😥😢😭🇺🇦🇺🇦 English translation... They broke out of Novaya Kakhovka and told SUCH a story that will make the blood run through the veins - the story of the family ------------------------------------ They managed to get out of the occupation, but the children are still afraid of any loud noises. The Boris family lived in the occupied part of the Kherson region for 5 months. During this time, the Russian army turned the life of the civilian population into hell. Shortage of products and medicines, lack of Ukrainian mobile communication and Internet, intimidation and torture. The history of immigrants from Novaya Kakhovka - see below. 🇺🇦🇺🇦
Боже, бережи цих людей! 🙏🙏🙏
Слава Господу ,що ви виїхали
Хочеться, щоб наші люди не страждали.
Даже в оккупации можно смотреть за собой, если ты парикмахер и умеешь делать маникюр , а она умеет.
😥😢😭🇺🇦🇺🇦 English translation...
They broke out of Novaya Kakhovka and told SUCH a story that will make the blood run through the veins - the story of the family
They managed to get out of the occupation, but the children are still afraid of any loud noises.
The Boris family lived in the occupied part of the Kherson region for 5 months.
During this time, the Russian army turned the life of the civilian population into hell.
Shortage of products and medicines, lack of Ukrainian mobile communication and Internet, intimidation and torture. The history of immigrants from Novaya Kakhovka - see below.
Очень страдала, даже ногти есть время накрасить, всё ты дама врёшь.
Как вам не стыдно, люди страдают а вы нагло врёте.....
Давайте зустрінемося? Я вас навчу як фарбувати нігті. Руки в мене де треба, навіть під окупацією