Touhou: Locked Girl ~ The Girl's Secret Room [Guitar Cover]

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @YataTheFifteenth
    @YataTheFifteenth 3 роки тому +937

    Right, that's Metal done. Now for Fire, Water, Wood, Earth, Sun, and Moon.

    • @littleredruri
      @littleredruri 3 роки тому +106

      Surely this is fire enough as it is!

    • @ShinyDiscoBomb
      @ShinyDiscoBomb 3 роки тому +19

      What about Star?

    • @theacc_
      @theacc_ 3 роки тому +88

      @@ShinyDiscoBomb we don't talk about star and patchy

    • @YataTheFifteenth
      @YataTheFifteenth 3 роки тому +69

      @@ShinyDiscoBomb that's the Black-White's job.

    • @timon6427
      @timon6427 3 роки тому +15

      Wait, why sun and moon? Should I have paid more atention in Chinese alchemy class?

  • @Qoride
    @Qoride 3 роки тому +495

    Marisa: "Alright time for a spellcard battle!"
    Patchouli: *pulls out a guitar and starts doing sick riffs*
    Marisa: "What the fuck"

    • @mikeeltipodelosalien
      @mikeeltipodelosalien 3 роки тому +54

      Of course, Metal spell.

    • @BPKPhoenix
      @BPKPhoenix 3 роки тому +23

      Nanidafuq ~Da Ze?!

    • @raccoonchild
      @raccoonchild 2 роки тому +1

      @@BPKPhoenix 'da ze' can only go at the end of a statement.

    • @homuraakemi103
      @homuraakemi103 2 роки тому +11

      Pache: “Oh? I’m experimenting with a new method of magic. Perhaps this will keep you out!”

    • @Stickpagedude
      @Stickpagedude 2 роки тому +1

      The marisa remembered that she did this spell a few years ago

  • @blackcatsmusicroom2553
    @blackcatsmusicroom2553 3 роки тому +229

    Imagine if Patchouli had a spell card for every element of the periodic table
    Hydrogen Sign: "The Beginning"
    Helium Sign: "Rising Alpha"
    Lithium Sign: "Charging Energy"
    Beryllium Sign: "Poison Emerald"
    Boron Sign: "Frozen Crystal"
    Carbon Sign: "Living Diamond"
    Nitrogen Sign: "Air Pressure"
    Oxygen Sign: "Burning Breath"
    Fluorine Sign: "Salt-Making Thief"
    Neon Sign: "Colour of the Night"
    Sodium Sign: "Nervous Salt"
    Magnesium Sign: "Brightest Flame"
    Aluminium Sign: "Light Strength"
    Silicon Sign: "Valley of Intellect"
    Phosphorus Sign: "White Blaze of Scarlet Creation"
    Sulphur Sign: "Volcanic Stench"
    Chlorine Sign: "Gas of War"
    Argon Sign: "Immortal Air"
    Potassium Sign: "Water on Fire"
    Calcium Sign: "Limestone Plaque"
    Scandium Sign: "The First Transition"
    Titanium Sign: "Unbreakable Strength"
    Vanadium Sign: "Soft Repair"
    Chromium Sign: "Gemstone Rainbow"
    Manganese Sign: "Shattering Iron"
    Iron Sign: "Blades of Blood"
    Cobalt Sign: "Deepest Blue"
    Nickel Sign: "Supernova"
    Copper Sign: "Hot Electric Shock"
    Zinc Sign: "Philosopher's Wool"
    Gallium Sign: "Molten Metal of Temperamental Shocks"
    Germanium Sign: "Locked Poison of Sealed Light"
    Arsenic Sign: "Omnicidal Sickness"
    Selenium Sign: "Small Beauty"
    Bromine Sign: "Extinguisher of Life and Flame"
    Krypton Sign: "Superhero's Bane"
    Rubidium Sign: "Metal on Fire"
    Strontium Sign: "Cathode Ray Fallout"
    Yttrium Sign: "Rare Moon Metal"
    Zirconium Sign: "Taking the Heat"
    Niobium Sign: "Hypoallergenic Superconductor"
    Molybdenum Sign: "Superalloyed Steel"
    Technetium Sign: "Trace of Decay"
    Ruthenium Sign: "Hidden Strength"
    Rhodium Sign: "Purifying Coat"
    Palladium Sign: "Fuel Cell Healer"
    Silver Sign: "Jealous Shine"
    Cadmium Sign: "Energised Neutron Poison"
    Indium Sign: "Shining Stable Support"
    Tin Sign: "Foiled Again!"
    Antimony Sign: "Soft Theft"
    Tellurium Sign: "Rare Shatter"
    Iodine Sign: "Purple Thyroid Learner"
    Xenon Sign: "Sleeping Blue Lights"
    Caesium Sign: "Explosive Waters"
    Barium Sign: "Choking Getter"
    Lanthanum Sign: "Hybrid Anode"
    Cerium Sign: "Mischmetal Scintillator"
    Praseodymium Sign: "Joyous Green Twin"
    Neodymium Sign: "Attractive Pink Twin"
    Promethium Sign: "Fleeting Fires of Dangerous Sciences"
    Samarium Sign: "Heated Magnet"
    Europium Sign: "Earth's Reactive Whiteness"
    Gadolinium Sign: "Paramagnetia Ultima"
    Terbium Sign: "Indoor Green Glow"
    Dysprosium Sign: "Neutron Stealing Magnetic Follower"
    Holmium Sign: "Violent Swinging Magnetic Follower"
    Erbium Sign: "Shining Megaphone"
    Thulium Sign: "X-Ray Beam"
    Ytterbium Sign: "Final Village Child"
    Lutetium Sign: "Ancient Space Stone Clock"
    Hafnium Sign: "Shield Against the Small"
    Tantalum Sign: "New Spoils of War"
    Tungsten Sign: "Unmelting Lightbulb Shield"
    Rhenium Sign: "One in a Billion"
    Osmium Sign: "Ultimate Density"
    Iridium Sign: "Prophecy of Ancient Destruction"
    Platinum Sign: "Above Victory"
    Gold Sign: "Universal Value of Endless Victories"
    Mercury Sign: "Poisonous Measurement"
    Thallium Sign: "Inheritance Powder"
    Lead Sign: "Deathly Anger at the End of Decay"
    Bismuth Sign: "Fecal Cure of a Thousand Bullets"
    Polonium Sign: "Radiation Burst"
    Astatine Sign: "Nuclear Blaze"
    Radon Sign: "Noble Killer"
    Francium Sign: "Big Bang from the Electron and Nucleus"
    Radium Sign: "Radioluminescent Carcinogen"
    Actinium Sign: "Irresistible Bane of Star Signs"
    Thorium Sign: "Untapped Energy that Shall not Blast"
    Protactinium Sign: "Powerful Annoyance"
    Uranium Sign: "End of Nature"
    Neptunium Sign: "Perennial Source of Great Power"
    Plutonium Sign: "Power in Every Meaning"
    Americium Sign: "Alpha Throwing Finder of Smoke"
    Curium Sign: "Critical Spirit of Curious Opportunity"
    Berkelium Sign: "Locked Safe of Annual Loss"
    Californium Sign: "First Link"
    Einsteinium Sign: "Stellar Ashes"
    Fermium Sign: "Oklo's Finale"
    Mendelevium Sign: "The Great Table"
    Nobelium Sign: "Everyone's Discovery"
    Lawrencium Sign: "Strange Figure of Eight"
    Rutherfordium Sign: "Elemental Foundation"
    Dubnium Sign: "Collective Poverty"
    Seaborgium Sign: "Name of the Living"
    Bohrium Sign: "An Uncertain Present"
    Hassium Sign: "Ten Second Erasure"
    Meitnerium Sign: "Nuclear Fission"
    Darmstadtium Sign: "Industrial Heart"
    Roentgenium Sign: "Inner Exposure"
    Copperncium Sign: "Solar Gravity"
    Nihonium Sign: "Element of Gensokyo"
    Flerovium Sign: "Spontaneous Destruction"
    Moscovium Sign: "Eternal Winter"
    Livermorium Sign: "Unscientific Enigma"
    Tennesine Sign: "Island of Stability"
    Oganesson Sign: "Relative Solid"
    Ultimate Elemental Sign: "Neutron Star"
    Andrew Smith
    Hydrogen Sign “Hindenberg’s Demise”
    Helium Sign “Solar Flare”
    Lithium Sign “Supercharged Battery”
    Beryllium Sign “Toxic Missile”
    Boron Sign “Fiberglass Shards”
    Carbon Sign “Basis of Life”
    Nitrogen Sign “TNT Explosion”
    Oxygen Sign “Breath of Air”
    Fluorine Sign “Hyper-Reactive Halogen”
    Neon Sign “Midnight Metropolis”
    Sodium Sign “Salty Seas”
    Magnesium Sign “Flowering Photosynthesis”
    Aluminum Sign “Soaring Airplane”
    Silicon Sign “Desert Sandstorm”
    Phosphorus Sign “Little Match Girl”
    Sulfur Sign “Volcanic Destruction”
    Chlorine Sign “Choking Killer”
    Argon Sign “Glowing Lightbulb”
    Potassium Sign “Sliding Banana Peel”
    Calcium Sign “Cliffs of Dover”
    Scandium Sign “Baseball Swing”
    Titanium Sign “Super Fighting Robot”
    Vanadium Sign “Wrench of Repair”
    Chromium Sign “Chrome-Plated Car”
    Manganese Sign “Manganese Madness”
    Iron Sign “Blood-Soaked Blade”
    Cobalt Sign “Magnetic Attraction”
    Nickel Sign “Spare Change”
    Copper Sign “Conductive Current”
    Zinc Sign “Brass Tacks”
    Gallium Sign “Melting Metal”
    Germanium Sign “Cyberspace Computer”
    Arsenic Sign “Victorian Murder”
    Selenium Sign “Shampoo Suds”
    Bromine Sign “Photographic Peril”
    Krypton Sign “Metric Master”
    Rubidium Sign "Ruby Red Light"
    Strontium Sign "Radioactive Fallout"
    Yttrium Sign "High-Precision Laser Blast"
    Zirconium Sign "Fabricated Symbol of Love"
    Niobium Sign "Spectrum of Melancholy"
    Molybdenum Sign "Determination of Stalwart Steel"
    Technetium Sign "Gamma Ray Burst"
    Ruthenium Sign "Black Lustrous Love"
    Rhodium Sign "Brilliant Reflection"
    Palladium Sign "Ghost-Sealing Prison"
    Silver Sign "Bacteria-Killing Danmaku Barrier"
    Cadmium Sign "Brilliant Eye-Seeking Leech"
    Indium Sign "Spirit that Bends to One's Will"
    Tin Sign "Stalwart Soldier's Cry"
    Antimony Sign "History-Recording Machine"
    Tellurium Sign "Lingering Stench"
    Iodine Sign "Violet Purity"
    Xenon Sign "Desecrated Nobility"
    Caesium Sign "March of Time"
    Barium Sign "Timid Fluid, Sinking Below the Surface"
    Lanthanum Sign "Bright, Flaming Mantle"
    Cerium Sign "Forest Fire-Starting Sparks"
    Praseodymium Sign "Light-Absorbing Shield"
    Neodymium Sign "Magnetic Love"
    Promethium Sign "Little Glowing Lamp"
    Samarium Sign "Magnet of the Nine Muses"
    Europium Sign "Light from Void"
    Gadolinium Sign "Bloody Tendrils that Foresee Death"
    Terbium Sign "Formless, Boundless Presence"
    Dysprosium Sign "Red Livelihood"
    Holmium Sign "Faithful Companion"
    Erbium Sign "Web of Worldwide Communication"
    Thulium Sign "Wonderful Green"
    Ytterbium Sign "Electron-Trapping High-Precision Spark"
    Lutetium Sign "Motivation-Draining Beam"
    Hafnium Sign "Deep-Diving Submarine"
    Tantalum Sign "Tantalizing Telephone"
    Tungsten Sign "Unmelting Wolf's Foam"
    Rhenium Sign "Flowing Rhine River"
    Osmium Sign "Unparalleled Density"
    Iridium Sign "Seven-Colored Meteorite"
    Platinum Sign "Pendant of Everlasting Riches"
    Gold Sign "Ever-Shining Empress"
    Mercury Sign "Mad Hatter's Lunacy"
    Thallium Sign "Unseen Murder Weapon"
    Lead Sign "Poisonous Pipe"
    Bismuth Sign "Rainbow Hopper Crystal"
    Polonium Sign "Lunarian Spacecraft"
    Astatine Sign "Short-Lived, Unstable Nonmetal"
    Radon Sign "Ghostly Gas"
    Francium Sign "Fleeting Alkali Metal"
    Radium Sign "Crackling Blue Light"
    Actinium Sign "Radioactive Glow"
    Thorium Sign "Mighty Mjolnir"
    Protactinium Sign "Scientific Scarcity"
    Uranium Sign "The Bomb That Even Gensokyo Felt"
    Neptunium Sign "Laboratory-Born Trident"
    Plutonium Sign "The Weapon That Devastated Japan"
    Americium Sign "Alarm-Triggering Smoke"
    Curium Sign "Satellite in Orbit"
    Berkelium Sign "Academy of Genius-Level Intellect"
    Californium Sign "Golden State Prospector"
    Einsteinium Sign "Theory of Relativity"
    Fermium Sign "Nuclear Chain Reaction"
    Mendelevium Sign "Periodic Origins"
    Nobelium Sign "Supreme Award of Peace"
    Lawrencium Sign "Swirling Cyclotron"
    Rutherfordium Sign "Alpha Particle Beam"
    Dubnium Sign "Slavic Super-Science"
    Seaborgium Sign "Creator of Plutonium"
    Bohrium Sign "Electrons Orbiting Around the Nucleus"
    Hassium Sign "Incomprehensible Density"
    Meitnerium Sign "Forgotten Genius"
    Darmstadtium Sign "German Precision"
    Roentgenium Sign "X-Ray Beam"
    Copernicium Sign "Gaseous Metal"
    Nihonium Sign "Birthplace of the Touhou Project"
    Flerovium Sign "Russian Researcher"
    Moscovium Sign "Moscow Snowstorm"
    Livermorium Sign "Laboratory Where Elements Are Born"
    Tennessine Sign "Tennessee Waltz"
    Oganesson Sign "Elemental Conclusion"
    118 Elements Sign "Periodical Stone
    credit TheMbmdcrew
    and Lapis Lazuli

    • @blue_the_boy_kisser
      @blue_the_boy_kisser 2 роки тому +19

      Jesus christ these are all so cool

    • @gewidydr1118
      @gewidydr1118 2 роки тому +7

      Woah these look cool!

    • @toasteroven7683
      @toasteroven7683 Рік тому +1

      bruh Tin lol

    • @jy3n2
      @jy3n2 Рік тому

      Paired Sign "Swirling Annihilation"
      Anti Sign "Vanish Into The Mirror"
      Strange Sign "All-Consuming Glutton"
      Degenerate Sign "Limit of Density"
      Singular Sign "Hole In Nothing"
      Dark Sign "Unseen Force"

    • @blackcatsmusicroom2553
      @blackcatsmusicroom2553 Рік тому +3

      @@jy3n2 thanks adding this to the list i have saved

  • @BenjiroSensei
    @BenjiroSensei 3 роки тому +321

    This cover is as fire as Patchy's attacks.

  • @MTB396
    @MTB396 3 роки тому +75

    I think i've seen Patchy related content way too frequently these days, this video makes it much more better ^^

    • @BigusGeekus
      @BigusGeekus 3 роки тому +14

      ...there's no such thing as too much Patchy. Just sayin'. :P

    • @lazydelibird
      @lazydelibird 3 роки тому +6

      You did contribute to it with the patchy vibing. Thanks for that btw, need more vibing 2hus.

    • @hetohitoia560
      @hetohitoia560 3 роки тому +1

      Wih halo, you made great videos bro!

  • @YaboiMatoi
    @YaboiMatoi 3 роки тому +239

    Woah!! This slaps! The harmonies you’ve made and the fast as heck taps are mindblowing

  • @leonde8619
    @leonde8619 3 роки тому +107

    Man, finally. I'm sure I wasn't the only one waiting for this.
    Let's go for Bullet Hell III boys.

  • @HijiriBee2nd
    @HijiriBee2nd 3 роки тому +288

    And with this, all the residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion has had their theme covered...
    Meanwhile, Reimu is still warmly waiting for hers

    • @hamuko7472
      @hamuko7472 3 роки тому +16

      the manor is done but we wait for rumia to appear

    • @chocomilk2986
      @chocomilk2986 3 роки тому +6

      I'm still waiting for that Eirin theme to come

    • @trimmien
      @trimmien 3 роки тому +4

      @@chocomilk2986 gensokyo millennium would sound spectacular..

    • @spiritbomber9359
      @spiritbomber9359 3 роки тому +1

      I would absolutely love a Spring Lane cover

    • @yadukari
      @yadukari 3 роки тому +2

      G Free ~ Ultimate Dream from CtC would acually be increidble

  • @DefinitelyMisery
    @DefinitelyMisery 3 роки тому +122

    That's a good metal sign spell you've got there ngl

  • @sketchy._.7595
    @sketchy._.7595 3 роки тому +181

    the original sounded like patchouli being a bit annoyed at you for intruding in her library. yknow, only warning shots.
    this sounds like her finding out you stole one of her books.
    (Marisa is that you???)

    • @D00000T
      @D00000T 3 роки тому +17


    • @idontthinktheysawthatcomin6792
      @idontthinktheysawthatcomin6792 3 роки тому +3

      No no. This sounds like when you so much as TOUCH a book without permission.

    • @mangouschase
      @mangouschase 3 роки тому +6

      borrowed. Da ze.

    • @combativeThinker
      @combativeThinker 3 роки тому +1

      Till death~

    • @NimhLabs
      @NimhLabs 2 роки тому

      Adventure Game Protag gonna Adventure Game Protag
      Wait... Marisa hasn't been the Protag in an Adventure Game? But she is PERFECT for one. Picking up everything not nailed down--then returning with a crow bar to steal the nails and what was, up until recently, nailed down. Like Phoenix Wright, Guybrush Threepwood, Bobbin Threadbare (you FOOL! Nobody knows about Bobbin or his mother!), Zork Guy, etc.

  • @gamer4774
    @gamer4774 3 роки тому +31

    Now all i need is Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird Till When

  • @F1nalVer1dict
    @F1nalVer1dict 3 роки тому +174


    • @Awesm0e
      @Awesm0e 3 роки тому +30

      "Better than Demetori" for a Touhou cover, aka the god tier of praise... also, I don't disagree

    • @Awesm0e
      @Awesm0e 3 роки тому +26

      @@FatherNagic you're absolutely right.. also the "better or worse" is kind of a stupid question anyway when both are 10/10 !

    • @tidalgrunt6549
      @tidalgrunt6549 3 роки тому +4

      Both are good, but as much as I love richaad's work he doesn't hold a candle to dememtori for the most part. He's one guy who's guitar playing is nice against an entire circle.

    • @Master0chan
      @Master0chan 3 роки тому +1

      @@tidalgrunt6549 Demetori is 2 dudes

    • @tidalgrunt6549
      @tidalgrunt6549 3 роки тому +1

      @@Master0chan yeah I learnt that discussing it with some guys in a discord later that day. Still a circle rather than just one guy though

  • @jacoder23
    @jacoder23 3 роки тому +13

    It's my asthma attack I get to choose the songs

  • @fnncbd
    @fnncbd 3 роки тому +25


  • @archevenault
    @archevenault 3 роки тому +17

    Rising, falling, waiting, stalling...
    Through the silence, hear me calling...

    • @misspurdy27288
      @misspurdy27288 3 роки тому +2


    • @BigusGeekus
      @BigusGeekus 3 роки тому +1

      I think I'd pay (even more) good money for that collab.

    • @spiceracksargent0014
      @spiceracksargent0014 2 роки тому +2

      The lock is broken with a single token
      The key is a word, but not a word spoken
      Something secret, urging me to read it
      Written in a language with no one to speak it

    • @Alex.VR.Official
      @Alex.VR.Official 3 місяці тому

      ​@spiceracksargent0014 Its coded in the air, Decoded just as soon, Clear as the sun, Elusive as the moon, Stong as fire, And pure as waters surface, Born as metal forged, Yet ancient as the earth it

  • @Experiment121Archive
    @Experiment121Archive 3 роки тому +34

    Ah yes, one of my favourite stage 4 boss themes.

  • @Sapheiorus
    @Sapheiorus 3 роки тому +15

    Versions of “Locked Girl” Patchy could play:
    -Any wind instrument-
    -Any stringed instrument- Anything besides an entire bass

  • @ericknudsen98
    @ericknudsen98 3 роки тому +22

    Even more evidence that Richaad is a God of guitar.

  • @backgroundcharacter2585
    @backgroundcharacter2585 3 роки тому +9

    I'm a simple man, I see Patchouli, I click...
    Edit: I have now finished listening to the cover, and it was amazing! Also, I hope RichaadEB does Patchouli's other theme as well (Voile, the Magic Library).

  • @CS1theFirst
    @CS1theFirst 3 роки тому +18

    one day we'll get the unknown x cover, one day

  • @HDnitesniper
    @HDnitesniper 10 місяців тому +2

    Im pretty sure that his drummer was a cameraman cuz GODDAMN HOW IS HIS ARMS NOT FALLING OFF ALREADY

  • @DanielMendozaDev
    @DanielMendozaDev 3 роки тому +5

    One of the absolutely best Touhou songs, sounds damned great.

  • @pyrogod1041
    @pyrogod1041 3 роки тому +4

    Patchouly’s theme always sounds amazing when played on the guitar

  • @galeceon
    @galeceon 3 роки тому +1

    Call me Patchouli cause this left me breathless

  • @housevsdubstep7218
    @housevsdubstep7218 3 роки тому +6

    Yay Patchy's theme let's gooooo!!! That was awesome.
    Also please do Immemorial Marketeers (Chimata's theme), that would be even more awesome :D

  • @starbomber
    @starbomber 3 роки тому +4

    And now you've officially covered everyone in Scarlet Devil Mansion.

  • @SpaceshipOperations
    @SpaceshipOperations Рік тому +2

    👏👏👏👏 This is the most epic rendering I've ever heard of this track. You did an amazing job both making it epic while capturing its beauty and emotion. Pretty damn well made cover.

  • @caden6367
    @caden6367 3 роки тому +2

    Holy shit I hope this goes up on spotify, the return of touhou covers!

  • @MasterBomer
    @MasterBomer 2 роки тому +1

    holy fuck this slaps so hard, i rarely get into songs instantly after i heard it for a mere of 5 seconds and this one makes an exception

  • @caedavch.9883
    @caedavch.9883 3 роки тому +5

    You can never have too much Touhou.

  • @tk_Layla
    @tk_Layla 3 роки тому +4

    Patchouli was the first character I liked in the series, and you have once again outdone yourself! Keep up the fantastic work!
    (If you ever do one of Yuuka's theme, whether it be from Lotus Land Story, Seihou, or Flower View, I will be eternally happy)

  • @misspurdy27288
    @misspurdy27288 3 роки тому +9

    I remember getting stuck on patchouli so much. The stage four difficulty spike is really brutal in 6.
    ohh and uhh next 2hu song when?

  • @zokerovextis6768
    @zokerovextis6768 3 роки тому +3

    I was literally JUST wondering if someone covered this song and then I found this
    This is awesome

  • @kujousara101
    @kujousara101 3 роки тому +3


  • @ban4nazz315
    @ban4nazz315 Рік тому

    Patchouli's theme always got my this has me VIGORIOUSLY headbanging.

  • @brunogoncalves9747
    @brunogoncalves9747 3 роки тому +6

    Excellent! I've just went through the entire game again and got to hear this nice cover, felt just amazing ❤️

  • @supernenechi
    @supernenechi Рік тому

    This is one of my favorite Touhou boss themes of all time for sure!

  • @SeigaNyan-Nyan
    @SeigaNyan-Nyan Рік тому +1

    0:30 sounds so fire

  • @abarette_
    @abarette_ 3 роки тому +3

    That sounds so incredibly sick wow !!

  • @baka030hydroid
    @baka030hydroid 3 роки тому +1

    When I'm just scrolling through the feed and see one of my favorite themes covered by a great musician, brings a tear to my eye

  • @angryeclectus9417
    @angryeclectus9417 3 роки тому +1

    You did it! Finally, the cover I've been waiting for!

  • @Poyodinary_Magician
    @Poyodinary_Magician 3 роки тому +2

    I just played eosd recently and wasn’t expecting this. Another great and well done cover! Keep up the good work!.

  • @scarletnight6958
    @scarletnight6958 3 роки тому +3


  • @danielkawashima
    @danielkawashima 3 роки тому +1

    Ahh! I’ve been waiting for this one!! It’s so good!

  • @CrystalChris21
    @CrystalChris21 3 роки тому +3


  • @MaddyDoesStuff
    @MaddyDoesStuff 3 роки тому +2

    A wonderful experience with Patchy is gonna begin soon for me. A game of...let's call it social deduction-esque degrees.
    This was exactly what I needed to prepare my mind for the KNOWLEDGE.

  • @Huskybythegeek
    @Huskybythegeek 3 роки тому

    This is so brutal it slapped my face through the screen

  • @Umbralon
    @Umbralon 2 роки тому +1

    *Beginning anywhere, and never ending then,*
    *There is a cycle that turns the tide and recycles again.*
    *So, with a grasp of the elements, I can construct a whole*
    *Within the delicate borders of a mind, fit to my role.*

  • @rondolove
    @rondolove 3 роки тому +1

    Ahh yes, my favorite touhou rockstar channel

  • @yeaimcone3162
    @yeaimcone3162 3 роки тому

    you've inspired me to start learning to play the electric guitar you bastard

  • @shaunfrost720
    @shaunfrost720 3 роки тому

    Been looking for a metal arrange that gives justice for locked girl for years
    Finally my journey has ended

  • @NephTheGremlin
    @NephTheGremlin 3 роки тому +2

    i was literally just learning how to play this in warframe! hell yes!

  • @AsartaQt
    @AsartaQt 2 роки тому

    This has made my day, long live Patchy.

  • @htauL
    @htauL 3 роки тому +1

    I've been waiting for this for so long...

  • @williamr5618
    @williamr5618 3 роки тому

    Metal Sign: Soul Shredder
    This spellcard blasts you with both dense danmaku and epic metal shredding. Patchouli is not happy with your intrusion.

  • @lorekeepershiori9874
    @lorekeepershiori9874 3 роки тому

    The sudden serotonin I got from this, sheesh

  • @wulerhaufung9468
    @wulerhaufung9468 3 роки тому

    Locked Girl was not quite my cup of tea - until brilliant musicians like you turn it into a total banger!

  • @madengineerkyouma
    @madengineerkyouma 3 роки тому +1

    One of the most underappreciated Touhou themes

  • @okuu_utsuho
    @okuu_utsuho 2 роки тому

    Metal cover of my first Touhou waifu, Patchouli, is so so epic! Love it!

  • @lordartlegend1317
    @lordartlegend1317 3 роки тому +11

    Cara, ficou incrível

  • @Afigelo
    @Afigelo 3 роки тому +3

    Yes finally touhou!! I love you!!!!

  • @KayayaTheDammed
    @KayayaTheDammed 3 роки тому +2

    Definitely didnt (accidentally) base my name off of Patchouli. Good up the amazing work! I love the medieval and aggressive feel of your music when exchanged with Touhou. Its amazing.

  • @zeikmurdock8418
    @zeikmurdock8418 3 роки тому +2

    I really love the touhou covers
    Side note: while it isn’t very well known I would really like to see some of the bleed 1 tracks on a metal guitar

  • @Hellfireknightmare
    @Hellfireknightmare 2 роки тому

    Dude, this is sick. Touhou is my shit since like always. AWESOME!

  • @guy_th18
    @guy_th18 3 роки тому

    That works way better than I'd thought. sasuga richaad

  • @molekula6231
    @molekula6231 3 роки тому +18

    Это слишком круто! Все каверы по тохе у Richaad'a сделаны с душой и даже доводят до мурашек. Всегда жду новых каверов... И... Привет из России:)

    • @catmaksimus
      @catmaksimus 2 роки тому

      Well (Колодец блин), Я не думаю что он заметил тебя =(

  • @abluehappyface748
    @abluehappyface748 3 роки тому


  • @hplnko
    @hplnko 3 роки тому

    omg this is awesome!! tysm for making this :D

  • @neizanmendez6317
    @neizanmendez6317 3 роки тому +1

    the asmathic magician makes an appearance! and i love it!

  • @kevgw70
    @kevgw70 3 роки тому +2

    Patchy's theme is bringing me book vibes

  • @therealjaewonlee
    @therealjaewonlee 3 роки тому

    that was briliantly dope

  • @LegendBegins
    @LegendBegins 3 роки тому

    Sick! Always love a new Touhou cover.

  • @foxwithgrapes
    @foxwithgrapes 2 роки тому

    Glad to hear your music in touhou lost word

  • @elephantt2077
    @elephantt2077 3 роки тому +1

    A lot of Touhou melodic progressions are reminiscent of 80s NWOBHM... or just Swedish melodic death metal

  • @trashiiusername
    @trashiiusername 3 роки тому

    wake up babe new RichaadEB touhou cover

  • @petelgeyseromaneconti4388
    @petelgeyseromaneconti4388 3 роки тому

    I love Patchouly very much. Thank you for your guitar playing

  • @hex_a_lexa
    @hex_a_lexa 3 роки тому

    All I can say is you're nuts.... SHREDDED

  • @TheCreepypro
    @TheCreepypro 3 роки тому

    yet another fantastic cover

  • @NB-zi9dz
    @NB-zi9dz 3 роки тому

    When I saw this I flipped out so much I had an asthma attack.

  • @awkwardbirb5710
    @awkwardbirb5710 3 роки тому +6

    If this leads to a Bullet Hell 3 physical cd release, will 1 and 2 get reprinted as well?
    Also thank you for this banger cover!

    • @youmukonpaku3168
      @youmukonpaku3168 3 роки тому +2

      he ran into licensing difficulties getting Bullet Hell 2 physical CDs, but I'm not sure if he's changed suppliers since then. We can only hope for a print of 2 and eventually 3. (and if you're reading this Rich, I'll buy 2 again for a CD!)

  • @drzerral9081
    @drzerral9081 2 роки тому

    Man I love this theme and now is Metal Fvck yeah!!!

  • @angelboy3684
    @angelboy3684 3 роки тому

    not three days ago I messaged my friends saying "I hope RichaadEB comes out with another Touhou album because I'm surprised he hasn't done Locked Girl's Secret Room yet."

  • @sunrise7735
    @sunrise7735 4 місяці тому

    Slaps in the original
    slaps just as hard in this cover
    I am watching this with my patchy fumo :D

  • @thechosenidiot6057
    @thechosenidiot6057 3 роки тому

    Holee sheet bullet hell 3 looking sick as hell!!!!

  • @blazer_cake1161
    @blazer_cake1161 3 роки тому

    Very beautiful! You are best guitarist on the world, good work!

  • @lukaizaoi5298
    @lukaizaoi5298 3 роки тому

    Estuve esperando este video desde hace mucho! Muchas gracias!! Les quedó hermoso ❤️

  • @Funkles
    @Funkles 3 роки тому

    Finally.. more 2hu!

  • @maxwellhecht-chaneski9047
    @maxwellhecht-chaneski9047 3 роки тому


  • @zwushhd2962
    @zwushhd2962 3 роки тому

    Ye. After this, Patchouli acquired new spellcard, "terrible elemental combination destruction"
    And it's obvious when she use that spellcard, this music plays intensifiesly

  • @Akatsuki-21
    @Akatsuki-21 3 роки тому

    This cover is so fire!!
    *Patchouli died of asthma*

  • @KeithRhandell
    @KeithRhandell 3 роки тому +2

    Let's gOOOOOO

  • @BPKPhoenix
    @BPKPhoenix 3 роки тому

    🔥🔥🔥 This cover is as fire as The Royal Flare! 🔥🔥🔥

  • @doctorshiki20
    @doctorshiki20 3 роки тому

    I suddenly remembered why I originally found and subsccribed to this channel :D

  • @Relvamon
    @Relvamon 3 роки тому

    Izuma sounds pretty much based of this too...Patchy will be so proud of this!

  • @MiniMinhara2023
    @MiniMinhara2023 3 роки тому

    Dude i clicked faster than the speed of light when the notifs came on. Now this was amazing! Now i can go against this boss in style and probably die alot when playing on lunatic difficulty 😎👌

  • @RadioKid_7
    @RadioKid_7 3 роки тому

    You are a god

  • @gdevil3233
    @gdevil3233 Рік тому

    The best Cover, of Guitar.

  • @paoloenrico5413
    @paoloenrico5413 3 роки тому

    Patchy when she's done following the spellcard rules.

  • @youmukonpaku551
    @youmukonpaku551 2 роки тому

    Good news Mr RichaadEB your touhou lostword theme is in side the game😍😍😍😍😍

  • @alanasnormie
    @alanasnormie 3 роки тому

    As always, RichaadEB still on fire 🔥 🔥