So sad… Yer’s husband is so old and it took so LONG for her to finally come to America’s I hope that he treats her well. Glad she’s finally able to come to the states, wishing her the best.
Zoo siab ib sij pos tuaj in TU lis xwb cov mj hmoos ces thiab cov zoo g tham hluas nruag ces Tau tuaj xwb 2.lis es yg cov tham 2 hluas nruag ces lm g tos ces g Tau tuaj me kas lis Hmong es ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
Twb zoo li tsis nyiam tus txiv li as ntshaw 2 thaub laus hmoob meskas do pliaj ntshe tos tuaj rau lwm tus li Tooj Loob Lauj tus Maiv Lauj xwb os! Tuaj txog tsis yuav peb mam yuav los hlub nawb ok!
Tus yawm txiv tais Ntxawm tus txiv tsis ua kom haib2 es zoo li thaub quav yeeb xwb yog mus nram teb paj qaum ntuj xwb lol! Tais Ntxawm es twb zoo li tsis nyiam tus txiv li es ntshe tuaj zoo li Maiv Lauj Bliaj Yob xwb os! Tuaj yuav txiv yau
ab lawv es cas 1 cov nyob nplog 1 cov nyob meka,1 cov nyob thaib, 1 cov nyob suav,nyob thoob qabntuj, es peb hmoob nim tsis muaj 1 daim av nrog luag nyob ne yom?.
Paj vaum zoo2 nkauj tos ib tug me tub hluas hmoob zoo2 nraug los yuav paj vaum tuaj li meskas no nawb paj vaum
Paj vuam ma zoo nkauj tiag tiag li os yom nw ma zoo zoo nkauj li os
I felt niam tais pain . I would be so sad but happy as well 😢
Omg i know. Especially since her granddaughter was just born
Yus niam mas thiaj txawj hlub yus nco yus tshaj lwm tus xwb os lawv aws
Nyab meej very pretty
Niam dua rhe niam ib nplooj Siab mug rau ib sab ntuj lawm ceg niam yuav nco heev li os lawv aw.
Baby MAs cute tshaj li os
Zoo siab os tais ntxawm! 😊
Wow she finally going lol
Tai ntxawm twb tau ib tug me ab lawm lo
Zoo li tais Ntxawm tsis tau mag dua li tsis tau nrog yawm txiv pw es tseem ntshaw2 tsis xav nrog tus txiv li os!
Nrog me muam ntxawm Zoo siab nb
hlub nyab meej tais ntxawm lawm nyab yuav ua nyob os nyab meej 😂😂
Tais nxtwam puas muaj youtube channel os?
Tai ntawm aw kj yuav txiv ntev dhau mam tau tuaj zoo siab kawg tau tuaj mu mekas lawm tiag os
Nkauj nag ces ua siab nyob nplog teb lau tsis kam tuaj ua hmoob meskas nyab ces yuav nyob xyaw plaus plav av nplog
Ua li cas nej tus nyab Meej ho tsis tau tuaj li nas los?😊
Omg I feel so sad for the mom!
Sad 😭😭
Yuav tau zoo siab
Tais ntxawm Nyob lub lav twg na
paj vawm aw koj zoo22 nkauj es koj meb koj phob puas kam koj yuav kuv tus me tub os kuv ma nyiam22 koj kawg li os
Ob tug vauv plua nuj ib yam ua ib lub tsev rau niam tais lnyob laws mas
Me Nkauj Nag aw ntev dhau li lawm Cia Ntxawm kav tsij tuaj os
Twb tuaj mekas es tseem nqa bottle noj mis nyuam qhuav tso mis tseg los
Txhob quaj os twb tos ntev kawg mas tau mus thiab os
Tus niam tais yuag li yuag tsis yog nws yug pob?
es tais ntxawm twb muaj ib tug me ab lawm thiab los cas zoo li tdb tsi pom plab loj li ne
Tus yawm txiv ko ntshe taj heev pob zoo li tsis paub abtsi li sub! Ntshe tos niam tais tsis tshua ncawg los zoo li tsis tau kam as lod!
So sad… Yer’s husband is so old and it took so LONG for her to finally come to America’s I hope that he treats her well. Glad she’s finally able to come to the states, wishing her the best.
He’s not as old as other ones we’ve all seen. He still has hair and not bald 😂
Yes he is old
He is almost 50.
What city does her husband live??
Zoo siab ib sij pos tuaj in TU lis xwb cov mj hmoos ces thiab cov zoo g tham hluas nruag ces Tau tuaj xwb 2.lis es yg cov tham 2 hluas nruag ces lm g tos ces g Tau tuaj me kas lis Hmong es ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
tus niam kajsiab xyooj es cas txog tav no tsis muaj npe tuaj meka li na twb tau 3 xyoo lawm sav.
Xam phaj kom tau Visa tsis yooj yim😂 muaj coob khuam txog 4,5,6 xyoo vim yog cov niag ua hauj lwm thuj visa muab lus nug nyuaj dhau rau luag twv
Twb zoo li tsis nyiam tus txiv li as ntshaw 2 thaub laus hmoob meskas do pliaj ntshe tos tuaj rau lwm tus li Tooj Loob Lauj tus Maiv Lauj xwb os! Tuaj txog tsis yuav peb mam yuav los hlub nawb ok!
Tus yawm txiv tais Ntxawm tus txiv tsis ua kom haib2 es zoo li thaub quav yeeb xwb yog mus nram teb paj qaum ntuj xwb lol! Tais Ntxawm es twb zoo li tsis nyiam tus txiv li es ntshe tuaj zoo li Maiv Lauj Bliaj Yob xwb os! Tuaj yuav txiv yau
Luag es luag ntxhi xwb es yus cas quaj los luag Tsis k os. Vim luag tau kev zoo siab lawm.
Is that baby girl tais ntxawm baby?
Yes it is Tais Ntxawm and Koos Loos baby.
How old is tais ntxawm husband?
Almost 50 years old.
Muab tus baby ntim suitcase lawm Los?
ab lawv es cas 1 cov nyob nplog 1 cov nyob meka,1 cov nyob thaib, 1 cov nyob suav,nyob thoob qabntuj, es peb hmoob nim tsis muaj 1 daim av nrog luag nyob ne yom?.