Saving Wild Salmon by Changing the Way We Fish

  • Опубліковано 15 лип 2014
  • Narrator Bruce Greenwood joins First Nations, fishermen, conservationists, and other experts to explain how we can save wild Pacific salmon and eat them, too, by changing the way we fish. TO LEARN HOW YOU CAN HELP, go here:


  • @OrionsMoonmaiden
    @OrionsMoonmaiden 10 років тому +2

    I am German, and I didn't know about those things. I knew about various forms of aqua-culture and it's problems, but nothing about selective fishing. Thank you very much for informing! Thank you, Mr. Greenwood, for drawing attention! Great video!

  • @RiverVoicesfilms
    @RiverVoicesfilms 9 років тому +1

    thank you! this is the best film i have seen on the salmon!

  • @andrewwright13
    @andrewwright13 5 років тому

    Great docu short! Glad to see almost 7k people have seen it now

  • @katmidds
    @katmidds 10 років тому +2

    Great video, thanks for sharing

  • @flylooper
    @flylooper 9 років тому

    A wonderful, informative video. As a lifelong sport salmon and steelhead fly fisher, I must say I am not optimistic about creating a conservation ethic. My observation is that commercial fishermen would take the very last fish of any marketable species, given the opportunity.

  • @kohltonclark22
    @kohltonclark22 7 років тому +1

    that sounds good, hope you guys achieve your goal

  • @dwardconsult
    @dwardconsult 9 років тому +1

    I have a great concern regarding the situation where there is mixed stock and terminal fisheries removing stocks at the same time! The fish only have the terminal habitat for refuge now, when they have escaped the mixed stock nets. What will happen to if they are harvested in both zones? I hope for careful cooperation between the two to avoid a "double impact" on the fish.

    • @johnhorner9692
      @johnhorner9692 9 років тому

      I agree this is a major concern of mine too

  • @uligen9519
    @uligen9519 6 років тому +1

    yeah freaking right, man...some of u people over fished, and created minning, and fracking ruins the echo system....logging...stop

  • @WildSalmonCove
    @WildSalmonCove 10 років тому +1

    Follow the money . . . Wild Salmon Profiteering
    Jim Pattison Salmon Profit

  • @WildSalmonCove
    @WildSalmonCove 10 років тому +3

    Brilliant video, but ...
    Jim Pattison, who owns CANFISCO, the largest salmon processor in Canada, looks at a video like this and laughs. Pattison through his monopolistic power in the wild salmon market makes a mockery through his actions of everything good you promote.
    Fishers and celebrity chefs really need to get onboard with your proposal and stand together, which unfortunately, to date, they do not for a number of reasons. There is no middle ground for negotiation regarding the survival of wild salmon. Fishers and chefs, if they agree with your philosophy, can no longer walk both sides of the line. Fishers cannot continue to sell salmon to Pattison, and chefs cannot continue to cook Pattison salmon when he supplies it for use as a promotional tool at local festivals.
    The "you are either with me or against me" mantra applies here. If you see Pattison's brand on it, walk, and let people know through your social media presence why you chose the high road. You need to name names so consumers get a clear picture. Pardon the pun, but don't let Pattison off the hook.
    Pattison ships millions and millions of tons of "canned" wild BC salmon to Europe like it was the 1800's because it generates very high profit. The plight of wild salmon would be better served by letting them spawn and decompose on the shores of the Fraser or Skeena. Pattison's harmful export practice needs to stop today.
    Pattison primarily understands one thing, and it is profit. If you don't appreciate what motivates him, money, you will never have an impact on changing how he does business, and if you can't get him to change how he does business, wild BC salmon are doomed.
    Small change can have BIG impact. You can start by buying cars only from Pattison competitors, or at the very least, if you drive one of his vehicles, remove his logo from it so you don't advertise his brand. Collect all the removed logos and send them to local news companies NOT OWNED by Pattison, which will be a challenge because he owns a lot of mainstream news companies. Competitive media companies will eat it up!
    Buy space on a Pattison billboard in downtown Vancouver to advertise the salmon message, and when Jim refuses to sell it to you, use social media to let everyone know why. Mainstream news media will love that too!
    We live in a world of disruptive marketing, where smaller entities now have power to undermine sales of monoliths. If consumers make an ethical choice because they have proper information, it will have a trickle-down effect on Pattison profit.
    Follow the money.
    BC Fishers Made Scapegoats

  • @shelleyottenbrite6616
    @shelleyottenbrite6616 5 років тому