Spirit Of Hardstyle is the new top tier level of quality hardstyle productions for me. :) All upcoming tracks have such a high quality and there's also pretty decent variety in sound design across the tracks which is especially pleasing to hear. As a hardstyle fan I'm deeply thankful for this move.
And Hard With Style back too ^^. And a lot of new & old producers with high quality productions. This year is just the best year I seen for Hardstye scene. Just blows your mind
Well with DWX, Scantraxx, Fusion, Gearbox, Spoontech, X-Bone, Invaders, Lose Control and a few other Labels, i'm glad to see another one rise, specially with some big names like these 4. Looking forward to the other tracks to come out under this label.
Will any other hardstyle artists able to release something on Spirit of Hardstyle or is it just these four dudes. Either way, this label is a success so far!!!!
I like what they're attempting to do with this flavor of Hardstyle but its still early days. They need to work on the vocal samples though. Too commercial sounding. They need to be more inspiring.
The real hardstyle LABEL ! Thank you Atmozfears, Audiotricz, Bass Modulators and Noisecontrollers
Spirit Of Hardstyle is the new top tier level of quality hardstyle productions for me. :) All upcoming tracks have such a high quality and there's also pretty decent variety in sound design across the tracks which is especially pleasing to hear. As a hardstyle fan I'm deeply thankful for this move.
totaly agree with you,such a beautiful tracks;)
+1 - 2 of my favorite songs already
eyy was just thinking if you'd be a top comment coming here haha
tbh i have seen some part of those song and questioning the mastering of these tracks
Couldn't put it any better myself
Definitely has those "summer vibe" feels 🙌🎵❤️
The spirit of Hardstyle is the best thing ever
man, i miss spirit of hardstyle crew. they had their own thing.
no words... this is the best thing that could have happend to hardstyle. from the bottom of my heart, thank you Bas
Go HARD or go home ?!!
G2 JiBBY hard is the only way
Daniel Van Der Klift I know right Its so AMAZING
That new kick
noisecontrollers kick*
The kick is off the chain
The Spirit of Hardstyle is going to dominate the Q-Dance top 10 this year if all of the tracks are like this and the flagship title. Amazing!
Music De Niveau Démon / Bon ⭐⭐⭐⭐ .
Love the melody!!
Spirit Of Hardstyle will bring Hardstyle to a whole new level! Love it!
the defenition of a hardstyle track!
Love it bring on the summer 2018 hands up for hardstyle 🙌🏼
un verdadero pelotazo. Amazing track!!
Perfect Reverse Bass♥️
Awesome, love this song...
Amazing year for hardstyle, the return of hhz and this label
Phuture Noize and Psyko Punkz albums too!
And Hard With Style back too ^^. And a lot of new & old producers with high quality productions. This year is just the best year I seen for Hardstye scene. Just blows your mind
Dat synth
This label takes hardstyle to a to another level
the future Hardstyle is comiiiing
You mean the good old true hardstyle returns
th2k yes ! spirit of old style. but there is a new touch in the air
Estou aqui em uma era onde o hardstyle é kicks agressivos enquantos eu só queria as vezes mais produções como essa.
I just love this! Feels like my childhood is back^^ This stuff brought me into Hardstyle! And now it's back :D
Hardstyle getting back to its roots :)
Headhunterz Instagram story brought me here, what a banger 🔥🔥🔥🔥
really digging those hard kicks and that melody
That track is full of power ❤
hermoso track ❤🔊
AlwaysTheSunGoesDown 💖💖
my track of the year!
This label is just insane, just everything about it. Much love
Jesse Ter Horst it is
Well with DWX, Scantraxx, Fusion, Gearbox, Spoontech, X-Bone, Invaders, Lose Control and a few other Labels, i'm glad to see another one rise, specially with some big names like these 4. Looking forward to the other tracks to come out under this label.
Bass modulators Really good Job bros
this is so good mate....I just thought of this melody and did some searchin to find this track eventually hahaha beautiful
☝️☝️☝️☝️ yessssss unreal track 😎
Spirit of Hardstyle is Very Nice
This is so smooth :)
love the art,and the track
amazing ❤️👏🏻
really good melody
this made me happy :)
What a quality. Nice kick... :)
I litteraly come here everyday since the track is out
To sick ^^
Amazing Track!
Party Baby 👍👍👍
That Reverse Bass !
For sure more hardstyle needs to come over to the USA
Agreed its incredibly underrated
Omg this song at defqon 😍
This one is aight
damn, this quality is like we've never seen before
instant subbed
Fresh music
Brings back everything ❤❤ fucking love Hardstyle forever 😭
Spirit of Hardstyle (kicks powered by Noisecontrollers)
Michael Jefferson dying 😂😂👏
always.... ;D
The best kick of the hardstyle in the history
HaRdStYle my StYle xD LOVVVVVVVVVVE youuuuuuuuu ^^
Kako ti je ime na fejsu?
Why 'Spirit of Hardstyle' are not in Spotify? When? It is amazing!
this vocal sample!
Este Hardstyle me gusta mucho mas que los de sus contemporáneos, i like like
Kickin' to my brains :O
Will any other hardstyle artists able to release something on Spirit of Hardstyle or is it just these four dudes. Either way, this label is a success so far!!!!
wooow heerlijk mannen!!
nice one
pero que rikuuuuraaaaaa😋😋😋😋
SPIRIT OF HARDSTYLE IS ZO FACKING GOED, Kan niet wachten op het nummer van Audiotricz. FUAARRKKK
The drop at 0:45 jheeze 💪👊
🔊 👌👌👌
So if this is 003, and the only other upload on here is 001, where is 002? what are you guys keeping?
Will Leave Soon!
1:49 😜
oeii damn
It says: SOH #003, but this is the second track on this channel? ;D
yeah :p
not the second track on the E.P.
Mick Heuten Spirit of Hardstyle is a Label
whats 3rd?
Coke Addict i know... but all tracks have an release number and this one is the 3rd but just uploaded as 2nd video on the channel..
Fuck yeah! Good job..
| Disponible en todos los Portales | Link: spiritofhardstyle.lnk.to/sun-goes-downFA |
Where can I download this! Please!
Why isn't this on "Apple Music" ???
Where can I buy this track ??
Marc Beauverd has not been released yet, it will be on the spirit of hardstyle album from bass modulators, noisecontrollers, atmozfears and audiotricz
Pretty frustrating :(
yup... i guess well have to wait haha
I like what they're attempting to do with this flavor of Hardstyle but its still early days.
They need to work on the vocal samples though. Too commercial sounding. They need to be more inspiring.
ahoj zlatíčka a lidičky
vette track hoor ha ha
Up and down up and down...must be boring for the hell sünneli.. Haha