T'es connaissance en électricité sont trop faibles le rendement de transformation d énergie est toujours inférieur à 1 alors tu es un tricheur tout simplement
Мог бы проще сделать, кусок говна из него проводки к розетке (в которой батарейка спрятана отчего вилки обрезаны они короткие что бы не упирались в батарейку) так эффект был бы лучше совместно с запахом
@@philventura9272 Good thought! That would be the simplest way to do it. The secret to this whole thing is to get people like you and me to look at it which makes money for CLOWN RAR.
Nunca había visto tantas idio...tonterías juntas. Cuando sacan su pistolita de silicon, imanes, alambre magneto, bujias, motores, etc Es señal de que nada es cierto
Какая фантастика, мошенничество. Чуваку нужен интернетный хайп. Поищи, где спрятан источник, способный накалить до свечения три вольфрамовых нити. Или таких малогабаритных рассчитанных на кратковременное включение ещё не существует?
looks like 12 gauge wire. the copper tubing and wire is the coil. The magnets moving by the coil causes the electrons to move, The primary from a micro wave is usually 120 volts from an outlet. Im pretty sure the voltage from the coil is DC voltage. and the secondary windings in the transformer has a lot more wires in it causing the voltage to increase into thousands of volts. that is connected to the outlet strip. So when the shaft of the motor is started like the old mowers, the voltage created from the transfomer runs the motor because it is plugged into the outlet strip
A parte il fatto che: mi pare una c...ta , sezione fili, giri diametri tubi rame , potenza trasformatore? cerca di esere piu descrittivo cosi salviamo il mondo dall'inquinamento.
Have you ever heard of entropy? It's a natural law that governs our world, kind of like gravity. This "device" you constructed is quite comical, I imagine coming up with a place to hide the batteries was the biggest challenge. I'd say they're inside that funny white box you've got your motor plugged into. Haaaa, nice try bucko.
Magnetic energy , that's the future of the electricity. Congratulations from Brazil ,my friends.
Thank you so much❤❤❤
@@slobodankostic3569 ❤❤❤
T'es connaissance en électricité sont trop faibles le rendement de transformation d énergie est toujours inférieur à 1 alors tu es un tricheur tout simplement
Evet dolandırıcı demek az bile sahtekarlığı bu kafarinada pes yssa
Si esto fuera cierto el mundo estuviera revolucionado...
Impossível. Parece ter uma bateria dentro da cx de tomadas. Usou um transformador multiplicador te tensão. Estude Física amigos.
Make one that will run a window ac unit.
Great vedio 🌹 fantastic Bhai
Thank you so much
Never give up keep trying and don't mind what people are saying
Chevere. Porque la gente. . Ahorraria dinero en energia y menos carga para el medio anbiente en contaminacion
Pls give specifications and description of components used..
Once the unit is lifted off the table, you guys will see wires beneath it, and the power source is hidden under the table.
Хороший фокус для детей!
if this is true, the price of magnet will go up. keep stock, quick.
will this be better than solar cells?
Wow.really.what kind of magical work.give us the magic plan
I like your presentment;
Can we talk?
Tem que ser muito ingênuo para acreditar nestas coisas da internet. Não existe moto perpétuo que gere trabalho. Acorda pessoal.
Thanks for comments
Есть формула
А до великого Серба.
Никола Тесла.
Вам не хватает ума..
Bravo j'utilise en HF les même astuces pour changer les valeurs des ferrites
Affirmatif pratique a la portée de tous bricoleurs adieu aux watts du portefeuille
Mais attention l'électricité ça tue j ai subit 3 accidents par electrocution merci
Dommage pas de Doc technique pour le sens des courants la valeur des tensions _mais bravo pour votre labeur
Por quê tantas mentiras sem verdades seria formidável esse progeto se fosse como mostra más sei quê tem truks😢
Nossa ! Ainda tem gente que acredita em energia. Free? Essa tomada e uma bateria bem camuflada. Antes na madeira lembram dos 2 pregos ?
I'm going to build one immediately and put in the trunk of my Tesla just in case I can't find a charging station.
Thank you
Very good ...
Мог бы проще сделать, кусок говна из него проводки к розетке (в которой батарейка спрятана отчего вилки обрезаны они короткие что бы не упирались в батарейку) так эффект был бы лучше совместно с запахом
Its just lossy magnetics with extra steps. Its funny that the contraptions are always elaborate, secret, and especially space for hidden batteries.
please use only wire cause the plug box may hide some external power
همه فیلمهات که دقیقه ۹۰ قطع میکنی و حقه رو اجرا میکنی کاملا مشخصه
There's a hole in the table or an inductor under the table for power! If you love BS, this is the channel.
I think the outlet box is a battery pack
@@philventura9272 Good thought! That would be the simplest way to do it. The secret to this whole thing is to get people like you and me to look at it which makes money for CLOWN RAR.
Indeed it is the battery box
A battery producing a pulsed AC current, nice, now that's an achievement😮
after you take the battery out of the electric plug outlet box it wont work any longer.
How about you try it yourself before making ignorant assumptions, its unbecoming at this point.
La beldad me dejaste😅 impresionado gracias por tus videos biba la libertad
Thanks for
How about measuring the output voltage at the outlet using a multi tester and how much current using ammeter
ok, Thanks
batteries are hidden inside the socket😂
Stupid comment
Согласен, пусть спрятаны, но лампочки то горят на 220в, как.?
Some people still believe in perpetual motion!
Так хочется надавать по рукам этому " кудеснику " - чтобы не вводил людей в заблуждение....😈
В натуре достал...
Não mexe muito se não vai desligar o disjuntor que está embaixo da mesa
Nunca había visto tantas idio...tonterías juntas.
Cuando sacan su pistolita de silicon, imanes, alambre magneto, bujias, motores, etc
Es señal de que nada es cierto
Should be teach to among vocational student in school. Those were among our projects when we were in high school. Door bell simple electrical wiring.
Thanks for information
Terlalu banyak memutar, langsung saja kenapa3
@@cloudrar23:03 23:05
Туфта конечно но красиво . Это для тех кто не учил физику . Интересно двигатель и транс с какой техники ?
Miscarea are nevoie de energie iar energia duce la miscare. Experimentele sunt baza.
Very good
O vídeo teve diversos cortes que comprometem sua verdade.
very good but please,please lose the music .
ok, Thank you so much
hãy chứng minh cho chúng tôi thấy ở dưới o có 1 dây dẫn điện nào vào kiệt tác này!!! có Dám không???
За такие игрушки дают шнобелевскую премию !
Нет, просто по шнобелю.
Вот скажи почему верят по этому же принципу вырабатывает энергию, а тут всё то же, но ты считаешь фантастикой😂😂😂
Какая фантастика, мошенничество. Чуваку нужен интернетный хайп.
Поищи, где спрятан источник, способный накалить до свечения три вольфрамовых нити.
Или таких малогабаритных рассчитанных на кратковременное включение ещё не существует?
بسم الله ماشاء الله ممتاز
Thank you
Hanya hiburan dan huak alias megic .
Sir ,can you tell,how many are making free electricity through your method.?
Подобное я уже видел, когда один барон сам себя за волосы из болота вытащил.
В случае с бароном там просто нужно правильно применить свойство рычага, а вот здесь несколько мудреное устройство
It also creates power for the bulbs
looks like 12 gauge wire. the copper tubing and wire is the coil. The magnets moving by the coil causes the electrons to move, The primary from a micro wave is usually 120 volts from an outlet. Im pretty sure the voltage from the coil is DC voltage. and the secondary windings in the transformer has a lot more wires in it causing the voltage to increase into thousands of volts. that is connected to the outlet strip. So when the shaft of the motor is started like the old mowers, the voltage created from the transfomer runs the motor because it is plugged into the outlet strip
sizea. ranges of motors and trnsform....?
18,20 You can become a millionaire (if you aren't already) by selling the patent on this generator to the big electric power companies.
ok, Thanks
why you don't show where you hide the lithium battery ????
It's ln that fancy little outlet box low-voltage it looks like
Buen día quiero saber que denominación tienen esos imanes y dónde puedo conseguir soy Edgar torres Venezuela
Ce sont de simples aiments tous ces bricolages sont faux c,est sûrement eco flow qui allument ces ampoules
La zapatilla tiene una batería por eso prenden las lamparas😂
Please explane each and every thing about the material which you are using Thanks
You are most welcome
@@cloudrar چچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچچرحچچچچچچچرخچچرخچرخچخچرحچچرحچچچچرحچچچرحچرحچچرخچرخچرحچرحچخرچچچرحچرحرچچچرحچچرحرخچترچترچچرحچچچررخچرحچچچخرچخرچچچچرحچرخچرخچرحارخچرخچتترچرحرحرحرچحترخچارچرحرحچرخچترچچرخچاارخچچرحرحچخچحچچترچترچرحچخرچارخچرحچدخچخچچتترخچحچرحچحرحررحچچحرحرچاحرچترخچترچرچرحچرحچاترچاحرچحرخچرحچرترچچترخچرخرچاالخچترچترخچحرارحرحچرحچرخچخرچرخچترچخرچرحچچرحرخچرحترچحخرچارحچچرحچچحرحچرخچرحچااااحارخچخچچرحچحچاحرحچرحرچخچرحترچخرچرخچرخچرحچرخچرخچخچحرچخچرخچرخچارخچرخچترچرحچرحچراحرچادخچاتحاخرچحرحچرخچرچحچحرچترخچرخچارحررترخچرحچرخچرحچلخحرحچرخچرحچرحرخچرخچرحچارحچچترچردحاحرچرححااخرچاحرچاحرحچرحچرحچرحچراترچچرترخچرخچحرچخچاححرچررخچاحرچحرخچاحرچرحچحچرحچرخچرحرخچخرچرخچحاترخچرحچرخچارخچرخچارحرحچحچرخچرخچرحچرحرخچخچخچخچارخچچارخچرحچچرخچحاارخچتحرچحچخرحچحرچحرچتتترخچرخچدخچرخچاحاحرچرخچحرچراحرچترخچح
@cloudrar please supply materials used
Do you pack and sell large generators?
Si, solo que pesan más de 500 toneladas😂
Questo motorino da cosa è stato smontato? Grazie
Én fából vaskarikát is tudok csinálni...
I will recommend you use a bambú pipes and you increase the power output to 50kw mi Nani built one and works perfectly.
Esse cara tem energia elétrica própria tudo funciona sem gastar um tustão. Mas isso só com ele.😂😂😂
Очередной фокус покус 😃
Это великое изобретение, а если еще в трубки насрать то лампочки сгорят
На лампе на вилке обрезаны штекера и когда он втыкает их выталкивает, мешает батарея спрятанная
Coba di angkat setelah nya lampunya, kalau betul betul tidak rekayasa/ bohong
Această "tehnologie" trebuie ascunsă, să nu o fure extratereștrii 😂
Há uma bateria na caixa das tomadas
Pls. Open your plug board Shaw the people whate insid board?
ok, next video
Иллюзия. Когда перестанете обманывать людей ?????
How long it will last?
Great. Wark
Thank you
Não acredito pela lógica 😮
Ok ra will wait for them at home
Não sei com tem gente que perde tempo com uma MENTIRA dessas.
Плохо что не указываете параметры (толщина провода, размеры медных трубок, напряжение выходяшее , ток. ,мощность ).
Это тебе напишут когда конструкцию подобную купите в магазине.!
и та не будет работать@@ВасяБелых-ж3ч
Amazing sir mind blowing sir
Thank you so much
A parte il fatto che: mi pare una c...ta , sezione fili, giri diametri tubi rame , potenza trasformatore? cerca di esere piu descrittivo cosi salviamo il mondo dall'inquinamento.
did you smoke a lot of funny plant?
Very funny it never work
he put a battery inside the plug
ok, next
15000 wates me blub ka element nazer nahi ana chahye
You dont label any of the other components,what kind of plate your gluing everthing to.
Где то стоит передатчик и приёмник энергии или батарейка... Всё дело именно в этой пластине, на которой монтирует автор...
Show the bottom surface.
Kenapa nggak dikasih penjelasan suara .mana bisa mengerti berapa lilitan.cara cambung tiap terminal biar pemirsa ngerti dong
Denuncia falsedad de este tipo de información!! Para quitar la basura de Internet
Eres un chingon amigazo desde. Baja California sur
Para los trucos?😂
Have you ever heard of entropy? It's a natural law that governs our world, kind of like gravity. This "device" you constructed is quite comical, I imagine coming up with a place to hide the batteries was the biggest challenge. I'd say they're inside that funny white box you've got your motor plugged into. Haaaa, nice try bucko.
What’s the gauge of your Copper wire please?
16 number copper coil
3 km
Do you sell it?
Продава ли се готово устройство и колко струва
This is a paifnul joke.
Einstein is surely coming out of his tomb.
Be serious. Stop this circus.
Sensacional , very Top , Congratulation of Brazil
Thank you so much
Я выпадаю в осадок из за таких изобретений, невероятно, но факт.!
C'est pour 12 v.
Ele. Vehicle me use kare