This Same Jesus Easter 2024 | Pastor Paul Gilbert | Grace Fellowship

  • Опубліковано 27 гру 2024
  • | Message Only |
    Acts 1:3-11
    One of the greatest proofs of resurrection is the ascension of Jesus through the clouds back into heaven. In that moment the angels attending to Jesus’ ascension said, “just as you have seen Him go you will see Him come again.” If something is mentioned 318 times in Scripture, would you say that would be worth paying attention to? That is how many times that the Bible declares Jesus will come again.
    Many Christians believe in the death, burial, resurrection and ascension but have neglected the teaching that Jesus promised He would come again. Perhaps it is time to adjust our lives to what God says in His Word - and stop trying to adjust to our lives to the world around us.
    #Easter2024 #gracefellowshipwy #pastorpaulgilbert #thegoodnews