Indeed Allah sees & hears everything! I was once stranded at an airport bcz I hadn't reconfirmed my ticket ( it was in 2003) to fly back to where I was employed. The airline staff simply returned my documents & refused to let me board. They declared that all flights were full until the next 3 amount of persuasion or pleas worked. I stood there in the most helpless n hopeless situation... Then I began to pray... 10 mins before closing the check-in counter I was called & offered a ticket in the Business Class from economy class for no extra cost! Certainly those who trust Allah will never fail! اللہ اکبر اللہ اکبر
People who don’t realize how big of a deal is this. They generally allow you inside Rawdah in batches and after 10 minutes they vacate rawdah completely to allow the next batch in and you have a very long queue to be formed into a batch and you would typically have multiple batches waiting to get it inside Rawdah. This has been the case since Covid
10 minutes?! For women, when I last went (2013). We were sent in batches according to our nationality so I was with women from India and Pakistan (one batch), the wait was 2-3 hr or even longer, I don’t remember. And when we reached janat ul baqi we were allowed to pray 2 rakats and who ever was done praying was asked to leave. That’s it. We couldnt even see anything, since the womens area is at the far back from men. The place to pray was as big as a classroom. I quickly prayed another 2 rakahs before they noticed me.
@@truthprevails556 I'm not doubting his sincerity. But for me it's not something to be praised. Blocking others from what you want is not good character in my opinion. Everyone should have their turn and move on for others. I remember when I went there and people were hogging the few spaces selfishly, not what Muslims should be showing.
Once my left arm was paining a lot from holding my 4year old. Whole day i was in pain. Reaching asr or magrib, after praying i said Ya Allah my arm is paining too much, make it better. I read 3 times surah fateha while rubbing my arm lightly. I swear i swear i swear, as i folded my prayer mat, the pain had vanished. N it vanished in such a way that it never came back. Alhamdulillah. Pray n believe in ur prayer.
Subhanallah! Me too, just came across this video before my time slot and made duaa that Allah SWT lets me pray Asr in the Rawdah, and I got to pray. Alhamdulillah!! Thank you for the reminder to make Duaa
Allah accepts this duas immediately no doubt bro it happened to me the night i prayed tahajjud and i asked him to make salah easy for me and i should be able to pray at the right time. Now i open the door of my masjid and do the adzan before others come
I went to Hajj with my younger daughter. She had very bad cat allergies. But Makka & Madina has lots of cats. She loves cats. She was touching cats in Makkah & Madina which was making her sick. So, I had to ask her not to touch cats. I was making Du’a in front of Kaba. She asked me to make Du’a, so she will have no more cat allergies. I did. We came back home. Now she has her own cat who is always with her. No more cat allergies. AlhamdulilAllah. Allah knows the best best. Yes, indeed HE the Almighty listens us all. He knows what to give you and when to give. Some more Du’a was also answered by my Rabb throughout the few years. I am waiting for more answers. In’sha’Allah. I strongly believe in my prayers/Du’a. We need to be patience. If your Du’a is NOT accepted right the way, keep making Dua. Allah Know when is the best time to answer your Du’a. So, be patience. In’sha’Allah. NEVER GIVE UP YOUR Du’a. Keep asking to Allah (swt). In’sha’Allah.
A couple of years ago my parents were diagnosed with high blood sugar. I was so worried about them and prayed every day that Allah cures them. After one month they tested again just to check and the tests came normal. Not just for one of them but for both of them. Idc what anybody says, that for me was a miracle and I am so grateful to Allah. Alhamdulillah. All duas may not be accepted but you keep making them and trust Allah's plan.
All duas are accepted but the response comes in three different ways. Either immediately, or a harm that was about to befall you is prevented from you as a result of your dua, or Allah saves it for you and gifts it to you on the day of judgment.
Al-Imām ibn al-Qayyim [may Allah have mercy upon him] said: “Paradise is not merely a name given to the trees, the fruits, the food, the drink, the [beautiful] maidens, the rivers and palaces [of Paradise]. Most of the people make a mistake regarding the name of Paradise [i.e. al-Jannah]. Certainly ‘al-Jannah’ is the name for the abode of unrestricted complete bliss. From the greatest of bliss in Paradise is the delight of looking [in awe] at the Noble Face of Allāh, [being amazed] in hearing His speech, the delight of the eye by being close to Him and by way of Him being pleased. There is no comparison of the pleasure therein [i.e. in Paradise], from the food, the drink, the clothing and the images, to this everlasting pleasure [of seeing the Noble face of Allāh and being close to Him].” Madārij as-Sālikeen 2/80 | Al-Imām ibn al-Qayyim [may Allah have mercy upon him].
Bismillah Hir Rahmanir Rahim. I lost my first son 5months into the pregnancy. This was last ten days of that year's Ramadan. It was a hard loss. By the mercy of Allah SWT, we mourned but stayed strong and said Alhamdullilah. Ala kulli haal. I remember by some miracle being well enough to pray 25th night and stayed in prayers for the few days I could. I asked Him for strength, for good health so we can move on. I prayed for my deceased son and asked, if its good for us, then please bestow another one. We lost our son May 24th of that year. 3 years later, I had another son. His delivery date was fixed May 23rd. Alhamdullilah my second son is alive and well. If this is not His miracle and love for us.. I don't know what is. Please stay firm in your duas.
If our du'as are not immediately accepted we should not lose hope or become despondent. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There is no Muslim who calls upon Allah, without sin or cutting family ties, but that Allah will give him one of three answers: He will quickly fulfill his supplication, He will store it for him in the Hereafter, or He will divert an evil from him similar to it.” They said, “In that case we will ask for more.” The Prophet said, “Allah has even more.” Source: Musnad Aḥmad 11133
Yesterday I was feeling so sick that I gave up my hope of praying Isha . I just prayed to Allah that my sickness goes away . Within a few hours I started feeling better . Eventually , I my sickness totally went away like a miracle that night ! And I was able to pray Isha , Tahajjud and Witr . Allahu Akbar !
@@rubinaakter9233there is no specific thing to do or say, just clear your heart and be certain entirely that Allah swt is going to give you what you’re asking or better than what you’re asking . That’s it .
@@Quranhakiimthere is no specific thing to do or say, just clear your heart and be certain entirely that Allah swt is going to give you what you’re asking or better than what you’re asking . That’s it .
it happened with me too there, back when i was 11 or 12 years old, i was craving for a burger for some reason and asked my parents to get me one, we searched for any shop/restaurant nearby for burgers but couldn't find one anywhere and that made me sad but after praying Isha, we were all heading back towards the hotel and this lady tells her 2 sons to stop me and ask me if i wanted to have a burger because they had an extra, I can't tell you what it felt like 😭❤️🌹
SUBHANALLAH!! ALLAHU AKBAR!! ALHAMDULILA!! may Allah grant you your family and me and my family jannah tul firdous, and all those whoever came across this video or commented here or upvoted this video,accept our duas and make us among the 70,000 with no accounting on yimmol Qiyyama
It's such a simple request and yet, it reach touch deep home inside the soul when a simple request like this which can be against the odd most of the time get fulfilled. It's amazing.
Ma shaa Allah, Alhamdulillah Rabil Alameen. May Allah keep you steadfast in His religion ، Aameen. This is the manifestation of the sincerity of your heart and intentions. You are blessed brother. May Allah's mercy continue to dwell with you forever. Aameen. Ya Allah accept our acts of ibadah and guide us towards the best always. Aameen
Brother when we see our dua getting accepted, we are happy about the outcome but what truly makes me happier is that Allah accepted my dua. Just the feeling that Allah is happy with me is enough.
It reminds me of a blessing that happens to me ( by grace of almighty) when i was at Rawdah ( riyadh al jannah ) with my grandfather , the first time i entered there was a huge crowd and i got place to pray just at site of mehrab al nabi where Holy Prophet PBUH used to pray , 😭😭😭when i put my head into mehrab for sujjod i felt like .... I can't explain it 😭😭😭and when i ended prayer and lifted my head up there was a line written on mehrab that this is mehrab of Holy Prophet PBUH 😭😭😭 I just felt so blessed to put my head on earth where Holy Prophet PBUH once put his blessed head and to stand there where Holy Prophet PBUH once stood for prayer , SubhanAllah 😭😭 Then i tried to get near to boundaries of Rawdah to get a glimpse of inside and the guards were vacating the area for new batch , and then a guard came to me and not ordered me to vacate but said to me pray here pray here 😭😭😭 i prayed another 4 rakatts just near the blessed walls of Rawdah 😭😭😭my grandfather was astonished and so happy for me 😭😭 He died in Mecca as he made dua to die either in mecca or medinah and get burried there , his dua was accepted , his funeral prayer was at masjid al haram and he's burried in mecca . May Allah grant him higher place in Jannah 😭😭😭😭😭 Allah hu Akbar 😭😭😭😭😭
2 weeks back I got lost while hiking. I raised my hands in the air rotated in every direction and asked Allah to guide me onto the correct trail back to my base as the dusk was approaching. The trail was hard to catch because of white out. Allah guided me almost onto the right trail and look at the miracle there was group from from the other mountain and they called out me (they also had to head back to the same base camp), so i waited for them and we headed back together. So had i not headed towards that almost right trail and the white out vanishing for the brief moment only to come into the line of sight. WAllahi i can't imagine what could have happened during that hiking expedition. I can't express the joy i felt and at the same time spiritually i felt like Allah has erased some barriers between me and him and my Dua was taken care of within a couple of minutes. It something i can't put into words but cherish and feel that moment throughout my entire life. Alhamdu Lillah. PS: There were no cellphone signals since i was 30kms away from the place where cellphones worked.
In 23/1/2021 I was praying tahajjud, and my mother was healthy with no sick symptoms, I asked allah that her last words in her life be ‘ash.hadu an la ilaha illa allah wa ash.hadu anna muhammed pbuh rassulo allah’, I’ve never asked allah this because I’ve never thought that my mum would pass away those days, and my mother passed away in 23/1/2021 9:06 pm, after she said al shahadatan in the ICU Allahu akbar, السميع المجيب القريب
The stories of prayer acceptance are really wonderful. I hardly remember now that I have prayed but it was not accepted. Subhanallah I am very lucky. Like I used to pray for very small things. Allah give me clothes, Allah give me good results, Allah give me Tawfiq to live with my sister, give her back (she didn't live with us, she used to live with my aunt since childhood) every thing that I asked for now, the more I think about it, the more I wonder. . You should always thank Allah. Whoever is in now depression , in any kind of stress , dont get disheartened . Make du'a from the core of your heart having trust that Allah will accept it .
I can relate. I am a student of knowledge, ever since I started my studies online I didn't have proper device take classes from but I somehow managed to complete 4 semesters Alhamdulillah. And as soon as we got break after the 4th semester I prayed to Allah grant me a proper so I can study your Deen properly. Shaytaan would come to me and tell me that I am loser I can't carry one because Allah is not even taking care of the basi things you need for your studies. But Alhamdulillah I held on to Dua in Ramadan I begged Allah like never before I prayed to him like never before and as soon as my 5th semester got started I got the new latest cell phone (yes the one I am holding when typing this.) And this is of the same company I liked TECNO❤️ ALHAMDULILLAH
Brothers and sisters ,am sure all of us committed sins whether big or small, but let’s not give up because of it. May Allah accept everyone’s dua and forgive us 🤲😢
H-A-Q only Shaitan wants all us sinning children of Hadhrat Adham alaihis salam to give up hope by thinking that we are not good enough. YES we are, we chose to be Muslims & of the Last Ummah, an honour not given to much of humanity throughout time! 👑
Am crying. Wallahi i was there 2019 when i did my Hajj and Alhamdulilah what ever i did ask to ALLAH and i got it i always cry and say Alhamdulilah for everything till today Brother 😭. Am even crying when am writing this. Alhamdulilah
Please pray for me and my sister. We have been waiting for many years for our dua to get accepted. We are going to have an important Exam in May. I believe in the power of collective dua, so do remember us in your Duas. May Allah accept your most asked dua. Ameen!
I had a maths exam a few years ago. I was going to college in the morning and I made du'aa to Allah asking not to only make me pass but to make me pass with full marks. WAllahi I got full marks; 48 out of 48. This score was very rare in that college. Allahu akbar. I remember I managed to finish all the questions and there was still time left. However, just when the teacher was about to come collect the papers I noticed an error that I made and quickly corrected it alhamduliLlah. Such is the power and Qadr of Allah. wAllahi DO NOT EVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF DU'AA TO ALLAH. (just make sure you have a correct aqidah tho).
SubhaanALLAH...This reminds me of my dua being accepted on umrah 2018... Its a long story but the summary is.. I prayed sooo much to be able to kiss the stone of Aswad with my mom .. and I got the opportunity.. A line of females was made by security near the KAABA before Asr prayer and I kissed Hajr e aswad after my mom ALHAMDOLILLAH... 😇
It is same story of me . My mom kissed Hajr e Aswad she prayed for me to kiss after 1 hour i also my mom is not alive may Allah SWT grant her highest rank in جنة الفر دوس رب ارحمهما كما ربيا نى صغيرا
Simply without a shadow of doubt. Allah is the Greatest. You prayed with true conviction and at a place where prayers are accepted. اللّٰہ ھو اکبر ۔ اللھم صلی علی سیدنا محمد ❤️
Subhan Allah brother ....This shows us that Indeed, Allah (SWT) loves his servants... May Allah The Almighty grant you and all the Muslims the highest ranks in Jannah Al Firdaus.. Aameen.
Allahu akbar. The same thing happened to me once. In Ramadan of 2021 during taraweeh, there is a particular spot near a pillar in my masjid where I love to pray because during the khatira I can lean against the pillar while I sit and listen. This one time I came to taraweeh late and I was several rows behind that spot and during the second sujood of the fourth raka, I made dua to Allah to bring me closer to Him up front where i wanted to be. As soon as the imam concluded with the Salam, the man sitting in that spot got up and left and so the spot was empty. typically people tend to rush to fill in the gaps in the rows but no one got up and as soon as I saw the man leave and no one else was rushing to the spot, especially people who were closer to it than me; I got up and went to that spot and sat down as it was time for the khatira now. ALLAHU AKBAR
I have so many incident where Allah granted my wishes Alhamdulillah. I am very bad at reciting Quran. Very slow. That's why I have hard time memorizing dua or small suras. I wanted to memorize sura Duha coz it helps recover from depression as I have it, I tried to memorize but thought its hard and dropped. Last ramadan one night I said let me memorize at least one sentence from it and kept trying. MashaAllah in just 15 mins I finished memorizing whole surah with some problems in middle, in half an hour I perfected it, repeated to my mum, recorded and sent it to my friend who also was trying to memorize. I had the mindset to not give up and prayed to Allah and was successful. It's not a long surah but for me it's a big deal. Such thing happens a lot with me and I can't thank my creator enough for it the love I get from you my Rabb. Plz do pray for me and ask others for prayers, be humble to ask for prayers. Some ppl I saw who says they dont need prayers, such arrogance wont bring anything.
Happen to me too. It was high season for umrah. It's crowded. But I just get out of my hotel room with a simple prayer, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Allah my Lord, please allow me enter the rawdah and pray for my parents this day. That's it. I walk with ease despite the crowd. And near the rawdah it's almost like the people behind me pushed me to the front of the line and as if the space is laid out just for me to walk there, sit, and pray. I was full of sin and unworthy but Allah is most merciful.
A brother watched this video and did the same thing and his Dua was also accepted. I found it on a post by this channel. Here’s what the brother wrote: Wallahi, i watched this video and did the same thing. I made dua today, "Oh Allah, let me pray Fajr in the rawdah today" SubhanAllah. I was waiting to go into the rawdah. Whilst i was waiting some random worker started talking to me and gave me his number. After I came out of the rawdah about an hour before fajr, the worker came to me and asked if I wanted to pray fajr today in the Rawdah. I just burst out crying just because he said those words. Then he held my hands and escorted me into the Rawdah to pray Fajr. And I prayed Fajr there. SubhanAllah.
I still can't think about a single Dua that God Almighty hasn't accepted for me. He indeed listens to our supplications and is the most Merciful, I am witness of it with my own senses ❤️
Writing this on 16th July 2022 Saturday and the story is about yesterday 15th July 2022 Friday... In jummah prayer during sujood I asked allah ..ya allah love comes from you In every heart so please let her brother see me from the perspective of love towards me (her is my future wife inshaallah) amd I came home took some time outside and when I held my phone she the very moment and after few moments she said I have a good news for you... she said her brother likes me😭 and will get me married to her just I need to get settled which I hope allah will surely make me...literally it was accepted wallahi I cried my heart cried...I promised myself not to miss a salah ever
alhamdulillah. May Allah make me too among the people who visit his house and make my duas and prayers from the raudhah. ameen ya rabbi. and may Allah make it easy for every muslim out there to reach the raudha.
I can totally relate Alhamdulilah.. The generosity of our creator is unimaginable subhanAllah… Before Ramadan my father had cancer a fierce type .. his condition was so bad and my brother who is a physician told me that all the reports show that we should expect what is to come. I prayed.. we all prayed and we all said Alhamdulilah for everything Allah knows the best Alhamdulilah.. I was praying so hard for him to at least reach the month of Ramadan .. I asked Allah to guide my father and all of us to what Allah subhanahu w ta’ala knows is the best for us .. that was a month before ramadan .. many doctors coming and going .. chemotherapy and so on .. Ramadan came and I asked my father not yo fast as he was sick but he made his choice and said to me I don’t know if this is gonna be the last Ramadan .. ya Allah. My father fast the month of Ramadan Alhamdulilah.. then I went to Omrah and Rawdah and I prayed so hard and asked Allah to give my father shifa’a… I made du’aa for a lot of things and for the hereafter more may Allah accept from all of us. The latest reports Alhamdulilah show better results and it is more than I expected Alhamdulilah and inshaa Allah we will be going under more chemotherapy so please make du’aa for my father to be totally healed Allahuma Ameen Ameen Ameen. الحمد و الشكر لله حمدا كثيرا طيبا مباركا فيه جمعنا الله جميعا في جنات الفردوس و رزقنا صالح الأعمال.
Never underestimate the power of a dua. During Ramadan about 20 years ago, we were gathered in the hall doing our tarawikh. Unknown to me, my daughter gained access to the roof and played with her friends. She fell and landed on her back on the hard ground just missing the concrete drain. I rushed to her side, panic stricken and helpless, appealed to Allah swt to protect her. I was crying when I made the dua. The incident happened on the 27th of Ramadan. Allahu Akhbar! Three days later she was discharged the hospital and celebrated Eid.
I cried with you my beloved brother. We should never lose hope and neglect the power of dua. Allah is greatest no doubt☝️. Thank you for sharing this video with us. It raise the level of our Imaan.
He got me balling my eyes out! I testify the power of dua. I had a dua answered once in the few hours and i was shocked I looked up in the sky and started crying and thanking Allah over and over. Be patient sometimes ur dua doesn’t get answered in that time but always know Allah knows best when and where the right time is for u or if it’s right for u at all.
I live in Saudi Arabia and I go to madinah every year beacause I live in Khobar which is 1400km away from madinah but everytime when I see prophet Muhammad I always have tears in my eyes if you have been to rawda then you know
This brought tears in my eyes i feel u How strong the feeling is. It reminded me of the time i got answered by Allah the moment i prayed for fajr. True! Never doubt the dua u make. Have 100% trust on Allah and leave it onto him. Rest ur eyes will see the miracle
i have a friednd who had cancer and the doctors told him his dying and its hopeless for him and theres no cure for him and he went to alrawdhah alshreefah and asked allah to heal him and ALLAH DID this story about 9 years ago he still alive and healthy to this day ALLAH AKBAR
Sure Allah responds to our duas even if it it's one by one he still does, that's the same with my dad who has prostate cancer for 6 years,and last time we went for checkup the doctors said all his stomach organs has been affected and no much time is remaining for him, it's been another year but alhamdulillah he is still alive that's the power of dua we never give up asking Allah for the miracle like ayub asw🤲🏽
In my sujud I asked something to Allah SWT ,after Salam I had a phone call and my Dua been accepted . I started crying out of Joy and do 2 Sajda .Thanked to Allah SWT.
There's a dua of mine that got accepted years ago, and until today I'm still in shock. It was something that seemed nearly impossible but really, there's nothing impossible for Allah.😌
A couple of years ago when I was in university, I was having trouble paying my fees, I collected some money I could get from people around me and it still wasn't enough. If I didn't pay the full fees I would repeat the semester again. I remember one day I completely broke down. I lay on the floor crying. My heart felt so heavy and broken. Then I remembered Salatul haja (it is the prayer that one does when in need of help from Allah), and the words of the prophet pbuh that said, "he who makes wudhu and does it properly, then prays two rakat, Allah will grant him whatever he prays for." I had wudhu so I got up and prayed 2 rakats and while in sujood, I cried my heart out and begged Allah to help me and I begged Him to cover my shame. After I finished the Salah, I felt some relief knowing that I put my full trust in Allah now. So the next day, I went to the office to ask about something, then I passed by the accountant's office to check how much fee is remaining. He goes to the university website on his computer and checks my fee. A few days ago, it said that my balance was 33,000 but now it was saying 0.00 balance. Meaning all my debt was paid. The accountant looked at me and asked if I had finished paying my fees, and with complete shock and disbelief in my face, I told him no I didn't finish paying it. He got out of the account and went back in to check if there was a malfunction but to both of our surprise, it said the same thing again. 0.00 balance. And it couldn't have been paid by my family members because I didn't tell anyone about it. I don't have rich friends and I didn't know any rich people who could pay that kind of money for me. Allah took care of me like He always has.🥲 That is the most miraculous thing that has ever happened to me and I think about it to this day. Until today, I don't know who paid my school fees. I tried thinking it was a person but I can't think of anyone who would do something like that for me, except my Rabb.❤️ And I'm forever grateful.
The same thing happened to me when i was there . I was kinda hungry after praying fajr jama'a and people started walking back home . A pakistani brother was there sharing dates with people next to the Rawdah almubaraka and I couldn't come close to him and i prayed yaa ALLAH ,just one date , I'm really hungry .suddenly the same brother comes to me specially and hands me a date while smiling contagiously. I just lost it .i was emotional and happy that ALLAH answered my dua . (I was in the rawdah for more then like some hours and i was really hungry and couldnt leave the rawdah) so it was a big thing
mashallah this is so beautiful it give me so much hope please make dua for me I'm gonna give a very important exam soon I failed 5 times this will gonna be my 6th attempt I'm suffering from anxiety and depression since last year please pray to allah s w t ..may allah grant me sucess and ease my suffering and hardship and to also those who are suffering in silence may allah s.w.t give us peace ease our hardship and give us relief from this worlds pain 😭😭😭😭
I'm so thankful to this brother for sharing this incident. I just can't express in words that how much this video has boosted my iman in Allah S.W.T. 🥺
SubhaanAllah...Something quite similar happened to me 3 years ago when I went for Umra ...So many of my friends n brothers were facing hardship back home, going through immense challenges...I promised them I would read 2 nawafals for each n pray exclusively for them when entering Rawdah shreef...Alhamdulilah when we entered the Rawdah area there was a stampede by the sisters awaiting to go in, such pushing n shoving by the sisters I didn't think I'd be able to reach near the Rawdah...I was being crushed between these sisters who each wanted to get ahead...I felt like I was suffocating...I just wanted to get out of the crowd and allow them to get through...My sister inlaw who was with me grabbed my hand n pulled me out, Alhamdulilah...We allowed that crowd to read their nawafals n move out...SubhaanAllah suddenly I found myself close to the Rawdah shreef...All this time the security ladies there were shouting at the ladies to hurry up and move out...I stood my ground and made my niyah and asked Allah almighty and the Holy Prophet (sww) to grant me enough time to recite 2 rakahs for each person going through, 8 people I needed to pray for, this was their amanah I was carrying how could I leave and not fulfill my obligation to them...As I started to pray each rakah ladies were being ushered to get up n leave from all around me...I placed my focus on my prayer...Every 2 rakahs I prayed for one person or family...I carried on praying expecting anytime now to be told or pulled away from this spot but nothing happened, the security just kept going around me...SubhaanAllah I couldn't believe what was happening...Other sisters around me where ushered away just completing their two rakahs...Here I was amongst them carrying on to pray 20 rakahs including for my family n myself...I read an extra 2 rakahs shukrana in gratitude of being given this time to fulfill my promises....Alhamdulilah to this day I still feel the intensity of what took place...After the prayers I felt so much peace, I can't even describe it...I sat for long while just trying to absorb what had just happened and no one asked me to leave...So I totally resonate with you brother...When the connection is made and the intention is pure how can our Lord ignore that...🤗
Plz guys make a lot of dua for my brother who is having his medical entrance exam tomorrow.plz just remember him in your dua .He just doesn't show his emotions but I know he suffered a lot for this exam.
Allah will always hear you, even when you didnt say the words and it remains in your heart. Sometimes your du'as are answered immediately, sometimes it might seem unanswered but Allah Hears your pleas. Always. That is HIs Promise. No one can intercede except by His Will and Permission.
My family always wanted to Pray eid namaz in madina always And then In this year We made it happen im so greatful my Eid ul fitr was the best eid in my life im really greatful
Subhan Allah ! Allah Hu Akbar! I felt that beta , u had pure intentions and your Du'a was sincere Allah blessed you. May Allah bless you to be one of those in acompany off our beloved Prophet Muhammed pbuh on judgement Ameen
Subhan Allah I was sitting and just ask for may Allah invite me to Hajj And my sister came running said my elder brother make request for hajj and it's accepted actually my Dua was accepted
I used to feed a stray cat who roamed around our house until one day he came to me with injured neck. Apparently another cat bit it and it got infected. After coming back from the vet, it refuses to eat and drink, and just hid in the corner. After about 3 days of this behaviour, I started to acept the fact that he's dying. Finally I placed the food in front of him and did my Dua. I was crying in my Dua because eventhough it's not even mine, I have come to love this cat. Not even 30 seconds after that, he started to eat. This brother is right. If u can do your Duas with conviction, there's no doubt Allah will grant it. And now my cat is healthy and fat as you can see in my profile picture 😆
This is beautiful....something like this happened to me too there was a sin I was continuously commiting and I couldn't stop myself but I felt guilty all the time and got really frustrated with myself so I started making continuous dua alongside.... sometimes I would lose hope but then get back to making dua again and then it happened like a miracle.....! I stopped one day and my life feels so much better now....but I still make dua and ask Allah to keep me safe from every sin.... So my dear brothers and sisters even if you're sinning Allah Almighty is there for you never lose hope in Him...your supplications won't be accepted in only one case and that is if you lose hope in Him
I understand 100%!!! I have disabilities and chronic pain and after being in Mecca trying to do Umrah on foot I was unable to and I tried for 3 weeks. I did it by wheelchair for myself but wanted so desperately to do it by foot for my deceased mum. Fast forward the first night in Medinah the sisters all went to their rooms whilst I went to the prophets mosque. Too many ppl there and I wanted to pray in the rawdah. The next night, chaos too many ppl one of the sister with me cried because of the pushing. I was advised to get to the rawdah I must push which I thought defeated the purpose of worship totally. The sis left and I told her I’m not leaving till I pray in the rawdah?’! I got up amongst the hundreds of faces and asked Allāh “ oh Allāh if you love me please let me pray in the Rawdah two rackets in salaam where I hurt nobody and nobody hurts me ameen! At once I said to myself Astagfur’Allah who do u think you are? Asking Allāh if he loves you etc …. All of sudden chaos occurred and ppl started a stampeded pushing once the gate slightly opened… I got so angry that I screamed on the top of my voice for ppl to stop!!! The lady security asked me in Arabic “ sister please help me” I replied who me? Yes she replied! All of a sudden I was working in the prophets mosque as security I had my own section, telling ppl to sit and controlling the crowd me little old disabled me! After working for a few hours I was requested to do a shift the next day but replied that I was going back to Makkah. Continued working the head of security came to me and said that for helping us today you are going to pray in the Rawdah… guess what as I was praying in the rawdah alone i bursted into tears for Allāh answered my prayers I prayed there in peace hurting nobody and nobody hurting me. I was then taken to the grave of the prophet and pbuh and sent my salaams. When I got back I was so happy I didn’t sleep the whole night thinking did Allāh really love me and look what just happened! I went into Ihram and travelled to Makkah another miracle occurred I did my Umrah by foot for my mum something I could not manage to do for 3 weeks I manage to do, not sure how but Allāh made it happen! Yes Allāh is very kind to the believers and he answers our prayers. Allāh knew if I came back I would have been depressed not doing Umrah for my deceased mum. It was nothing but a miracle that occurred! Alhumdulilah
Allah listens all duas made with pure conviction and belief, just believe do good deeds to impress Allah and He'll Rabbul Izzat will help you in every situation InshaAllah
I made dua to Allah SWT to provide me with a halal source of income and after 2-3 days i got a job, Alhamdulillah. Indeed, Allah is the greatest, the All-hearing, the ever-providing..
Alhamdulliah I made a Dua many times in my life and through Sabr it came true. “Which of the favours of your lord do you deny. “This always is in my mind constantly
I was in madinah or makkah i forgot..for only 6 nights and 2 nights had passed, i couldnt wake up for tahujjud because i was too tired plus with kids. 3rd night i knew i wouldnt be able to wake up again, because that specific night i went to sleep after 1am which is much later than the 2 previous nights. Before sleeping i said, Ya Allah plz wake me up for tahujjud. N just like that I was up n fit at 4am. AllahuAkbar.
SUBHANALLAH.ALLAHUAKBAR..I got tears watching this.I believe in the power of the dua 100% because it has happened in my life.Never ever doubt Allah and ask Him for anything and everything and live according to His way,you will be alright.
I'm so happy brother, first because your Dua is accepted and second because you made this beautiful Dua, Allah make us from the ones who if wants something wants for the sake of Allah and really wants to be a good slave,Ameen✨
SubhanAllah something similar happened to me So I’m a revert, It was a ramadan night where I went to the mosque to pray taraweeh, some teenage boys walked passed me and said assalamu alaikum in a jokingly way so I didn’t answer and I told my friend “I don’t know if I was supposed to greet, since we always have to greet back, may Allah show me the right answer” Then when we arrived to the mosque, the imaam said “You always have to greet back if someone says assalamu alaikum” My friend and I looked at each other shocked I got so emotional by how fast my prayer got answered subhanAllah
Even if our prayer is not accepted we still get ajjar for making the prayer. For me this is good enough. Also I get great joy when someone I know asks me to pray for them. It is a massive blessing and I find it easier to pray for someone else before myself. Allah SWT is the the only one who will give you more reward for putting someone else before yourself. (I do not speak of children who parents love more than their own lives). May your prayers be answered 🙏
Every single cell in my body firmly believes in Allah's existence. I have been through a lot of points in my life where all I could see were dead ends in front of me but somehow I was still able to pull through just by praying to my creator, Allah.... so many points that it would be crazy for me to say that it is all due to my luck because it is not. Allah listens and It has been proven to me from time to time.
Beautiful is the connection with Allah,Allah is Indeed the greatest. We need to put our hearts and trust in Allah and he'll answer our Duas in the best way . Tnx for sharing brother ☺️
I can understand his feelings because it is happened to me as well at my own home. When your dua is accepted at the very moment it's the best thing in life.
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I need your especiall prayer
This is my channel
InshaAllah Aameen
Selam Alejkum brother can you please make dua for my father Ibrahim for Allah to guide him I ask Allah over 13 years
Do u even know what allhu Akbar means .........
@@raj-fg4cx ok, and?
Indeed Allah sees & hears everything!
I was once stranded at an airport bcz I hadn't reconfirmed my ticket ( it was in 2003) to fly back to where I was employed. The airline staff simply returned my documents & refused to let me board. They declared that all flights were full until the next 3 amount of persuasion or pleas worked. I stood there in the most helpless n hopeless situation... Then I began to pray... 10 mins before closing the check-in counter I was called & offered a ticket in the Business Class from economy class for no extra cost!
Certainly those who trust Allah will never fail! اللہ اکبر اللہ اکبر
Are young children’s prayers answered too?
@@jaayzeez Indeed instead people insist on saying that they are accepted quicker and often because of their pure hearts ❤️
People who don’t realize how big of a deal is this. They generally allow you inside Rawdah in batches and after 10 minutes they vacate rawdah completely to allow the next batch in and you have a very long queue to be formed into a batch and you would typically have multiple batches waiting to get it inside Rawdah. This has been the case since Covid
And took sometimes more then 2,3 hours to have your turn.
10 minutes?! For women, when I last went (2013). We were sent in batches according to our nationality so I was with women from India and Pakistan (one batch), the wait was 2-3 hr or even longer, I don’t remember. And when we reached janat ul baqi we were allowed to pray 2 rakats and who ever was done praying was asked to leave. That’s it. We couldnt even see anything, since the womens area is at the far back from men. The place to pray was as big as a classroom. I quickly prayed another 2 rakahs before they noticed me.
So isn't this a selfish request as it is blocking others from using it? I don't get the purpose of this video
@@truthprevails556 I'm not doubting his sincerity.
But for me it's not something to be praised. Blocking others from what you want is not good character in my opinion. Everyone should have their turn and move on for others.
I remember when I went there and people were hogging the few spaces selfishly, not what Muslims should be showing.
Once my left arm was paining a lot from holding my 4year old. Whole day i was in pain. Reaching asr or magrib, after praying i said Ya Allah my arm is paining too much, make it better. I read 3 times surah fateha while rubbing my arm lightly. I swear i swear i swear, as i folded my prayer mat, the pain had vanished. N it vanished in such a way that it never came back. Alhamdulillah. Pray n believe in ur prayer.
good to hear and which country are you from
سبحان الله ❤indeed, I also had pain in my stomach, but I resisted it and prayed or finished praying, but this pain completely disappeared.
Subhan Allah
Alhamduiallah the power of duaa n plus the blessed place subhanallah
Guess what? I saw this video, made the SAME dua and Alhamdulillah got to stay half an hour and prayed the Maghrib Salah in rawdah.
Ma Sha Allah brother🫡
I just came back from the Rawdah too, may Allah allow me to come visit again.
Subhanallah! Me too, just came across this video before my time slot and made duaa that Allah SWT lets me pray Asr in the Rawdah, and I got to pray. Alhamdulillah!! Thank you for the reminder to make Duaa
Makes me hyped for December.
Insha Allah my family will go on another Umrah
Literally cheat code😂
Allah accepts this duas immediately no doubt bro it happened to me the night i prayed tahajjud and i asked him to make salah easy for me and i should be able to pray at the right time. Now i open the door of my masjid and do the adzan before others come
Wow. God bless
TabarakaAllah Ma Sha Allah May Allah gives you at this Duniya and Akhera Aameen 🤲🤲
@@Beeforchicken123 amin and u too
@@sheikhanasser4714 amin and you too
Even though Im not a Muslim, I am so happy and grateful to hear this. The power of Allah is great.
Change ur friends immediately
@@exm9317 what?
@@drishyaa5798 I'm pretty confused too, lol
@@myrondcunha5670 Ikr
you’ll see more greatness of Allah(SWT) , a lot of stories you’ll see or hear which will make you flabbergasted , indeed Allah is the greatest.
I went to Hajj with my younger daughter. She had very bad cat allergies. But Makka & Madina has lots of cats. She loves cats. She was touching cats in Makkah & Madina which was making her sick. So, I had to ask her not to touch cats. I was making Du’a in front of Kaba. She asked me to make Du’a, so she will have no more cat allergies. I did. We came back home. Now she has her own cat who is always with her. No more cat allergies. AlhamdulilAllah. Allah knows the best best.
Yes, indeed HE the Almighty listens us all. He knows what to give you and when to give. Some more Du’a was also answered by my Rabb throughout the few years. I am waiting for more answers. In’sha’Allah.
I strongly believe in my prayers/Du’a. We need to be patience. If your Du’a is NOT accepted right the way, keep making Dua. Allah Know when is the best time to answer your Du’a. So, be patience. In’sha’Allah.
NEVER GIVE UP YOUR Du’a. Keep asking to Allah (swt). In’sha’Allah.
Did any of your dua got accepted recently. Please tell me how you make dua and is your income halal. because Halal income have a connection with dua.
Beautiful ma sha Allah & may your lives be filled with barakah & protection in sha Allah
A couple of years ago my parents were diagnosed with high blood sugar. I was so worried about them and prayed every day that Allah cures them. After one month they tested again just to check and the tests came normal. Not just for one of them but for both of them. Idc what anybody says, that for me was a miracle and I am so grateful to Allah. Alhamdulillah. All duas may not be accepted but you keep making them and trust Allah's plan.
MashAllah TabarakAllah
Power of Dua. Always keep making dua brother/sister.
All duas are accepted but the response comes in three different ways. Either immediately, or a harm that was about to befall you is prevented from you as a result of your dua, or Allah saves it for you and gifts it to you on the day of judgment.
@@nasraqaali75 MashaAllah amazing explanation, Ilahay haku barakeeyo wll qaali,
Jazakumu Allahu kheyra
@@dayurwarfa9762 wa iyyakum
Al-Imām ibn al-Qayyim [may Allah have mercy upon him] said:
“Paradise is not merely a name given to the trees, the fruits, the food, the drink, the [beautiful] maidens, the rivers and palaces [of Paradise]. Most of the people make a mistake regarding the name of Paradise [i.e. al-Jannah]. Certainly ‘al-Jannah’ is the name for the abode of unrestricted complete bliss. From the greatest of bliss in Paradise is the delight of looking [in awe] at the Noble Face of Allāh, [being amazed] in hearing His speech, the delight of the eye by being close to Him and by way of Him being pleased. There is no comparison of the pleasure therein [i.e. in Paradise], from the food, the drink, the clothing and the images, to this everlasting pleasure [of seeing the Noble face of Allāh and being close to Him].”
Madārij as-Sālikeen 2/80 | Al-Imām ibn al-Qayyim [may Allah have mercy upon him].
His tears were soo real that no one could even doubt him.
Pray to allah, ask for forgiveness everyday, he'll never ignore you
No they weren't he didn't shed 1 single tear
Bismillah Hir Rahmanir Rahim.
I lost my first son 5months into the pregnancy. This was last ten days of that year's Ramadan. It was a hard loss. By the mercy of Allah SWT, we mourned but stayed strong and said Alhamdullilah. Ala kulli haal.
I remember by some miracle being well enough to pray 25th night and stayed in prayers for the few days I could. I asked Him for strength, for good health so we can move on. I prayed for my deceased son and asked, if its good for us, then please bestow another one.
We lost our son May 24th of that year. 3 years later, I had another son. His delivery date was fixed May 23rd. Alhamdullilah my second son is alive and well.
If this is not His miracle and love for us.. I don't know what is. Please stay firm in your duas.
Nice to hear. How os your son now. And which country are you from
If our du'as are not immediately accepted we should not lose hope or become despondent.
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There is no Muslim who calls upon Allah, without sin or cutting family ties, but that Allah will give him one of three answers: He will quickly fulfill his supplication, He will store it for him in the Hereafter, or He will divert an evil from him similar to it.” They said, “In that case we will ask for more.” The Prophet said, “Allah has even more.”
Source: Musnad Aḥmad 11133
Can someone explain me the "without sin or cutting family ties" part. I didn't cut family ties but I didn't speak to some aunts and cousins in years.
I'm weeping right now knowing the feeling of Allah's greatness.
Yesterday I was feeling so sick that I gave up my hope of praying Isha . I just prayed to Allah that my sickness goes away . Within a few hours I started feeling better . Eventually , I my sickness totally went away like a miracle that night ! And I was able to pray Isha , Tahajjud and Witr . Allahu Akbar !
Wow No need Of Doctors now
Because prayer is the only solution to illness from now
And treatment is done by allah
MashAllah Mashallah.
mashah allah
I once made a dua crying and slept after it when I woke up my dua was accepted. Indeed Allah is the best.
What did u made for dua akhi/ukhti tell me pls
Can you tell me about your dua
@@rubinaakter9233there is no specific thing to do or say, just clear your heart and be certain entirely that Allah swt is going to give you what you’re asking or better than what you’re asking . That’s it .
@@Quranhakiimthere is no specific thing to do or say, just clear your heart and be certain entirely that Allah swt is going to give you what you’re asking or better than what you’re asking . That’s it .
it happened with me too there, back when i was 11 or 12 years old, i was craving for a burger for some reason and asked my parents to get me one, we searched for any shop/restaurant nearby for burgers but couldn't find one anywhere and that made me sad but after praying Isha, we were all heading back towards the hotel and this lady tells her 2 sons to stop me and ask me if i wanted to have a burger because they had an extra, I can't tell you what it felt like 😭❤️🌹
Alhamdulillah! I too had these tiny duas of mine as a young kid (and often even as an adult) get fulfilled when I ask for it to Allah! Allahu Akbar!
Wholesome and amazing, Subhanallah
SUBHANALLAH!! ALLAHU AKBAR!! ALHAMDULILA!! may Allah grant you your family and me and my family jannah tul firdous, and all those whoever came across this video or commented here or upvoted this video,accept our duas and make us among the 70,000 with no accounting on yimmol Qiyyama
It's such a simple request and yet, it reach touch deep home inside the soul when a simple request like this which can be against the odd most of the time get fulfilled. It's amazing.
Ma shaa Allah, Alhamdulillah Rabil Alameen. May Allah keep you steadfast in His religion ، Aameen. This is the manifestation of the sincerity of your heart and intentions. You are blessed brother. May Allah's mercy continue to dwell with you forever. Aameen. Ya Allah accept our acts of ibadah and guide us towards the best always. Aameen
Brother when we see our dua getting accepted, we are happy about the outcome but what truly makes me happier is that Allah accepted my dua. Just the feeling that Allah is happy with me is enough.
It reminds me of a blessing that happens to me ( by grace of almighty) when i was at Rawdah ( riyadh al jannah ) with my grandfather , the first time i entered there was a huge crowd and i got place to pray just at site of mehrab al nabi where Holy Prophet PBUH used to pray , 😭😭😭when i put my head into mehrab for sujjod i felt like .... I can't explain it 😭😭😭and when i ended prayer and lifted my head up there was a line written on mehrab that this is mehrab of Holy Prophet PBUH 😭😭😭
I just felt so blessed to put my head on earth where Holy Prophet PBUH once put his blessed head and to stand there where Holy Prophet PBUH once stood for prayer , SubhanAllah 😭😭
Then i tried to get near to boundaries of Rawdah to get a glimpse of inside and the guards were vacating the area for new batch , and then a guard came to me and not ordered me to vacate but said to me pray here pray here 😭😭😭 i prayed another 4 rakatts just near the blessed walls of Rawdah 😭😭😭my grandfather was astonished and so happy for me 😭😭
He died in Mecca as he made dua to die either in mecca or medinah and get burried there , his dua was accepted , his funeral prayer was at masjid al haram and he's burried in mecca . May Allah grant him higher place in Jannah 😭😭😭😭😭
Allah hu Akbar 😭😭😭😭😭
Ameen so beautiful
@@SabaAli-qr9nd JazakAllah ✨🤝🏻
Awwwww MashaAllah
mashah allah...include me in your dua
Subhanallah. Alhamdulillah
Oh Allah bless the ummah at the day of judgment 😢 . Who feels proud to be Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)❤❤❤
🌹صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ واصحابہ و بارک وسلم 🌹
2 weeks back I got lost while hiking. I raised my hands in the air rotated in every direction and asked Allah to guide me onto the correct trail back to my base as the dusk was approaching. The trail was hard to catch because of white out.
Allah guided me almost onto the right trail and look at the miracle there was group from from the other mountain and they called out me (they also had to head back to the same base camp), so i waited for them and we headed back together. So had i not headed towards that almost right trail and the white out vanishing for the brief moment only to come into the line of sight. WAllahi i can't imagine what could have happened during that hiking expedition.
I can't express the joy i felt and at the same time spiritually i felt like Allah has erased some barriers between me and him and my Dua was taken care of within a couple of minutes. It something i can't put into words but cherish and feel that moment throughout my entire life. Alhamdu Lillah.
PS: There were no cellphone signals since i was 30kms away from the place where cellphones worked.
In 23/1/2021 I was praying tahajjud, and my mother was healthy with no sick symptoms, I asked allah that her last words in her life be ‘ash.hadu an la ilaha illa allah wa ash.hadu anna muhammed pbuh rassulo allah’, I’ve never asked allah this because I’ve never thought that my mum would pass away those days, and my mother passed away in 23/1/2021 9:06 pm, after she said al shahadatan in the ICU
Allahu akbar, السميع المجيب القريب
Subhanallah 🥺...May Allah grant ur mother jannatul firdaus and may He reunite u and ur mom in jannah🤍
Do u stil pray night prayer
I’m happy for you lina alhamdulillah… inshallah your mother will go to jannah ❤️
May Allāh grant your mother mercy, forgiveness and high rank in jannah آمين
@@channabiryan ameen and may Allah reunite you with her in Jannatul firdous
The stories of prayer acceptance are really wonderful. I hardly remember now that I have prayed but it was not accepted. Subhanallah I am very lucky. Like I used to pray for very small things. Allah give me clothes, Allah give me good results, Allah give me Tawfiq to live with my sister, give her back (she didn't live with us, she used to live with my aunt since childhood) every thing that I asked for now, the more I think about it, the more I wonder. . You should always thank Allah. Whoever is in now depression , in any kind of stress , dont get disheartened . Make du'a from the core of your heart having trust that Allah will accept it .
I can relate. I am a student of knowledge, ever since I started my studies online I didn't have proper device take classes from but I somehow managed to complete 4 semesters Alhamdulillah. And as soon as we got break after the 4th semester I prayed to Allah grant me a proper so I can study your Deen properly. Shaytaan would come to me and tell me that I am loser I can't carry one because Allah is not even taking care of the basi things you need for your studies. But Alhamdulillah I held on to Dua in Ramadan I begged Allah like never before I prayed to him like never before and as soon as my 5th semester got started I got the new latest cell phone (yes the one I am holding when typing this.) And this is of the same company I liked TECNO❤️ ALHAMDULILLAH
akhi mashAllah where and what do you learn i am interested
Allahu Akabar
Allahu Akbar
Masha ALLaH
"Don't ever doubt your dua, make it with conviction"
Just my personal experience, tears & a shaking body through emotion, Allahu'Alim.
Brothers and sisters ,am sure all of us committed sins whether big or small, but let’s not give up because of it. May Allah accept everyone’s dua and forgive us 🤲😢
H-A-Q only Shaitan wants all us sinning children of Hadhrat Adham alaihis salam to give up hope by thinking that we are not good enough. YES we are, we chose to be Muslims & of the Last Ummah, an honour not given to much of humanity throughout time! 👑
I am just crying I have no words. Ya Allah how I wish to be there. To touch that soil. May we all have many chances in our lifetime. Ameen.
Am crying. Wallahi i was there 2019 when i did my Hajj and Alhamdulilah what ever i did ask to ALLAH and i got it i always cry and say Alhamdulilah for everything till today Brother 😭. Am even crying when am writing this. Alhamdulilah
Please pray for me and my sister. We have been waiting for many years for our dua to get accepted. We are going to have an important Exam in May. I believe in the power of collective dua, so do remember us in your Duas. May Allah accept your most asked dua. Ameen!
Did it get excepted ? Akhi
I had a maths exam a few years ago. I was going to college in the morning and I made du'aa to Allah asking not to only make me pass but to make me pass with full marks.
WAllahi I got full marks; 48 out of 48.
This score was very rare in that college.
Allahu akbar. I remember I managed to finish all the questions and there was still time left.
However, just when the teacher was about to come collect the papers I noticed an error that I made and quickly corrected it alhamduliLlah. Such is the power and Qadr of Allah. wAllahi DO NOT EVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF DU'AA TO ALLAH. (just make sure you have a correct aqidah tho).
how is your life now can you give me update kindly 😮
How to make my aqidah strong what is it?
SubhaanALLAH...This reminds me of my dua being accepted on umrah 2018... Its a long story but the summary is.. I prayed sooo much to be able to kiss the stone of Aswad with my mom .. and I got the opportunity.. A line of females was made by security near the KAABA before Asr prayer and I kissed Hajr e aswad after my mom ALHAMDOLILLAH... 😇
Mashallah that’s beautiful! I’m yet to go to umrah or hajj and it’s my dream to. Inshallah I get to go soon 🤲
It is same story of me . My mom kissed Hajr e Aswad she prayed for me to kiss after 1 hour i also my mom is not alive may Allah SWT grant her highest rank in جنة الفر دوس
رب ارحمهما كما ربيا نى صغيرا
@@qatarduha8386 Ameen sumameen
@@hamoodtatari AMIN🤲☺
SubhanAllah ❤ MashaAllah…you are so lucky brother I can feel what you felt praying and your dua been accepted
MashaAllah 😊
A Du'a can change our entire life. Indeed I haven't seen more powerful thing after Quran except the Du'a.
Allahumma Ihdina as-Siratal Mustaqeem.
Don't know why I became emotional when I read this and shed a tear. So simple but so powerful.
@@lanacarpediem5551 May Allah accept it.
@@lanacarpediem5551 Ameen
Best dua
Simply without a shadow of doubt. Allah is the Greatest. You prayed with true conviction and at a place where prayers are accepted.
اللّٰہ ھو اکبر ۔ اللھم صلی علی سیدنا محمد ❤️
Subhana Allah this video made me smile. Subhana Allah Al Adheem.
Subhan Allah brother ....This shows us that Indeed, Allah (SWT) loves his servants... May Allah The Almighty grant you and all the Muslims the highest ranks in Jannah Al Firdaus.. Aameen.
Ameen ❤️
Allahu akbar. The same thing happened to me once.
In Ramadan of 2021 during taraweeh, there is a particular spot near a pillar in my masjid where I love to pray because during the khatira I can lean against the pillar while I sit and listen. This one time I came to taraweeh late and I was several rows behind that spot and during the second sujood of the fourth raka, I made dua to Allah to bring me closer to Him up front where i wanted to be.
As soon as the imam concluded with the Salam, the man sitting in that spot got up and left and so the spot was empty. typically people tend to rush to fill in the gaps in the rows but no one got up and as soon as I saw the man leave and no one else was rushing to the spot, especially people who were closer to it than me; I got up and went to that spot and sat down as it was time for the khatira now.
Whats khatira?
Subhan Allah. That's so moving. Allah(swt) shows miracles in such smooth ways, it gives me goosebumps. Alhamdulillah for the blessing of islam.
@@raj-fg4cx what's your point?
@@yuhcgte a short khutbah
@@CR7Update jazakallha
It's touched my heart so I download it into my phone... To this video and I can hold my Iman Alhumdulillah .
I have so many incident where Allah granted my wishes Alhamdulillah. I am very bad at reciting Quran. Very slow. That's why I have hard time memorizing dua or small suras. I wanted to memorize sura Duha coz it helps recover from depression as I have it, I tried to memorize but thought its hard and dropped. Last ramadan one night I said let me memorize at least one sentence from it and kept trying. MashaAllah in just 15 mins I finished memorizing whole surah with some problems in middle, in half an hour I perfected it, repeated to my mum, recorded and sent it to my friend who also was trying to memorize. I had the mindset to not give up and prayed to Allah and was successful. It's not a long surah but for me it's a big deal. Such thing happens a lot with me and I can't thank my creator enough for it the love I get from you my Rabb. Plz do pray for me and ask others for prayers, be humble to ask for prayers. Some ppl I saw who says they dont need prayers, such arrogance wont bring anything.
Baarakallah Baarakallah
Happen to me too. It was high season for umrah. It's crowded. But I just get out of my hotel room with a simple prayer, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Allah my Lord, please allow me enter the rawdah and pray for my parents this day. That's it. I walk with ease despite the crowd. And near the rawdah it's almost like the people behind me pushed me to the front of the line and as if the space is laid out just for me to walk there, sit, and pray. I was full of sin and unworthy but Allah is most merciful.
Make Dua for us...we believers are all worthy of Allah's forgiveness... SALAM 💌💞💐
A brother watched this video and did the same thing and his Dua was also accepted. I found it on a post by this channel. Here’s what the brother wrote:
Wallahi, i watched this video and did the same thing.
I made dua today, "Oh Allah, let me pray Fajr in the rawdah today"
SubhanAllah. I was waiting to go into the rawdah. Whilst i was waiting some random worker started talking to me and gave me his number.
After I came out of the rawdah about an hour before fajr, the worker came to me and asked if I wanted to pray fajr today in the Rawdah. I just burst out crying just because he said those words. Then he held my hands and escorted me into the Rawdah to pray Fajr. And I prayed Fajr there. SubhanAllah.
I still can't think about a single Dua that God Almighty hasn't accepted for me. He indeed listens to our supplications and is the most Merciful, I am witness of it with my own senses ❤️
Writing this on 16th July 2022 Saturday and the story is about yesterday 15th July 2022 Friday... In jummah prayer during sujood I asked allah ..ya allah love comes from you In every heart so please let her brother see me from the perspective of love towards me (her is my future wife inshaallah) amd I came home took some time outside and when I held my phone she the very moment and after few moments she said I have a good news for you... she said her brother likes me😭 and will get me married to her just I need to get settled which I hope allah will surely make me...literally it was accepted wallahi I cried my heart cried...I promised myself not to miss a salah ever
Subhanallah. Congratulations on your wedding.
Allah O Akbar
@@spotonnls3538 as If I care about your wise words👍🏼❤️✨️
@@spotonnls3538 ooo so a Islamophobic is here ..may Allah guide you
@@spotonnls3538 u wont be on the day of judgement tm
alhamdulillah. May Allah make me too among the people who visit his house and make my duas and prayers from the raudhah.
ameen ya rabbi.
and may Allah make it easy for every muslim out there to reach the raudha.
I can totally relate Alhamdulilah.. The generosity of our creator is unimaginable subhanAllah…
Before Ramadan my father had cancer a fierce type .. his condition was so bad and my brother who is a physician told me that all the reports show that we should expect what is to come.
I prayed.. we all prayed and we all said Alhamdulilah for everything Allah knows the best Alhamdulilah.. I was praying so hard for him to at least reach the month of Ramadan .. I asked Allah to guide my father and all of us to what Allah subhanahu w ta’ala knows is the best for us .. that was a month before ramadan .. many doctors coming and going .. chemotherapy and so on .. Ramadan came and I asked my father not yo fast as he was sick but he made his choice and said to me I don’t know if this is gonna be the last Ramadan .. ya Allah.
My father fast the month of Ramadan Alhamdulilah.. then I went to Omrah and Rawdah and I prayed so hard and asked Allah to give my father shifa’a… I made du’aa for a lot of things and for the hereafter more may Allah accept from all of us.
The latest reports Alhamdulilah show better results and it is more than I expected Alhamdulilah and inshaa Allah we will be going under more chemotherapy so please make du’aa for my father to be totally healed
Allahuma Ameen Ameen Ameen.
الحمد و الشكر لله حمدا كثيرا طيبا مباركا فيه
جمعنا الله جميعا في جنات الفردوس و رزقنا صالح الأعمال.
mashaAllah Alhmdulliah how is ur father
Your father is totally healed or not?
SubhanAllah how Allah is always there for us. How He loves his servants 🥺🥺💕
Immensely.. and unmatched. ALLAHHUAKBAR
Protect your daughters from Qaume Lut women
They are being sexually active with young girls Audhubillah
God will always answer your dua but sometimes it takes time it wont j happen immediately but Subhanallah this story is beautiful! Allahu akbar.
Never underestimate the power of a dua. During Ramadan about 20 years ago, we were gathered in the hall doing our tarawikh. Unknown to me, my daughter gained access to the roof and played with her friends.
She fell and landed on her back on the hard ground just missing the concrete drain. I rushed to her side, panic stricken and helpless, appealed to Allah swt to protect her. I was crying when I made the dua. The incident happened on the 27th of Ramadan.
Allahu Akhbar! Three days later she was discharged the hospital and celebrated Eid.
How Allah help u and not stopping all d war in d world
its called coincidence..there are miraculous coincidence for centuries which has nothing to do with dua..
@@bikashdas3146there is no such thing as coincidences in Islam
I can see how sincere he is ...allahukbar
I cried with you my beloved brother. We should never lose hope and neglect the power of dua. Allah is greatest no doubt☝️. Thank you for sharing this video with us. It raise the level of our Imaan.
He got me balling my eyes out! I testify the power of dua. I had a dua answered once in the few hours and i was shocked I looked up in the sky and started crying and thanking Allah over and over. Be patient sometimes ur dua doesn’t get answered in that time but always know Allah knows best when and where the right time is for u or if it’s right for u at all.
I live in Saudi Arabia and I go to madinah every year beacause I live in Khobar which is 1400km away from madinah but everytime when I see prophet Muhammad I always have tears in my eyes if you have been to rawda then you know
Hi. Can i ask a question ?
This brought tears in my eyes i feel u
How strong the feeling is.
It reminded me of the time i got answered by Allah the moment i prayed for fajr.
True! Never doubt the dua u make.
Have 100% trust on Allah and leave it onto him.
Rest ur eyes will see the miracle
i have a friednd who had cancer and the doctors told him his dying and its hopeless for him and theres no cure for him and he went to alrawdhah alshreefah and asked allah to heal him and ALLAH DID
this story about 9 years ago
he still alive and healthy to this day
Sure Allah responds to our duas even if it it's one by one he still does, that's the same with my dad who has prostate cancer for 6 years,and last time we went for checkup the doctors said all his stomach organs has been affected and no much time is remaining for him, it's been another year but alhamdulillah he is still alive that's the power of dua we never give up asking Allah for the miracle like ayub asw🤲🏽
Ma shaa Allah,Alhamdulillah Rabil Alameen. May Allah continue to give all the sick shifa beyond their comprehension. Aameen
@mariamniyi6967 I love the story of hadhrat Ayub alaihis salam 😎
In my sujud I asked something to Allah SWT ,after Salam I had a phone call and my Dua been accepted . I started crying out of Joy and do 2 Sajda .Thanked to Allah SWT.
This is the sweetness when allah accepts our duas allah akkabr kabeera ☝🏻
There's a dua of mine that got accepted years ago, and until today I'm still in shock. It was something that seemed nearly impossible but really, there's nothing impossible for Allah.😌
Subhanallah, what was it? If you don't mind telling us.
A couple of years ago when I was in university, I was having trouble paying my fees, I collected some money I could get from people around me and it still wasn't enough. If I didn't pay the full fees I would repeat the semester again. I remember one day I completely broke down. I lay on the floor crying. My heart felt so heavy and broken. Then I remembered Salatul haja (it is the prayer that one does when in need of help from Allah), and the words of the prophet pbuh that said, "he who makes wudhu and does it properly, then prays two rakat, Allah will grant him whatever he prays for." I had wudhu so I got up and prayed 2 rakats and while in sujood, I cried my heart out and begged Allah to help me and I begged Him to cover my shame. After I finished the Salah, I felt some relief knowing that I put my full trust in Allah now. So the next day, I went to the office to ask about something, then I passed by the accountant's office to check how much fee is remaining. He goes to the university website on his computer and checks my fee. A few days ago, it said that my balance was 33,000 but now it was saying 0.00 balance. Meaning all my debt was paid. The accountant looked at me and asked if I had finished paying my fees, and with complete shock and disbelief in my face, I told him no I didn't finish paying it. He got out of the account and went back in to check if there was a malfunction but to both of our surprise, it said the same thing again. 0.00 balance. And it couldn't have been paid by my family members because I didn't tell anyone about it. I don't have rich friends and I didn't know any rich people who could pay that kind of money for me. Allah took care of me like He always has.🥲 That is the most miraculous thing that has ever happened to me and I think about it to this day. Until today, I don't know who paid my school fees. I tried thinking it was a person but I can't think of anyone who would do something like that for me, except my Rabb.❤️ And I'm forever grateful.
@@checkmattee222 Subhanallah I hope you can still get an excellent education
@@hiddenguy67 Alhamdulillah I graduated with a degree in Sharia Law and Islamic studies☺️ I'm an Islamic teacher now. الحمد للّه على كلّ حالاٍ
I had a same experience brother.That day I also cried.And I understood that if we hold Allah at any moment Allah will never disappoint you.
Subhanal Allah wonderful feeling! Its very true there is no place like Masjid Nabawi and Masjid Haram! May Allah accept all of our duas🤲
The same thing happened to me when i was there .
I was kinda hungry after praying fajr jama'a and people started walking back home . A pakistani brother was there sharing dates with people next to the Rawdah almubaraka and I couldn't come close to him and i prayed yaa ALLAH ,just one date , I'm really hungry .suddenly the same brother comes to me specially and hands me a date while smiling contagiously. I just lost it .i was emotional and happy that ALLAH answered my dua .
(I was in the rawdah for more then like some hours and i was really hungry and couldnt leave the rawdah) so it was a big thing
Subhan Allah the same guy that told him to leave told him to sit again I just loved that video soo much it made my day ❤
MashaAllah TabarakAllah...
Allahu Akbar 🕋👆🏾💚
mashallah this is so beautiful it give me so much hope please make dua for me I'm gonna give a very important exam soon I failed 5 times this will gonna be my 6th attempt I'm suffering from anxiety and depression since last year please pray to allah s w t ..may allah grant me sucess and ease my suffering and hardship and to also those who are suffering in silence may allah s.w.t give us peace ease our hardship and give us relief from this worlds pain 😭😭😭😭
I'm so thankful to this brother for sharing this incident. I just can't express in words that how much this video has boosted my iman in Allah S.W.T.
I interact with him every Tuesday, but never knew it was same Faisal!!! May Allah bless him
SubhaanAllah...Something quite similar happened to me 3 years ago when I went for Umra ...So many of my friends n brothers were facing hardship back home, going through immense challenges...I promised them I would read 2 nawafals for each n pray exclusively for them when entering Rawdah shreef...Alhamdulilah when we entered the Rawdah area there was a stampede by the sisters awaiting to go in, such pushing n shoving by the sisters I didn't think I'd be able to reach near the Rawdah...I was being crushed between these sisters who each wanted to get ahead...I felt like I was suffocating...I just wanted to get out of the crowd and allow them to get through...My sister inlaw who was with me grabbed my hand n pulled me out, Alhamdulilah...We allowed that crowd to read their nawafals n move out...SubhaanAllah suddenly I found myself close to the Rawdah shreef...All this time the security ladies there were shouting at the ladies to hurry up and move out...I stood my ground and made my niyah and asked Allah almighty and the Holy Prophet (sww) to grant me enough time to recite 2 rakahs for each person going through, 8 people I needed to pray for, this was their amanah I was carrying how could I leave and not fulfill my obligation to them...As I started to pray each rakah ladies were being ushered to get up n leave from all around me...I placed my focus on my prayer...Every 2 rakahs I prayed for one person or family...I carried on praying expecting anytime now to be told or pulled away from this spot but nothing happened, the security just kept going around me...SubhaanAllah I couldn't believe what was happening...Other sisters around me where ushered away just completing their two rakahs...Here I was amongst them carrying on to pray 20 rakahs including for my family n myself...I read an extra 2 rakahs shukrana in gratitude of being given this time to fulfill my promises....Alhamdulilah to this day I still feel the intensity of what took place...After the prayers I felt so much peace, I can't even describe it...I sat for long while just trying to absorb what had just happened and no one asked me to leave...So I totally resonate with you brother...When the connection is made and the intention is pure how can our Lord ignore that...🤗
Plz guys make a lot of dua for my brother who is having his medical entrance exam tomorrow.plz just remember him in your dua .He just doesn't show his emotions but I know he suffered a lot for this exam.
My two sons also gave neet exam please pray for them and all muslim children
May Allah arrahman give him the best results.
Aameen aameen yarabbal aalameen
Ma Shaa Allah
Allahu Akbar❤️☝️
Allah will always hear you, even when you didnt say the words and it remains in your heart.
Sometimes your du'as are answered immediately, sometimes it might seem unanswered but Allah Hears your pleas. Always. That is HIs Promise.
No one can intercede except by His Will and Permission.
"Never doubt with your Du'a' to Allah".. that hit me so deep in the feels.
My family always wanted to Pray eid namaz in madina always And then In this year We made it happen im so greatful my Eid ul fitr was the best eid in my life im really greatful
Subhan Allah ! Allah Hu Akbar! I felt that beta , u had pure intentions and your Du'a was sincere Allah blessed you. May Allah bless you to be one of those in acompany off our beloved Prophet Muhammed pbuh on judgement Ameen
Subhan Allah
I was sitting and just ask for may Allah invite me to Hajj
And my sister came running said my elder brother make request for hajj and it's accepted actually my Dua was accepted
Allhumdulillah Allah is the greatest Subhan Allah
I used to feed a stray cat who roamed around our house until one day he came to me with injured neck. Apparently another cat bit it and it got infected. After coming back from the vet, it refuses to eat and drink, and just hid in the corner. After about 3 days of this behaviour, I started to acept the fact that he's dying. Finally I placed the food in front of him and did my Dua. I was crying in my Dua because eventhough it's not even mine, I have come to love this cat. Not even 30 seconds after that, he started to eat.
This brother is right. If u can do your Duas with conviction, there's no doubt Allah will grant it. And now my cat is healthy and fat as you can see in my profile picture 😆
I love to hear about stories of duas getting excepted by Allah
If am in the rawdah of prophet I will ask Allah to grant me the Shafaah of nabi muhammad
make dua for me also....i am stuck in sth (related to academics),please make dua that it becomes easy for me to get through it!❤️❤️❤️
@@Achilles2929 you should do the exam dua
You can always ask Allah.....
Ma Shaa Allah
May Allah answer all our prayers 🙏
This is beautiful....something like this happened to me too there was a sin I was continuously commiting and I couldn't stop myself but I felt guilty all the time and got really frustrated with myself so I started making continuous dua alongside.... sometimes I would lose hope but then get back to making dua again and then it happened like a miracle.....! I stopped one day and my life feels so much better now....but I still make dua and ask Allah to keep me safe from every sin.... So my dear brothers and sisters even if you're sinning Allah Almighty is there for you never lose hope in Him...your supplications won't be accepted in only one case and that is if you lose hope in Him
Aammen may Almighty forgive all your sins and grant you Jannah
I understand 100%!!! I have disabilities and chronic pain and after being in Mecca trying to do Umrah on foot I was unable to and I tried for 3 weeks. I did it by wheelchair for myself but wanted so desperately to do it by foot for my deceased mum. Fast forward the first night in Medinah the sisters all went to their rooms whilst I went to the prophets mosque. Too many ppl there and I wanted to pray in the rawdah. The next night, chaos too many ppl one of the sister with me cried because of the pushing. I was advised to get to the rawdah I must push which I thought defeated the purpose of worship totally. The sis left and I told her I’m not leaving till I pray in the rawdah?’! I got up amongst the hundreds of faces and asked Allāh “ oh Allāh if you love me please let me pray in the Rawdah two rackets in salaam where I hurt nobody and nobody hurts me ameen! At once I said to myself Astagfur’Allah who do u think you are? Asking Allāh if he loves you etc …. All of sudden chaos occurred and ppl started a stampeded pushing once the gate slightly opened… I got so angry that I screamed on the top of my voice for ppl to stop!!! The lady security asked me in Arabic “ sister please help me” I replied who me? Yes she replied! All of a sudden I was working in the prophets mosque as security I had my own section, telling ppl to sit and controlling the crowd me little old disabled me! After working for a few hours I was requested to do a shift the next day but replied that I was going back to Makkah. Continued working the head of security came to me and said that for helping us today you are going to pray in the Rawdah… guess what as I was praying in the rawdah alone i bursted into tears for Allāh answered my prayers I prayed there in peace hurting nobody and nobody hurting me. I was then taken to the grave of the prophet and pbuh and sent my salaams. When I got back I was so happy I didn’t sleep the whole night thinking did Allāh really love me and look what just happened! I went into Ihram and travelled to Makkah another miracle occurred I did my Umrah by foot for my mum something I could not manage to do for 3 weeks I manage to do, not sure how but Allāh made it happen! Yes Allāh is very kind to the believers and he answers our prayers. Allāh knew if I came back I would have been depressed not doing Umrah for my deceased mum. It was nothing but a miracle that occurred! Alhumdulilah
Masha Allah Subhaan Allah sister owsum dua story❤️ Allah is the greatest, ALLAH is the best best best I love you Allah❤️😞
Thank you for sharing this beautiful incident with us.
@@ilmfeed you’re welcome.
I prayed to God for a job for 3 days. Alhamdulillah, I received many promises of different jobs tonight without doing any movement just call.❤️🥰
It is the sign from Allah🥺🥺
He is listening my duaas
Thank you brother
Allah listens all duas made with pure conviction and belief, just believe do good deeds to impress Allah and He'll Rabbul Izzat will help you in every situation InshaAllah
Inna rabbi lasami ud dua Indeed my lord listens to my prayer
I made dua to Allah SWT to provide me with a halal source of income and after 2-3 days i got a job, Alhamdulillah. Indeed, Allah is the greatest, the All-hearing, the ever-providing..
Mashallah May Allah grant us this type of love for the masjid Nabi 💚💚
Alhamdulliah I made a Dua many times in my life and through Sabr it came true. “Which of the favours of your lord do you deny. “This always is in my mind constantly
I was in madinah or makkah i forgot..for only 6 nights and 2 nights had passed, i couldnt wake up for tahujjud because i was too tired plus with kids. 3rd night i knew i wouldnt be able to wake up again, because that specific night i went to sleep after 1am which is much later than the 2 previous nights. Before sleeping i said, Ya Allah plz wake me up for tahujjud. N just like that I was up n fit at 4am. AllahuAkbar.
SUBHANALLAH.ALLAHUAKBAR..I got tears watching this.I believe in the power of the dua 100% because it has happened in my life.Never ever doubt Allah and ask Him for anything and everything and live according to His way,you will be alright.
SubhanAllah. May Allah(subhana hu wa ta'ala) allow all of us to perform hajj Aameen.
Ameen ameen ya rabbal alameen
Make them with conviction!! U said it bro! That’s the key.
I'm so happy brother, first because your Dua is accepted and second because you made this beautiful Dua, Allah make us from the ones who if wants something wants for the sake of Allah and really wants to be a good slave,Ameen✨
Recently all my prayers are coming into reality I don't know how but I feel this time is truly my time 💟
Please pray for me
Subhanna Allah, Allah akbar ❤❤❤
I'm soo grateful to Allah that he gave me the opportunity to pray and do dua in Rawdah during Hajj. Its a very special place
something similar happened to me
So I’m a revert,
It was a ramadan night where I went to the mosque to pray taraweeh, some teenage boys walked passed me and said assalamu alaikum in a jokingly way so I didn’t answer
and I told my friend “I don’t know if I was supposed to greet, since we always have to greet back, may Allah show me the right answer”
Then when we arrived to the mosque, the imaam said “You always have to greet back if someone says assalamu alaikum”
My friend and I looked at each other shocked
I got so emotional by how fast my prayer got answered subhanAllah
Can u make dua for me to not sever the bond of kinship? Its okay you don't need to😇but brother i would really appreciate it 🤲
SubhanAllah these stories and accounts always make me at peace and always re affirms my faith, thank you for sharing dear brother
Even if our prayer is not accepted we still get ajjar for making the prayer. For me this is good enough. Also I get great joy when someone I know asks me to pray for them. It is a massive blessing and I find it easier to pray for someone else before myself. Allah SWT is the the only one who will give you more reward for putting someone else before yourself. (I do not speak of children who parents love more than their own lives). May your prayers be answered 🙏
No way, I can't be the only person who cried watching this video.
Every single cell in my body firmly believes in Allah's existence. I have been through a lot of points in my life where all I could see were dead ends in front of me but somehow I was still able to pull through just by praying to my creator, Allah.... so many points that it would be crazy for me to say that it is all due to my luck because it is not. Allah listens and It has been proven to me from time to time.
Me 2 I am seeing all dead end since last 15 yrs none my wishes comming ....loosing fste
Beautiful is the connection with Allah,Allah is Indeed the greatest.
We need to put our hearts and trust in Allah and he'll answer our Duas in the best way .
Tnx for sharing brother ☺️
I can understand his feelings because it is happened to me as well at my own home. When your dua is accepted at the very moment it's the best thing in life.
Brother this is simple. You ask Allah, he ll provide everything. Allah has given me whatever asked. Allah is very generous, Al- Ghani.
@@raj-fg4cx istg stfu ur under every comment