Xamarin Forms SSMS CRUD Operations

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @robertoadame2768
    @robertoadame2768 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for sharing the knowledge with us!

  • @ianbernardo9537
    @ianbernardo9537 4 місяці тому

    Great content! You're good, man!!!

    @RANJITHKUMAR-sn2gp 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you brother it is so nice and helpfull to beginers.

  • @sinanshepherd5385
    @sinanshepherd5385 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you bro👏🏻Very good

  • @islamicstatusofficial6670
    @islamicstatusofficial6670 Рік тому

    It is a superb / best one tutorial

  • @islamicstatusofficial6670
    @islamicstatusofficial6670 Рік тому

    Thanks a lot for guiding

  • @samianouar2958
    @samianouar2958 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks for the tutorial,
    How to do if we have a sqlserver sp ?

    • @xamaringuy1951
      @xamaringuy1951  2 роки тому

      Sorry for late reply. We need to use api's.

  • @dhirenpathak
    @dhirenpathak Рік тому +1

    Same method apply in Maui Blazor App ???

  • @careerscv5469
    @careerscv5469 2 роки тому +1

    Dear Friend, I try to use your code step its a successful connection using SQL server 2012 but when i am try to save record its not save in the database please help me where is the issue even i am not getting any error

  • @modifiedvideos3591
    @modifiedvideos3591 2 роки тому

    Hi bro, I used my local ipv4 address but not connected to SQL it's showing connection error.

  • @SaurabhKumar-ys1rk
    @SaurabhKumar-ys1rk 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks buddy

  • @nambith90
    @nambith90 2 роки тому +2

    Thanks very nice. If u have time please share API with sql server db.Thanks

  • @abcd-xy5ij
    @abcd-xy5ij 3 роки тому

    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object i have use your code but this excepption occur pls solve it

  • @AMIRKHAN-dm2fm
    @AMIRKHAN-dm2fm 3 роки тому

    can we connect our SSMS with xamarin app without internet connection? Thanks

  • @rianbello6286
    @rianbello6286 2 роки тому +1

    With this tutorial i have some stupid idea... Maybe we can connect to our local database from outside with some kind of VPN so the connection will be more save.
    But Yes, with web api, your credential data will more save and not explosed from outside user. But with more setting maybe limittation of instalation, IP, user, mac address or other things, this tutorial ways should will be save...
    Just stupid idea but on my way to figure it out... 😆

  • @charlesarthur1243
    @charlesarthur1243 2 роки тому

    I had this error: login failed for user 'admin'. please, help me

  • @asmaa.7150
    @asmaa.7150 2 роки тому

    You’re life Safer , but i do some problems with the date type in my Table i have for the date of birth ( date time) for the data type in sql Alao decimal type for the salary and other type so can you please help with cuz it only print the data as text not the entry data I hope you can see my comments and help me to solve it 😔

  • @rahul_salokhe
    @rahul_salokhe 3 роки тому +2

    Your SQL credentials exposed in app so I think it is not best approach for app security point-of-view.

    • @xamaringuy1951
      @xamaringuy1951  3 роки тому +4

      Yes, this tutorial was made just for creating small scaled apps. If you want to create large apps then you have to follow API Creation with SSMS sql db and Bearer token implementation.

    • @sentrycod2373
      @sentrycod2373 2 роки тому

      @@xamaringuy1951 Shouldn't this be what you make a tutorial on then?

    • @SanongPenmongkol
      @SanongPenmongkol Рік тому

      To be faire, the video showing how to access SQL which is a typical way of doing, apart from entity framework. To move a more scalable or high secure whatever, as a developer you can surely try and adopt yourself thru Rest API etc.

  • @islamicstatusofficial6670
    @islamicstatusofficial6670 Рік тому

    But It is working on PC but on Mobile it shut down

  • @islamicstatusofficial6670
    @islamicstatusofficial6670 Рік тому

    I Mean it is even not loading

    • @xamaringuy1951
      @xamaringuy1951  Рік тому

      Please configure your region as mentioned in last past of this video watch it carefully