You are all lucky underground Chinese language 😂i want to understand more what they talk about, and even so, i still can laughing with out knowing what talk about 😅,he so cute for a men as his age ( i can't wait who go to his real gf 😅 he funny & cheerful 👍😂😂),,what the drama he play on that funny kiss s reen 😂
真不愧是搞笑多多😂😂😂,多多又帅又搞笑~多多简直长在我笑点上😂😂😂~2:57、 3:12 和 3:17至 3:19 谁注意到了尧尧看过去多多亲队友的表情一开始是惊讶到最后变成了无语😂😂😂😂。2:57尧尧是惊讶,3:12 和 3:17至 3:19就变成了无语。😂😂😂
You are all lucky underground Chinese language 😂i want to understand more what they talk about, and even so, i still can laughing with out knowing what talk about 😅,he so cute for a men as his age ( i can't wait who go to his real gf 😅 he funny & cheerful 👍😂😂),,what the drama he play on that funny kiss s reen 😂
The fans said husband shoot me in the face … is ok don’t be shy I m over 18
English sub pls.🙏🙏🤟🤟💚💚
那周也和檀健次根本不相襯,感覺女方太主動去炒CP, 而且女方很開放,男女關係很随便,樣貌也不是很美和没氣質,我不是他們的粉絲,只是說出感受!💢