Earrien Freeman | Artist Premiere #33

  • Опубліковано 25 лют 2023
  • In Honor of Black History Month the company is pleased to have chosen 25 year old African American Earrien_Freeman ‪@Earrien‬ to receive our Give Back/Give Black charity for black creators, which includes $5,000 Artist Promotion Package that gave him a short form production of his choice as well as a feature on our show Artist Premiere to shine a light on his Comedy endeavors as well as a custom marketing campaign and growth strategy to boost his reach and expand his exposure.
    Earrien Freeman is a aspiring comedian who started catching traction in his local town a few months ago after 12 years of working on his craft! He is from a rural town in GA and his idol is #kevinhart and loves @desi #EarienFreeman #GiveBackGiveBlack #blackhistorymonth #comedian
    Congratulations Earrian! Keep going!
    SLC doesn’t condone, subscribe or endorse any of Earriens Videos as they shine a bad light on African Americans and Culture. The company chose to attempt to pour as much positivity into his journey as we could through the awarding of this charity!