@@TheChocoboTidus i got stuck on the mission where you have to recruit people from the Grove street gang for a month i didn't know at the time that i could just look it up on the internet.
Saying this changed everything is an understatement. What a great era. This game was life in 04. They should release the remastered version. That would be crazy. Great work y'all 🙌🏼.
Translate: Ya nos dieron una versión remasterizada que acá en Latinoamérica es poco conocida por lo mal aceptada que fue. se llama la trilogía GTA, edición definitiva. La "remasterización" es muy mala y hay mods que hacen ese trabajo mucho mejor.
This graphics was equivalent to what the graphics were back then. Old graphics which was something new those time and I feel like the game is looking exactly how it did back then. Really great graphics
It's been proven he didn't. There's a cutscene that plays showing certain events leading up to the game. It's easy to miss because most people hit the ESC key to skip the intros and what not.
Death. In 1992, two Ballas members, under the orders of corrupt LSPD officers Frank Tenpenny and Eddie Pulaski, attempted a drive-by shooting at the Johnson house in order to kill Sweet. However, Sweet was not in the house, and Beverly was killed instead.
6:09 That part always grabbed me. The camera movement highlighted the intensity of their argument. Like, it stopped moving RIGHT when they got in each other's face.
5:09:48 the fast forward swim had me dying 😂😂😂😂 mans made a whole dance…. salmon dance 😂😂😂😂 that was a long swim in the actual game tho thank you for the FF 😅
3:48:27 Liberty City.... Yea he was a man of Liberty City. I am always amazed he didn't choose a girl as silent as himself but choose the total opposite... 5:16:49 He was doing houuu.... eaaahhhh.... and CJ shotgun in the face* 🤣🤣 8:04:40 What was that? 🤣 8:58:16 Man he really got up after death? 🤣🤣 9:14:12 Famous last words 😂 10:23:55 Big smoke's soul is going alone with his minions' soul 😆
عندما كنت العب GTA لم أكن أفهم اللغة الانجليزية وإلى الأن لا أعرفها😢😂 ولكن قد أكملت مهام اللعبة إلى هذه المرحلة الاخيرة أتذكر هذا كان في عام 2012ـ2013 تركت كل هذه الألعاب سبب أنني أدرس كانت أيام جميلة جدا جدا الأن أدرس طيران مدني ربما سنلتقي يوما ولكن لا نعرف بعضنا البعض تحياتي لكم.....كل من رأى تعليقي
هل لعبت ألعاب مثل gta وألعاب البقاء والمزرعة السعيدة وألعاب ال survival وهل شاهدت أفلام أليس الألعاب لها صانع يصنعون ملفات الصوت والصورة والحركات ومراحل اللعبة ونظامها وقوانينها والسيناريو الخاص بها ثم يأتي اللاعب ويستخدم هذا ويلقي البذرة ويسقيها ويرى الزرع يخرج من تلقاء نفسه لكنه يعلم أن لها صانع صنع الصور والحركات ونظام الزرع وقوانينه واستعمل اللاعب عليها الذي اكتشف طريقة الزرع واستخدمها وكذلك الوصفات للأكل التي يكتشفها والأجهزة التي يصنعها يظل يركب أشياء على أشياء فيكتشف أجهزة وأدوات صنعها صانع اللعبة وصنع قانونها والأسلحة والبيوت التي يبنيها والوحوش التي يجدها كله مصنوع ومعد مسبقاً صوت وصورة وحركة وقانون وسيناريو واللاعب يستخرج تلك الأشياء وتطور الأجهزة والأسلحة في مراحل اللعبة المتوالية النشوء والإرتقاء أعده صانع اللعبة بمراحله كما ربانا الله وربى أمرنا ومتاعنا وقصة اللعبة ومراحلها من البداية حتى ختمها وما يصيب اللاعب من نقص في شريط حياته وطاقته وطرق علاجه وطعامه للطاقة كل ذلك مصنوع مقنن من صانع اللعبة كذلك الأفلام تجد المشاهد تتوالى تخرج من بعضها مسببة من المشاهد السابقة كأن أحد لم يصنعها لكننا نعلم أنها تم تصويرها مشهد مشهد وجمعها مع بعض وترتيبها وجعل كل مشهد يصدر من سابقه يعرضه علينا كذلك جعل الله الأفلام والألعاب آية لنا على خلقه لكل شيء وإعداده مسبقاً واستعمالنا عليه وجعله مسبب بأسباب هو خلقها وخلق فعلها ونتاجها كل صورة وصوت وحركة ووضع القوانين والسيناريو وتظهر لنا الأشياء بأسباب منطقية بقوانين ونحن نكتشفها ونتستخدمها تماماً كالألعاب والأفلام هناك سيناريو كامل مكتوب قبل التصوير كما كتب الله كل شيء في اللوح المحفوظ ثم يقومون بتقسيمه في أوراق لكل مشهد يعطوه للممثلين كذلك ينزل القدر من اللوح المحفوظ كل عام في ليلة القدر وأفلام الكرتون يصنعون مشهد مشهد حركة حركة كل صورة وصوت ثم نرها نحن كأنها تخرج من نفسها بدون صانع ما الذي يجعلك تكفر بالله هل بسبب أنك لا تجد رابط مباشر بينه وبين الكون فهل يأتي لك صانع اللعبة أو مخرج الفيلم مع اللعبة والفيلم ويصنعونها أمامك ويظلوا واقفون أمامك وأنت تلعبها بل أنت في الكون كشخصية داخل اللعبة لم ترى صانعها أبداً ولا كيف صنعها وتتجول وتكتشف وتستعمل الأشياء ويأتي عليك ليل ونهار وسقوط مطر مبرمجين دليل على أن الحقيقيين مصنوعيين ومقدرين والله خلق كل شيء من الإنفجار العظيم الذي هو بمثابة بدء اللعبة والفيلم وجمعهم ورتبهم وقدرهم تقديرا وكل سيناريوهات الأفلام والألعاب وأدواتهم وأفكارهم وأجهزتهم وأحداثهم وقيمهم خير وشر وقتال كل ذلك مقتبس من الكون الذي صنع الله فصنع الألعاب والأفلام دليل للناس على أن الكون مصنوع كل شئ فيه كل صورة وصوت وبكسل وحركة وأدوات وقوانين وقصة وبدء ونهاية أم تريد أن يظهر الله لك ويصنع لك كل شيء بيده أمامك فإن صناع الألعاب والأفلام لا يفعلون ذلك يصنعون لك الأشياء ويجعلونك أنت من تفعلها وتكتشفها وتصنعها بيدك وتجد لها أسباب منطقية تخرج تلقائياً وأنت تعلم أن كل ذلك مبرمج ومصنوع كل مثقال ذرة فيه وتتطور معداتك وتمر بقصص وأشخاص والأمر له بداية ونهاية وكل ذلك مصنوع أليس صناع الألعاب والأفلام قلدوها من الكون مستوحاة من الواقع أليس كل شيء مقلد يُصنع يدل على الشئ الأصلي أنه مصنوع أيضاً هل تجد هاتف صيني مصنوع يقلد الأيفون بدون أن يكون الأيفون مصنوع أيضاً مثله لكن بإحسان كذلك سبحان ربي خلق الكون وأحسنه وأتقنه بعظيم ما فيه وطول مدته وكثرة عدد الأشياء فيه والأمور والأحداث والبشر الشخصيات والمواد وحبك كل ذلك وبرمجه في عمل عظيم يحاول صناع الألعاب والأفلام أن يقلدوه ولن يستطيعوا إنما جعل ما يصنعون آية لهم أن الكون الذي هم فيه مصنوع مثل ما يصنوعون يريهم آياته في أنفسهم وفي الآفاق فلم يكفرون وهم يصنعون نسخة مصغرة من الكون في الألعاب والأفلام ويقولون أن الكون ليس له صانع
@@stefanstankovic5402 Look what God said in the Qur’an about Christians: O People of the Book, do not go to extremes in your religion, and do not say anything about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His word He delivered to Mary and a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His Messengers, and do not say three. Stop It is better for you, but God is one God, Glory be to Him, to have a son to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and God is sufficient as a Guardian. Christ will not disdain to be a slave of God, nor the angels who are close to Him. Those who said that God is the Messiah, the son of Mary, have disbelieved. Say, “Who can possess anything from God if he wants to destroy the Messiah, the son of Mary, his mother, and all those on earth, and God has the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, He creates what He wills, and God has power over all things.” And the Jews and Christians said, “We are God’s children and loved ones.” Say He did not torment you for your sins, but you are human beings who were created to forgive whomever he wills and punish whomever he wills.O People of the Book, Our Messenger has come to you, explaining to you during a period of the Messengers, that you should say: No good tidings nor warners have come to us, for there has come to you a tidings of good tidings and a warner, and God has power over all things. Those who said that God is the Messiah, the son of Mary, have disbelieved, and the Messiah said, “O Children of Israel, worship God, my Lord and your Lord. He who associates with God, God has forbidden him Paradise, and his abode is the Fire. And the unjust have no helpers.”Those who said that God is the third of three, while there is no god but one God, have disbelieved, and if they do not desist from what they say, a painful punishment will befall those who disbelieve among them, so will they not repent to God and ask His forgiveness, and God is Forgiving, Most Merciful? The Messiah, son of Mary, is nothing but a messenger, messengers have passed away before him, and his mother is a believer. They used to eat food. See how we explain the signs to them, then see how they misrepresent.Say: Do you worship besides God that which possesses neither harm nor benefit for you, and God is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing?Say, O People of the Book, do not go to extremes in your religion other than the truth, and do not follow the whims of a people who have gone astray before, and they have led many astray, and have strayed from the right path. And when God said, “O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to the people, take me and my mother as two gods besides God?” He said, “Glory be to you, it is not for me to say what I have no right to say. If i said it, then you know it, you know what is in my soul, and I do not know what is in your soul, that you are the Knower of the unseen. I only said to them what you commanded me to do: to worship God, my Lord and your Lord, and I was a witness over them as long as I was among them. So when you caused me to die, you were the watcher over them and you were a witness over everything. If you punish them, they are your slaves, and if you forgive them, then you are the Mighty, the Wise God said, “This is a day when the truthful will benefit from their truth. For them are gardens beneath which rivers flow, therein to abide forever. May God be pleased with them and they will be pleased with Him.” That is the great victory. And they said, The Most Gracious has taken a son, Glory be to Him, but rather honored slaves.They do not precede Him by saying, and they act by His command, He knows what is between their hands and what is behind them, and they do not intercede except for those whom He is pleased with, and they fear Him. The similitude of Jesus to God is like that of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him, “Be,” and it will be. The truth is from your Lord, so do not be one of the doubters, for whoever argues with you about it after what has come to you of knowledge, say, “Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves, then we pray and we invoke the curse of God on the liars.” This is the true stories, and there is no god but God, so if they turn away, then God knows the spoilers, say, People of the Book, come to a common word between us and you, that we worship none but God and do not associate anything with Him, and do not take each other for lords besides God.If they turn away, say testify that we are Muslims. He is nothing but a slave upon whom We have bestowed blessings, and We made him an example for the Children of Israel, and He is a sign of the Doomsday, so do not be ambivalent about it and follow this on a straight path. And among them there is a group that twists their tongues with the Book so that you think it is from the Book and what is not from the Book, and they say it is from God and it is not from God, and they say lies about God while they know. It is not for a mortal that God should give him the Book, wisdom, and prophecy, and then say to the people: Be my servants besides God, but be followers of the Lord, because you knew the Book and what you used to study, and He does not command you to take angels and prophets as lords. Does he command you to disbelief after when you are Muslims, and when God took the covenant of the prophets for what I have given you of a book and wisdom, then there came to you a messenger confirming what you have, that you would believe in him and help him He said: “Have you affirmed and taken my insistence on that?” They said: “We affirmed.” He said, “So bear witness, and I am with you among the two witnesses, so whoever turns away after that, then those are the transgressors.”Do they change the religion of God they desire, and to Him who is in the heavens and the earth submits willingly and unwillingly, and to Him they shall return. Say, We believe in God and what was revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes, and what was given to Moses, Jesus and the prophets from their Lord. We do not differentiate between one of them and to Him we submit.And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers And when the angels said, O Mary, that God has chosen you and purified you and chosen you over the women of the worlds, O Mary, be obedient to your Lord and prostrate and kneel with those who bow. That is from the news of the unseen We reveal to you, and you were not with them when they cast their pens, which of them would guarantee Mary, and you were not with them when they quarreled, when the angels said, O Mary, that God gives you good news of a word from Him,whose name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, worthy in this world and the next, and among those close to him, and he speaks to people in the cradle and in the old, and among the righteous. She said, "Lord, how can I have a child when no human has touched me?" He said, "So God creates whatever He wills when He decrees a matter. He only says to him, Be, and it is
8:51:34 This was hardest mission for me, everytime when I try plane always reach destinition and mission failed. I remember trying it like 100+ time to complete it good old days!
Have you played games like GTA, survival games, and Happy Farm, and have you watched movies? Games have a maker. They make sound and image files, movements, stages of the game, its system, laws, and its own scenario. Then the player comes and uses this, throws the seed, waters it, and sees the plant emerge on its own, but he knows that it has a maker who makes the images and movements. And the planting system and its laws, and the player used it, who discovered the method of planting and used it, as well as the recipes for food that he discovers and the devices that he makes. He continues to put things on things and discovers devices made by the game maker and its law, and the weapons and houses that he builds and the monsters that he finds, all made and prepared in advance, sound, image, movement, and law, and the player extracts those things. And the development of devices and weapons in the successive stages of the game, the emergence and advancement prepared by the game maker, the story of the game and its stages from the beginning until its conclusion, and the deficiency that befalls the player in his life bar, his energy, methods of treatment, and his food for energy. Likewise, movies find scenes successively emerging from each other, caused by previous scenes, as if no one had made them, but we know. They were filmed scene by scene, collected together, and arranged, and each scene emerged from the previous one and presented to us. Likewise, God made movies and games a sign for us for His creation of everything, preparing it in advance, and our use of it, and making it caused by reasons that He created every image, sound, and movement, and established laws and scenarios, and things appear to us for logical reasons, with laws. We discover it and use it, just like games and movies. There is a complete script written before filming, just as God wrote everything in the preserved tablet. Then they divide it into papers for each scene that they give to the actors. Likewise, fate descends from the preserved tablet every year on the Night of Destiny. And the cartoon films create a scene, a scene of movement, every image and sound. Then we see it as if it comes out of itself without a maker. What makes you disbelieve in God? Is it because you do not find a direct link between Him and the universe? Does the game maker or the movie director come to you with the game and the movie and make it in front of you and play it for you in front of you and they remain standing in front of you while you play it? Rather, you are in the universe as a character inside the game who has never seen its maker or how he made it and you wander around and discover and use things. God created everything from the big bang, which is like a beginning. The game and the movie until the end day, which is like the end of the movie and the conclusion of the stages of the game, their collection, their ranks, and their appreciation, and all the scenarios of movies and games, their tools, ideas, devices, events, and values, good, evil, and fighting. All of that is taken from the universe that God created, so making games and movies is proof to people that the universe has been made by god everything in it. Image, sound, pixels, movement, tools, laws, story, beginning and end. Or do you want God to appear to you and make everything for you with His hand in front of you? Game and movie makers do not do that. They make things for you and make you the one who does them, discovers them, makes them with your own hand, and finds logical reasons for them that come out automatically, and you know that all of that is programmed. And every weight of an atom in it is made like the pixel in games Rather, you are like a character in a game, walking, discovering, planting,Night and day alternate as in reality and rain falls , creating, and finding laws, order, and things that come out automatically, caused by law, and you encounter things, and your equipment develops, and you come across stories and people, and the matter has a beginning and an end, and all of that is made. Didn’t the makers of games and movies imitate them from the universe? Isn’t everything imitated that is made that indicates that the original thing is also made? Can you find a Chinese phone made that imitates the iPhone without the iPhone also being made like it, but with better as well? Glory be to my Lord, who created the universe, perfected it, and perfected it with the greatness of what is in it, the length of its duration, and the large number of things in it, things, events, people, characters, materials, and programmed it into a great work. that game and movie makers are trying to imitate. And they will not be able to make what he do a sign for them that the universe in which it exists has a great Creator who created it
4:52:26 flames per second: i definitely need some better weapons also flames per second *pulls out 200 load RPG* I'm watching for nostalgia but this part cracks me
The energy you bring to each video is truly infectious. Can't wait to see what game you'll tackle next. Bring back memory. Keep the great content coming! The way you navigate through the game is just amazing. A whole new level of fun. Looking forward to seeing what you'll conquer next. Love this. Keep those videos coming!
Holy.. I can't believe this is an actual real mod, I honestly thought this was one of those lame UE4 fake trailer. Not much of a compliment but this looks great than Definitive Edition and those fake trailer previously mentioned. But IG it is almost impossible to hide how old the game are despite the beautiful paint job. Excellent mods IMO!
I think that Rockstar owes us a true remaster of the legendary San Andreas, I hope an international media pressure will be formed to press for the correct development of this title
🚀Here's the graphics mod I've used - ImmersiveSA: www.patreon.com/reevemods / ko-fi.com/reevemods
it's not the same without the swear words
link to original video let people download it
Your aim is bad, sangat jelek 😂
Where do i download the game though? I cant seem to find it.
i played it as a kid who doesn't understand english. now i can understand and everything makes so much more sense lol
Yeah me too, now drug trafficking makes much more sense
thought the same thing lol
True, I completed whole game without knowing any English word 😂
@@TheChocoboTidus i got stuck on the mission where you have to recruit people from the Grove street gang for a month i didn't know at the time that i could just look it up on the internet.
😂 me too
Game can be played again, but my childhood cannot go back again
Yes 😢😭
Man 💔
to be or not to be... that is the question.
i swear this graphic is exactly as similar as i remember playing in my childhood back then
This 😂
Because the graphics are pretty much the same, its just a shitty lighting remaster from some stupid mobile game studio
@@777Jamez777 dawg you're trippin pug in a ps2 and tell me that again
Our standards were so simple back then!
Who cares.
10:25:00 Big Smoke is dead, but his soul is still wandering around
just came here to comment that lmaooo
Shit u watched the whole thing???
10:23:55 10:24:34 10:25:28 ☠️
2:25 - See you around, Carl. (Tempenny)
10:39:05 - See you around, officer. (Carl)
Saying this changed everything is an understatement. What a great era. This game was life in 04. They should release the remastered version. That would be crazy. Great work y'all 🙌🏼.
Translate: Ya nos dieron una versión remasterizada que acá en Latinoamérica es poco conocida por lo mal aceptada que fue. se llama la trilogía GTA, edición definitiva. La "remasterización" es muy mala y hay mods que hacen ese trabajo mucho mejor.
This graphics was equivalent to what the graphics were back then.
Old graphics which was something new those time and I feel like the game is looking exactly how it did back then. Really great graphics
Nonsense, San Andreas was a bit backward in terms of visuals even back then. Nobody cared though.
5:19 I just realized that the bat over the photo of cj's mom was foreshadowing that big smoke killed her.
It's been proven he didn't. There's a cutscene that plays showing certain events leading up to the game. It's easy to miss because most people hit the ESC key to skip the intros and what not.
Ballas kill CJ mom
Death. In 1992, two Ballas members, under the orders of corrupt LSPD officers Frank Tenpenny and Eddie Pulaski, attempted a drive-by shooting at the Johnson house in order to kill Sweet. However, Sweet was not in the house, and Beverly was killed instead.
@@ejmtv3 Easy, cowboy.
Ballas did kill cj's mom, but big smoke has a hand in it coz he allied with the ballas
falling asleep to this feels like falling asleep at that friends house who stayed up way longer than you
Serene af
Yes I’m watching the whole gameplay even if I played this game millions of times 😂
1 millions times( 10 minutes 1 time)=10 mil minutes = 19 years playing without rest
Man your electric bills
I know what you mean don't worry
Bro castling spell to summon hitler
@@BeachBobARK1 I thought what you wrote
6:05:25 It's lucky. If the cop hadn't been run over, would have to start the mission again
I know right🤣🤣 He was on his last sliver of Health
The driver was the member of Wuzi Triad😅
Now that I’m older I realize this was all a cycle of CJ correcting his own mistakes & playing both side
the legendary moment that will forever be remembered in the history of video games 29:19
I knew what it was gonna be before I even clicked on the time stamp 😂😂😂
6:09 That part always grabbed me. The camera movement highlighted the intensity of their argument. Like, it stopped moving RIGHT when they got in each other's face.
Ahhhh the good old days, after school gta I miss those days 😢
Lol. I was in college when San Andreas came out. Everyday after class, I would play even before I did my homework.
@@gtagameplayvidz yeah bro the best era, I feel bad for upcoming generation
thing is… thats how it actually looked for me back in the days 😂🙌🏼
I looked for this comment before i wrote it. GGs bro
Saaame and I bet in the future GTA V with 40K pixels will look the same as we remember today.
No, it didn't.
@@thebaccymantechnically not but before all the other consoles and gta 4-5 SAremake came out this is how it felt.
@@UpTheWaahs02 I don't remember any PS2 era game having the washed out, shiny look of modern games. Maybe it's just me.
The graphics is just as i remembered when i was playing it in ps2 in my childhood
Ngl as great as the graphics look, there’s something nostalgic about playing the original 😢
No one talking about the smooth driving 🔥🔥🔥
7:22 Yeah, but this one he messed up
7:20 the truck just came in XD
it just teleported there to make him mad :D
this is GTA SA when you dont look a car spawn or ppl
@@Anonymousextb same as the others gta's
5:09:48 the fast forward swim had me dying 😂😂😂😂 mans made a whole dance…. salmon dance 😂😂😂😂 that was a long swim in the actual game tho thank you for the FF 😅
Wat up my g
How's the watermelon and chicken I send you .
Whaatttttttt 💀💀
@@cometxgaming lol
bigsmoke walking at the back lmao hahahahah
They forgot to replace the behind the scenes with the actual clip.
We got GTA San Andreas RTX before GTA VI 🗣️🗣️
Please help me how can I get GTA please
@@RaymondSamuel-s5z buy it
3:48:27 Liberty City....
Yea he was a man of Liberty City. I am always amazed he didn't choose a girl as silent as himself but choose the total opposite...
5:16:49 He was doing houuu.... eaaahhhh.... and CJ shotgun in the face* 🤣🤣
8:04:40 What was that? 🤣
8:58:16 Man he really got up after death? 🤣🤣
9:14:12 Famous last words 😂
10:23:55 Big smoke's soul is going alone with his minions' soul 😆
Damn man you watched hole video😂 respect dawg👊🏻
@@lionelimessii thanks 😂👊🏼
that cop tho at 9:36 didnt even care a little bit of that car crashing into that wall
So refreshing to see a modded remaster that isn’t just wet roads lol
I wish Netflix should make a series on this version..
What a amazing to watch that masterpiece 😅
18:46 I remember when i was a kid i like to go there just to see that drawing 😂
5:22:05 love how the cop just runs over an innocent bystander
عندما كنت العب GTA لم أكن أفهم اللغة الانجليزية وإلى الأن لا أعرفها😢😂
ولكن قد أكملت مهام اللعبة إلى هذه المرحلة الاخيرة أتذكر هذا كان في عام 2012ـ2013
تركت كل هذه الألعاب سبب أنني أدرس كانت أيام جميلة جدا جدا
الأن أدرس طيران مدني ربما سنلتقي يوما ولكن لا نعرف بعضنا البعض
تحياتي لكم.....كل من رأى تعليقي
Bruh you got all the gold medals from the flying school missions IRL, respect habibi.
هل لعبت ألعاب مثل gta وألعاب البقاء والمزرعة السعيدة وألعاب ال survival وهل شاهدت أفلام أليس الألعاب لها صانع يصنعون ملفات الصوت والصورة والحركات ومراحل اللعبة ونظامها وقوانينها والسيناريو الخاص بها ثم يأتي اللاعب ويستخدم هذا ويلقي البذرة ويسقيها ويرى الزرع يخرج من تلقاء نفسه لكنه يعلم أن لها صانع صنع الصور والحركات ونظام الزرع وقوانينه واستعمل اللاعب عليها الذي اكتشف طريقة الزرع واستخدمها وكذلك الوصفات للأكل التي يكتشفها والأجهزة التي يصنعها يظل يركب أشياء على أشياء فيكتشف أجهزة وأدوات صنعها صانع اللعبة وصنع قانونها والأسلحة والبيوت التي يبنيها والوحوش التي يجدها كله مصنوع ومعد مسبقاً صوت وصورة وحركة وقانون وسيناريو واللاعب يستخرج تلك الأشياء وتطور الأجهزة والأسلحة في مراحل اللعبة المتوالية النشوء والإرتقاء أعده صانع اللعبة بمراحله كما ربانا الله وربى أمرنا ومتاعنا وقصة اللعبة ومراحلها من البداية حتى ختمها وما يصيب اللاعب من نقص في شريط حياته وطاقته وطرق علاجه وطعامه للطاقة كل ذلك مصنوع مقنن من صانع اللعبة كذلك الأفلام تجد المشاهد تتوالى تخرج من بعضها مسببة من المشاهد السابقة كأن أحد لم يصنعها لكننا نعلم أنها تم تصويرها مشهد مشهد وجمعها مع بعض وترتيبها وجعل كل مشهد يصدر من سابقه يعرضه علينا كذلك جعل الله الأفلام والألعاب آية لنا على خلقه لكل شيء وإعداده مسبقاً واستعمالنا عليه وجعله مسبب بأسباب هو خلقها وخلق فعلها ونتاجها كل صورة وصوت وحركة ووضع القوانين والسيناريو وتظهر لنا الأشياء بأسباب منطقية بقوانين ونحن نكتشفها ونتستخدمها تماماً كالألعاب والأفلام هناك سيناريو كامل مكتوب قبل التصوير كما كتب الله كل شيء في اللوح المحفوظ ثم يقومون بتقسيمه في أوراق لكل مشهد يعطوه للممثلين كذلك ينزل القدر من اللوح المحفوظ كل عام في ليلة القدر وأفلام الكرتون يصنعون مشهد مشهد حركة حركة كل صورة وصوت ثم نرها نحن كأنها تخرج من نفسها بدون صانع ما الذي يجعلك تكفر بالله هل بسبب أنك لا تجد رابط مباشر بينه وبين الكون فهل يأتي لك صانع اللعبة أو مخرج الفيلم مع اللعبة والفيلم ويصنعونها أمامك ويظلوا واقفون أمامك وأنت تلعبها بل أنت في الكون كشخصية داخل اللعبة لم ترى صانعها أبداً ولا كيف صنعها وتتجول وتكتشف وتستعمل الأشياء ويأتي عليك ليل ونهار وسقوط مطر مبرمجين دليل على أن الحقيقيين مصنوعيين ومقدرين والله خلق كل شيء من الإنفجار العظيم الذي هو بمثابة بدء اللعبة والفيلم وجمعهم ورتبهم وقدرهم تقديرا وكل سيناريوهات الأفلام والألعاب وأدواتهم وأفكارهم وأجهزتهم وأحداثهم وقيمهم خير وشر وقتال كل ذلك مقتبس من الكون الذي صنع الله فصنع الألعاب والأفلام دليل للناس على أن الكون مصنوع كل شئ فيه كل صورة وصوت وبكسل وحركة وأدوات وقوانين وقصة وبدء ونهاية أم تريد أن يظهر الله لك ويصنع لك كل شيء بيده أمامك فإن صناع الألعاب والأفلام لا يفعلون ذلك يصنعون لك الأشياء ويجعلونك أنت من تفعلها وتكتشفها وتصنعها بيدك وتجد لها أسباب منطقية تخرج تلقائياً وأنت تعلم أن كل ذلك مبرمج ومصنوع كل مثقال ذرة فيه وتتطور معداتك وتمر بقصص وأشخاص والأمر له بداية ونهاية وكل ذلك مصنوع أليس صناع الألعاب والأفلام قلدوها من الكون مستوحاة من الواقع أليس كل شيء مقلد يُصنع يدل على الشئ الأصلي أنه مصنوع أيضاً هل تجد هاتف صيني مصنوع يقلد الأيفون بدون أن يكون الأيفون مصنوع أيضاً مثله لكن بإحسان كذلك سبحان ربي خلق الكون وأحسنه وأتقنه بعظيم ما فيه وطول مدته وكثرة عدد الأشياء فيه والأمور والأحداث والبشر الشخصيات والمواد وحبك كل ذلك وبرمجه في عمل عظيم يحاول صناع الألعاب والأفلام أن يقلدوه ولن يستطيعوا إنما جعل ما يصنعون آية لهم أن الكون الذي هم فيه مصنوع مثل ما يصنوعون يريهم آياته في أنفسهم وفي الآفاق فلم يكفرون وهم يصنعون نسخة مصغرة من الكون في الألعاب والأفلام ويقولون أن الكون ليس له صانع
John 20,28: Thomas said to Jesus: my lord and my god!
@@stefanstankovic5402 Look what God said in the Qur’an about Christians:
O People of the Book, do not go to extremes in your religion, and do not say anything about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His word He delivered to Mary and a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His Messengers, and do not say three. Stop It is better for you, but God is one God, Glory be to Him, to have a son to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and God is sufficient as a Guardian. Christ will not disdain to be a slave of God, nor the angels who are close to Him.
Those who said that God is the Messiah, the son of Mary, have disbelieved. Say, “Who can possess anything from God if he wants to destroy the Messiah, the son of Mary, his mother, and all those on earth, and God has the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, He creates what He wills, and God has power over all things.” And the Jews and Christians said, “We are God’s children and loved ones.” Say He did not torment you for your sins, but you are human beings who were created to forgive whomever he wills and punish whomever he wills.O People of the Book, Our Messenger has come to you, explaining to you during a period of the Messengers, that you should say: No good tidings nor warners have come to us, for there has come to you a tidings of good tidings and a warner, and God has power over all things.
Those who said that God is the Messiah, the son of Mary, have disbelieved, and the Messiah said, “O Children of Israel, worship God, my Lord and your Lord. He who associates with God, God has forbidden him Paradise, and his abode is the Fire. And the unjust have no helpers.”Those who said that God is the third of three, while there is no god but one God, have disbelieved, and if they do not desist from what they say, a painful punishment will befall those who disbelieve among them, so will they not repent to God and ask His forgiveness, and God is Forgiving, Most Merciful? The Messiah, son of Mary, is nothing but a messenger, messengers have passed away before him, and his mother is a believer. They used to eat food. See how we explain the signs to them, then see how they misrepresent.Say: Do you worship besides God that which possesses neither harm nor benefit for you, and God is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing?Say, O People of the Book, do not go to extremes in your religion other than the truth, and do not follow the whims of a people who have gone astray before, and they have led many astray, and have strayed from the right path.
And when God said, “O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to the people, take me and my mother as two gods besides God?” He said, “Glory be to you, it is not for me to say what I have no right to say. If i said it, then you know it, you know what is in my soul, and I do not know what is in your soul, that you are the Knower of the unseen. I only said to them what you commanded me to do: to worship God, my Lord and your Lord, and I was a witness over them as long as I was among them. So when you caused me to die, you were the watcher over them and you were a witness over everything. If you punish them, they are your slaves, and if you forgive them, then you are the Mighty, the Wise God said, “This is a day when the truthful will benefit from their truth. For them are gardens beneath which rivers flow, therein to abide forever. May God be pleased with them and they will be pleased with Him.” That is the great victory.
And they said, The Most Gracious has taken a son, Glory be to Him, but rather honored slaves.They do not precede Him by saying, and they act by His command, He knows what is between their hands and what is behind them, and they do not intercede except for those whom He is pleased with, and they fear Him.
The similitude of Jesus to God is like that of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him, “Be,” and it will be. The truth is from your Lord, so do not be one of the doubters, for whoever argues with you about it after what has come to you of knowledge, say, “Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves, then we pray and we invoke the curse of God on the liars.” This is the true stories, and there is no god but God, so if they turn away, then God knows the spoilers, say, People of the Book, come to a common word between us and you, that we worship none but God and do not associate anything with Him, and do not take each other for lords besides God.If they turn away, say testify that we are Muslims.
He is nothing but a slave upon whom We have bestowed blessings, and We made him an example for the Children of Israel, and He is a sign of the Doomsday, so do not be ambivalent about it and follow this on a straight path.
And among them there is a group that twists their tongues with the Book so that you think it is from the Book and what is not from the Book, and they say it is from God and it is not from God, and they say lies about God while they know. It is not for a mortal that God should give him the Book, wisdom, and prophecy, and then say to the people: Be my servants besides God, but be followers of the Lord, because you knew the Book and what you used to study, and He does not command you to take angels and prophets as lords. Does he command you to disbelief after when you are Muslims, and when God took the covenant of the prophets for what I have given you of a book and wisdom, then there came to you a messenger confirming what you have, that you would believe in him and help him He said: “Have you affirmed and taken my insistence on that?” They said: “We affirmed.” He said, “So bear witness, and I am with you among the two witnesses, so whoever turns away after that, then those are the transgressors.”Do they change the religion of God they desire, and to Him who is in the heavens and the earth submits willingly and unwillingly, and to Him they shall return. Say, We believe in God and what was revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes, and what was given to Moses, Jesus and the prophets from their Lord. We do not differentiate between one of them and to Him we submit.And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers
And when the angels said, O Mary, that God has chosen you and purified you and chosen you over the women of the worlds, O Mary, be obedient to your Lord and prostrate and kneel with those who bow. That is from the news of the unseen We reveal to you, and you were not with them when they cast their pens, which of them would guarantee Mary, and you were not with them when they quarreled, when the angels said, O Mary, that God gives you good news of a word from Him,whose name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, worthy in this world and the next, and among those close to him, and he speaks to people in the cradle and in the old, and among the righteous. She said, "Lord, how can I have a child when no human has touched me?" He said, "So God creates whatever He wills when He decrees a matter. He only says to him, Be, and it is
8:51:34 This was hardest mission for me, everytime when I try plane always reach destinition and mission failed. I remember trying it like 100+ time to complete it good old days!
Bullshit, everyone who pass toreno mission will immeadetly become flight master, how did you still suck?
damn man, the series is just beautiful my friend.
5:16:53 was the best decision to fight katana with shotgun
Bro funniest shit ever😂
God created men, Mr. Colt made them equal.. but this Vietnamese came to the shootout with a knife 😂
Bro just pulled the trigger and said "Welcome to America"
The greatest grand theft auto game of all time right here🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
At 9:11:30 when cj said "Man, i should have let you jump" got me dying lmao😂😂
This is how you remaster a game
Its not enough imo to call it 4k.
@@tobiasfunke8967 at least better than originial remastered
Respect to the creator
Have you played games like GTA, survival games, and Happy Farm, and have you watched movies? Games have a maker. They make sound and image files, movements, stages of the game, its system, laws, and its own scenario. Then the player comes and uses this, throws the seed, waters it, and sees the plant emerge on its own, but he knows that it has a maker who makes the images and movements. And the planting system and its laws, and the player used it, who discovered the method of planting and used it, as well as the recipes for food that he discovers and the devices that he makes. He continues to put things on things and discovers devices made by the game maker and its law, and the weapons and houses that he builds and the monsters that he finds, all made and prepared in advance, sound, image, movement, and law, and the player extracts those things. And the development of devices and weapons in the successive stages of the game, the emergence and advancement prepared by the game maker, the story of the game and its stages from the beginning until its conclusion, and the deficiency that befalls the player in his life bar, his energy, methods of treatment, and his food for energy. Likewise, movies find scenes successively emerging from each other, caused by previous scenes, as if no one had made them, but we know. They were filmed scene by scene, collected together, and arranged, and each scene emerged from the previous one and presented to us. Likewise, God made movies and games a sign for us for His creation of everything, preparing it in advance, and our use of it, and making it caused by reasons that He created every image, sound, and movement, and established laws and scenarios, and things appear to us for logical reasons, with laws. We discover it and use it, just like games and movies. There is a complete script written before filming, just as God wrote everything in the preserved tablet. Then they divide it into papers for each scene that they give to the actors. Likewise, fate descends from the preserved tablet every year on the Night of Destiny. And the cartoon films create a scene, a scene of movement, every image and sound. Then we see it as if it comes out of itself without a maker. What makes you disbelieve in God? Is it because you do not find a direct link between Him and the universe?
Does the game maker or the movie director come to you with the game and the movie and make it in front of you and play it for you in front of you and they remain standing in front of you while you play it? Rather, you are in the universe as a character inside the game who has never seen its maker or how he made it and you wander around and discover and use things. God created everything from the big bang, which is like a beginning. The game and the movie until the end day, which is like the end of the movie and the conclusion of the stages of the game, their collection, their ranks, and their appreciation, and all the scenarios of movies and games, their tools, ideas, devices, events, and values, good, evil, and fighting. All of that is taken from the universe that God created, so making games and movies is proof to people that the universe has been made by god everything in it. Image, sound, pixels, movement, tools, laws, story, beginning and end. Or do you want God to appear to you and make everything for you with His hand in front of you? Game and movie makers do not do that. They make things for you and make you the one who does them, discovers them, makes them with your own hand, and finds logical reasons for them that come out automatically, and you know that all of that is programmed. And every weight of an atom in it is made like the pixel in games
Rather, you are like a character in a game, walking, discovering, planting,Night and day alternate as in reality and rain falls , creating, and finding laws, order, and things that come out automatically, caused by law, and you encounter things, and your equipment develops, and you come across stories and people, and the matter has a beginning and an end, and all of that is made. Didn’t the makers of games and movies imitate them from the universe? Isn’t everything imitated that is made that indicates that the original thing is also made? Can you find a Chinese phone made that imitates the iPhone without the iPhone also being made like it, but with better as well? Glory be to my Lord, who created the universe, perfected it, and perfected it with the greatness of what is in it, the length of its duration, and the large number of things in it, things, events, people, characters, materials, and programmed it into a great work. that game and movie makers are trying to imitate. And they will not be able to make what he do a sign for them that the universe in which it exists has a great Creator who created it
7:58:45 the best mission ever in gta games.
I feel i want to play the game now, but what I really want, it's go back to those times.
This is how it looks for me back then :D
For sure. looked*
This graphics is how the game feeled when it came out as a kid. I felt like it was always like that after not seeng the game for 15 years
1:43:29 your favorite scene
flames per second: i definitely need some better weapons
also flames per second *pulls out 200 load RPG*
I'm watching for nostalgia but this part cracks me
This game always brings back memories.
The OG game still hits different
I’ll never forget that mission with the toy planes. I never wanna experience that again in my life.
this is hows gta sa looks like when i was kids
The energy you bring to each video is truly infectious. Can't wait to see what game you'll tackle next. Bring back memory. Keep the great content coming! The way you navigate through the game is just amazing. A whole new level of fun. Looking forward to seeing what you'll conquer next. Love this. Keep those videos coming!
1 of the best games in the world ever made.
San Andreas has the best story line amongst all the GTAs
3:45 epic 😂
this is not just a game.. this is an experience
Hey dude your driving skill is awesome
One day I'll have a 4090 and finally be able to play this game :(
thats my 10 hours screen time for you mate, enjoy❤ thanks for the vids
Dunno why am here, dunno why I can't just stop it, why am I like this.
I like this.
The best GTA ever! Played it so much on my PS2 and with my cheat book too😁
Holy.. I can't believe this is an actual real mod, I honestly thought this was one of those lame UE4 fake trailer.
Not much of a compliment but this looks great than Definitive Edition and those fake trailer previously mentioned.
But IG it is almost impossible to hide how old the game are despite the beautiful paint job.
Excellent mods IMO!
4:37 here was the reall sound take for a phonk🔥👹🤙
5:16:45 fair fight
You can play it now on 9069 rtx, but ain’t no way you bringing that feeling back upon release.
Game is a gem.
1:12 your bag man... 🤣
2:26- 10:39:06 REFERENCE
I miss all these thing, thank you so much for making this 👏🏻👍🏻
Первая моя компьютерная игра в 2006 и я до сих пор слушаю этот мотив, смотрю как 'here we go again'
Привет из 2024
childhood was a good time... this game's a history! a legend!
Iconic ah shit here we go again
Never bored of this every time I watched it enjoy more 😅😅
Oh my old days 😢😢
This is how I remember this game as kid.
This game was amazing when it first came out it had a special vibe to it
do Vice City too! That's the first one I owned and played non stop. Played 1, 2 and 3 when I was like 7-10
My childhood game 😎 , bless you all from Indonesian 🎉
Nothing beats the old og graphics
My dad bought me a PS2 and i decided that this game would be my first game. This video game got me through ut during basketball (AAU)
I've played in mobile. And it's HD like this with NO frame limit😂 no lag at all.
Bro from 2050
I learned English from GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas.
amazing graphics for an amazing game
When we were kids we used to skip this scene but now we can't it really makes sense
The best part is you should censored every cursed word for 10hours straight
I was raised by CJ and SWEET)) Omg this is so nostalgic
Nice one fam!
I think that Rockstar owes us a true remaster of the legendary San Andreas, I hope an international media pressure will be formed to press for the correct development of this title
the graphics are very good, i like it❤❤
Omg my childhood 😢 so miss u ❤❤❤
25:17 hot coffee? 😂
Of curs 😂😂😂
Beat the whole game in 10 hours ? Impressive speed run
8:58:18 Pulaski revives out of nowhere lol
Yea 🤣
and that Big Smoke's soul 🤣
because the ragdoll dude
What an amazing game...wish we got games like this nowadays
Excellent video my friend
after 20 years , everything makes sense now
Pensa numa série q seria da hora, GTA San Andreas
I wish I could erase all my memories about this game and play it again as a fresh player
8:47:31 Drive Madd Dogg to hospital CAREFULLY..... *cops hits de car
Right, man.
25:40 bro got cornered by ballas 😂😂😂😂
He get fked 😂
Man i can't play this, i just stare how beautiful is this game
Nice video man
Childhood memories of playing GTA games
This look amazing bro great work!💯💯💯
Wow, this looks insane bro. His fingers are actually separated.
10:23:55 Smoke's Ghost lol
This is what GTA SA Definitive Edition we want.