SHOLEH LEGEND . Gak pernah pake materi, ngebully semua yang ia liat dilokasi Hahahaha. Sejauh ini di indo cuma punya 2 komika semacam ini, sholeh dan adjis. Good job guys..
Sumpah w kira w doang yg bgtu klo jln bingung mau pake baju apa dan w diem lama buat pake baju apa trus kata terakhir klo udh di tlpin w jwb "w g jd jln ga ada baju" 🤣🤣
Read the proverb below! Better late than never. Everything that is attractive on the outside may not be really valuable inside. A satisfactory conclusion makes up for earlier disappointments. It is preferable to do a job even if it is delayed than not do it at all. Easier said than done One's actions whether good or bad determine one's rewards or punishments. All that glitters is not gold. What does it mean? A needy person should accept what is offered without complaining Something looks good, does not necessarily mean that it is good The success is shown by the deeds Nothing is perfect in this world Money should not be wasted You should wake up and start work early if you want to succeed. Which proverb is suitable? There’s no such thing as a free lunch Easier said than done The early bird catches the worm More haste, less speed Bad workman always blames his tools Question for no. 4 Andy : Ryan you look so sad. What’s going on ? Ryan : My father give me money to pay my tuition, but it was lost. Andy : Don’t worry. I’II lend you my money. Ryan : well,. Thank you very much. I really didn’t know if I could count on you to lend me the money. What is suitable proverb from that situation ? A faithful friend is a medicine for life A friend in need is a friend indeed A faithful friend is better than gold All that glitters is not gold Where there’s a will there’s a way Men make houses, women make homes. What is suitable meaning from that proverb above? It is difficult for man to build a house Building house is not easy for a man A house is for shelter Home sweet home Women give a house its comfort and character
Kalo mau nonton yang ngata-ngatain orang secara langsung, tuh nonton OVJ atau YKS aja mas broo... humor yg tinggi emang wajib ngatain orang lansung?? lol
SHOLEH LEGEND . Gak pernah pake materi, ngebully semua yang ia liat dilokasi Hahahaha. Sejauh ini di indo cuma punya 2 komika semacam ini, sholeh dan adjis. Good job guys..
arie kriting mantap, pngen liat arie ma babe di undang bareng di talk shaw
STAN up sambil mengingat kan. Itu bagus.
itu tadi penonton yang dikatain kang soleh ngedumel hahaa tau rasa tuh mkanya pke pakaian yg benerr
2019 masih noton
Itu si soleh kalo ngatain kampret pedes bgt wkwk
mbak embaknya abis ama soleh. haha
Emang dasar bos besar comic.....Kang soleh
luci deh ge pamungkas
Lucu abis mang saswi feat jamil.......
Cukup menghiburku 😁
soleh emang jago kalo soal roasting hahaha :D
Sumpah w kira w doang yg bgtu klo jln bingung mau pake baju apa dan w diem lama buat pake baju apa trus kata terakhir klo udh di tlpin w jwb "w g jd jln ga ada baju" 🤣🤣
rebonding rebonding tanggung wk ~
nafsu enggak pantes enggak, disitu yang sakit masuk ati bgt pasti tu :v.
Sule mah gak usah susah2 udah lucu beneran
ge terhibur bener hahaha asik
Menit 15:25 mas Andre ngomong anj****. Hehehe.
Arie kriting org Sulawesi?
kayaknya ini talk show terlalu bnyk orangnya deh,.. cukup sule, andre n maya aja
Coba denger andre ngomong anji** pas jamil mau nyamperin maya.
iya betul msk omong gt :-(
lucu, tp terkesan menghina, ye walau itu emg fakta cabe2an, :v
eh itu nama teknik yg dipake Soleh namanya roast kan ya?
Punten slurrrr
SHOLEH SOLIHIN. jangan merendahkan orang gitu dong
Read the proverb below!
Better late than never.
Everything that is attractive on the outside may not be really valuable inside.
A satisfactory conclusion makes up for earlier disappointments.
It is preferable to do a job even if it is delayed than not do it at all.
Easier said than done
One's actions whether good or bad determine one's rewards or punishments.
All that glitters is not gold.
What does it mean?
A needy person should accept what is offered without complaining
Something looks good, does not necessarily mean that it is good
The success is shown by the deeds
Nothing is perfect in this world
Money should not be wasted
You should wake up and start work early if you want to succeed.
Which proverb is suitable?
There’s no such thing as a free lunch
Easier said than done
The early bird catches the worm
More haste, less speed
Bad workman always blames his tools
Question for no. 4
Andy : Ryan you look so sad. What’s going on ?
Ryan : My father give me money to pay my tuition, but it was lost.
Andy : Don’t worry. I’II lend you my money.
Ryan : well,. Thank you very much. I really didn’t know if I could count on you to lend me the money.
What is suitable proverb from that situation ?
A faithful friend is a medicine for life
A friend in need is a friend indeed
A faithful friend is better than gold
All that glitters is not gold
Where there’s a will there’s a way
Men make houses, women make homes.
What is suitable meaning from that proverb above?
It is difficult for man to build a house
Building house is not easy for a man
A house is for shelter
Home sweet home
Women give a house its comfort and character
Soleh Solihun - shame on you! Tidak bisa menulis materi berbobot, jatuhnya membully orang lain.
Soleh solihun stand up nya parah ngatain orang langsung, ga ada lucu2 nya kalo merendahkan seseorang bung!
ga usah terlalu serius mas kalo ntn stand up comedy hahahahaha
Nah iye, emang butuh sense of humour yg tinggi kalo mau ntn stand up comedy
Kalo mau nonton yang ngata-ngatain orang secara langsung, tuh nonton OVJ atau YKS aja mas broo... humor yg tinggi emang wajib ngatain orang lansung?? lol
Isi ulang selera humormu...hidup kok spaneng.. Sensi amat kayak lagi Mens :v