The Goddess Clan VS The Demon Clan (Seven Deadly Sins)
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
- The two STRONGEST clans in the entire Seven Deadly Sins world! The Goddess Clan and the Demon Clan! What would happen if they were all slapped on a battlefield, in the time of the Holy War, and actually just went all out into a no holds bar battle?! Find out here and now!
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Honestly? I think the Goddesses have the slight advantage.
Mael, at noon, has no equal and outside of this, only Meliodas can stop him (but that means he's unable to fight anyone else.)
Elizabeth, stomps everyone else whilst Mael keeps Meliodas busy, only challenged by 2 Indura.
Ludociel, stomps everyone else in the demon clan, only stopped by the Original Demon.
Sariel/Tarmiel: stomps all the commandments with their grace dimension at once or a handful of them individually, with only Zeldris being able to escape from it.
So yeah, Mael at his peak is killing anyone without equal. The Demons need to use suicidal transformations to stop Elizabeth or Ludociel and if they do win, it ends in a draw. Sariel and Tarmiel can wipe all the commandments at once, leaving only Zeldris left who could probably handle Sariel/Tarmiel individually IMO.
So really, it looks pretty equal overall, although the demons need to use suicidal transformations to level the plane field, which can be countered. Neither clan can destroy the other really without huge self-sacrifice.
I disagree, but I like the idea.
Right, I agree, but noon doesn't last forever, and a non-Noon Mael has no hope against a serious war ready Commandment fueled Meliodas.
Elizabeth gets hard negged by Zeldris in my mind, considering she is a purely magic based fighter who has no answer to something like Ominous Nebula.
Ludociel does hard stop at the Original Demon, I agree, and I think he loses eventually.
I think considering the what the series has told us, the stronger Commandments can actually go blow to blow with Archangels, especially Monspeet and Derieri, who would be supported by eight other Commandments and the Knights of Black. While they could BFR to their dimension, unless they instantly resort to that they are likely to get Induraed, and they aren't containing nor stopping that.
I disagree with Mael at his peak killing anyone without equal, I think he's tying with Assault Mode Meliodas for a minute and then dying. I think the Original Demon and Zeldris pretty handily take care of Ludociel and Elizabeth due to how we've seen Ludociel match up with the Original Demon in canon, and the fact that Zeldris pretty much bullies Elizabeth who has no answer to him. I don't see in character the Archangels instantly resorting to BFR, but if they do, they have to hope to instantly execute every single Commandment and they have to catch every single Commandment, which I think is possible, but highly unlikely. I'm pretty sure once Zeldris kills Elizabeth, Sariel and Tarmiel get fodderized by Zeldris even working together, considering he negs them too with his magic, and scales way higher than both by bullying Escanor, Merlin, Ludociel, and matching up with Full Wings King and Afternoon Mael while heavily fatigued.
I can definitely see both sides taking huge losses, but due to the Demon Clans' advantage in both power and numbers, I don't really see them losing.
@@thatguywithapencil I'll leave out the points that overlap with my other response, since they're shared, but I'll mention that:
-Zeldris has very little to fight against Elizabeth. Ominous Nebula is overexaggerated in strength, which is funny considering the counter to its pulling effect is sticking your arm/leg into the earth, which Elizabeth can do. And even if pulled in, the attack's potency isn't enough to kill Gilthunder, a fodder character, or Ludociel in Margaret's body, whose physical durability is pretty non-existent, so Elizabeth has little to worry about. Out of ON, Elizabeth would win naturally. I don't see Elizabeth losing at all, and the fight would become harder since magic is off the table for her, but she would still win. This also applies to Ludociel, who also has superior speed to Elizabeth, who outmatches Zeldris. At worst, its a draw, since neither side could kill the other, but Zeldris barely draws, he really isn't as powerful as you're making him out to be, he literally told us he was inferior to Cusack at 160k ish, and the likes of Elizabeth and Ludociel are far above that.
-Ludociel was in his astral form, which weakened him, along with being tied to guarding Merlin, unable to move from his spot or use his grace, which would allow him to pretty much outmanoeuvre the pony pretty easily, whom has no speed feats relative to Ludociel with Flash at full power. Not saying Original Demon is just getting stomped, but Ludociel is surely winning, especially when the pony is just on a ticking time bomb and it's easy for Ludociel to just stall at worst case scenario.
-That entire fight with commandments vs archangels wasn't really realistic at all. Sariel and Tarmiel were holding back and later on, we were told they had a PL of 90k in a human body, so they're clearly 100k+ which contradicts the ''2 commandments = one archangel'' statement. They were also able to catch Estarossa in their dimension, and he was one of the strongest physically among the commandments, so everyone else except maybe Zeldris is definitely getting caught, and then its game over assuming Monspiet/Derieri are going Indura to stop Elizabeth and aren't there to escape the dimension.
-It's all nice and dandy being hypothetical but canonically, neither side wins, it's implied they would draw and destroy themselves in the process, so even if the demons or goddesses had an advantage in power, it would've been so little to not make a difference in the power balance.
Alright, a miniature essay! Let's discuss!
1. See, I would agree, but Elizabeth is straight up not a physical fighter. Got one tapped by Derieri, who is way weaker than Zeldris. I'll give her a pass though, she wasn't trying to fight. However, she's in Merlin area where she simply lacks the feats to argue in her favor of being able to resist Zeldris for long enough to stop him. And I doubt she would just plant her feat into the ground, because neither Ludociel nor Merlin did that, despite how simple a solution it appears to be. And while I agree, Ominous Nebula may not be an instant one shot, what do you want Elizabeth to do? Punch Zeldris to death? That's not happening, as its not her forte. It'd be like King and Gloxinia punching someone to death. And Zeldris, even without Ominous Nebula, could likely out duel her due to being able to to ignore all her magical attacks while striking her all of his, and her sheer inability to do anything. And all of Zeldris' feats, from slapping up Escanor, Merlin, and Ludociel, the Fleeting Herritt, Mael, Full Wings King, and the Grieving Sage, all seem to make Zeldris out to be stronger than Cusack and relative to the Original Demon, overriding the one anti-statement.
2. Even if Ludociel is in his prime, the Original Demon would be able to catch up to him through Crisis, since while there is a notable gap, its unquantifiable between Astral and real body. And worse comes to worse, the Original Demon does serious damage to the leader of the Archangels, and an Indura comes and cleans him up.
3. I'm sorry, but in character, they aren't going to resort to the instant BFR, and they are unlikely to catch all of them even if they do. They BFR and go for their most powerful attack when bloodlusted, like against Estarossa. And yes, if Monspeet and Derieri go Indura, they are dominating and breaking free of that dimension, as the Archangels themselves state, anyone equal in power to them can escape that dimension, and as we know, the Indura are vastly superior to even Ludociel, not to talk of the lesser Archangels, so breaking free of their world would be an easy task.
4. Well, no. As you can see, the Goddess Clan is heavily outnumbered and pretty much out powered. A majority of the likely matchups will results in major casualties for both sides, I agree, I could see a lot of people dying in the end, such as all the Six Knights of Black and many Commandments, but with Prime Meliodas, Zeldris, the Original Demon, two Indura, Original Gowther, and a bunch of other Commandment level fighters, the five main warriors of the Goddess Clan really just get jumped too badly for me to really give them a win. There is a reason the goddess clan, even once Meliodas flipped sides, recruited all other clans to try and defeat the demons, and still failed in the end. They alone are not enough.
1- Her getting ''one tapped'' by Derieri is comparable to AM Mel getting ''one tapped'' by Human Elizabeth. It was done to move the plot forward and doesn't match up with the character's true strength, Like how Elizabeth, stands before the Gods and isn't one tapped at all, or how AM Mel trashes Estarossa/Zeldris, who trashes Derieri.
1.1 - I mean, you say she lacks feats, yet in terms of physical durability, she stands in front of both the Gods, and at a minimum, takes an attack once and isn't killed, when anything they could do together, even holding back, is enough to make Zeldris look like fodder. As for putting your feet/arm into the ground, Ludociel and Merlin probably couldn't do it because they're too weak physically to do it (at least Ludociel I guess, since he is in a human body, and Merlin is a human as well) but I don't see why Elizabeth couldn't at all. Plus, Merlin may have not done it, since she needed to teleport Gilthunder/Hendrickson and it's implied teleportation needs some level of proximity to the person you want to teleport,to work.
1.2 Elizabeth can still use her magic to defend herself, which is something to account for when she can still use magic to block/reflect attacks. Her magic isn't entirely useless, it's just the offensive side of it that is in this fight. Zeldris has no feats that suggest he could break Elizabeth's magic if she used it defensively. For example, Elizabeth's magic is superior to Ludociel's, who in a weaker body, was able to block Zeldris magic counter attack ''effortlessly''. So yeah, Zeldris has nothing to break her magic if used defensively.
1.2- I think she is much more of a physical fighter than what is led on. I do think she isn't on the same level as someone like AM Mel physically, or maybe even Mael, but I do think she is somewhat relative. Meliodas tells us he underestimated Elizabeth, in AM, and he ended up regretting it. For Elizabeth to do such a thing, who as you say, is a magical fighter mostly, would need to bypass full counter, which is only done with the user getting outmanoeuvred. So it infers that Elizabeth was fast enough to surpass AM Mel when he wasn't serious, and we already know that AM Mel >>> Zeldris.
So, we have Elizabeth withstanding attacks far greater than what Zeldris has, along with supposedly having enough speed/reactions to make AM Mel holding back get outmatched. The only thing that we don't know is Elizabeth's actual punching power I guess, but logically, it would have to be relative to her high levels of durability and speed. But worst case scenario, she can't hurt Zeldris fatally with physical strength, the fight would just be a stalemate then. Zeldris would be unable to bypass Elizabeth's defences, since her magic is too much for him, as his her reaction/speed, and Elizabeth can't bypass God. So it's just a pure stalemate, and if Elizabeth does have enough physical strength, then Zeldris eventually loses.
2- Crisis never implied to buff the OD's speed, just his attack potency. And even if it did, it's a guess whether its enough to match Ludociel. Worst case scenario, it's a draw since the OD would kill himself because of the punishment slowly killing him. But even then, like Ludociel said, its a test of endurance, and Ludociel doesn't have a clock ticking on him, so he could just stall or last long enough, which is a definitely possibility. Ludociel has a greater chance of winning IMO.
3-Bruh, what is BFR? And yeah, if Monspiet/Derieri go Indura then Sariel/Tarmiel would be overwhelmed, but what else is stopping Elizabeth then? Zeldris can't kill her, only the Indura had the potential to do so, and it's implied that's the only option the demons have to control her when Mel is fighting Mael. And if Elizabeth joins Sariel/Tarmiel, then she can just combo with them and kill them and then the rest of the commandments, or she handles the Indura, and they handle the commandments.
4- The Goddesses failed because the balance of power was restored. Mael was ''killed'' and turned into Estarossa, Gloxinia and Drole betrayed Stigma and became commandments, and the Gods killed Elizabeth and Meliodas, arguably Stigma's strongest warriors, along with the most important and powerful grace going missing. Before any of this happened, they would've stomped the Demons, because:
A) Mel is gone.
B) The Masters were said to have never participated in the Holy War, or at least, on a real level.
C) Elizabeth purged the Indura, so Derieri/Monspiet could never use that card again.
So at the Goddesses height, they had Mael, Ludociel, Elizabeth, Sariel, Tarmiel VS Zeldris, the 10C's, and some other fodder. And the Goddesses are stomping since:
A) Mael handles Zeldris easily, and if the OD comes in, he'll just one-shot him like he did in Camelot.
B) Ludociel or Elizabeth individually fodderize the rest of the commandment brigade (5 of them left) since Indura is gone.
C) Ludociel/Elizabeth (one of them) + Sariel/Tarmiel then fodderize the six black knights and all the other fodder, destroying the demon race with no contest.
Oh and this is the Goddesses alone, not counting the addition of Stigma, with Mel/Gloxinia and Drole being notable allies. So I don't see how you think the demons even had a chance, since it took 2 Prime Mel's getting murdered on the Goddesses side, the commandment brigade getting refilled and the most powerful god power in the series being put out of the game, JUST for the Goddesses/Demons to be equals again power. As for the Six Black Knights, I think you're overestimating them, even the Demon King couldn't care for them, so the power they added to the demon race was pretty insignificant and I don't see why the Divine Lance Corporals couldn't fight them as equals, since they're second only to the AA's, as are the knights to the commandments.
IMO, before Mel betrayed, it would've been like this:
Mael = Mel
Ludociel = Masters/OD
Elizabeth = Indura
Sariel/Tarmiel = Commandments (6 of them left)
Divine Corporals = Black Knights
Fodder Goddess = Fodder Demon
For those fights, it's a definite Sariel/Tarmiel are wiping the commandments, leaving Zeldris left, who's pretty much the joker in all of this as he's a special case and at worst case scenario, they can't kill him, but I don't see Zeldris killing them when they're together.
That's assuming all those fights are perfect ties and none of them are victories for each side. If let's say, Ludociel wins and the OD dies, he just comes and helps wipe the rest of the demon race.
So I don't see how Demons > Goddesses is even possible, when the narrative and logic is Goddess = Demon
Apologies for the long essay, felt like I needed to highlight my thinking LOL
@@zaytexzanshin6077 thank you for once someone gets it
So Elizabeth can effect empathy huh? That gives me a theory...maybe the reason meliodas betrayed the demon race is because he was manipulated by Elizabeth
You're right! It makes me wonder a lot about past Meliodas' character arc. He went from ruthless killer to soft warrior, its a wonder if Elizabeth has a magical reason behind that.
@Hunter Arntz indeed but it is strange that this ruthless killer becomes a soft fighter after meeting Elizabeth
That's what Chandler was saying to Cusack and it's a high possibility
@theallenbros0446 I know this is 2 years apart but Meliodas stated himself that he always thought that the conflict between the demons and goddesses and Elizabeth isn't the type of manipulate someone like that
no elizbeth isn't that kind of person
I think the demon clan wins. The main problem with the goddes clan is there are literally only FIVE strong troops on their side excluding the supreme deity, those are the Four Archangles and Elizabeth. And how many strong troops are on the demon side? The Ten Commandments, Chandler and Cusack unless formed into the OD. Of the demon side there is Meliodas Zeldris and the original demon, those three can easily defeat the four archangles and maybe even Elizabeth IMO, combined with the other Ten Commandments, the goddess side is dealing with too much.
Edit: oh and I forgot to mention the indura transformations that the demon side can do, even if the goddesses manage to defeat most of the demons and they’re probably tired and fatigued, Derieri, Monspeet, Meliodas, and Zeldris can transform into indura.
And the demon clan also has six knight of black
I agree.
Thats true, In my opinion its really hard to let it come, Like sure most goddesses aren’t enough to kill off the higher demons that are named BUT, Back in I think seasoned 3 A regular goddess who at most is a captain of the army had enough to hold back one of the commandments, If an alpha or stronger goddess can do this to a commandment, That means the arch angels wouldn’t be needed and if anything just one or two leading them to war should be enough to take out the commandments. I know its not enough evidence but if we go by what we all know, thats also another possibility.
Except Indura transformations are essentially suicides without Elizabeth to turn them back, and the Orginal Demon's transformation is also a suicide just like Escanor's The One Ultimate. So the demons win by killing themselves? I don't really think it's much of victory if you don't survive.
Mael doesn’t change much since chandler can turn the sky black, nullifying sunshine
Reread/rewatch the manga/anime. Mael dispelled Chandler's nighttime.
@ it would still have an effect even if just for a second and once noon passes mael gets weaker
@RandomMackem0069_Official Yeah, but it would be a waste of Chandlers magic to even put up night if he knows Mael is present. It's practically useless.
Love ur vids man. Can you do a vid going in detail of the sins attack potency and speed. Basically ranking them
Thank you, and most certainly. That's a video in the works, but I plan to do something else before that too.
Good video man ! I agree with your take. The demons are just a lot more powerful and haxxed for the goddess clan. You deserve a lot more subscribers ! I was wondering if you can do a how strong is Mael video ?
Thanks! I will definitely do a How Strong Is Mael video in the future, I got you!
@@thatguywithapencil Ayeee lit ! I like the editing of your videos. They are very well organized !
I love your video and you seem like a smart guy.
Good Video Man I Like The Demon Clan I Wish We Get To See More Of The Goddess Clan In The Series
Unfortunately We Didn't But Amazing Video Non The Else.
Thank you! And I agree with you. The Demon Clan got so much elaboration and explanations while the Goddess Clan got little to nothing. We never even got to see the Supreme Deity outside of flashback, and it's sad.
@@thatguywithapencil Hey That Guy With A Pencil You Think It Would Have Been A Smart Idea If The Supreme Deity Having A Ten Commandments Of Her Own To Be Honest To You I Coming Into Your Video Thinking That This Is Going To Be Even But I Was Wrong .
The Four Archangels were supposed to be her Ten Commandments, but Nakaba made the mistake of having only four of them, and making individual commandments (Meliodas, Zeldris, Monspeet, Derieri) on par with the Archangels. There would have been a balance if the Archangels were drastically stronger than an individual commandment, but that just wasn't the case. It's rather unfair for the Goddess Clan.
another good vid
Thanks! Support is always appreciated.
@@thatguywithapencil out number but not out powered but didn’t u watch the show we’re just one of the four is capable of fighting there to four com
@@thatguywithapencil but there more power houses in demons clan
@@thatguywithapencil plus keep in mind that Liz wasn’t trying to kill them
Interesting that the moment meliodas betrayed the demon clan. The goddess clan went and asked for the help of other races and had to bait the demon clan into traps just to have a advantage. It's also interesting people are arguing against facts like that. When we clearly see it in the manga and anime. Also escanor has more feats than anything mael has shown. Mael was scared shitless to even stand against the demon king and escanor did decently. Escanor> mael anyone who argues against this isn't in good faith and can't be taken seriously. The grace choose escanor while it was handed to mael
You're right. I understand they had to be powerful, because for a majority of the series, they had to be our villains, but I do believe the Demon Clan was made too strong for their own world.
Let’s simplify this video up, the demon clan is easily the strongest clan in the 7DS because the goddess clan needed to recruit every other possible race against the beings of darkness to have as good of a chance as possible.
If the goddesses were stronger than the demon clan, then they’d not need to involve the other races in their wars because they’d handle the demons easily.
If I was to rank every clan in terms of raw power, this would be my opinion on the order:
1) Demon clan
2) Goddess clan
3) Giant Clan
4) Fairy clan
5) Human clan
Reasoning for putting the fairies below giants is because of how every giant only has the purpose of fighting, while fairies can be a bit more relaxed, and weaker, sure I’d value a fairy king over a giant king/queen, however the fairies as mentioned in the Fairy King’s forest, the fairies relaxed and lost their spirit to fight, meanwhile we know the giants never lost that.
Good explanation! I have a slightly different ranking for the clans, but I'll talk about that at a later time.
Good Video, I like your explanation.
Please can you do a video to explain a fight between;
The 10 Commandments VS the Espadas
All the Sternritters (including Yawch) VS the all the Demon Clan (Demon King).
Thank you.
The arch angels did not expect indura fprm so they were stomp but if the expect it one indura form could figh one arch angel
Not really Sariel and Tarmiel were completely useless against them
And remember mael light abilities along is greater tha ludociel and can use it with sunshine but only use sunshine againsted meliodas what if he did use the light as well
I think it would only take five maybe six of the demons at most to beat the Angels in this scenario meli, zeldris,chandler,cusack,and then monspiet and derier or both
Plus just like demon clan with chandler and cusack the goddeses should have hier ranking goddeses as well ,they shoude have something like induras ,
Plus the indura will make most demons give distances while godddeses desimate the indura then finish rhe other demons
Mael ran from meli while in the celestial realm, shouldn’t he have had an extreme buff in his home territory?
Mael is strong at nigh ,can use night sun like escanore and can make night day like what he did to turn original demon/chandler night in day
Oddeses most likely is very fast with thier light
what if Meliodas in his True magic form used his Indura form???
only arthur can stop him, perhaps bring him back
I think the world is destroyed.
@@hrudaypatil564 where did you get that?seriously aurther?
@@ahmedyaseen9445 wdym??? didn't you read the manga Arthur commands over chaos and he's the only one who can rival meliodas now
I believe that mael has 3 minutes before noon at noon and afternoon to destroy the demon clan himself unrivaled but besides those 3 minutes I believe that that you need some would absolute back the goddess Glen or force them into using the coffin of Eternal darkness
You also forgot that estatosa mentions that commandments don't work on archangels and also The one escanore bodied melodas at noon with just a swing of his hand. In my opinion mael claps the demon clan with perhaps maybe the only exception being the demon king at noon
Have to drastically disagree, Mael ran from Meliodas on his own realm and there is nothing to support three minute Mael or any really scaling to put the Goddess Clan above Mel alone, not to talk of the rest of the clan.
Elizabeth (Goddess body) vs Zeldris
I Notice "Omnibus Nebula" is the main play here but even though Zeldris is immune to Elizabeth (Goddess body) magic, that doesn't mean his attacks are. Elizabeth (Goddess body) should be able to put up a force shield and block "Omnibus Nebula" Elizabeth (Goddess body) magical power if more than likely stronger than zeldris, But I do agree that this battle will be a stalemate.
Thank you
And mael is so strong that when the goddeses loose him they know they would loose the war if they dont sacrifice themself to win and it was planed by gother and when demons loose meliodas they did not stop going ewually even when meliodas teamed up with the goddes that shows how strong mael is
Meliodas is still stronger tbh he was feared by the 4 Archangels
Commandment dont give you extra power it just give you hacks and abilities
The Commandments do give you power. This was stated by Meliodas as he needed them to gain enough power to break the curses placed on him and Elizabeth
Finally a youtuber who explain right
elizabeth was stated to be on part with mael ludociel and meli so eliz might neggs high diff
I don't think so. Her magic won't work on Zeldris, since his version of the ruler doesn't inverse magic, it negates it. And Elizabeth doesn't fight physically. I think he negs her and a majority of the Goddess Clan mid to high diff.
@@thatguywithapencil i forgot about his trump card 😭😭
I would definitely give the win to the Demon Clan without much difficulty because they really don't need everyone to defeat them to be honest. The Demon King, Meliodas, The Original Demon and the members of the Ten Commandments at their strongest could definitely win.
I believe that the supreme deity are more superior than the demon king because the supreme deity is the creator of sunshine.AKA ultimate escanor. even the demon king prime cannot handle it
Remember, the One Ultimate and Final Shine Escanor in general are not the Supreme Deity's work, they are Escanor's life force being burned in order to amp base Sunshine. The original wielder of the original Grace, Sun, sensed the Demon King and thought he stood no chance, and based on his interactions with the weaker Demon King, that's likely true. So normally, Sunshine/Sun would not be as strong as the Prime Demon King.
@@thatguywithapencil its plot really, how did the one escanor grow to zeldris level (or little above) to dk level? even meliodas needed the commandements to break the curse, he couldnt do it even in assault mode max power or else he wouldnt waste time for the commandements. And u said that this am meliodas wasnt serious, and would maybe beat him of serious, unless.escanor the one is holding back.
I think mark would win because male with sunshine you beat Meliodas
Mael never beat Meliodas. Escanor beat a freshly transformed Assault Meliodas, but that was later shown to be because Meliodas was not taking the fight seriously. Melidoas repelled Mael.
@@idonthaveaname3526 meal ran like a girl
And we know light is greater opose darkeness and have better abilities plus advantage over darkness plus goddes eyes are special powers and thier wings too plus there wings is strong enoughto be use as a shield against zeldris
I'll be debunking this video on February 10th 2023, I don't have a youtube channel so I'll have to debunk it in a comment way. But I hope that I can change your mind on something's.
I shall be waiting!
@@thatguywithapencil 5 day's left, On Friday 12:00 A.M
you are underestimating elizabeth she is not the counter of zeldris and she is confirmed to be stronger than meliodas because it was stated she beat meliodas in a fight also when she faced the indura meliodas admitted he cant defeat them even when he had drole and gloxinia on his side and ludociel too while elizabeth just with her magic overpowered them and turned them back to normal if i would do a list of counters from the demon and goddess cal it will be
sariel - 2.5 commandments
tarmiel - 2.5 commandments
ludociel - the original demon (without crisis) + 1 commandment
mael to mention that 95% of the time mael is weaker than ludociel its only near noon that he comes close to the power of meliodas and surpasses ludociel even at his peak he is still - zeldris +2 commandments more or less
elizabeth - meliodas + two commandments all tho they should be the same as meliodas is the son of the dk and elizabeth is the daughter of the sd but in the past elizabeth was stronger than meliodas as seen
supreme deity - demon king
if one of the ten commandments goes indura mode the only ones who can stop it are maybe mael and elizabeth and of course the supreme deity
Thank you for your comment!
1. When was it stated she beat Meliodas? They met after a battle yes, but it wasn't even confirmed if those two specifically fought. They're more constantly referenced as equals if we're going by Mael's statement, if not Meliodas being the superior due to his established nature as the mightiest Demon outside of his father, while Elizabeth was second to Mael, who was the Goddess Clan's strongest fighter. Ludoshel was even stronger than Mael most of the time, so he's likely comparable to if not superior to Elizabeth, and Ludoshel was afraid of fighting prime Meliodas alone while Meliodas was without his commandment. So, I do not know where this Elizabeth beating Meliodas comes from.
2. Elizabeth did not revert the two Indura on her own. She need help from Sariel and Tarmiel and was about to be overwhelmed until those two Archangels stepped in. Meliodas did not say he could not defeat them. What he did say was that if he tried to help her save them and not kill them, his own magic would override and counter hers, since they are polar opposites. It's likely that a Full Power Prime Meliodas could fight the Indura, but that's a topic for another time.
3. Interesting scale.
I agree with each lesser Archangel requiring two Commandments like in canon, I just matched them up with Cusack and Chandler since it's likely the two wouldn't show up fused and they are also a duo like the two lesser Archangels.
I agree with Ludoshel standing up to the Original Demon, though with Crisis I do believe the extra commandment is unnecessary.
Mael was stated to be the Goddess Clan's strongest fighter at his peak. That means he's above Elizabeth, and you're right, Zeldris can fight him, but it's likely Zeldris would be fighting Elizabeth, since both are weaker than Meliodas and Mael respectively. And since Zeldris while fatigued was able to hold his own against the Goddess Clan's strongest, I don't see how Elizabeth is defeating a fresh Zeldris. For that fight specifcally, depending on the time I see it going either way, and I do not believe Zeldris needs any help. That would make it overkill.
Once again, I do not know where you got Elizabeth beating Meliodas, but to say the least it's inconsistent. Multiple statements go toward Meliodas being the mightiest demon while Elizabeth isn't even the strongest goddess. Multiple characters state Mael is the strongest goddess and Meliodas fought, survived, and repelled Mael. Meliodas without a commandment scared Ludoshel, who is at worst relative to and likely stronger than Elizabeth. Meliodas could likely take Elizabeth on his own though, especially with his commandment amp and no obligations to hold back. And just because they are children of the respective leaders of their clans, it does not make them equal. Strengths can vary across children, look at Meliodas and Zeldris.
Yeah, the Supreme Deity and Demon King are equal, but I specifically said they are not at this battle.
For the Indura, I think they would overwhelm Elizabeth, since she wouldn't get any support from the Archangels who would be fighting other Demons if they're not dead by the point the Demons go Indura. She couldn't defeat them on her own in canon, and that's when no one else was attacking her. Meanwhile, all the Demons would be ganging up on Elizabeth in this scenario.
Thank you again for your comment, though I just need some proof to Meliodas losing to Elizabeth.
@@thatguywithapencil 1. go to chapter 315 elizabeth in a human body manages to damage the demon king in zeldris's body but not his full form but still this form is far stronger than zeldris and has the demon king as well as 10 commandments and the magic protection but still she makes him fly around like nothing and then meliodas says that elizabeth fought him he underestimated her and he lost
2. when elizabeth faced the indura at the start of chapter 208 Dianne asks meliodas if he could do something and he said that the only way he can think about is to wait until they use up all of their life force so in other words he admitted he cant face the indura even when he could have help then we see elizabeth saying she would save them and then we see her real goddess power
3. when elizabeth fought the indura she had the advantage but then they transformed because they were DESPERATELY fighting elizabeth's light she was pushed back but recovered and still had an advantage you can see that the sky is clearing up meaning the demonic energy is disappearing and also the indura losing and being pushed back now Elizabeth didn't ask for help she just got it and it was minimal and from not so strong archangels then meliodas says elizabeth now and she turns them back if they didnt help her she wouldn't lose but the fight would of taken a longer time still she took down two induras something 3 archangels couldn't even damage and she tried to save them which is harder to do so yea
4. if meliodas is >= mael and he said that the only way to stop the indura is to wait until they die meaning he admitted he cant fight the indura which elizabeth did and won just shows she is stronger than meliodas and mael
5. ludociel couldn't even damage drieri got damaged instead and sariel and tarmiel got one shot by monspeet elizabeth with just her light overpowered both do you really think mael is stronger than all of the four archangels combined if he is it means he will be able to just damage one indura
6. mael is just above ludociel as stated he surpasses ludociel only when noon comes near meaning he is not that far of from ludociels power
7. mael was never stated to be the second strongest in the goddess clan idk from when you brought that
8. elizabeth was stated by the creator of the manga to be above the power of the four archangels including mael
9. oh yea and ludociel wasn't afraid to fight meliodas he just called sariel and tarmiel to help him take down the indura and meliodas
1. I will give you that, but that is a separate Elizabeth with separate feats. And remember, the Demon King did not have his magic. At all. He didn't get the Ruler back until two transformations later. He was literally fighting with pure physical strength and nothing else, and like Meliodas did, he underestimated Elizabeth and wasn't taking her seriously. Meliodas warns the Demon King to not underestimate her like he did. He never says Elizabeth beat him. She most likely just off guarded him like she off guarded the Demon King. It means Elizabeth caught Melidoas lacking and The original goddess Elizabeth couldn't even scratch her mother and The Demon King in the past.
2. Like I said, Meliodas versus Indura is a contentious topic. I personally believe that Meliodas could actually handle them, but like I said, a later topic.
3. You're right, they did transform further to fight the light. And then they were legitimately holding the light back and pushing it away once they transformed further. Elizabeth began sweating, and was getting pushed back, and was literally about to be overwhelmed until the two Archangels supported her.
4. Elizabeth could not overwhelm the Indura without help, they were pushing her back until she got support. Meliodas saying that they must wait for their heart to die out does not mean he would not be able to fight them, it means Elizabeth was in the way and that he would most likely have to battle them to a standstill.
5. Elizabeth held back both, and once assisted managed to over power.
6. You right, I already agree with that.
7. Mael is stated to be the goddess clan's strongest fighter, multiple times by multiple people from Gowther, to Demon Gowther, to Ludoshel, not just the strongest Archangel. He was so important that when he "died" the goddess clan just gave up on the war despite having Meliodas on their side, since Mael was their strongest fighter, not just the strongest Archangel.
8. When and where? I don't mind Elizabeth being stronger, I've just never heard nor seen that anywhere.
9. He did not want to fight Meliodas one on one. He called for help, started sweating once Meliodas blitzed in front of him, and didn't even attack Meliodas.
Thanks for responding!
@@thatguywithapencil 1. in the fight against the demon king he did have his magic as we saw him shoot meliodas with a dark ball or stuff and the fact that he had magic protection that protects against the strongest magical attacks and he still got hurt from elizabeth just shows how powerful she is also its still the demon king not to mention that elizabeth too wasnt full power because she is in a human body meliodas does say elizabeth did hurt him very badly in a fight while she was fine this sounds like she won
2. again meliodas vs indura is just clear to see let me quote this is from the chapter meliodas says "the only way to stop them is wait for their remaining heart to finally give out" which literally means that he couldn't fight them and he admitted it if he could fight them he would say that to stop them he will need to fight but he backs off
3. yes they transformed to fight the light of elizabeth and as stated they were too desperately fighting her light meaning they weren't in a good situation either now elizabeth was sweating but it does not mean she would lose you can see as she starts her speech that monspeet and derieri are super struggling and are screaming also you can see the clouds start to disappear meaning the demonic energy is disappearing meaning elizabeth is actually wining the fight
4. elizabeth did overwhelm the indura in power she is at least as strong as both of them or stronger
5. she overpowered them before she got assisted
6. nice that you agree mael is just above ludociel not a lot stronger than him
7. gowther never stated mael to be the strongest warrior of the godess clan same with ludociel he was just stated to be the strongest archangel
i know chapters you talk about and in non of them it says mael is the strongest warrior of the goddess clan if you want to prove that he is send the number of the chapter that says it because no chapter says that (just to let you know elizabeth wasn't a fighter she helped the enemy after she met meliodas) also mael was chosen because he killed gowthers lover not just because he was strong again he could of chosen ludociel or elizabeth
@@thatguywithapencil 8. elizabeth as stated by gowther to be most impressive and that the strongest archangel praised her also she has feats almost no other characters can do including meliodas and that is take down two induras of favor that to mind you one indura of favor was giving a hard time to merlin,king,dianne,gowther and ban and this indura didn't even fight them directly now derieri and monspeet overpowered easily 3 archangels if mael is just above ludociel its hard to believe he is stronger than ludociel sariel and tarmiel combined and even if he is he maybe be able to overpower one indura and thats only half of elizabeth's power also when elizabeth faced the indura she had momentarily 8 wings which mean she was the strongest goddess in the goddess clan aside from the supreme deity
9. ludociel wasn't sweating he just in case called sariel and tarmiel so that he could end the indura and meliodas
The only things i think you missed are for one, it was stated by meliodas that back when he was changing if he’d go in his cold ways he’d get slapped by Elizabeth. Who’s heavily implied to leave Zeldris in the dust, so it’s a very hard call i’d say stalemate but with a slight favour to Elizabeth. However this is ofc casual demon mark meliodas, without the commandment (i think.) But Meliodas vs Mael is a stomp in Meliodas’s favour, because first off he repelled Mael while holding back relatively easily. And wasn’t even going assault mode ever in that fight let alone fp demon mark, regardless if Mael does go the one mode or even the ultimate one. Meliodas can use fp assault mode with destruction, beat him up while being the more experienced fighter. And just win that way as he kills him the milisecond when maels the one wears off. Though i agree with the rest and the demon clan wins
When was that stated? I went to after he had killed Fraudrin and that isn't stated, went to after the Escanor fight and that isn't stated, and went to the fight with the Demon King, and that isn't stated. At best, she was implied to be able to harm him, but not slap him. And for Zeldris, she can't beat him. She's not a physical fighter, purely magic, which Zeldris negs. And I think Mael would put up a fight until Meliodas goes serious, and I agree with the Demon Clan winning.
If elizebeth with the help of the other two arch angels revert monspeet and derieri which ludociel and stronger than termiel and seriel and stronger than elizebeth i think he would win against indura monspeet and derieri by outpowering or putsmarting them
good video
Thanks for the support!
@@thatguywithapencil Do you have a discord?
Mael definetly have the one and can use it anytime after noon and for long periods of time sinse when an angel body use sunshine it has no restrictions meaning mael sunshine and the one is stronger than escanore and he might be able to use the one ultimate sinse escanore sacrife his life to use it and the one ultimate is sunshine fp and mael have no restriction he should be able to use it and even without it hes too strong
i dont think mael have a the one mode i thinks its called angel of death and meliodas assault mode one shot escanor the mode in chapter 327.5 so i think that meli wins little to no diff vs mael
I can see that.
And demon fier is already just easily blow away by seriel with his grace and his grace is below light power so it would do better
It wasent noon mael meliodas fight it was near noon or less and mael was cought off and meliodas was stronger enough to pushed him very far and mael just leave or by time he returned its over and mael was on the defensive so.
Meliodas is above Mael
Tarmiel ( True body) vs Chandler (True form)
First off Drole and Gloxinia ARE upper commandment tier if they were demons they would be able to go indura.
If you believe that Tarmiel ( True body) is as strong as Sariel (True body) then everything about Sariel (True body) can be applied to Tarmiel ( True body) however, my problem with Chandler (True form) is that he is way too hax for Tarmiel ( True body) and Tarmiel ( True body) is mostly shown to be a magical attack user and Chandler (True form) is gonna just "Full Counter" Tarmiel ( True body) attack and if Tarmiel ( True body) liquefied himself, Chandler (True form) is gonna either "Absolute Cancel" it or He's gonna use "Crimson Requiem" and evaporate Tarmiel ( True body) even if Tarmiel ( True body) and Chandler are comparable in strength Chandler (True form) is just way too hax for Tarmiel ( True body)
So I do agree with Chandler winning but not for the power reasons.
And Chandler never even fought Ludociel (Margaret body)
Thank you
And goddese can just keep healing them self and fight longer untill they win
Demons can also heal or was that lost on you sure goddesses have better healing but when they can be dominated and can be killed if enough damage is dealt
@@Nathan24634 wait the demons can heal too(i forgot) ?
@@Nathan24634 i think if both race fight its equal lol .
18:27 why was his assault mode weaker
And is it possible for meliodas to become his prime again
Or was it just because meliodas freshly awoken, since i think he became alot stronger when he went to zeldris since he overpowered cusack and zeldris and estarossa easily and zeldris was no match for him at all
In Escanor's side story, Assault Mode was weaker because it was a Meliodas who was not in his prime state, with his power having faded away over the millennia, which is why Post-Ressurection Meliodas is stronger than Post-Druid and Ten Years Past Meliodas. So Assault Mode was weaker, and his base was weaker. For the Modern Escanor fight you’re right, , it was because Meliodas was freshly awoken. Merlin notes after the fight that his power continues to rise over time, despite having lost in chapter 233, restoring back to his old self. He was also suppressed against Escanor, which doesn’t help.
@@thatguywithapencil I want to ask you. Which version of Meliodas is stronger. The one who fought Young Escanor in the Side Story or the one who fought Escanor in Season 3 and why ????
@@BeastXIS i’d say the one who fought young Escanor because one, it was a casual one shot. And two, that was a rusty meliodas who was restoring his powers slowly as time went on so he wouldn’t be as strong as when he had control over himself instantly.
@@azzydreamurr5677 rusty doesnt mean weaker, u need to quantify and prove it would be relevant at all or irrelevant. In that fight, we saw meliodas say somethin that u had a ace card or somethin to escanor. Meliodas then is ingulfed in darkness and takes a different pose implying he his using his ace card too and was still one shotted. Even if u say he his toying around to downplay escanor, its a relevant boost like.compaired to night escanor to day escanor.
Ludociel was able to overwhelm the sinner and fight on par with Cusack and zeldris while not in his true form elizabeth was able to injure and body Demon king zeldris and Take down two induras
This is all true. The goddesses still lose.
Yeah Ik they lose but not fast can still beat most of the demon clan strongest warriors except Meliodas
@@DrawsbyDonnie I think to beat the four archangels you need two fighters in executioner zeldris with the demon kings power and meliodas from the same time period
@@Nathan24634 that would be true but executioner zeldris gets his power the demon as he stated to Gowther and Dianne so without the demon king power ludociel could take him down but with it mael would have too with the sun grace weird thing is Meliodas of 3000 years ago who fought Alongside Elizabeth against the Dk and SD was weaker then the ludociel who fought indura since his true max magic power was 320,000 and he believed with the assistance of sariel and Tarmiel the 3 of them could take down indura and Meliodas without Elizabeth and mael until sariel and tarmiel joined Elizabeth
@@DrawsbyDonnie I don't think ludo thought he could be at the indura and meliodas in that moment even with sariel and tarmiel I think he thought he could be at meliodas with their help and then maybe beat the indura if they won worst case scenario they take down the demon kings son who he didn't like and have to follow through with Elizabeth's plan for the indura I think that was his mindset
And then without the demon kings magic I still think a full power zeldris would at least be relative if not above true body ludo just due to the scaling with the og demon and ludo and mael and how zel fits in that whole fight
And ludociel and elizebeth os said to be as strong as meliodas and mael even tho thier weaker than base mael and ludociel mean even tho shes weaker than mael shes cspable of fighting him untill noon and the silolet of mael ludocuel show is eithier the one or onr untimate meaning thats the noon mael meliodas,elizabeth and meliodas cant fight amd thats why is think meliodas have true msgic form 3000 years ago too
Meliodas (Prime) vs Mael (Sun)
So I always find this one statement crazy every time I read it but remember Mael near noon while in his prime is so much stronger and faster than Ludociel (True Body) so much that he said he can't even compete or come close to Mael power. This Mael is a match if not above three of the four archangels at once and he's not anywhere near full power considering he has "the one" in the back.
For one Meliodas' skin was burning off his arm when he reached to grab Elizabeth (Goddess body).
And please show me a chapter or panel where a goddess is running from a fight.
Bellion was terrified of Meliodas when he showed up to save, that demon showing fear and Galand RUNS away from Escanor out of pure fear.
I do agree if Meliodas activated his true magic form he soloed the entire goddess clan even if you put the Supreme Deity to help them.
You are only interpreting the word "repel" in only one way
Repel doesn't only mean that Mael ran it could also mean that Meliodas just push Mael so hard and flew hundreds of feet away from him, it could mean that Meliodas throws a barrage of punches and drive Mael back, it can mean that Meliodas blast Mael with a bunch of darkness and force him back.
If me and you are fighting and you push me I have been repelled, you have forced me back, I don't have to run away from you in order for you to repel me.
Plus we don't know if that was afternoon or before noon Mael.
But that's it
What is my grade?
Thank you
And remember empathy elizebeth esily manipulate lesser ranking demons
You forgot that the goddes in the goddes horn fought againts 3 thousand years ago meliodas so he or she definetly archangel level and when meliodas destroy her in her goddes horn form meliodas know that they both got weaker and go in dm to win meaning that it took demon mark to win and mael was not archangel as a child so who filled that role and nerobasta and gelamet are one par with commandements and definetly commandments level and is above all six knights of black exept bellionand nanashi powerlevel is around 30,00oas hes an angel and is close to 40,000 escaliber arthure and hes not a divine lace corpral like nerobasta and normal goddeses like jena and zeneri is above elain and the one that fought row 3000 years ago is just as strong plus all lesser angels are above lesser rankings demons bro think,divin lance corpals are above six knights of black and is commandment level and nerobasta said she could beat calmadius ,termiel and seriel can beat 5 commandments, and ludociel is above both lesser arch angel together,which mael is stronger than all 3 ,plus elizebeth definetly have a father who would be second to only supreme diety and mael and supreme diety is eithier equal or stronger than dmk ,plus unkown arch angel and goddes horn and elizebeth goddes clan and dmk could go eithier way even tho demons clan maybe is stronger but if both go all out they would probably destroy each other,goddes outsmart demons or both survive,and the goddese should have something like indura,hier ranking goddeses like cusack,chandler,original demon and original gother that we dont know about ,and goddese should have thier own transformations bro think
The demon and goddes clan could go eithier way and the goddeses did not teamed up with other rases bc there weaker its bc they need the goodeses protection and most goddeses is in the celestian realm so they use other rases as base on earth and they also know that the goddes and demons is so strong non cannon win so goddeses outsmart them by gaining an advantage with the other rases
Ooo ludociel is above elizebeth and elizabeth cough beat zeldris
😂you were being way too nice too mael , meliodas would have smacked him
Yea in 2nd holy war, But NO in 1st Goddess vs Demon war, even Ludociel can beat Meliodas assault mode, and Mael can beat Indura.
@Lade Fajobi it'd be a good fight, Meliodas would just control it.
@Estarossa No, not the case at all, Meliodas scared Mael off in his own Realm with no Assault Mode, Prime Mel slaps Mael and pretty much a majority of the Goddess Clan.
@@χαρηςΖερβουλιας Can you prove that?
@@χαρηςΖερβουλιας never mans ran away at their home like
@@χαρηςΖερβουλιας Please note that meril stated that escanor was buidling up the power of sunshine for years
In the first holy war arc, Goddes clan was far stronger than Demon clan, its stated, Meliodas is equal to Ludociel even in Assault mode, meliodas only have 141k powers, While Ludociel have 201k in Margaret body, and its stated if Meliodas is strongest Fighter from demon clan, So if Ludoshel was equal to meli even in his Assault mode, how bout Mael? He'll claps all demon ass except Demon king, but don't forget about supreme deity.
Thank you for your comment, but no, not really at all. The Meliodas you're referring to would be.a freshly awoken and suppressed Assault Mode Post-Ressurection Meliodas, who had a power level of 142k. Prime Meliodas is easily beyond Ludociel, as even without his Commandment in Chapter 208 blitzes in front of Ludociel and scares the leader of the Archangels so bad that he calls for backup from two other Archangels, Prime Meliodas with his Commandments forced a Prime Sunshine Mael to retreat while Meliodas was invading Mael's realm, Zeldris is strong enough to fight against Mael while extremely fatigued, and his ability helps negate entire character based around light and magic like Elizabeth and Sariel.
And I specified Demon King and Supreme Deity aren't in this fight. Thanks for your comment once again!
Ludociel (True Body) vs Derieri, Monspeet, Fraudrin and Galand.
First off you need to keep in mind that Ludociel (True Body) LET the transformation happen and just stood there doing nothing.
And Ludociel (True Body) is stronger than Tarmiel ( True body) and Sariel (True body), and from what I learn about "that guy with the pencil" versus battle nobody holds back, you fight all out until your final breath, show no mercy and kill you opponent. Ludociel (True Body) blitzes and kills Derieri and Monspeet before they even have a chance to go indura, Galand and especially Fraudrin is not fast enough or strong enough to stop Ludociel (True Body) from killing Monspeet and Derieri. It would be a miracle if Derieri and Monspeet are able to go to Indura, but they don't. In the original Ludociel (True Body) just stood there doing nothing but in this versus battle where everyone is going all out, can Monspeet and Derieri really take their hands put it inside their chest grab their hearts pull it out of their chest crush them SAY THE RITUAL before Ludociel (True Body) just kill them? Lets not forget Mael (3 commandment) one shot Derieri and Ludociel (True Body) is stronger than Mael ( 3 commandment) so, all in all Ludociel (True Body) speed blitzes and kills Derieri, Monspeet, Galand and Fraudrin.
Ludociel (True Body) just help out who ever need him or he just kills the "Six knight of blacks"
Goddess and demon vs senju and uchiha
That's a fun fight that shall be done!
Goddess clan is the best
I feel like there is a bias here...
@@thatguywithapencil Is that bad?
I feel bad for you
Mael could beat meliodas easily
Nope, here's a video to disprove that idea.
I think is afternoon that's why mael run to meleodas prime but can meleodas prime defeat mael prime noon or high noon
@@jasperjademedrano9753 with assault mode yes, base, no
the demon clan wins