@@maestrovici1947 don't compare bro them bro, but still if you want to search then search who is the most loved character In naruto 1. Naruto 2. Itachi Madara and pain fanbase is almost equal
Just realize it exhausted Kakashi to do fire,earth, water one after another and then there is Jiraya doing all three together. Like Naruto acknowledged it takes high skill do one after another this jutsus and there is our man Jiraya . This shows his level.
@@namangupta3473 you also know that they can produce their own chakra? And your statement about how he can do all 3 elements at the same time alone isn't quite right, since he needs two other frogs to back him up with additional elements to shoot them all at the same time.
@@aerovista2002 frogs can shoot but for activating justsus the hand signs with Chakra is necessary which Jiraya does, other than that he has summoned them for Sage Mode so they are taking Jiraya's Sage mode chakra to shoot.
Idk how this got 30k views, but thank you guys
How did it not get more!!?
Cam you make this in English dub. It will be outstanding coz many people have seen in dub
Make it 90k views
the song
Itachi, pain and madara have separate place in our heart ❤❤❤
Pain is by far the best
@@maestrovici1947 don't compare bro them bro, but still if you want to search then search who is the most loved character In naruto
1. Naruto
2. Itachi
Madara and pain fanbase is almost equal
@@johnn._snow itachi writes itself he s akira toriyana in naruto
@@maestrovici1947 what u want to say? I didn't understand your language?
Obito tooo
0:28 voice🔥🔥
Pain is peak. No villian is going to surpass what pain felt... What his idology was... How god its story was...
This world shall know this masterpiece 🔥🔥❤️💥
How is this a masterpiece? Even the creator is shocked by the views
Those who not know Naruto will never understand true anime
@@shezaans.k5268 have you watched any other anime? and correct your english "those who dont know*"
@@SaudiGaming69 yes i forgot ( Do not ) yes i have watched AOT ' Demon slayer ' death note ' and one punch man ..Do you have any suggestions
@@shezaans.k5268 bro one peice
I like the dynamics in this edit the way you show the backstory and transitions really fire man
Video editing gives me chills every time 🥶
🔥 Fire edit man 🥰
This deserves more views bro huge W
thx :D
I can't stop watching this. Great edit my guy💙
Pain was so powerful and madara calling him a brat like he was weak this dude was just badass❤😭
what weed do you smoke?😮
Dude I'm just looping it again and again ❤❤❤ hat's off to the editing ❤
Pain be like:jiraya sensei
Jiraya:senpou and the fire, oil,and wind comes out
This scene gave me
Goosebumps man
Yo ngl this edit bangs! pure 🔥🔥🔥
Perfect 🖤
i pain declare that you are the best editor
This edit is on another level 💀 I would like to say ur an amazing editor
See this masterpiece
Best villain edit I've ever seen in my life 💓
Good job Bro!
This is amazing bro. I hope more ppl find it.
This edit is awesome this might be my fav edit
Now deidara will say , this is a true art
trop cool
Uuum bruuuh best of best
This peace of art, I like it
I got goosebumps
This is a great
one of the greatest edits i ever seen
Finally a good edit with all 6 paths of pain 😎
Cool edit bro keep up
Amazing edit bro
Vaya, esta rebuena este edit ♥
What an edit my friend
Nice edit 😉
this edit amazing as f
great job❤❤
Just realize it exhausted Kakashi to do fire,earth, water one after another and then there is Jiraya doing all three together.
Like Naruto acknowledged it takes high skill do one after another this jutsus and there is our man Jiraya .
This shows his level.
you know that the other two elements were done by geezer and his wife frog, while Jiraiya only did the mud.
@@aerovista2002 they used Jiraya's Chakra, it's Chakra that's matter.
@@namangupta3473 you also know that they can produce their own chakra? And your statement about how he can do all 3 elements at the same time alone isn't quite right, since he needs two other frogs to back him up with additional elements to shoot them all at the same time.
@@aerovista2002 frogs can shoot but for activating justsus the hand signs with Chakra is necessary which Jiraya does, other than that he has summoned them for Sage Mode so they are taking Jiraya's Sage mode chakra to shoot.
Hokoyori Sekai ni Itamiyo 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
0:28 🛐
Pain is my fav character ☺️🥰 this song suits on pain nagato ❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍
Yeah thats how what everone feels
It's 💯 illegal be this much talented .
This is fire.
Underrated asf🔥
Master piece
The whole world should know me
Nice edit
Very Nice edit ♥️ I love it
pain op
Pain🔥 is given and taken so much pain
Pain my favorite 😮
This is awesome 👍
the sound is sooo clean
Just OP......
edit too
What an edit
more like ive grown from an angel to a monster
Nice edit
that the other pain guy looks like uta from tokyo ghoul
Bela edit mano 😀
Yo man what's the editing software?
No one can beat naruto ☠️☠️☠️
For me pain and itachi>>>> whole naruto verse
Nice nueva sub 🔥✨😣🙏
need better transitions but nice🐸
ik 🕳
@@selox7087 nah
I need 4k 🥺
If jiraiya would have known what pain is he would have killed the.
Bleibe immer dein supporter BI Kopf
irgendwann mach ich schon views
pls give that overlay sec 0:15
its particular in ae
tysm ❤@@Bikoop
В какой программе работаешь?
song name?
Jiraiya's student 💀
просто пиздец классный эдит уже сто раз посматрел
It was from Cap cat
if nagato would have been in the Fourth Great Ninja War, madara would been defeated ages ago
This song suits better on obito
His choice bruh..
Ultra mega bruh
Source: trust me bruh
Nahh it suits at "Kira"
Naruto shippuden
Song name
Боже как же это ахуенно!
Yahiko was good pain was badass
dont lie to me !! you took the thumbnail from google 🤣🤣🤣🤣
bro what?
should i send Ps file?
@@Bikoop bro nvm u took it serious
@@Classy_VFX bruh
@@Classy_VFX the thumbnail is actually so bad, but i wont change it
work more on cc
sub on this clip is just not as good