To obtain a certificate and gain access to the course notebooks, register at for a structured learning experience. This video is part of the OpenCV Bootcamp course offered by OpenCV, a crash course with unlimited access, designed to help you take your first steps in AI and Computer Vision. This OpenCV Certified Bootcamp will help you learn topics such as Image Processing, Face Detection, Object Detection, Pose Estimation, HDR Imaging, Feature Extraction, and more with real-world projects and a hands-on approach
You can start with edge detection (e.g., Canny) to identify the paper's boundaries of the book, then apply perspective transformation (using cv2.getPerspectiveTransform) to correct the curvature. For non-white backgrounds, you might need to apply adaptive thresholding or color segmentation to isolate the text from the background.
To obtain a certificate and gain access to the course notebooks, register at for a structured learning experience.
This video is part of the OpenCV Bootcamp course offered by OpenCV, a crash course with unlimited access, designed to help you take your first steps in AI and Computer Vision.
This OpenCV Certified Bootcamp will help you learn topics such as Image Processing, Face Detection, Object Detection, Pose Estimation, HDR Imaging, Feature Extraction, and more with real-world projects and a hands-on approach
cv2 get perspective transform can also be used giving just four points.
How about the image of paper from book, which is nonlinearly curved, plus not always in white?
You can start with edge detection (e.g., Canny) to identify the paper's boundaries of the book, then apply perspective transformation (using cv2.getPerspectiveTransform) to correct the curvature. For non-white backgrounds, you might need to apply adaptive thresholding or color segmentation to isolate the text from the background.
how can i do this in C# Emgu Cv