next try no weapons to boost m1 damage, no stand/spec still of course.. also no skill tree! effectively like joining the game for the first time, immediately running towards jotaro to kill him, hard mode being no leverage to stop jotaro from constantly being on you!
yes you can. The npc for it is in an alleyway in the middle of the arcade , the parking lot and the train tracks where the pesci boss , bucciarati boss and Ghiaccio boss are.
Next defeat him blindfolded with your left pinky toe with no spec stats and stands
just get a time resist stand
next try no weapons to boost m1 damage, no stand/spec still of course.. also no skill tree! effectively like joining the game for the first time, immediately running towards jotaro to kill him, hard mode being no leverage to stop jotaro from constantly being on you!
Do you hate this person??
@@jean-pierreduncan10 I would too
Using whitesnake is easier just start with spirit disc, bully him, parry him, then when he’s stunned use a spirit disc again to bully him more
I feel bad for him at this point
i litteraly know all him patern, it what happen when you fight him again and again to get a single item
Now do it one handed
Random question, but can you still buy a bat?
yes you can. The npc for it is in an alleyway in the middle of the arcade , the parking lot and the train tracks where the pesci boss , bucciarati boss and Ghiaccio boss are.
@Temmie_Master21 alr thanks.
It's easy when you have less than 50 ping
Finally someone said it
@@ignaciogodoy7821 Someone had to 🗿
You can turn around with barrage finisher to avoid his bd if the game won't register you parrying it
no stand + spec? clickbait thumbnail liar
you should get better at editing