🍊TIMESTAMPS 🍊 4:18 - Chap 1 - Nature, Objective and Scope of Audit 1:24:20 - Chap 2 - Audit Strategy, Audit Planning and Audit Programme 2:25:08 - Chap 3 - Risk Assessment and Internal Control 5:10:55 - Chap 4 - Audit Evidence 17:11:11 - Chap 5 - Audit of Items of FS 8:27:30 - Chap 6 - Audit Documentation 8:57:20 - Chap 7 - Completion and review 10:39:30 - Chap 8 - Audit Report 15:20:00 - Chap 9 - Special features of audit of different types of entities 14:01:50 - Chap 10 - Audit of Banks 13:01:30 - Chap 11 - Ethics and Terms of Audit Engagements
TIME CHAPTER NAME (TOTAL CHAPTER TIME) 0:07:45 Chap 1 - Nature, Objective and Scope of Audit (80minutes) 1:24:20 Chap 2 - Audit Strategy, Audit Planning and Audit Programme (60minutes) 2:25:08 Chap 3 - Risk Assessment and Internal Control (165minutes) 5:10:55 Chap 4 - Audit Evidence (196minutes) 8:27:30 Chap 6 - Audit Documentation (29minutes) 8:57:20 Chap 7 - Completion and review (102minutes) 10:39:30 Chap 8 - Audit Report (142minutes) 13:01:30 Chap 11 - Ethics and Terms of Audit Engagements (60minutes) 14:01:50 Chap 10 - Audit of Banks (78minutes) 15:20:00 Chap 9 - Special features of audit of different types of entities (111minutes) 17:11:11 Chap 5 - Audit of Items of FS (100minutes)
Chapter9 - Audit of diff types of entities ->educational intitutions 15:29:26 ->hotel 15:39:13 ->hospital 15:45:20 ->club 15:49:03 ->chartiable institute 15:52:58 ->ngo 15:57:24 ->co-operative society 16:03:01 *single state *multi state ->government audit 16:32:55 -> leasing company 16:52:00 ->Hire purchase 17:02:00 ->Local body 17:03:20 chapter -8 : Audit Report 10:41:13 SA-700 forming an opinion and reporting on fs 10:41:13 basic elements of AR 11:09:31 SA-705 Modification on opinion to indp. AR 11:21:19 SA-706 EOM & OM 11:31:43 SA-701 Communicating KAM 11:43:54 SA-710 Comparatitive information 11:54:47 Duties of Auditor to [enqurie] on certain matters sec.143(1) reporting requirement of auditor ( only if negative " - ") 12:03:30 duties to audit Report ( 9 +6 = 15 requirements) sec.143(3) compulsory whether pos+ or neg- 12:09:44 Reporting of fraud by auditor sec.143(12) CARO:- 12:12:54 intro 12:15:39 applicabiltity CLAUSES covered by CARO: 12:24:50 1.Fixed assets 12:26:43 2.Inventory 12:27:00 3,4. Loans to related parties & directors 12:27:56 5.public Deposits 12:29:55 6.Cost records 12:30:57 7.Statutory Dues 12:33:02 8.Unrecorded Income 12:33:22 9.Repayment of Loans (6 points) 12:35:31 10. Application money raised by public issue(IPO/FPO) & preferential allotment(Private placement) 12:36:25 recap 1-10 12:38:18 11. Reporting of Fraud (by or on the company) 12:38:57 12.Nidhi company 12:40:46 13.Realted person transaction 12:41:12 14. Internal Audit System 12:41:46 recap 12:42:29 15. Non-Cash Transactions 12:42:49 16.Registration with RBI 12:44:24 17.Cash Losses 12:45:16 18.Conisderations of Issues raised by the Outgoing auditor 12:45:39 19.Material Uncertainity as to the companies ability to meet its liablity 12:45:59 20.Transfer of Unspend CSR amount 12:47:17 21.Qualification or Adverse Remarks in CARO report of group companies 12:51:38 recap 1-21 12:53:49 Joint Audit 12:55:11 advantage of Joint Audit 13:00:16 Dis-advantage SA 230 Chapter 6 - Audit documentation 8:27:39 intro 8:30:57 Purpose of AD 8:37:52 Form, Content & Extent of AD 8:45:58 AD summary/ completion memorandum 8:47:00 Benefits of AD 8:48:34 Audit File 8:53:44 audit documentation is whose property? Chapter 4 - Audit Evidence SA 500 5:10:56 intro 5:12:39 definition 5:15:34 types of AE 5:17:23 sufficient & appropriate AE 5:24:39 Designing & performing subtaintive **Audit Procedure** 5:30:32 Methods/ Technique to perform AP and obtain Evidence 5:38:06 Assertions
15:29:26 Audit of Edu Inst. 15:39:03 Hotels 15:57:17 NGO 16:02:43 CS 16:17:07 Spl. features of CS 16:32:51 Govt. Audit 16:43:12 Audit of Govt Exp. (5 pts.) 17:03:11 Local Body
Sir you are a God and the one and only one who is GOAT 😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️. Sir these are revision videos but I'm watching for the 1st time and able to understand all the concepts superbly. Thank you soooooo much sir 🙏
i started loving the subject sir. masterpiece of auditing revision mrugesh sir. our sincere gratitude to mrugesh madlani sir. you r making oour life simple, with your efforts. thank u sir keep inspirring us😇😇😇😇😇😇
SA 230 8:27:39 chapter 6 Audit documentation 8:30:57 Purpose of AD 8:37:52 Form, Content & Extent of AD 8:45:58 AD summary/ completion memorandum 8:47:00 Benefits of AD 8:48:34 Audit File 8:53:44 audit documentation is whose property?
Thank you so much for your wonderful Lectures sir ❤ I started loving Auditing and SM just because of your Lectures sir ...❤ From CA inter student from Bengaluru Karnataka
There is no more time that's why I can't order book it will take atleast 2 weeks to get delivery ...plz if someone had plz provide me pdf of magic book
These are encrypted books , so if you wish you can order , many are ordering still , as we believe only hardcopy brings results and we work only for results
@@mrugeshmadlani sir but...I am going with both groups and only few days are left for exams ...plz sir help us by providing pdf .it will be very helpful...agr sir tym hota to Mai book jarur order krta ....
40 is too less , we always aim for Exemption 💪💪 , but these will be super helpful , if you have done fast track or regular class and after that you watch these , from any teacher
Our Students never aim for 50 , our target is always exemption , but after regular or fast track they watch these , so you can do regular or fast track and then aim for exemption , 50 is too less
No , main book is must , only magic book is for revision purpose , we advice main book / module , but many people do say , only magic book also helps them to get exemption
We never work for 45 marks , if you do our class and then watch this , you shd expect atleast 60 But directly you can try , there is no guarantee, but if you don't see 3 times , there is guarantee, you won't get 45 marks
Hi sir thanks for making this marathon I have a doubt, I have cleared G1 in my may 2023..... Now i have 2 papers for my G2 in units Is there any condition that both paper should be cleared in single strech or else If we get exemption in FM and SM it will be valid
Just a general query ...is the chapter of audit of banks complete ..? Because I am done with my syllabus but I am left with this chapter Can I complete it just by watching this video only Please reply sir
4:18 - Chap 1 - Nature, Objective and Scope of Audit
1:24:20 - Chap 2 - Audit Strategy, Audit Planning and Audit Programme
2:25:08 - Chap 3 - Risk Assessment and Internal Control
5:10:55 - Chap 4 - Audit Evidence
17:11:11 - Chap 5 - Audit of Items of FS
8:27:30 - Chap 6 - Audit Documentation
8:57:20 - Chap 7 - Completion and review
10:39:30 - Chap 8 - Audit Report
15:20:00 - Chap 9 - Special features of audit of different types of entities
14:01:50 - Chap 10 - Audit of Banks
13:01:30 - Chap 11 - Ethics and Terms of Audit Engagements
Thanks 😊
@@infinity2926 hello!
0:07:45 Chap 1 - Nature, Objective and Scope of Audit (80minutes)
1:24:20 Chap 2 - Audit Strategy, Audit Planning and Audit Programme (60minutes)
2:25:08 Chap 3 - Risk Assessment and Internal Control (165minutes)
5:10:55 Chap 4 - Audit Evidence (196minutes)
8:27:30 Chap 6 - Audit Documentation (29minutes)
8:57:20 Chap 7 - Completion and review (102minutes)
10:39:30 Chap 8 - Audit Report (142minutes)
13:01:30 Chap 11 - Ethics and Terms of Audit Engagements (60minutes)
14:01:50 Chap 10 - Audit of Banks (78minutes)
15:20:00 Chap 9 - Special features of audit of different types of entities (111minutes)
17:11:11 Chap 5 - Audit of Items of FS (100minutes)
Thank you so much sir ❤
Chapter9 - Audit of diff types of entities
->educational intitutions 15:29:26
->hotel 15:39:13
->hospital 15:45:20
->club 15:49:03
->chartiable institute 15:52:58
->ngo 15:57:24
->co-operative society 16:03:01
*single state
*multi state
->government audit 16:32:55
-> leasing company 16:52:00
->Hire purchase 17:02:00
->Local body 17:03:20
chapter -8 : Audit Report
10:41:13 SA-700 forming an opinion and reporting on fs
10:41:13 basic elements of AR
11:09:31 SA-705 Modification on opinion to indp. AR
11:21:19 SA-706 EOM & OM
11:31:43 SA-701 Communicating KAM
11:43:54 SA-710 Comparatitive information
11:54:47 Duties of Auditor to [enqurie] on certain matters
sec.143(1) reporting requirement of auditor ( only if negative " - ")
12:03:30 duties to audit Report ( 9 +6 = 15 requirements)
sec.143(3) compulsory whether pos+ or neg-
12:09:44 Reporting of fraud by auditor sec.143(12)
12:12:54 intro
12:15:39 applicabiltity
CLAUSES covered by CARO:
12:24:50 1.Fixed assets
12:26:43 2.Inventory
12:27:00 3,4. Loans to related parties & directors
12:27:56 5.public Deposits
12:29:55 6.Cost records
12:30:57 7.Statutory Dues
12:33:02 8.Unrecorded Income
12:33:22 9.Repayment of Loans (6 points)
12:35:31 10. Application money raised by public issue(IPO/FPO) & preferential allotment(Private placement)
12:36:25 recap 1-10
12:38:18 11. Reporting of Fraud (by or on the company)
12:38:57 12.Nidhi company
12:40:46 13.Realted person transaction
12:41:12 14. Internal Audit System
12:41:46 recap
12:42:29 15. Non-Cash Transactions
12:42:49 16.Registration with RBI
12:44:24 17.Cash Losses
12:45:16 18.Conisderations of Issues raised by the Outgoing auditor
12:45:39 19.Material Uncertainity as to the companies ability to meet its liablity
12:45:59 20.Transfer of Unspend CSR amount
12:47:17 21.Qualification or Adverse Remarks in CARO report of group companies
12:51:38 recap 1-21
12:53:49 Joint Audit
12:55:11 advantage of Joint Audit
13:00:16 Dis-advantage
SA 230 Chapter 6 - Audit documentation
8:27:39 intro
8:30:57 Purpose of AD
8:37:52 Form, Content & Extent of AD
8:45:58 AD summary/ completion memorandum
8:47:00 Benefits of AD
8:48:34 Audit File
8:53:44 audit documentation is whose property?
Chapter 4 - Audit Evidence
SA 500
5:10:56 intro
5:12:39 definition
5:15:34 types of AE
5:17:23 sufficient & appropriate AE
5:24:39 Designing & performing subtaintive **Audit Procedure**
5:30:32 Methods/ Technique to perform AP and obtain Evidence
5:38:06 Assertions
15:29:26 Audit of Edu Inst.
15:39:03 Hotels
15:57:17 NGO
16:02:43 CS
16:17:07 Spl. features of CS
16:32:51 Govt. Audit
16:43:12 Audit of Govt Exp. (5 pts.)
17:03:11 Local Body
Chapter 4 - Audit Evidence
SA 500
5:10:56 intro
5:12:39 definition
5:15:34 types of AE
5:17:23 sufficient & appropriate AE
5:24:39 Designing & performing subtaintive **Audit Procedure**
5:30:32 Methods/ Technique to perform AP and obtain Evidence
5:38:06 Assertions
SA 520 Analytical procedures
6:24:49 530 Audit Sampling
15:21:00 common
15:29:00. Edn insti
15:39:00. Hotel
15:45:00. Hospital
15:49:00. Club
15:52:00. Charity NGO
16:03:00 co-op
16:32:00. Govit
16:52:00. Lease
16:56:00. Llp
17:02:00. Hire purchase
17:03:00. Local body
Thankyou ♥️
Sir you are a God and the one and only one who is GOAT 😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️.
Sir these are revision videos but I'm watching for the 1st time and able to understand all the concepts superbly. Thank you soooooo much sir 🙏
Thanks a lot
Do share with your friends too
Time Stamp for CARO
12:13:17 - CARO
Because of this wonderful revision lecture I cleared my group 2 , thanks you so much sir ❤love from South student
Thanks a lot
Do share with your friends too
Did you read icai too??
Love from tamil nadu sir
Thanks a lot
Do share with your friends too
11:54:28 duties of auditor ch-8
12:12:56 CARO ch-8
Thankyou so so much sir. It was really helpful for south students
Thanks a lot
Do share with your friends too
Sir itna to parents sochte hai bcho k liye jitney aap soch rhe ho huge respect to u iss time b pdha rhe ho hats off
Thanks a lot
Do share with your friends too
Sir I am in CA final but still seeing your lectures 🫶❣️ remembering my inter days when I used to see your marathon lectures 🥺😭
All the Best
i started loving the subject sir.
masterpiece of auditing revision mrugesh sir.
our sincere gratitude to mrugesh madlani sir.
you r making oour life simple, with your efforts.
thank u sir keep inspirring us😇😇😇😇😇😇
Thanks a lot
Do share with your friends too 👍
chp-9: audit of diff types of entities
->educational intitutions 15:29:26
->hotel 15:39:13
->hospital 15:45:20
->club 15:49:03
->chartiable institute 15:52:58
->ngo 15:57:24
->co-operative society 16:03:01
*single state
*multi state
->government audit 16:32:55
-> leasing company 16:50
->Hire purchase 17:02
->Local body 17:03
12:55:11 advantage of Joint Audit
13:00:16 Dis-advantage
SA 230
8:27:39 chapter 6 Audit documentation
8:30:57 Purpose of AD
8:37:52 Form, Content & Extent of AD
8:45:58 AD summary/ completion memorandum
8:47:00 Benefits of AD
8:48:34 Audit File
8:53:44 audit documentation is whose property?
Thank you so much for your wonderful Lectures sir ❤ I started loving Auditing and SM just because of your Lectures sir ...❤
From CA inter student from Bengaluru Karnataka
Thanks a lot
Do share with your friends too
Sure sir@@mrugeshmadlani
Tq sir from south❤🎉
Thanks a lot
Do share with your friends too
15:45:19 Hospitals
such a lovely class from you sir
pls do fm also in english
sir u are the blessing for ca students
Hats off to ur effort sir
thank u soooo much for the awesome lectures sir ❤
Thanks a lot
All the Best for Your Exams Tommorow 👍
@@mrugeshmadlani thank you for the wish sir
Sir u are the best .....willl be indebted to u❤
Thanks a lot
Do share with your friends too
6:24:58 audit sampling
Sir your classes are awesome..
Shared with my friends too😊
With lots of love from Madurai.
Thankyou sir.
Thanks a lot 😊
7:48 start
CH 8
10:41:51 SA 700
12:13:01 CARO
Sir, I humbly request you to please upload the deleted lectures for ca inter auditing for sep. 2024 which was recorded as chapter wise revision videos
Aapki mehnat ko salaam sir thank you for your efforts
Thanks a lot
Do share with your friends too
🫂thank youu.. so much... sir..
becz you only teaching in English 🙏
Thanks a lot
Do share with your friends too
3:15:30 IC
2:00:37 Audit Program
thank u so much for this marathon sir it is very useful for me to recap all the chapter easily u made us to under easily 😍😇🙏
Thanks a lot
All the Best for your exams tomorrow
SA260- 10:03:00
Mrugesh - 7 let. , Madlani - 7 let. - Thala for a reason😅💎🔥
True Thala is only one MSD 🙏🙏
Thanks a lot
Lol 😂
Length of lecture 18:52:10
1+8-5+2+1+0=7 thala for a reason😂
6:24:53 SA 530
5:45:21 SA 520
Sir can you bring the lecture for cma students also its my humble request your teaching levels was very good.
Love from Bangalore sir thanks a lot
Thanks a lot
Do share with your friends too
Anyone here is fm marathon in English available in our channel??
Thank you so much sir ❤
Thanks a lot
All the Best for your exams
8:15 Start
Is this chart book enough for exams
No main book is must , these is revision book
Is the SA number not important sir?
Awesome lecture sir🎉been ur student for EIS and SM too
so good lectures. thankyou sir
Thanks a lot
Do share with your friends too
Awesome sir
Do you teach ca final also ..I m appearing for group 2 inter..will need coaching for final after 17 may
Sir, Is magic Book enough to study audit ..?
No , main book is must . Magic book is revision book
sir.. I want to purchase audit, FM and SM classes for inter for sept24 in English. How to purchase. Pls guide.
@@mrugeshmadlani thank you sir.. Its fast track or regular?
@@diduknow9853 It's exam Oriented batch , not as long as regular , but just what is needed for exams in Sept
can someone help me where i can find sa 299?
sir i am back 💪
From where can I get mrugesh sir's magic book pdf ..
Plz guys help me . I need it ..
There is no more time that's why I can't order book it will take atleast 2 weeks to get delivery ...plz if someone had plz provide me pdf of magic book
These are encrypted books , so if you wish you can order , many are ordering still , as we believe only hardcopy brings results and we work only for results
@@mrugeshmadlani sir but...I am going with both groups and only few days are left for exams ...plz sir help us by providing pdf .it will be very helpful...agr sir tym hota to Mai book jarur order krta ....
Thank you so much
Thanks a lot
Do share with your friends too
thanks alote sit
Thanks a lot
Do share with your friends too
Love from bangalore❤
Thanks a lot
Do share with your friends too
In how many days will the book be delivered?
7 to 10 working days
Is this marathon enough to get 40 marks
40 is too less , we always aim for Exemption 💪💪 , but these will be super helpful , if you have done fast track or regular class and after that you watch these , from any teacher
sir you helped a lot for tomorrow exam
Thanks a lot
All the Best for your exams
Fm and sm marroton in english sir
SM marathon already uploaded 42,0000 students have already seen Indias Best Marathon
Link for fm marroton sir🙏
Sir aap SM ke offline classes lete ho kya rajsthan mein merko join karna hai
Offline all Batches are full
Sir....Is it possible to get 50+marks if I prepare only this marathon lectures
Same doubt
Our Students never aim for 50 , our target is always exemption , but after regular or fast track they watch these , so you can do regular or fast track and then aim for exemption , 50 is too less
Sir can i get your no for some information need foundation student
Sir only magic book enough
Even i had this doubt, wheather magic book enough to clear exam?
No , main book is must , only magic book is for revision purpose , we advice main book / module , but many people do say , only magic book also helps them to get exemption
Soo..if I listen this marathon twice or thrice?
can I attempt my exam well?
like atleast 45 marks????
We never work for 45 marks , if you do our class and then watch this , you shd expect atleast 60
But directly you can try , there is no guarantee, but if you don't see 3 times , there is guarantee, you won't get 45 marks
Can someone pin the time stamp
Hi sir thanks for making this marathon
I have a doubt,
I have cleared G1 in my may 2023.....
Now i have 2 papers for my G2 in units
Is there any condition that both paper should be cleared in single strech or else
If we get exemption in FM and SM it will be valid
No , it will be valid
@@mrugeshmadlani thanks for making clear sir❤️
Just a general query ...is the chapter of audit of banks complete ..? Because I am done with my syllabus but I am left with this chapter
Can I complete it just by watching this video only
Please reply sir