Philippines Vs Thailand: A Comparison for Expat Life

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @danielsun7298
    @danielsun7298 День тому +1

    Tony, keep the vedios coming they are very useful !!!

  • @สุทธิศักดิ์มธุรพงศากุล

    There are approximately 4-5 million foreigners living in Thailand, but if you include international reports from neighboring countries, there are approximately 7-8 million people, such as people from Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, the Philippines, as well as Indians and Nepalis.

    • @vassanab4243
      @vassanab4243 День тому

      NGO form Myanmar said there are like 7 million Myanmar people in Thailand so I think all should be like 10 millions

  • @ba8898
    @ba8898 День тому +5

    Hmm I don't know - Thailand seems significantly cheaper than the Philippines when it comes to condos, if Airbnb prices are anything to go by.

  • @Deadfoot-Dan
    @Deadfoot-Dan День тому +2

    I'm in Chiang Mai right now, am heading to Da Nang, and then might check out Cebu after that. I think Vietnam, especially for those on a tighter budget, might compare more favorably with Thailand than the Phillipines can, for all the obvious reasons, like infrastructure, better food, less obvious poverty, greater safety, etc., the Phillipines seems to stand out for relationships with English speakers, oft times of a much younger age. Just from UA-cam videos I've seen, it seems those living in the Phillipines don't have the same financial security

    • @bichsbanhbaos4088
      @bichsbanhbaos4088 16 годин тому +1

      Đà Nẵng thời tiết vào tháng 1 ,2 sẽ tốt hơn

  • @andrewbrann6231
    @andrewbrann6231 14 годин тому

    I was in Northern Thailand and the lady I talked to told me yesterday it was like 15 Celsius or something she lives between Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai

  • @amandaneumann1173
    @amandaneumann1173 День тому +2

    Is there anyway that you can pan out and show the area that you are filming in? The backgrounds always seem so peaceful where you are. Maybe show the exact area on a map or give the exact name? I know you stay in Chaing Mai. I don't know which corridor or area exactly. Do you stay more to the northern area or? I have seen some videos on the main tourist attractions but guess I'm looking for more of some local places,that's a little bit more laid back,where perhaps going grocery shopping might be cheaper etc.

  • @steveng8727
    @steveng8727 День тому

    For those seniors considering retiring to Thailand or the Philippines always factor in $400 - $700/mo for FULL healthcare coverage vs. your home country's plan. (e.g. MediCare in the USA $185/mo).

  • @KYFHOme
    @KYFHOme День тому +1

    You might have included food quality. Also, you're the first youtuber I've heard say rentals are cheaper in The PI. Probably a matter of location + how much skin tax you pay.

  • @OhShunz
    @OhShunz День тому +1

    Yes!!! The comparison of all comparisons!!! I’m starting the vid right now! ☀️✌🏽

  • @anniesshenanigans3815
    @anniesshenanigans3815 День тому +3

    Question: Which country is cleaner? Which one has fewer 'beggars'.. i.e. people in the streets in your face begging for money? I like the thought of everyone speaking English, but a lot of things I have seen on Philippines isn't really attractive to me. As a single female retirement age. And Chaing Mai sounds attractive.. except for the burning season. Can you do a comparison of the ease of living there as compared to Bangkok?

    • @cloudzero1547
      @cloudzero1547 День тому +3

      Thailand is richer, cleaner, fewer beggars (although the beggars in Thailand are mostly from neighboring countries, especially Cambodia). Thailand also has better infrastructure, healthcare and safety is also better. Also, Bangkok is once again the most visited city in the world 2024 with over 32 million visitors.

    • @ba8898
      @ba8898 День тому +1

      Thailand is safer crime-wise and has less extreme poverty. In the Philippines you're never too far away from squalor and destitution, which breaks your heart when you see it in person.

  • @andrewbrann6231
    @andrewbrann6231 14 годин тому

    Highland requires you have a certain amount of money in the bank and have at least almost 2,000 a month coming in. I get why they do it but it limits people like me from being able to stay long term. Philippines you could just keep extending 3 years leave one day keep doing it over and over no money requirement that I'm aware of. Now I get that some people might stay too long and run out of money and that's happened there but I don't have retirement and I can't stand being in the United States. I try to go every year to Thailand I've been twice in 3 years. Laos is not got the infrastructure but it's 3 hours for my friend in Thailand

  • @Imamazed1
    @Imamazed1 8 годин тому

    101% Thailand.

  • @tinotino9952
    @tinotino9952 День тому

    With all due respect.. you got some issues "inverted" : Condos : better deals in TH, plus quality... Cost of Living.. Cheaper in TH, not for much, but lower. Cheers!!!

  • @สุทธิศักดิ์มธุรพงศากุล

    Philippine Tourism has the slogan that traveling to the Philippines is more fun. But in reality, to reach the tourist attractions, it takes time to travel from point A to point B, which is quite long and difficult, making the fun less likely due to fatigue. and accommodations that are not very luxurious But the price is quite expensive.

    • @freeparticle5068
      @freeparticle5068 День тому

      I agree... I got tired travelling from Cebu to Bohol and inside Bohol, very difficult to get transportation... Hotels are so expensive in the Philiipines with lower quality than in Thailand

  • @milkncookie
    @milkncookie День тому +1

    If we’re comparing capitals: Manila vs. Bangkok
    there’s really no contest. Having been to both countries, majority of people would agree that Thailand generally stands out. Personally, I’ve traveled to the Philippines many times over the past three years and have a genuine appreciation for its people. While the Philippines has its unique strengths, I’ve found that, for me, the challenges tend to outweigh the benefits.

  • @urs954
    @urs954 День тому +15

    But the food in the Philippines is not good

    • @TimeToTravel-u2x
      @TimeToTravel-u2x День тому +2

      Yeah Phillippino food is nasty

    • @ericroca8879
      @ericroca8879 День тому

      Highly dependent on location if you ask me. If you stay around Manila or Cebu, yes the food is terrible. If you stay on cities like Iloilo, food is a lot better and tastier.

    • @user-zy7ir7dy9y
      @user-zy7ir7dy9y День тому

      .....i hate Thai food

    • @bichsbanhbaos4088
      @bichsbanhbaos4088 17 годин тому

      @@ericroca8879 chỉ chiên và rán

    • @matrices3987
      @matrices3987 14 годин тому

      ​@@ericroca8879wrong, 90% of restaurants are uniformly terrible tasting foreign and domestic and expensive of course.

  • @Bill82759
    @Bill82759 7 годин тому

    The Philippines is not as safe as Thailand, more of a western influence but without the infrastructure and the food is god awful. Healthcare definitely Thailand. Philippines is beautiful and a nice place to visit but Thailand hands down for me.

  • @garrydye2394
    @garrydye2394 День тому

    I prefer the Philippines. A lot less expats and that is always a HUGE bonus!