The darkest point in the life of the oppressed is when oppression becomes the rudder of ones being. It is such a joy and encouragement indeed when seeing the likes of this wonderful Son of Ashour and listen to words out of the wellspirng of national devotion to an undying cause. how could it, though ................if we haven't yet awaken, may it be soon. O'friend of the journey of some may your word be carried upon the waves of the stratosphere, alas lest they touch and inflame the heart of other journeymen or perhaps become the scream of a broken heart and the alarm to awaken the slumbering thousands. Thank you friend and may our good God bless you.
God bless you Khona ashoraya
The darkest point in the life of the oppressed is when oppression becomes the rudder of ones being. It is such a joy and encouragement indeed when seeing the likes of this wonderful Son of Ashour and listen to words out of the wellspirng of national devotion to an undying cause. how could it, though ................if we haven't yet awaken, may it be soon. O'friend of the journey of some may your word be carried upon the waves of the stratosphere, alas lest they touch and inflame the heart of other journeymen or perhaps become the scream of a broken heart and the alarm to awaken the slumbering thousands. Thank you friend and may our good God bless you.
basma kanokh khona khlapieel al ane khabrne
Theres gotta be more poems like this.. that’s gangsta