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  • @King_Zangetsu12820
    @King_Zangetsu12820 3 роки тому +40

    LMAO this movie was the BEST Transformers movie EVER

    • @cheeseburger12
      @cheeseburger12 3 роки тому +1

      And really, only the first 3rd of the movie.

  • @yermatedave4930
    @yermatedave4930 3 роки тому +17

    TF fans are united in few things, but one of those things is that the soundtrack to this movie is absolutely amazeballs.

  • @TAKTAK_Toys
    @TAKTAK_Toys 3 роки тому +10

    Imagine being a kid in the 80s growing up with these characters and the leader of the good guys dies 20 mins into the film, in the 80s that hadn’t really been done in a cartoon before, I was 6 when I saw this and it was really impactful. 👍

    • @theashrook6129
      @theashrook6129 3 роки тому +2

      I got checked out of school, me and my cousins, and we were taken to the theater to see this. we all started crying when Prime died.

  • @SLBFan
    @SLBFan 3 роки тому +7

    Soundtrack is freaking awesome!

  • @batmansvideocave9167
    @batmansvideocave9167 3 роки тому +6

    best n only transformers movie!!

  • @Fenris30
    @Fenris30 3 роки тому +23

    Hotrod stepped up throughout the movie, if you weren't so busy crushing on the Badguys you would've seen that.

    • @vorpal120
      @vorpal120 2 роки тому

      I always thought HotRod was the "chosen one" because he was the first one to touch the matrix after Optimus dropped it and then he held it up.

    • @nagillim7915
      @nagillim7915 Рік тому

      @@vorpal120 - it also helps that he retroactively looks like Primus. 🤣

    • @autoprimestopmotion322
      @autoprimestopmotion322 Рік тому

      Hot rod definitely stepped up and and did his thing as Rodimus Prime but in season three of the transformer series, he wanted nothing to do with the responsibility as a leader and that infuriated me deeply so in season four they brought Prime back. I was glad when they brought him back, but it took so long. Wow.

  • @elwoodwesley9115
    @elwoodwesley9115 3 роки тому +6

    Yep the creators never thought prime be the iconic character he became.when they tried to move on new characters, I cried myself when I was 8 years old.

  • @69locutus
    @69locutus 3 роки тому +6

    I remember kids cried in the theaters so they had to put the notice in the end he would return.

  • @indy500tabasco8
    @indy500tabasco8 3 роки тому +2

    the best movie ever made. transformers 1986

  • @Pharaohcious
    @Pharaohcious 2 роки тому +1

    05:00 One thing I like that Bay held to in the movies. Optimus always had epic intros dropping the decepticons...just the music was better back then lol

  • @Rodshark75
    @Rodshark75 Рік тому

    Megatron can absolutely fly around and fire in gun mode. He is just more accurate with someone shooting him.

  • @idksomeguy3294
    @idksomeguy3294 2 роки тому +1

    3:35 he just be chilling and spitting at megs as he watches a bunch of Autobots getting shot to death

  • @edgescarborough4724
    @edgescarborough4724 3 роки тому +7

    Just discovered your channel. I'm always willing sub to brothas who share interested in transformers or nerd culture in general. First off, my hatred for Michael Bay's TF movies are immense. My love for G1 TF is ridiculous. I was a kid during the series run (in the 80s) from season's 1 to 4, the 1986 movie is one of my all time favorites. But, I actually agree with some points you made in your review. Hell, I have issues with things in the, surviving autobots not being in the room with Optimus, only focusing on the new autobots hearing his last words. Sunstreaker, Hound, Blaster. Bluestreak, Dinobots, should have been there. I only found Hot Rod interesting. Not so much Rodimus Prime taking over.
    Inconsistencies, even the TV series had inconsistencies.
    In this movie, Dinobots Snarl, the stegosaurus is in a few scenes, but never is seen again after the 2 shuttles fly off after the reformatted decepticons attack the city. I remember as a kid, when magnus is killed and repaired, I was like, hey, can't they just get optimus and have wreck-gar fix him? And there are other things that bug me about the movie. But the movie also stuck with me in how back then, no series I'm aware of dared kill off favorite characters or characters period. It was dark and f*cked up in ways that at that time no one did. Nowadays, the shock of killing off characters just feels standard, expected. No impact for me. I don't like that Optimus, Prowl, and Windcharger (my first mini autobot) were murdered, but that cartoon was ballsy, even if it was just to introduce new toys. But I tend to like people that don't follow the flock all the time. I've had people pissed at me for hating Bay's Transformer movies. Just because someone doesn't like what I like, will not stop me from liking it. And if this movie did nothing for you, you have the right to feel that way. Just like nothing will make me like Bay's TF movies.
    People like what they like. All we can do is agree to disagree, but respect one's opinion. It's OK to have opinions, even though it's 2021, opinions are OK. I love TF 1986 movie, even with its annoying flaws. Hey, I know people that don't like Akira and Ninja Scroll. And those are better movies than Transformers 1986 in my opinion. But, I admit I'm a G1 Transformers fanboy, TF the movie 1986, is the only TF movie for me. I should check out Bumblebee though. I hear its pretty good.

    • @barrettw-gunner794
      @barrettw-gunner794 2 роки тому

      Well said man, well said 👏!!! Someone out there gets it. This was are childhood memories. One of the major animated series made into a movie that left an impact on all of our hearts. We saw favorite characters blasted and blown to pieces and were like "oh my God NO!!!" It touched our hearts and minds, and rocked us to the core, no matter how quirky some of the scenes were lol. That's why to US, OUR generation, this is the ONLY and REAL, Transformers the Movie. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but that's at least how I feel. Thank you for putting up with my rant 😆.

  • @brockbaby
    @brockbaby 3 роки тому +2

    The movie was hitting all points up until Optimus death. Then it lost it's mojo.

  • @sarahjames6257
    @sarahjames6257 2 роки тому

    Yes, 80's soundtracks are 100% better than anything shown today.

  • @kayele
    @kayele 3 роки тому +2

    I feel you, I get the explanation. I was never really feeling HotRod, I think they didn't understand their audience when they made this. Some great moments, some bad. I think the production was great, voices, and the story. Pacing was off but this was an animated movie from 86', movies had a certain runtime back then. I respect your opinion, I still like it though.

  • @markichijo7778
    @markichijo7778 3 роки тому +9

    I'm not gonna go into a super long fanboy rant about this, but I completely disagree with your assessment on this movie. Is nostalgia clouding my judgement? Maybe so, but even as an adult, I can see the flaws in the movie and still enjoy it for what it is and for what it did for the franchise at large. It was not a commercial or critical success, but has become a cult classic over the years since it's initial release. I feel like you didn't cover anything worthwhile in your review. You didn't talk about the animation, the dialogue, the fact that they dared to kill characters who were fan favorites, the amazing voice cast and barely touched on the music. It just seems to me like you watched it from beginning to end with complete disinterest and almost disdain. I get the fact that you didn't grow up with this. You weren't even alive when it came out originally. But, I just really feel you glossed over most of the good aspects of the movie and focused almost entirely on the negative stuff. To put it bluntly, it doesn't feel like you even tried to review the film. I gotta give you a thumbs down on this one. It's not the difference in opinion that bugs me, it's your lack of care with the review. It felt lazy and kinda half assed.

    • @phenixroi
      @phenixroi  3 роки тому +2

      I don't like to reply to negative comments but I felt the need to reply to this one. I do believe you have rose tinted glasses, and that's ok. I don't blame you. I didn't grow up with this movie but I did grow up with this franchise and I have a very deep love for it as well. But this film left me completely unimpressed and, quite frankly, disappointed. It lost my interest very early on but I thought I would give it a fair chance and review what I thought at the end. The reason why I didn't talk about the dialogue, animation, etc. was because none of it impressed me. Nothing stuck with me enough for me to feel the need to mention it. So to say my review was lack luster or half assed just simply isn't fair. That's just my opinion. I'm aware of what the movie did for the franchise but this isn't a retrospective, it's my immediate, genuine reaction. At the end of the day, I appreciate your comment and I appreciate your thumbs down. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.

    • @nexus4923
      @nexus4923 3 роки тому +6

      @@phenixroi I have to agree with the OP on this. As you were watching you said at one one point "these audio cues are kinda fire!" and I think this is just one important thing that you completely glossed over and lost, that you found some love for the soundtrack but didn't make the connection between what Vince DiCola, Stan Bush and other artists were portraying in the music and how it was represented on screen in animation.
      I can't really disect your review because ultimately you didn't really provide one, but I also agree that it seems as a viewer of your video you came into it with low expectations and came out of it satisfying the expectations you went in with. Just my opinion.
      I certainly love this with nostalgia, but certainly not with rose tinted glasses. For me this movie is a flawed masterpiece, it has both incredible and shoddy animation, some scenes such as Starscream's death, Unicron's transformation, or even his destruction, for what was essentially a cheap TV show animated on 2's, is by far and large masterfully animated. And in contrast, you also have some very boringly animated parts with lazy cheats and glaringly obvious colouring errors. It is not perfect in all of its elements but as a whole piece it is a compelling work of art.
      The themes of the movie, the setting, the tone, the darkness, the maniacal nature of the planet sized demi god, the fear it distils in the all oppressive Decepticons, the lack of hope for the Autobots and the rest of the universe, the dialogue and interactions between characters, all create powerful emotions that as a story tell something truly great and wonderful.
      You have to overlook its flaws and judge it based on its merits, because its merits vastly outweigh its flaws. Of course you're entitled to your own opinion, and that is fine. But I would earge any Transformers fan who skipped this movie to give it another chance and allow your self to fall in love with whatever it is about it you love, and the more you do so the more you understand it as a movie. Perhaps, the fact that this is my most watched movie of all time from a child right to today, I've studied it, memorized it and disected it so many times that I'm not judging it based on one viewing, nor with pure nostalgia, but with an analytical opinion that is thirty plus years in the making.
      I'm not hear to argue that you're wrong, nobody can right or wrong a subjective opinion. But for me this really is a movie that needs to be looked at in close detail, and I think for a lot of G1 Transformer fans of my age this is something that they've already done, and I'd hope that you would do the same, because I'd really like you or anyone to see and appreciate the greatness that is in this movie, both in parts and in whole.

    • @markichijo7778
      @markichijo7778 3 роки тому +3

      To Phoenix Roi, My assessment of your review was not meant to be negative or hurtful in any way. I'm sorry if I came off that way. I do feel like from beginning to end, you didn't give this movie much of a chance. I don't know if you're not a fan of 80's animation, or if you were expecting something like Shakespeare, but there's a lot there if you look for it.
      Look a little deeper into the story and you'll find some nods to Star Wars, a few comic book references, and a coming of age tale like something talked about in Joseph Campbell's book, the Hero With a Thousand Faces. One of the biggest references is a nod to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's Fantastic Four comics with the planet eating menace of Unicron and his herald Galvatron, easily being a stand in for Galactus and the Silver Surfer.
      The use of Metal and Pop songs, and a really impressive synth score (from the genius Vince DiCola who composed Rocky IV), was definitely unheard of in what was supposed to be a kids cartoon.
      The sheer amount of characters killed on and off screen was also absolutely unheard of in a children's cartoon as well, especially in the brutal and shocking ways they did it.
      The movie also introduced many characters, situations and elements that would be referenced again and again throughout every aspect of the series...without this movie, key characters like Galvatron, Unicron, Hot Rod, Kup, Springer, Arcee, Blurr, Cyclonus, Scourge, the Quintessons and many more would never have existed. You would never have the Autobot Matrix of Leadership, or even a lot of the back story elements that make up a large chunk of established lore. The movie was a game changer in that regard.
      The movie was 2 years in the making between the U.S. at Marvel Productions and Japan at Toei Animation Co. Ltd., and is incredibly detailed all through the film. Go back and watch that opening scene where Unicron destroys the planet Lithone. Look at the amount of shading, all the lighing effects, all the intricate details put into each frame of animation. Sure, some of it is sloppy along the way, but the good parts more than make up for some of the more rushed sequences. The actual movement of the animation is scary good. Look at the fight between Prime and Megatron, how well choreographed that battle was. Or the flyby shot of Unicron as he passes by the screen...look at how beaitifully smooth the animation in that scene was. How about some of the impressive special effects? When Blurr moves around, watch for all the crazy after images that follow him because he is so fast. The electricity effects when Prime is slashed in the side by Megatron with that lightsaber. Little things like that that really impress me.
      Let's move on to the voice work. Peter Cullen gives an outstanding performance as always, as Optimus Prime. He exudes strength, noblitiy and wisdom, but also what sounds like a bit of weariness from the millennia of warfare between Autobots and Decepticons. Frank Welker does an equally great job of making Megatron out to be cunning, ruthless and maniacal. All the rest of the series mainstays do their best work by far here: Neil Ross, Susan Blu, Chris Latta, Michael Bell, etc. This is saying nothing about the celebrity voices like Orson Welles, Judd Nelson, Lionel Stander, Robert Stack, Leonard Nimoy and Eric Idle.
      The dialogue is fantastic and instantly quotable. It's not being written as if they're talking down to the audience. Some of the lines are grandiose and a little over the top, but it feels like a Marvel comic. It feels as if Stan Lee himself had written the dialogue, because he always stressed that he would use vocabulary that would oftentimes challenge readers to learn a new term. It feels the same here. The exchange between Unicron and Megatron is an example of really nuanced dialogue for a kids cartoon:
      -Unicron beckons the nearly dead Megatron as his carcass drifts through space after he is unceremoniously dumped out of Astrotrain by his treacherous lieutenant, Starscream.
      -"Megatron...Megatron...." a deep guttural voice calls out to him as he floats in the blackness of space. "Welcome...Megatron!!" Unicron announces.
      -Wary of the voice, Megatron wearily asks..."Who...who said that?!" Unicron answers in return " Unicron!"
      After being blown back by Unicron's booming, mighty voice, Megatron tries to grab on to anything, finding one of Unicron's horns, but unable to maintain much of a handhold, scrapes across the surface of it, desperately trying to slow himself down. Megatron demands: "Show yourself!"
      -Unicron, ignoring Megatron's demands replies "I have summoned you here for a purpose!"
      -Megatron, responds defiantly in a haggard and raspy tone "Nobody summons Megatron!!"
      -Unicron arrogantly exclaims, knowing his place on the food chain, "Then it pleases me to be the first!"
      -Megatron demands Unicron to tell him what he wants with him. "State your business!"
      -Unicron lays out what he wants from Megatron. "This is my command: you are to destroy the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. It is the one thing... the *only* thing... that can stand in my way.
      -Megatron responds, bragging of his accomplishments: "You have nothing to fear. I have already crushed Optimus Prime with my bare hands!"
      -Unicron, sounding either annoyed, or mildly amused at Megatron's boasts, curtly responds with: "You exaggerate."
      -Megatron replies, possibly feeling like he has to defend his statement: "The point is he's dead! And the Matrix died with him!"
      -Unicron again chastises Megatron for a glaring oversight: "No- the point is you're a fool! The Matrix has been passed on to their new leader: Ultra Magnus. Destroy it for me!"
      -Megatron's reply, even in the face of death, is flippant and arrogant. "Why Should I? What's in it for me?!"
      -Unicron reminds him of that fact by stating "Your bargaining posture is highly dubious...but, very well. I shall give you a new body and new troops to command..."
      Unicron offers Megatron his terms, which Megatron finds unacceptable asking "And...??" To which Unicron replies "AND NOTHING!!! You belong to!" as if taunting Megatron, knowing he desires to rule, not to be ruled over.
      -Megatron, overcome with anger and thinking a bit too highly of one in his position, screams out "I BELONG TO NOBODY!!!"
      -Unicron's reply sounds almost disappointed but full well knowing that he toys with Megatron at his leisure. "Perhaps I misjudged you...proceed...on your way to oblivion." Unicron's making good on his threat using whatever energy he does to basically torment Megatron before killing him. Megatron does the unthinkable in the face of his own demise and resigns himself to the role of puppet. "NO! NO! I ACCEPT YOUR TERMS!! I ACCEPT!!!" and Unicron, knowing he has conquered and humiliated Megatron responds with a simple "Excellent!" and proceeds to transform Megatron into a more powerful version of himself, showing that he can create life just as easily as he can destroy it. This essentially makes Unicron something of a God. Unicron knows that nothing, other than the Autobot Matrix of Leadership, can desroy him, and that little detail would be taken care of by his new herald, Galvatron.
      I'd say that's some pretty impressive dialogue, and at least deserves some acknowledgment.
      Sure, it seems rushed in parts, it may feel a bit cartoony at times, the story may seem somewhat average, but it's undeniable that a lot of hard work went into making this movie. They wanted to up the ante way past what was shown in the original cartoon and offer a big theatrical experience that fans of the show and the toys would be talking about for years after.
      I know I won't change your mind, but this is where I'm coming from. It is not only with rose colored glasses that I view this movie. Like the above commenter, I have nearly 35 years of experience watching this movie and delving into nearly every little facet of it on a story and technical level. I don't expect you to do the same, but I find it very difficult to understand how you found nothing of value in the film. No one is saying the movie is perfect, but I stand by what I said about the review: it felt like you didn't even try.

    • @marcusfranconium3392
      @marcusfranconium3392 3 роки тому +2

      Same here i agree with the OP . He is an diot , he neglected the fact there where high end voice actors of one it was his final role Orson Wells .as unicron , most noted for War of the worlds .
      So many legendary voice actors in this movie .
      Left out that no one got killed in 80s cartoons or series at that time . even A-team , Airwolf , night rider no one died.
      The fact that children spend a quarter of their lives growing up with those characters and seeing them beeing killed in 20 minutes a little traumatizing.
      Only robocop had more graphic and brutal violence in those days and this was a kids cartoon.
      Lazy review , no research nothing.
      But its to be expected from some one that grew up with 90% exposion movies no dialog poor acting micheal bay movies.

  • @nagillim7915
    @nagillim7915 Рік тому

    This is mid-G1. The toyline was entering its 3rd year and Hasbro wanted new product on the shelves. In 86 i was 7 years old and this movie cemented me as a fan because i had never seen a cartoon kill off characters before. After 2 years of hearing about the war i finally got to see a piece of it.
    I also got into the Marvel Transformers comic in 85 and, being in the UK where it was a weekly title and not monthly like in the US, we got stories the US fans didn't get to fill the extra pages (US fans didn't get them until the internet came along), including the introduction of The Wreckers Some of the best Transformers stories there was (and still is) were from the UK comic in the 80s and most of them spun off from this movie.
    So while the US comic stayed in the 80s setting and told stories there that pretty much ignored the 1986 movie, in the UK comic we fans got two storylines running side by side: the US one set in the 80s following the Ark crew, and a UK exclusive one written by Simon Furman that followed up the movie with what happened to Galvatron after he got thrown out of Unicron, what happened to Unicron's head, how Hotrod adapted to being leader, and time travel as Galvatron tried to change history so that he would not end up as Unicron's pawn. Plus Quintesson attempted invasions of Earth and Cybertron, the origin of Unicron (and the introduction of Primus into Transformers lore), and an epic time-spanning saga in which Megatron and Galvatron teamed up to decimate the Wreckers, their Decepticon equivalents the Mayhem Attack Squad, the Autobots led by Optimus Prime on 80s Earth, the Decepticons of 80s Earth (led at the time by Scorponok), as well as Rodimus Prime's Autobots from the future and the future Decepticons led by Soundwave (who finally got to be leader, and proved to be quite effective).
    G1 ended about 1990/1991, with G2 beginning the following year with a take on Transformers that owed a lot to the movie in terms of the total bloody slaughter of characters that was the accompanying Marvel comic book.
    Then it ended and the creators of Beast Wars drew their lore from all of it: G1 cartoon, movie, US comic, UK comic, G2 comic.
    The Vok origins can be found in G2, as can an explanation of what Tarantulas means when he says killing Optimus Prime won't affect his existence becauae he's not a descendant of the Autobots or Decepticons.
    And the Beast Machines idea of Cybertron having not always been a mechanical world comes out of the G1 comics and the lore around Primus and the Matrix (which in the comics is shown to rejuvenate organic life), and vague hints of the original inhabitants of Cybertron before the Transformers were created, who Primus locked away deep inside the planet where they degenerated into energon demons.

  • @sadeaton
    @sadeaton 2 роки тому

    Fun review and reaction, thanks for sharing!

  • @randysmith7045
    @randysmith7045 2 роки тому

    as much as i love teh live action films i love this one more

  • @vorpal120
    @vorpal120 2 роки тому

    I agree it isn't the best movie. But it is pure nostalgia at this point. I saw this movie in the theater as a Double Feature with Top Gun when they were released. I watch Transformers G1 after school and when I saw the trailer spots on TV I had to go see it. It was what it was: a better production longer episode. Then I watched the next season after school too. I know it is hard to look at this with the eyes of an 80s kid but it did kick a$$ at the time. GI Joe the movie was the same too. All the shows we watched during after school or Saturday mornings that had movies we watched. When I say we, I mean 80s kids in the suburbs specifically. I saw the Smurfs movie back then too on Showtime I think (Smurfs Magic Flute). There is such a disconnect with the understanding of how daily life was for us kids back then vs. today. TV was our internet (that is what we watched) and toys were our cell phones (those were the kind of things we carried around). We traded Garbage Pail Kids and rode our bikes everywhere. We stayed out playing until dinner time. A funny vid to see to get a little perspective would be to listen to Ernie Cline's "When I was a Kid". It is a pretty good summary of what it was like around then.

  • @crapstirrer
    @crapstirrer 3 роки тому +4

    This movie is the only thing from G1 I can still watch without rolling my eyes.

    • @Daywalker_27
      @Daywalker_27 3 роки тому +4

      You must have missed all of the scenes with the Dinobots

    • @Daywalker_27
      @Daywalker_27 3 роки тому +1

      @rudy2fat During the Constructicons debut Grimlock fired off a warning shot which was a hint that they had to leave. That warning shot went though the Arc and out the mountain of their base which was big enough they could use as an entry/exit.
      That was the Dinobots! Kick ass, take no names wrecking machines.
      As much I love the 86 movie, I still watch it till this day but I cringe with each and every scene with a Dinobot in it. Grimlock crying because some pint sized rhyming bit hit him in the nose with a slingshot, begging to hear children stories during a fight to escape slaughter ruined their whole bad ass persona. 😢

  • @peterscoop2647
    @peterscoop2647 Рік тому

    I see you didnt really like it, but it was an 80s coming of age movie about Hot Rod, if you look at it that way it makes much more sense. The Decepticons were indeed awesome in this!! The music is one of a kind and fkn amazing, synhtesizers and heavy metal combined. To me it is a 100/10 but I watched it a million times in the 80s and 90s.

  • @chrisedwards3214
    @chrisedwards3214 3 роки тому +1

    First saw this in 86 on vcr and was mindblown all the old characters was killed or written out

  • @MisterR82
    @MisterR82 Рік тому

    It’s really those first 26 minutes of the film that make it memorable. Everyday characters you’d see on the show after school, getting totally wasted without fanfare in a brutal way is what cemented it. Ironhide getting his head blown off point blank, Ratchet, the medic who helped save the lives of other autobots in the show getting blasted into fragments basically, Prowl getting shot resulting in his insides exploding and melting, etc. This is why it’s so memorable honestly.

  • @tae-yunlee7658
    @tae-yunlee7658 2 роки тому

    this was my drug as a kid. the music, the energy, the visuals. Still chasing this high :P

  • @johntorres9058
    @johntorres9058 Рік тому

    This movie came out after the cartoon so Optimus was around longer then 25 minutes... and if ur a transformers FAN u should watch the original cartoon. The first few minutes of main characters dieing was definitely not meant for kids.

  • @JackieYTSMELLS
    @JackieYTSMELLS 2 роки тому

    Better than ALL of the bay films.

  • @sidsigmaprime6347
    @sidsigmaprime6347 Рік тому

    Yes without context it's a weird movie that has no time to explain it's self

  • @Ducky9976
    @Ducky9976 Рік тому +1

    Rodimus Prime Suckkkkkksssssss. I saw this movie when I was 8 years old. When they killed Optimus I was heart broken. Also I loved Starscream too. Galvatron sucked in the new G2 stuff. I missed Megatron and Optimus.

  • @Pinkielover
    @Pinkielover 3 роки тому +5

    2040 will be here in a blink of an eye ,, Prepare yourself Because life moves extremely fast

  • @cheeseburger12
    @cheeseburger12 3 роки тому

    "I came in under Beast Wars."
    No. Try again.
    "I came in under BEAST WARSSSSS!"

  • @guevaraz101
    @guevaraz101 3 роки тому +2

    TRANSFORMERS: THE MOVIE (1986), they kill Prime way too soon.

  • @nonamemister2643
    @nonamemister2643 Рік тому

    lmao, dude came in the movie and chose violence, I meant decepticons

  • @macokreeftmeijer5874
    @macokreeftmeijer5874 2 роки тому

    Take a look at the voice of optimus

  • @whitedragon4552
    @whitedragon4552 2 роки тому +4

    I think the movie has good animation, some good dialogue and especially the music is for the most part really good but in storytelling it is pretty weak. It is enjoyable but also overrated. I say that as someone who watched this movie three times already.

  • @St1kyFinguz
    @St1kyFinguz 3 роки тому

    Have you seen *_The Last Dragon_*

  • @Hypercannon77
    @Hypercannon77 Рік тому

    Dunno if I like his reactions

  • @marcusfranconium3392
    @marcusfranconium3392 3 роки тому +1

    What kind of bullshit review is this, "I dont get what the hype is about "
    For one its the originalal G1 transformers movie , Kids starting watching this show where 5 years old at their youngest , growing up with the shows characters for 2 years and having your favorite characters killed of in the first 20 minutes .
    2 years for a 7-10 year old is a quarter of their lives , it would be the same if you got a pet for your kid and shoot it after 2 years.
    Not to mention the fact in the 80s no one died a black eye at most some bruices. the a-team , airwolf ,night rider etc no one got killed
    Having a cartoon killing characters in a verry graphic way was unheard of .
    The fact you missed out on the voice cast and who where actualy in it ,
    Orson Wells ever heard of him ?
    Kids of the 80s did and he died before the movie was released. it was his final role as an actor.

  • @peterscoop2647
    @peterscoop2647 Рік тому

    "They copied that scene in the movie" And then I gave this video a like 🦾