Such a great tragedy. Before the Stalinist purges Mongolia had 700 monasteries and 100,000 priests, by 1990 there was one monastery and 100 priests. A few monasteries were converted into museums, but most were destroyed and are now little heaps of rubble that dot the countryside. That the Mongolian Buddhist tradition survived that, and without bitterness, is an inspiration for all people and peoples facing adversity.
It's only a personal opinion and people take it personal, remember we all have a different path and we all don't believe in the same thing, I respect your opinion though. If that is what makes these boys feel better then so be it, I personally don't feel empty then again I don't do foreign studies or any of that which is unnecessary to feel peace honestly. I rather sit in the silence or listen to meditation music and simply relax and concentrate
@HotZetiGer Well, from the point of view of those boys, actually you are wasting your precious time not pursuing the path of enlightenment as you are absorbed in your endeavors of material wealth and ordinary worldly pleasures. Also please let me dare advising you to improve your knowledge of the English grammar instead of wasting your time criticizing the boys who are learning Buddhist philosophy after they have mastered the Tibetan language.
Such a great tragedy. Before the Stalinist purges Mongolia had 700 monasteries and 100,000 priests, by 1990 there was one monastery and 100 priests. A few monasteries were converted into museums, but most were destroyed and are now little heaps of rubble that dot the countryside. That the Mongolian Buddhist tradition survived that, and without bitterness, is an inspiration for all people and peoples facing adversity.
gracias universo!
Helps me relax and concentrate
@tuya444 Olon nom unshsan olon surguuli tugssun huniig UHAANtai gedeggui yum! Amidarch chaddag huniig l unhaantai gedeg yum!
@tuya444 Jijighen chalchaa ohin! Chi nadtai Buddhismiin talaar margaj chadah uu?
It's only a personal opinion and people take it personal, remember we all have a different path and we all don't believe in the same thing, I respect your opinion though. If that is what makes these boys feel better then so be it, I personally don't feel empty then again I don't do foreign studies or any of that which is unnecessary to feel peace honestly. I rather sit in the silence or listen to meditation music and simply relax and concentrate
@airplanekrash yeap :) It'sErdend-zuu central location in Mongolia
@tuya444 Er hun helsendee! Humuus chini munhagiig l gaihah bolno! Tuvd gedeg undesten buruu nomloloosoo bolood undestniihee huvid muhuj bn! Ene unen!
@tuya444 Bayartai kkk :D Chini araas neg bituu uruund huuh yumsan kkk
@tuya444 Eimu Bichiga Ihar Margahu uu? genuu! Naad chine nileed nutgiin aylagatai bn daa Za BITCH-eed bai kkk
@tuya444 Баахан төвд үсэг байх чинь, өөрөө Хандмаа юмаадаа янз нь...Наад лам нар чинь эм хүн бузар гэхгүй байна уу?
@videouzleg Чи ном унш. Тэгвэл хариу нь олдоно. Битгий олон нийтийн газар там тум таамгаар дураараа ярьж бай.
@HotZetiGer Тийм байх өөөөөөөөөөөөөөө. Та ядаж эм хүний төгссөн сургуулийг төгсчих л дөө. За амжилт хүсье, миний нойр хүрээд байна. Баяртай.
@videouzleg Чи ном уншиж бай л дааааааа
@HotZetiGer Харин маргахдаа кириллээр бичих үү, ᠢᠢᠮᠦ ᠪᠢᠴᠢᠭ᠌ ᠢᠡᠡᠷ ᠮᠠᠷᠭᠠᠬᠣ ᠣ, or shall we argue in English?
@HotZetiGer Та англи хэлний хэл зүйг дутуу судалсан, бас монгол бичгээ ч зөв уншиж сураагүй байна шүү дээ. ཐ་ཨྰིམ་པི་ཅིག་འེར་མར་གའ་མྰར་པས་ན་འུ?
@videouzleg Хэрвээ чи ном уншдаг байсан бол ингэж амны зоргоор бурахгүй байх байсан.
@videouzleg Бурханы шашин хүчирхэг гүрэн байгуулах тухай юм уу? Чи "harui" гээд байгаагаа кирилл бичгээр бич дээ.... Тэгээд ном уншдаг эсэхийг чинь амархан мэдчихнэ....
@HotZetiGer Чадна, бардам чадна
@videouzleg За, за, ном уншаарай, боловсролоо дээшлүүлээрэй. Тэр болтлоо наад бичсэн юмнуудаа арччих, олон хүн харж шоолох вий....
@HotZetiGer Well, from the point of view of those boys, actually you are wasting your precious time not pursuing the path of enlightenment as you are absorbed in your endeavors of material wealth and ordinary worldly pleasures. Also please let me dare advising you to improve your knowledge of the English grammar instead of wasting your time criticizing the boys who are learning Buddhist philosophy after they have mastered the Tibetan language.
@videouzleg "сонингууд" гэдэггүй, "сонинууд" гэдэг юм. "хэрэгтэнгүүд" гэдэггүй "хэрэгтнүүд" гэдэг юм.
@HotZetiGer Та ер нь кирилл бичгээр нэг юм бич дээ.... Кирилл үсгийн дүрэм хир зэрэг сайн мэддэгийг чинь харъя....
@HotZetiGer "юмаадаа" биш, "юмаа даа" гэж бичнэ. "янз нь" гэхийн өмнө таслал тавина. "Таслал" гэдэг үгийг ойлгож байна уу? Бурханы шашинд бүсгүй хүнийг, эх хүнийг бузар гэдэггүй.