't created by an omnipotent creator because their ideals are much harder to prove than yours. When you can't explain something, you just slap god's name on it and call it a day. For instance: "Particles are arranged in a way in which life can exist, therefore god did it". If atheists had to prove something, they have to actually study the subject and have %100 factual evidence for their theory. If they don't, it's just a theory and may not be true.
    Your fourth point: "If some cave paintings depicting English words are found, archeologists would assume intelligent life. DNA is also a thing and it's complex, therefore god did it".
    We have evidence that points to a hominid making that cave painting (i.e. seeing another hominid making another cave painting)
    Your fifth point: "Moral principles are drastically disconnected from the ruthless, selfish reasoning that one would expect of a creature that evolved to survive at any cost".
    Nobody should expect selfish and ruthless reasoning from intelligent evolution. If so, why should they? It helps people live when they have good morals because they can team up with other people that have good morals. The ones with bad morals don't get to team up and have offspring because they have bad morals. We evolved along with each other. We did not evolve in different worlds with the same conditions. I think that if we did evolve as individual people without having any other human contact, we would probably have worse morals than we do now.
    Your sixth point: "The Bible depicts places that actually do exist, so therefore, everything in it must be true".
    This makes no logical sense. Just because some things in the Bible are true, doesn't mean that everything in the Bible is true.
    I was trying to see if anyone would provide proof that god exists, but all that showed up were radical Christians that say god exists. If I'm going to believe in something, I need proof. That's just the most logical way of going after something. Christianity really seems like a cult that so many people are a part of. I grew up in the "Bible belt", which is a place where it's extremely hard to find someone that's not Christian, so I was Christian myself, until I realized that the only reason I believed in god was that the people around me indoctrinated me into believing. I asked myself if god existed. I also tried to ask god if he existed with no avail. Please, if you have evidence that god does exist, reply to me. Also, if believing in god makes you happier, keep doing it. There is no reason that someone should stop believing in god if it makes them happy and it doesn't bother others. Thank you.

    • @brandonrobles6387
      @brandonrobles6387 Рік тому

      1.”We act with others’ well being in mind because we have our own well-being in mind.” Humans don’t always act considering others’ well being (ex. The holocaust)
      2. The universe had a beginning. It’s a scientific discovery. (ex. The afterglow of the Big Bang explosion). God has always been active, in history he’s done miracles, cameras are a modern invention so we can only confirm that he did supernatural acts based on historical evidence/archaeology. Macroevolution is not 100% true. The flat earth comment, well I guess you’re misinterpreting the Bible.
      3. A theory would be proven true if it is tested repeatedly, we cannot repeat the moment when life began. Observational science is what they’re arguing, we see complex systems like a computer that couldn’t possibly be arranged perfectly by nothing, intelligence had to form it. (Like the universe & subatomic particles)
      4.Again, something we observe that couldn’t have been caused by non intelligence.
      5. No moral foundation, then there’s no way to say what’s good and evil. Morality would be subjective, and no one can say someone else is bad.
      6.It’s not just “some things” it’s many essential events that the Bible speaks about that are supported by archeology.
      As limited human beings, we don’t have the knowledge to find absolute proof for God’s existence or non-existence. It takes less faith to believe God exits than to believe he doesn’t.

    • @sear9993
      @sear9993 Рік тому +1

      @@brandonrobles6387 Thank you for not acting like these other people that just comment NPC-like comments like "Jesus is with you🙏", however, I will pick apart your argument where "complex systems like a computer that couldn’t possibly be arranged perfectly by nothing, intelligence had to form it", since it's the easiest to do so first. Nobody should ever assume that, just because something is complex, it was created by intelligent life. There is simply no basis that would make you have to assume that intelligent life created it. We could have occurred because some sort of formation of some sort of atoms were able to survive and, in turn, they were able to reproduce and evolve from there. My expertise on evolution is limited, but I do think it makes sense. If you're saying that two people were just "put here", thousands of years ago, then I think that makes less sense than evolution. Something that we have no evidence that supports it, versus something that we could see plausibly happening. Next, we have the part where you said that "since we didn't have cameras when Jesus was alive, then we couldn't have gotten proof of Jesus/God's existence". This just doesn't make very much sense to me because plenty of people said that they have "seen", god at some point, but not a single person actually has video evidence. Not even a single person tried to take a video of god. A plausible thing that I think you might say to this is "Well he destroys all video/photo evidence of himself because he wants you to have faith in him instead of just believing". There is no point to having "faith", that he exists, when it would "save" more people if the video/photo evidence did exist. I'm not going to talk about all your points since I don't want to type out a book, but I hope I didn't come off rude. I simply don't think anyone other than the big man upstairs himself could convince me that he exists.
      Edit: I just thought about the argument where "Complex life, therefore god" some more. Computers are complex and nature hasn't created one. DNA is complex and humans haven't created any (from scratch).

    • @brandonrobles6387
      @brandonrobles6387 Рік тому

      @@sear9993 No evidence exits that proves chemical reactions formed life. Chances are higher to get hit by lightning than winning the lottery jackpot. Now a world that can sustain life requires the perfect distance from the sun, enough water, the perfect gravitational force, etc etc. Too many precise constants that we assume couldn’t have happened by chance. Even the cell, it’s like another world in there. It’s like forensics, we observe something so perfectly well formed like the computer that I mentioned and conclude “someone formed it because we haven’t ever observed something like this being formed by non intelligence, but we have observed complex systems being made by intelligent humans.

    • @sear9993
      @sear9993 Рік тому +1

      @@brandonrobles6387 It's not a coincidence that we just "Formed on the correct planet that has the perfect conditions to support life". We formed on this planet because it is one that has all of those perfect conditions because, well, it's the perfect one to form on.

    • @brandonrobles6387
      @brandonrobles6387 Рік тому

      @@sear9993 Yeah but the question is, how did it began? Space, time, and matter came into existence at the moment of the Big Bang. But before there was nothing, so something had to cause everything to begin to exist. Either something or nothing brought everything into existence.

  • @marknieuweboer8099
    @marknieuweboer8099 2 роки тому

    How many gods?