Very useful, information, so thanks. I am not sure I totally followed your really fast explanation, but I can rewatch it. Up til now I have just highlighted groups to move them around but if I figure this out, it will be a lot easier.
If you consolidate the clips, I don't think you break them up into individual clips again if you ever needed or wanted to without dragging them all back in from the clip list. Also it matters if you wanted to change the levels of individual clips within the group - this can't be done once clips are consolidated as I believe the levels are baked in once you use that function.
When you consolidate, you create a single new audio file (on both the timeline and on the hard drive) from the multiple clips that you originally had on the timeline. If you would possibly need to get back to the original individual clips, you should create a duplicate playlist from the track before consolidating.
Really great and thorough video!
As always, never new you could do that, thanks!
Very useful, information, so thanks. I am not sure I totally followed your really fast explanation, but I can rewatch it. Up til now I have just highlighted groups to move them around but if I figure this out, it will be a lot easier.
Very helpful!
Cool tip and ideas, thanks Cato!
Thanks! I'm glad you liked them! ^_^
Is there a different use or an advantage of doing this over consolidating all of the clips on a track(alt + shift +3) and creating a new clip?
If you consolidate the clips, I don't think you break them up into individual clips again if you ever needed or wanted to without dragging them all back in from the clip list. Also it matters if you wanted to change the levels of individual clips within the group - this can't be done once clips are consolidated as I believe the levels are baked in once you use that function.
When you consolidate, you create a single new audio file (on both the timeline and on the hard drive) from the multiple clips that you originally had on the timeline. If you would possibly need to get back to the original individual clips, you should create a duplicate playlist from the track before consolidating.
Shortie video today.
Super helpful!