Spacey Atmospheric Breaks DJ Set

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @barryjefferies3201
    @barryjefferies3201 Місяць тому +1

    Absolutely Amazing SeT my friend 😮😮❤❤😂🎉🎉😊... Totally Consistent all through the set 🎉.. just the kind of bass n Break ,, music 🎶 I've been listening to over the past 3,4, months 🎉🎉with artists such as MOY , Zodiac Childs, James Shinra ❤ and Lou Karsh🎉😊... all lovely old skool chunky Breaks ❤🎉...jaffa Jenkins

    • @skinzelectronicjams
      @skinzelectronicjams  Місяць тому +1

      I love me some breaks for sure. DB said it best back in the 90s, breaks is the most forward looking music and it's still true today. Thanks for listening!

  • @da_skool_productions
    @da_skool_productions Місяць тому

    Are these your own productions? I love it!

    • @skinzelectronicjams
      @skinzelectronicjams  Місяць тому +2

      There are a few originals mixed in, but it's a DJ set I did with some visuals from Synesthesia. I decided to start posting some of my sets after the last set I did at an event a couple months back. Figured it fits the channel. If you want a track ID, just let me know a time stamp. I'm not stingy.

    • @da_skool_productions
      @da_skool_productions Місяць тому

      @skinzelectronicjams good job, thank you :)

    • @skinzelectronicjams
      @skinzelectronicjams  Місяць тому +1

      @@da_skool_productions Thank you for listening! Keep up the beats! You have some great tunes that I would definitely drop at some of these events.