awesome, I've never Heard somenthing like all the things this guy have said, but it makes sense, and I'm so blown away, I believe in GOD, ad he truly loves us
Wilson Martinez > Don't listen to this preacher. There are wolves in sheep's clothing. The people who believe in UFO's and aliens are the ones who are attacked by these demonic entities for believing in this nonsense. Read the King James Bible and you'll get your answers. Stop being lazy and hearing everything that sounds good to your little ears and everything that looks good to your little eyes and read the bible. Go in private and get saved and talk to God to guide you and your eyes will be open.
Wilson Martinez, Galatians 5:3-4. Do you SDA's follow all 613 commandments of GOD??? GOD nor the Jews ever separated the 613 commandments of GOD, so how does a 1863 "man made" get the "authority" to do so???
Amazing. I love Doug bachelor. This anointed pastor, ALWAYS provides plenty of scripture and speaks the truth, and not what's popular! Wonderful! Praise God~~~
For a man who lived in a cave he is one of my fav teachers, he has a great testimony as well eventho im not an SDA i think Doug knows The Word better than most
The earth is flat. If you are reading this, you can prove the earth is flat without spaceships and NASA's Luciferianism. Sun and moon are the same size. We live under a dome. All of space, sun/moon, and the false planets are all inside the dome. The planets are actually the 7 wandering stars(look it up) that are in God's judgement. Shooting stars are actually demons at their weakest point. The word NASA has a couple meanings. One is to lead astray. If people knew this, this video wouldn't be up. All of this is to hide God above the dome (psalms 113) and to get people to worship demons disguised as smart aliens. The stars are living waters! That is why God named the stars and not the sand. NASA films Mars here in Greenland!! The planets and days of the week are named after demons! Saturn is Satan! Why do you think all the car logos have a logo shaped like Saturn. One brand is called Saturn. Wake up!! God is soooo close to us!! The Jesuits and liars of the world are trying to keep it from you. The moon gives off its Own lights! In fact, the moons light is colder the the moons shadow! God even said He made a greater light and a lesser light. Both to tell time! Just research moon landing hoax. Easy and clear to see. It's ALL Hollywood magic lies. God cast "Down" Satan and his army! Where is down on a float ba'al globe?? The Bible has 100+ verses explaining flat earth. Even Joshua asked the SUN to be STILL. Not the earth why? God says the earth does not move. It is still. Don't judge and hate until you HUMBLE yourself and learn both earth models! You will quickly see what God created! Love you all. Ps Water ALWAYS flattens out. Also, do not be an Adventist. Research it.
Hello sir I don't know who you are but I am a seventh day Adventist and I believe in the bible in its entirety so please save your opinions to your self and have a blessed day. Good bye
"do not be an Adventist" , but , i'm glad you are watching adventists' videos and teachings . Keep on reading the Bible and keep on praying . Godspeed .
April Dickerson The first 15 minutes is pure lies. He’s a Freemason, if you don’t understand what the Heliocentric religion is, you got some catching up to do. SEEK YAHUAH thru HIS SON YAHUSHA!
April Dickerson All Praises To The Eternal Sovereign, In The Name of YAHUSHA (Jesus Christ). Shalom, Sister, and may, The Most High, Bless you and your family. Just be careful, lots of men use smooth words, but if you’re NOT taking the time to actually open the Bible, read a couple hours DAILY, you’ll allow yourself to be lead astray by the vain philosophies of man. Colossians 2:8 if I’m not mistaken, Hosea 4:6, and 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12. Again, May YAHUAH, Bless you with legions of angels to protect you and your family in the coming times. Watch my video MOED if you have the patience and capacity for long bible studies, remember to bring your bible. Shalom.
This topic is so mind boggling but Praise God for Pr Doug. You have helped my little mind to understand how great, mighty and powerful our God is, regarding the creation of this world and the other unfallen worlds. I have learned so much 🙏🙏 What touches my heart the most is that; God could have wipe out the entire universe ( Earth) because of rebellion against Him, instead Jesus came so that we can be saved from this deadly sickness called SIN. John 3:16💘🌏✝️
@Charisma 101 You do not understand what Sabbath is all about, let me explained you.. God does some teaching, helping others who in need of help, healing etc on the Sabbath day. Same as you, I "saw" you as a person who is in need of help especially who is in need of Guidance. I hope you will understand more about His words, please continue studying the Word of God and I hope the Holy Spirit will be upon you. Have a blessed Sabbath day!
@Charisma 101 You do not understand what Sabbath is all about, let me explained you.. God does some teaching, helping others who in need of help, healing etc on the Sabbath day. Same as you, I "saw" you as a person who is in need of help especially who is in need of Guidance. I hope you will understand more about His words, please continue studying the Word of God and I hope the Holy Spirit will be upon you. And there are so many false statement you said in the comment section. Please do some research May 5, 2020/3:45PM Have a blessed Sabbath day!
@Charisma 101 poor you, let me ask you are you sure that I am a seventh day adventist.. does helping you understand a certain things is a not advisable to do on Sabbath day? Does helping a person who has a poor reading comprehension is a bad thing? How sad. I'll pray for your souls! I'm sorry there are so many people who wants to listen the words of God and I don't have much time debating with an atheist or for people who do not want to listen His Words!
@Charisma 101 he's not a false prophet because he is not considered for the SDA a prophet.. There is no prophet these days. BASIC! I would not go and explaines some of your statements since from the start you're stating a BLUFF!
As I have pondered the message of truth that Adventism is, I've noticed it has a real advantage over traditional Christianity in reaching modern minded people. Knowing the truth about death, having the Sanctuary doctrine and what Ellen White said about seeing other planets makes our worldview completely compatible with today's science.
Well explained lesmillman and supported with the verses the Holy Spirit in you hopefully have reached people that are looking for answers, understanding and not just debunking for the sake of us being Adventists.
@Charisma 101 It was another person, Joseph Bates, who assumed she was being shown Saturn and Jupiter. I apologize to you though for making it appear that I place her writings above the Bible. I have four videos on my other channel that layout every Bible verse on the subject of life on other planets. Many of them Pastor Batchelor used here but there are a few others. To watch them all would take you about an hour if you are open-minded enough to consider my biblical reasoning. The main reason Christians who believe in creation (which we Adventists do) find the topic of life on other planets difficult is because they see Genesis 1 as teaching the entire universe being created on day 4. As I plainly make the case for in my videos, that is simply a reflection of the science of Aristotle being projected onto the Scriptures. The links to my videos are below. On that channel you will also find a number of other Bible study videos in which I quote probably about 400 verses and only loosely refer to Ellen White's writings twice. Watch any other you wish.
What is voodoo, I have never seen in my eyes; even don't want to see it. I believe it is demon's power practice. Assam, India, where is the world largest Jadoo (evil magic) practice. When, I was child, I heard a story of murder of a father of a girl studied in our school. Murderer made a doll of the man he want to kill. Then, he used to shoot little arrows everyday with blackmagic recital. After 1 month the father of the girl died. No doctor could save him. This was revealed by another blackmagic man, who could see him what he was doing like watching in TV. Voodoo, for sure, is such like the story I told you. Devil has power to kill.
I think the whole point of this message is to give us perspective before we get too big for our britches and start speaking definitively about things totally beyond our comprehension. God has given us enough information to let us know just how little we know of what there is to know.
Your programs are the more / most important on air. If we miss something due to poor audio, it makes a huge void. Thanks for your efforts pastor Doug. God bless you and all the serious attendees.
The part of the universe that we have been able to discover is so vast it is hard to imagine. We measure it by a distance called a light year instead of miles. One light year is about 6 trillion (6,000,000,000,000) miles! The closest star (not counting our sun) to Earth is about 4 light years away. That's about 24 trillion miles. And the closest star is nothing compared to the size of our galaxy and our galaxy is just 1 of millions. Yet, I think of our universe as nothing more than a sand box that we Earth children play in compared to God. I see the universe as a mere bubble in an infinite ocean. The heavens declare the glory of God.
On the video of Doug teaching about Women Pastors: A Biblical Perspective , Comments are disabled . I would like to say how thankful I am for Bro. Doug and His determination to stay with the Word Of God on this very controversial subject among Christians , especially ministers . My dad went to his grave affirming that a woman preached the Gospel of Christ that put him under conviction and caused him to be saved . My dad died a Godly man and no matter what anyone says , preaching by women is confirmed in Acts of the Apostles , chapter 2 . I also agree with Bro. Doug that the Bible confirms that only a man can be a Bishop ( Pastor or Shepherd ) over God's church . By the same token , it confirms that a woman cannot be a Bishop . Bro. Doug , when things come into the Seventh Day Adventist churches that are contrary to the Word of God , continue to take your stand for the truth of God's Word . Many thanks for that message .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ernest E. Johnson
I believe that God will open up this universe to us all when haven and earth pass, because if we live for ever and ever and more people are born for eternity we will need this universe, because the earth will not be able too hold all the life that is coming! !!!!! The universe and all its planets will come alive when heaven and earth pass, I believe it's gods plan to fill up the void.the life will start filling up the universe after heaven and earth pass, I can see this happening it's so clear to me.
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. Do you WANT to know the secrets of the universe? Do you WANT people to understand the key points they're missing? Do you WANT to change the world? Let's focus on bearing fruits, and taking the information the LORD gave us in His word and trust that He will reveal what He wants, or wills, for us(which is way better than anything we could dream of wanting) and cast our worries, and anxiety in the dump knowing that we are sheep and we need not worry about the things we do not know because our Shepherd knows, and as long as we follow Him and show the other sheep that we are at peace and humble joy with everyone and thing so they can join us in living life worry free and in harmony knowing our Shepherd has us covered.
I read from an article: If God created aliens, they surely would have been affected by the fall of Adam because the whole creation was affected. ( Romans 8:22 that the “whole creation groans” because of Adam’s sin. When Adam fell, the entire universe was affected.) Now would aliens have salvation if that blessing is only given only to humans?
Pastor Batchelor makes some very good points about hell and the lake of fire. I have watched a few of his sermons. However, this one I believe diminishes the glory of God and His creation. God made the universe to show his great glory. Your life is so important to God that he created such a vast universe with billions of galaxies to show his limitless power. Then he created you and I, tiny specks and endowed us with life and a free will. We are unique, tiny creatures in a vast and uninhabitable universe (like a spark in the ocean) to make it overwhelmingly evident that it could only be almighty God who created it. Life's very existence is mathematically impossible. The astronomers know this. Also, God has one son, Jesus, who came to earth to die once for our sins. He was born here, and He died here.
Exactly we are clearly not allowed contact with other worlds until sin has left us the fallen and unfallen can not come in touch. It is clear in the Bible. God Bless
Shayneby Shaynebi Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Hebrews 11:3 notice “worlds” in plural.
12squared Network Sure it says “worlds” ... that just means planets and bodies in the heavens, space. That doesn’t mean these planets are inhabited. Nor does the Bible say they’re inhabited. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Why does it specify “earth”? Why doesn’t the word say... In the beginning God created the heavens. Because God differentiates the earth from everything else meaning the earth is special. It’s the world he created to be inhabited by man. By the way....Adam was the FIRST man. The first...If Adam was the first man after God created the universe then it’s pretty safe to say that this planet is the only planet inhabited by humans.
@@tonydardi332 Planet and world are two different terms. One refers to a celestial body the other refers to inhabited celestial body. Besides do you seriously think that God for all of eternity past did nothing but twiddle his thumbs. He is a Creator, he delights in creation. The odds of us being alone in this vast universe are slim to none. The reason we haven't made contact yet is because of sin, it doesn't allow us to come into contact with the other unfallen worlds.
12squared Network How do you know this? How do you know that the reason we haven’t made contact is because of sin. I understand what you’re saying don’t get me wrong but how do you know this?
Brother, I honestly don't feel like I need to bring scripture into this. I just let the Lord bring it to my heart. His word is hidden in my heart. I love you and I'm not trying to argue or prove that I'm right. I'm just sharing what the Spirit leads me to say. The things I'm saying are in scripture. Ask the Lord to reveal these things to you and He will. I don't know whether you believe it's important to be a theologian or not to teach God's word, but I don't. I believe God calls those who hear His voice; those who desire to know Him and who are courageous. May God bless you, and may He open your eyes to the truth. Shalom!
We NEED the old Pr Doug back, that speaks TRUTH without apology ... This is meant for the sermon labelled "women pastors" but they turned off commenting.... Pr. Doug now is too cautious, we need to teach truth no matter what man thinks!
Amen praise God brother blessings indeed he has created many other worlds of other beings and rulers who rule those worlds . Adam was made to ne the Lord of our world but he failed those other world leaders never failed and gave in to the deception of the devil.
Revelation 12:9 “...he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Revelation 12:13 “And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.” Pastor Doug mentioned Revelation 12. Maybe I'm mistaking, but from what I've read I believe Lucifer and his angels went directly from heaven to earth. I don't see what Pastor Doug is talking about. I read the whole chapter and no where do I get the impression that Lucifer and his angels traveled the universe trying to recruit. I always listen to Pastor Doug but I have to disagree with him on this.
@Charisma 101 wow what a load of nonsense, did you come up with that all by yourself ? That just shows you how little you know about SDA and about Ellen White ,
The account in Genesis 1:1 states that God created the heaven, not heavens, plural. Genesis 1:1 is NOT a summary of the entire chapter, as many assume; otherwise it ought to read, In the beginning God created the heavens (plural) and the earth... order for the summary to give a true testimony. Only those versions of the Bible that have been perverted render Genesis 1:1 as "heavens" in the plural. It is only after the first heaven, ours, the firmament, was created that we have, "Thus the heavens..." plural. Genesis 2:1. The second heaven with all of its holy intelligences was created before the earth and its firmament. The Scriptures does indeed make it clear that the universe is populated with holy and righteous beings. For example, Revelation 12:12 says, "Therefore rejoice YE HEAVENS, and YE that DWELL in them...." Who are the "YE" that "DWELL (or INHABIT) in THEM"? The Scriptures use the word "world" to mean an inhabited planet. These holy beings are fully aware of the Great Controversy being waged on the earth, and since only the angels are commissioned to "minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation" these holy beings have no direct involvement in the affairs of this planet.
I am amazed that lots of pastors and cristians of all persuasion talk about the Earth as if ist a planet going around the sun in a nonestop circular orbit. When the BIBLE say that the Earth doesn't move, I am 100% SURE you have read lt. PLEASE verify. Salms 93:1-- 96:10-- 104:5 Job 26:7-- 38:4,8 -- 9:6 Isaiah 13:10,13-- 40:22 -- 2 Samuel 22:8 --1Samuel 2:8,10 --1 Cronicas 16:30 - Rev-7:1 God bless.
I'm 15 mins in and he has only used two scriptures for space. One about stars and the other about heaven being higher than earth. I'll continue to watch...
I thought this when I was a child I knew it God's so powerful I knew ther were life on planets but they were fallen I believe he gave them a chance to obey him an they didn't explains why planets are empty
I have a bit of a problem with what Pastor Doug says around the 37:37 . The problem I have is why would God need an army if the only sin is on earth? Seems like a bit of a contradiction unless army just means a vast number of supporters.
All's im going to tell you guys is that if you dont believe in the sda church that is fine you people have a choice but all I ask is if you guys look into things more and figure out things by yourself because it is eternal life we are talking about and you find out if pork is bad and drinking is bad and what day to worship on and no body is going to tell you that and convince need to figure that out by yourself, you make a choice and its all up to you
Levi - If you want eternal life, then you obey God. That is really simple. He has told us in his word what he has done for us and what we must do if we want to be a subject in His Kingdom. Christ gave us the opportunity to be saved. He died the death we deserved for breaking God's laws (which is what SIN is). The penalty for sin is death, and only a divine being (Christ Jesus God) could pay the penalty for breaking the divine law. However, this is only step 1 in the plan of salvation. Christ wants to fill us with his character attributes so we can fulfill the requirements of His law. We must die to SELF and be born again and ask that the Holy Spirit God fill us with the divine attributes so we can then do the good works that God requires we do - to go ye therefore into and preach the Gospel to the whole world. We can only be filled with Christ if we surrender our will daily to God and ask for His will to have control over our hearts and minds. Jesus promises to write his laws in our heart and mind, so we can do His good works. The Bible says we will be judged by our works. However, these works are of God, not us. If we die to self and surrender our will to God, then his power of grace will work a miracle in us and make us fit for good works. We don't do works to BE saved, we do them by the Spirit because we ARE saved. We are saved by grace thru FAITH that God will do in us what must be done to transform us back into the image we had when Adam was created. God can recreate us, if we will let Him. To the LAW and the TESTIMONY - that means to his 10 commandments and the writings of the prophets. The Bible informs us what we should and should not eat. It was not just for the Jews. God does not change. He told us what day to worship him in Genesis. He created a 24-hour period just for us, and he sanctified it. The Sabbath was created for man - not man for the Sabbath. God determines what he sets apart and makes holy - not us. In Revelation, Jesus says, If you love me, Keep my commandments. Jesus himself wrote them on tablets of STONE. The entire Bible is about a wedding - between Christ Jesus and His church, which is Israel. We are grafted in as children of Abraham and become spiritual Israelites. Christ Jesus is the God of both the Old and New Testament. Christ Jesus is the Word and the Word became flesh. What an amazing Godhead we have.
Levi Martin, "Man made" Protestant false teachers are FULL OF CONTRADICTION. For example??? 1. Protestant false teachers preach an "invisible" and "Spiritual" Church, while they hypocritically reach deep down into gullible people's pockets for money in a very "visible" place. Why do Protestants preach an "invisible" or "Spiritual" Church??? To hide the fact and truth they have absolutely no history back to Jesus Christ or beyond a 1500'S "man" Martin Luther. 2. Protestants teach a self contradictory false teaching "Bible Alone", which ironically is found absolutely no where in the Bible. 3. Protestants say "Everything has to be in the Bible to be believed". Where is that statement even in Sacred Scriptures??? Instead, what do Sacred Scriptures say??? John 21:25, 2 Thessalonians 2:15 or especially Acts 1:3. Which ONE CHURCH has these "40 days" of Jesus Christ's teachings that are not in the Bible per the Bible??? 4. Protestants say "ORAL TRADITION" is to be rejected. Why??? Because, not one "man made" Protestant denomination has history back to Jesus Christ, so they have to reject it - despite what 2 Thessalonians 2:15 clearly says. 5. Protestants say the "pillar and bulwark of TRUTH" is the Bible. 1 Timothy 3:15 clearly says "the Church" singular meaning the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH is the "pillar and bulwark of TRUTH", who ultimately put the Bible together in the first place. 6. Protestants say "the Bible" is the final authority. As a result, it has led to 35,000 and growing "divisions" - as they each become their own "Pope" deciding what is correct or not. Conversely, we see Jesus Christ giving His final "authority" to resolve faith and moral disputes to His ONE and ONLY established Church being the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH per Matthew 18:17. 7. Protestants preach "Faith Alone". The Bible clearly rebukes this specific false teaching by stating in James 2:24 "NOT BY FAITH ALONE". In John 13:34, Jesus Christ commands us in the NEW COVENANT to "love", which clearly is an action or work that is needed (John 5:29, 15:12, 17, Romans 2:6, Philippians 2:12, Colossians 1:10, Acts 26:20, etc.) for salvation. 8. Protestants say the Holy Eucharist is just "symbolism" - another word not found in the Bible just like "Bible Alone". But, Jesus Christ Himself (WHO CANNOT LIE) repeats over and over in the Bible "THIS IS MY BODY....THIS IS MY BLOOD" (Matthew 26:26, Mark 14:22, Luke 22:19, John 6:51, 54-58) and is needed for salvation (John 6:54-55) or for "Death to Passover" in the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19). Jesus Christ, the "Lamb of God" (John 1:29, 1 Corinthians 5:7, 1 Peter 1:19), is the true fulfilled "forever" GOD liturgically commanded "Bread of the PRESENCE" (Leviticus 24:5-9). 9. Protestants say Matthew 23:9 "call no man father" is an indictment against the Catholic Church priests being called "Father", while they hypocritically call their own biological father's "father". In that Matthew 23:9 statement of Jesus Christ's, Protestants don't understand Jesus was using a hyperbole teaching emphasizing not to get caught up in honors or titles that can detract from proper worship due to our Heavenly "Father". Proof??? Judges 17:10, 18:19. What did GOD allow His old covenant priesthood to be called??? Philem 10 and especially 1 Corinthians 4:15. What did Catholic St. Paul consider himself in the New Covenant??? 10. Protestants say "no man" can forgive sins. However, in the old covenant GOD clearly used ordained "men", the Leviticus Priesthood, to forgive sins (Leviticus 5:5-6, Numbers 5:5-9). In Matthew 16:19, 18:18, and specifically explained in John 20:21-23 what same "power" did Jesus Christ give to His ONE and ONLY established Church being the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH or to the NEW COVENANT ordained "men" of GOD??? 11. Protestants claim the Catholic Church is "man made" or "pagan". But, what does clear history and the Bible (Matthew 16:19) say??? The irony and contradiction here is each and every single Protestant denomination (35,000 and growing divisions) is truly "man made" all stemming from a 1500's "man" Martin Luther. For instance, Protestant history can easily be revealed like the Seventh Day Adventist was formed by a "man" in Battle Creek, MI in 1863AD. So yes, there are many contradictions in the rebellious "man made" Protestant Golden Calf faiths.
As awesome as our God is there is no telling what other kinds of life The Almighty God of The Bible (may have) created elsewhere in this vast universe. Perhaps that's not something we need to know but only for Him to know. We don't even know and haven't seen all of the life He created on Earth.
Paul, I understand that. But please be open. I read only the kjv bible and Job 40:22 in my bible says nothing about the earth being suspended on "nothing".
I have a question, If Jesus was not created by GOD, then why does he call GOD his father? From a worldly view a father is someone who came before me. It's just a question out of curiosity
Why does each different episode/sermon have different audio level? Is the devil messing with it so that some programs are so poor that people lose interest? Or do U simply have poor programmers?
Pastor doug hello.. may I ask question about the vision of Ellen G. WHITE that she saw enoch on the other another planets and it has seven moons?'and there she saw also another planet earth that has no sins?'and if they were going to eat the tree of life they will fall? Will you pls. Explain that to us ? Thank Pastor doug.. Pete from philippines..
Humans had enormous power in the beginning. We were suppose to be the second strongest race in the universe with the Angels being the only race stronger than us. However, when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, GOD had no choice, but to take away our power because we now have sin in us and he can't trust us to have such powerful attributes. All the other species in the universe is eons above us in power....physically, mentally, and spiritually and we are now the weakest race in existence, plus we have to be quarantined because GOD won't allow sin to spread to the rest of the universe.
The bible says in Romans 8:22 the WHOLE CREATION groans....I highly doubt there is life on other planets but in the case of an unlikely "IF" did Jesus god there and die too? No he died once and for all
I talked about this with other Adventist and it's quite possible the other world's may not have succumbed to satans deceptions......of course anything is possible
We are the only world with sin. Satan & his angels were cast out of Heaven & only allowed on our earth - no where else. Had Adam not disobeyed God, we would have had a very different outcome. Adam chose to believe Satan and lost having dominion over the earth, and by default Satan took it. This teaching is the truth and is not fallacious theology. Pastor Doug provides the Bible texts to back up what he says. You just don't really want the truth, perhaps. Not all do. The Holy Spirit calls those that have open hearts & want to be led into all of God's truth.
Readybrek - You will find out otherwise. The Bible clearly states in two verses (2 witnesses) that God created other worlds. Job 1 and 2 show a counsel taking place and the sons of God (reps for every world) convene in Heaven, and Satan shows us as the prince of our world. Jesus' parable about the lost sheep is about our lost world - the only one with the controversy between good and evil occurring on it. Satan and his angels are prisoners of our world and all of God's universe is watching our world as the stage for this ontroversy and what the outcome will be. Angel beings are NOT called Sons of God, only the beings created on each world that God gives dominion to; the ruler for that world, who is a representative for God.
i believe God might have made other life, but not in His Image... God knew the people would fall, and maybe He then FIRST Created the entire universe in order that we, fallen people... might behold His Hand Work. And one day explore while on the new earth
and when i talk about the earth i meant the earth of mars.also there is a planet out there with two suns.its a red planet.its very interesting to study this all.
Stop believing the lies of the world. Seek the truth in Christ and He will reveal it to you. You must make a choice: Either follow Jesus, or become a slave to sin and unrighteousness. Jesus died for your sins because he loves you. He said he did this so that NONE should perish, but so that he could save us all. But He also gave us free will because he loves us. The choice is yours. Make a decision because tomorrow is NOT promised. If you died today, would you go to be with Jesus, or would you go to hell?
What is a world? Is it a planet or galaxy? I know that science is looking for life on exoplanets, but the innumerable amount of galaxies makes me lean toward that. Galaxies move as the universe expands which is why science says we could not detect life there. In the other hand EG White says that in vision she saw a world with seven moons. What is a world?
I’m white, raised in a predominantly white state. Never, not once, have I been give a thought that other races are less than, until other white people on TV started saying that I, as a white person, must be racist because I’m white. That I must look down at other races because of this. It’s so stupid if you think about it. No one chooses their own race, God chooses US to be part of his glorious rainbow of children. Who are we to even think that one color of the rainbow is more important than the other? I don’t even understand when white people put words in other peoples mouths and pick up their cause without their ok even. I’ve heard this a lot from Native Americans (Indians, as they prefer to be called). It’s ridiculous. We each have our own voice. Our own story. I hope we’re never afraid to use it. Don’t let anyone pin shame on you.
As far as I know, there was God in His dwelling place and the angels that He created. The creation of our earth and everything in it was a major and unique creation. That’s why the angels ‘shouted with joy’. The devil did not roam around the universe trying to tempt the beings on other planets (because there weren’t any). The devil was cast directly to this earth to test Adam & Eve. They also had to be tested for the ‘sin syndrome’. The entire Gospel story suggests that Christ came to redeem fallen people and they will be His special people for eternity. Not really a scenario for life on other planets. Only this one.
I apologize. I meant they claim it spins between 700-1,000mph. Still, if you jumped, you'd still be hundreds of feet off from where you jumped if you jumped. And think about this: if the earth were spherical, why doesn't all the water flow to the bottom of the earth? And yet, NASA claims Australia is at the bottom of the earth. So, why don't the dance on ceilings, and why don't they fall of the earth?
Also, read Amos 9:6 And Job 37:18. After reading these verses, if you still believe the earth is a sphere and that it spins, then you have been deceived.
I used to believe this kind of teaching before but, when I reviewed and reexamined the scriptures myself , especially the epistle to the Hebrews by Paul , where the word "worlds" is the only one word found in the entire scriptures translated from Greek word "kosmos" which means "governing systems " not other life forms or creations in other planets. There is no word planets in the scriptures . It's the invention only of atheist scientists. We can read only sun, moon, and stars in Genesis chapter 1, you can't find planets. Why add other things in the Scriptures where it is not revealed there? Planets? Unbiblical. Solar system theory was the invention of nicolai copernicus a roman catholic priest who was commissioned by the pope to publish that work and spread throughout all catholic educational institutions in all countries they have slaves. And Adventist religious members believe and teach this lie? Solar system theory by copernicus is only more or less than 500 years old. The earth is different from the world. There is one earth with two governing worlds. The world of light and the world of darkness. In Hebrew , the word darkness means ignorance and not blackness of night or without light of the sun or day. You are anti-catholic but you teach the lies invented by the Catholic priest.
There isn't enough clear scripture to convince me that extraterrestrials aren't just demons working deception. But then again God only tells us what He wants us to know in the Bible, and not everything we could know, so perhaps you can't rule it out. One thing I can say is that if it's true that there are billions of other species on trillions of other worlds then it does make me feel fairly special as a human, considering that among all the possibilities we were born as the one creation made in the image of God himself, and our destiny in Heaven according to the Bible is to be holy kings and priests in the kingdom of God.
i love the last part when he quoted the writings of ellen white. i like preachers who believe in ellen white's writings. ellen white's words are very different because she was inspired by the holy spirit. but why still there are lots of adventists who do not believe in her writings.. thats horrible!
Dina isabel Gubalane , Dina, many Adventists disagree with her because she has claimed a good many things she writes that God told her to speak and write but never came to pass. She does write many good things. However, she writes of two different gospels. There is only one gospel. The problem being is when she read other Christian writers she could not tell the difference between the true and false one. When she copied their works she incorporated a lie with the truth. Know this: a professed believer can sound or write wonderfully but if they are teaching a wrong gospel their deception becomes more dangerous to the unsuspecting.
John 1:12 King James Bible But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the SONS OF GOD, even to them that believe on his name: Clearly, the term " SONS OF GOD " is not exclusive to beings from other planets like the Pastor is trying to insinuate.
He clearly clarified that in the bible the term has different meanings just like many other terms. He also clarified specifically with the beginning of the book of job where satan went to the heavenly gathering as the representative of earth. We know for a fact no human has seen heaven or the face of God so in that story the term was clearly used to represent those of unfallen worlds.
I don't know about him being a representative of the earth but during the heavenly gathering, God asked, where have you been? which is why satan said "from roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it." > you said: "we know for a fact the no human has seen heaven or the face of God" $$$ the bible states: Enoch walk with God and he was no more because God took him away. God resides in Heaven, so if God took enoch away, then enoch has seen heaven. Also the same case with the prophet Elijah. Also the same case with the guy mentioned in Malachi 4:5 and Luke 1:17 The pastor mentions SETI, therefore he meant beings which has flesh like us, not spiritual beings which he also mentions as SONS OF GOD In Genesis, "the nephilim were on earth in those days when the SONS OF GOD chose daughters of men to marry Which produce a bad hybrid race Now God is not a being of the flesh God is Spirit Therefore the Sons of God are spiritual beings Notice that in John 1:2 John 1:12 King James Bible But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the SONS OF GOD, " power to become" future tense why? because man mentioned there are in the flesh but man is made up of BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT The bible tells us in Ecclesiastes that when a person passes away, the body returns to dust, the SPIRIT returns to God, but stops right there and did not mention what happens to the SOUL. John 11:11 ( Lazarus was already 3 day buried in a cave when Jesus Christ said ) Lazarus has FALLEN ASLEEP, i will go and WAKE HIM UP If the body of lazarus was rotting away and in the process of returning to dust, and the Spirit which gives life to the flesh had already returned to God, which then is sleeping? The SOUL is sleeping which Jesus Christ said that He will wake up I know this for a fact which is why i dont go to cemeteries anymore, my presence wakes them up. Already happened several times before i realize whats going on. The bible states that you can ONLY be united back in a relationship with God while you are still alive. After you die, your decision to be with God will not matter if you have live your life with out a relationship with God. Which is why John 1:12 " power to become " is in the future tense ( when the flesh is no longer alive but the soul is what is left ) Job 1:6 One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord. ( the gathering mentioned ) God resides in Heaven, therefore, this gathering happened in Heaven and not in earthly planets The pastor mentioning SETI and settings in the book of Job means he believes the sons of God are beings which resides in earth like planets totally forgetting that they are spirits
Firstly, I could not continue reading once you mentioned that nephilim stuff, that is not biblical so be careful what you consider a fact. The sons of God are righteous men, the lineage of a soon to be Hebrew nation that God was making for Christ to be born through. Daughters of men were pagan women that came from the lineage of Cain. There were no angels breeding with women; it is very clear that we are the only beings that can procreate which is why satan being the highest angel at a point in time, hated human beings and wanted to destroy us. Secondly, Enoch, Elijah and Moses all went to heaven correct. They were no more inhabitants of earth, they lived righteous lives so God found favor in them and took them, what I meant was no human on earth has seen God. In regards to the gathering, only tampered versions of the bible mention the texts with angels. The closest version to the scrolls of the prophets (which is the KJV) does not mention them being angels. God is in heaven, as is the angels therefore they would not have to be gathered somewhere they are already present. Before Christ was crucified satan was able to go back and fourth to heaven because he still had a chance to repent. However, with satan appearing at this meeting he solidified his dominion over earth because once Adam and Eve sinned they surrendered all ownership to satan. Remember God set Adam to rule over earth and everything on it.
+Rod Markie you are wrong in saying there were no angels interbreeding with daughters of men. Search the meaning of Nephilim. Fallen angels have interbreeded with daughters of men which corrupted the world which triggered the flood during noahs time.
+Rod Markie you have overlooked that theres 3 ,heavens mentioned in the bible but that does not mean that they are beings with flesh like us. in the book of revelation, to the angel of the church of ephesus, etc see, they being angels does not mean they are always in heaven where God resides.
What translation are you reading???????These names are constellations.... How do you get a 'population' out of sons??? (Bear Cubs)Job 38:32 KJV Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?Job 38:32 CJB Can you lead out the constellations of the zodiac in their season or guide the Great Bear and its cubs? Job 38:32 NIV Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs?
Ok! So you showed a TGI of the Earth (Firmament) produced by NASA, (Operation, Paper Clip, I still have my Walter Von Braun child hood books as a Anglo American born American), yes this video was years ago, but was the Bible Say!
If you're a TRUE believer, that's great. Though I can't say that just because you claim to know Jesus, it means you're a believer. However, I do have a point to bring about, considering your belief that the earth isn't flat. Firstly, NONE of the targeting systems used in the U.S. navy use targeting systems that compensate for the curvature of the earth. Take into account that the navy uses a beam to fire missiles at 50 miles away. The beam is pointed straight to the target and the beam must stay painted on the target in order for the missile to reach the target. Now at 50 miles, the curvature of the earth would cause the target the missile is firing at to be approximately 1,650 ft. below the beam painting the target. So, if the earth were really curved, then how could the beam really reach the target through a wall of ocean water? And how come when we jump up into the air, we don't land hundreds of feet from where we first jumped if the earth is spinning approximately 1,000mph? That's NO other explanation other than the earth is flat and immovable. In fact, the bible makes it clear the earth is immovable. Refer to 1 Chronicles 16:30, Psalm 93:1, Psalm 96:10 and Isaiah 45:18. If God said the earth is immovable, then it means it is immovable, which means it DOES NOT SPIN.
christopher - I am with you. I, too, believe the Bible tells us the earth is immovable and HAS what the Bible calls, a face. A spinning, water ball rocket does NOT have a face. Also, all eyes could not see Jesus return, as the Bible claims, if the earth were a spinning BALL. I so love Pastor Batchelor, but I have so much trouble listening to him REPEAT all of the nonsense we have been indoctrinated with via Scientism, the main false religion of our world. The pastor is just still locked in the matrix of Vatican lies. They started this mess when they set up the order of the Jesuits in 1540. This is when the Copernicus LIE began and it laid the foundation for the Theory of Evolution (Darwin=Freemason) and the Big Bang Theory, which was actually invented by a Jesuit priest. If Doug keeps surrendering his will and prays for God's will, he will come to the truth of our earth as a stationary plane. I sent an email in late 2016 to Doug about the flat earth, but I must not have done a very good job. His reply was that as a pilot, he was 60,000 feet high (which I have trouble believing), and he could see the earth spinning. I wrote him a reply and when I sent to send it, I did something wrong and lost the email. It didn't go to draft - it was just gone. I was so upset because it had taken me a couple of hours to create my reply, but then God just gave me peace and made me realize that He did not want me to send my email to Doug. I told Doug, in the most polite way I could, that the Scientism priests tell us our atmosphere SPINS with the earth, so there is no way he should be able to see the earth spin at 60,000 feet because he and his plane would be traveling with the earth's spin in our atmosphere. I am going to do a lot of praying about this issue and see if God wants me to contact Doug or not, and if so, HOW I should best do so.
Isaiah 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
***In my bible hebrews 11:3 reads "World" not "Worlds" and my bible is old version 1933.. And Hebrews 1:2 the same thing "He created the WORLD" not "worlds" And Genesis 1:1 God created HEAVEN and EARTH, Not "HEAVENS" (my bible is Finnish language and Genesis 1:1 is the same in both versions old and new translate) Isaiah 45:12 in my Finnish translated Bible it goes like this: "I have made the Earth and created men on it; My hands spread out the HEAVEN, I have invited all its forces" At 29:19 You mention of the glory that was with God: He share the glory with God and the other intelligent beings that were there were ANGELS. You must have the new translated version of bible 1993-95, or something don't know.. But in the new translated bible are much false words.*** God created Heaven and Earth and all living beings on it (yes He has created everything that are in space but He never mention in the bible that He created other worlds with other beings on them.) He only speak of our planet Earth and beings on it. Jesus died here on Earth and He died becouse of OUR sins, not for sins of any other beings on other planets And He DIED ONLY ONE TIME. If there is "aliens" they're satan and his demons. If God made beings on other planets why doesn't He mention it in the Bible? When you read Bible you can almost sens when Jesus speak about this world and people on it that we humans are Gods only children. The way He speak about His love toward us makes me feel that we are unique to God. So this guy believes in aliens? What the heck is going on here.. Just like Pastor Frank Marzullo said "Jesus can only be one place at one time" thats a big false as well and these falses mislead people...And im pretty confused right now..Don't really know what to think.. Watched this till 30:34 and this is how confused I am already so I see better to stop here before my head blows up***
+Teuvo Ihalainen Amen. In my polish Bible is the same. And don't be confused as it is written: "What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care of him? You made him a little lower than the angels ...and put everything under their feet" Hebr 2,6-8 I can see only 3 intelligent being here: God,angels,human (animals) No sign of aliens :) We are really very special. God bless you
it also depends on what you call life.the meteorites that landed here on planet earth prove that there was water on mars.if there is water there is life.also they found a beautiful opal stone on mars.that amazed me even more.and again without water an opal stone can not be created by the earth.
if Jesus was in existence from eternity how is God his father? to denote Jesus as being a Son is to understand his father was before him, if not Jesus cannot be a Son. in the wording of everything being made by him it is understood this refers to all things made AFTER the creation of the Son Jesus was created.
Jesus is the Son of God or equal to God. He is the Son of God for this earth. Likewise, there are Sons of God for other worlds. 'In the Beginning' is meant for the creation of this earth only.
awesome, I've never Heard somenthing like all the things this guy have said, but it makes sense, and I'm so blown away, I believe in GOD, ad he truly loves us
what kinda cult?
martine estrada > I agree this guy is misleading with this alien crap. More like Satan and his devils.
Wilson Martinez > Don't listen to this preacher. There are wolves in sheep's clothing. The people who believe in UFO's and aliens are the ones who are attacked by these demonic entities for believing in this nonsense. Read the King James Bible and you'll get your answers. Stop being lazy and hearing everything that sounds good to your little ears and everything that looks good to your little eyes and read the bible. Go in private and get saved and talk to God to guide you and your eyes will be open.
Wilson Martinez,
Galatians 5:3-4.
Do you SDA's follow all 613 commandments of GOD???
GOD nor the Jews ever separated the 613 commandments of GOD, so how does a 1863 "man made" get the "authority" to do so???
Amazing. I love Doug bachelor. This anointed pastor, ALWAYS provides plenty of scripture and speaks the truth, and not what's popular! Wonderful! Praise God~~~
martine estrada its the Pope of the catholic/satan church
martine estrada but to God i am pimple virgin.... Catholics burn baby burn...
For a man who lived in a cave he is one of my fav teachers, he has a great testimony as well eventho im not an SDA i think Doug knows The Word better than most
Yes I agree. I never heard plain truth before I became adventist. I'm glad God guided me to the truth.
Its awesome
The earth is flat. If you are reading this, you can prove the earth is flat without spaceships and NASA's Luciferianism. Sun and moon are the same size. We live under a dome. All of space, sun/moon, and the false planets are all inside the dome. The planets are actually the 7 wandering stars(look it up) that are in God's judgement. Shooting stars are actually demons at their weakest point. The word NASA has a couple meanings. One is to lead astray. If people knew this, this video wouldn't be up. All of this is to hide God above the dome (psalms 113) and to get people to worship demons disguised as smart aliens. The stars are living waters! That is why God named the stars and not the sand. NASA films Mars here in Greenland!! The planets and days of the week are named after demons! Saturn is Satan! Why do you think all the car logos have a logo shaped like Saturn. One brand is called Saturn. Wake up!! God is soooo close to us!! The Jesuits and liars of the world are trying to keep it from you. The moon gives off its Own lights! In fact, the moons light is colder the the moons shadow! God even said He made a greater light and a lesser light. Both to tell time! Just research moon landing hoax. Easy and clear to see. It's ALL Hollywood magic lies. God cast "Down" Satan and his army! Where is down on a float ba'al globe?? The Bible has 100+ verses explaining flat earth. Even Joshua asked the SUN to be STILL. Not the earth why? God says the earth does not move. It is still. Don't judge and hate until you HUMBLE yourself and learn both earth models! You will quickly see what God created! Love you all. Ps Water ALWAYS flattens out. Also, do not be an Adventist. Research it.
Hello sir I don't know who you are but I am a seventh day Adventist and I believe in the bible in its entirety so please save your opinions to your self and have a blessed day. Good bye
"do not be an Adventist" , but , i'm glad you are watching adventists' videos and teachings . Keep on reading the Bible and keep on praying . Godspeed .
everyone can voice their opinion because we have constitution that is law. If they hear and still turn away, we have to pray for them
No this is how you teach people man he reflects honest intelligence and is fin to listen to and that's a good thing, very underrated preacher
April Dickerson The first 15 minutes is pure lies. He’s a Freemason, if you don’t understand what the Heliocentric religion is, you got some catching up to do. SEEK YAHUAH thru HIS SON YAHUSHA!
@@7eamGhast Thanks but I'll make my own determination thank you though
April Dickerson All Praises To The Eternal Sovereign, In The Name of YAHUSHA (Jesus Christ). Shalom, Sister, and may, The Most High, Bless you and your family. Just be careful, lots of men use smooth words, but if you’re NOT taking the time to actually open the Bible, read a couple hours DAILY, you’ll allow yourself to be lead astray by the vain philosophies of man. Colossians 2:8 if I’m not mistaken, Hosea 4:6, and 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12.
Again, May YAHUAH, Bless you with legions of angels to protect you and your family in the coming times.
Watch my video MOED if you have the patience and capacity for long bible studies, remember to bring your bible. Shalom.
Love all your sermons Pastor Doug....Keep teaching God word, time is so short and I too believe we ARE in the last days....Bless you...
Thank you LORD for giving pastor Dough Bachelor , wisdom to explain your WORD..🙏✌️👍
Blessed be the name of the Lord. Give thanks for his mercy and love. Let's be ready for his coming and help other that we can be with him forever.
This topic is so mind boggling but Praise God for Pr Doug. You have helped my little mind to understand how great, mighty and powerful our God is, regarding the creation of this world and the other unfallen worlds. I have learned so much 🙏🙏 What touches my heart the most is that; God could have wipe out the entire universe ( Earth) because of rebellion against Him, instead Jesus came so that we can be saved from this deadly sickness called SIN. John 3:16💘🌏✝️
im not an adventist but hes good to listen to Thanks for posting here to youtube
@Charisma 101 false prophet? Lol he's not a prophet though he is a pastor! How sad before you comment kindly do some research...
@Charisma 101 You do not understand what Sabbath is all about, let me explained you.. God does some teaching, helping others who in need of help, healing etc on the Sabbath day. Same as you, I "saw" you as a person who is in need of help especially who is in need of Guidance. I hope you will understand more about His words, please continue studying the Word of God and I hope the Holy Spirit will be upon you.
Have a blessed Sabbath day!
@Charisma 101 You do not understand what Sabbath is all about, let me explained you.. God does some teaching, helping others who in need of help, healing etc on the Sabbath day. Same as you, I "saw" you as a person who is in need of help especially who is in need of Guidance. I hope you will understand more about His words, please continue studying the Word of God and I hope the Holy Spirit will be upon you.
And there are so many false statement you said in the comment section. Please do some research
May 5, 2020/3:45PM
Have a blessed Sabbath day!
@Charisma 101 poor you, let me ask you are you sure that I am a seventh day adventist.. does helping you understand a certain things is a not advisable to do on Sabbath day? Does helping a person who has a poor reading comprehension is a bad thing?
How sad. I'll pray for your souls! I'm sorry there are so many people who wants to listen the words of God and I don't have much time debating with an atheist or for people who do not want to listen His Words!
@Charisma 101 he's not a false prophet because he is not considered for the SDA a prophet.. There is no prophet these days. BASIC! I would not go and explaines some of your statements since from the start you're stating a BLUFF!
Pastor Doug is awesome!
One of the best of Best sermon from the stable of Pastor Doug. Thank you Lord, for this illuminated message.
Thanks Doug great job keep on doing the will of God
As I have pondered the message of truth that Adventism is, I've noticed
it has a real advantage over traditional Christianity in reaching
modern minded people. Knowing the truth about death, having the
Sanctuary doctrine and what Ellen White said about
seeing other planets makes our worldview completely compatible with today's science.
Well explained lesmillman and supported with the verses the Holy Spirit in you hopefully have reached people that are looking for answers, understanding and not just debunking for the sake of us being Adventists.
@Charisma 101 It was another person, Joseph Bates, who assumed she was being shown Saturn and Jupiter. I apologize to you though for making it appear that I place her writings above the Bible. I have four videos on my other channel that layout every Bible verse on the subject of life on other planets. Many of them Pastor Batchelor used here but there are a few others. To watch them all would take you about an hour if you are open-minded enough to consider my biblical reasoning. The main reason Christians who believe in creation (which we Adventists do) find the topic of life on other planets difficult is because they see Genesis 1 as teaching the entire universe being created on day 4. As I plainly make the case for in my videos, that is simply a reflection of the science of Aristotle being projected onto the Scriptures. The links to my videos are below.
On that channel you will also find a number of other Bible study videos in which I quote probably about 400 verses and only loosely refer to Ellen White's writings twice. Watch any other you wish.
powerful message, GOD bless you
Wonderful Teaching. Thank You Pastor Doug.
God is must be very powerful to produce that much energy out there
thank you for this message.
Thank you! Pastor Doug For Sharing This Lovely Video. May God bless You Always.
Happy Sabbath To You Pastor. Thank You For Explaining God Words To Me. I Enjoying Listening To you. God Bless you Always.
This was a wonder Word Of God 🙏🏽💙
please keep me in prayer for God to protect me against people who do voodoo against me
What is voodoo, I have never seen in my eyes; even don't want to see it. I believe it is demon's power practice.
Assam, India, where is the world largest Jadoo (evil magic) practice. When, I was child, I heard a story of murder of a father of a girl studied in our school. Murderer made a doll of the man he want to kill. Then, he used to shoot little arrows everyday with blackmagic recital. After 1 month the father of the girl died. No doctor could save him.
This was revealed by another blackmagic man, who could see him what he was doing like watching in TV.
Voodoo, for sure, is such like the story I told you. Devil has power to kill.
I think the whole point of this message is to give us perspective before we get too big for our britches and start speaking definitively about things totally beyond our comprehension. God has given us enough information to let us know just how little we know of what there is to know.
You said it Patricia! TRUTH.
We know very little, and I am being kind to say we actually know ANYTHING much less,
a little.
Much LOVE!
Your programs are the more / most important on air. If we miss something due to poor audio, it makes a huge void. Thanks for your efforts pastor Doug. God bless you and all the serious attendees.
Very deep...
Thank you
Please pray for me and my Family
I will
Rachel French me too.
Very interesting indeed
I discern that Doug Batchelor is inspired by the Lord's Spirit in this sermon.
The part of the universe that we have been able to discover
is so vast it is hard to imagine.
We measure it by a distance called a light year instead of miles.
One light year is about 6 trillion (6,000,000,000,000) miles!
The closest star (not counting our sun) to Earth
is about 4 light years away.
That's about 24 trillion miles.
And the closest star is nothing compared to the size of our galaxy
and our galaxy is just 1 of millions.
Yet, I think of our universe as nothing more than a sand box
that we Earth children play in
compared to God.
I see the universe as a mere bubble in an infinite ocean.
The heavens declare the glory of God.
On the video of Doug teaching about Women Pastors: A Biblical Perspective , Comments are disabled . I would like to say how thankful I am for Bro. Doug and His determination to stay with the Word Of God on this very controversial subject among Christians , especially ministers . My dad went to his grave affirming that a woman preached the Gospel of Christ that put him under conviction and caused him to be saved . My dad died a Godly man and no matter what anyone says , preaching by women is confirmed in Acts of the Apostles , chapter 2 . I also agree with Bro. Doug that the Bible confirms that only a man can be a Bishop ( Pastor or Shepherd ) over God's church . By the same token , it confirms that a woman cannot be a Bishop . Bro. Doug , when things come into the Seventh Day Adventist churches that are contrary to the Word of God , continue to take your stand for the truth of God's Word . Many thanks for that message .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ernest E. Johnson
Amen brother so true indeed blessings.
Enjoyed that
Yes God is God all powerful and we depend on Him for everything.
'Glorified before' does not necessarily of a past, but a future which has assured of being into reality.
Thumbs up if your here even though the wise men of the earth made the pastor do it,and your here just for the scripture stuff .
Jesus is God over all world's heaven and earth. No other Gods.
+onecool kitty God father , son and Holy spirit. They are trinity.
+onecool kitty Father. .but no one gets to him except through Christ.
Uh actually there are many God's and these God's are called Cult God's which are the God's of the magic arts which are in turn the fallen Angels
I believe that God will open up this universe to us all when haven and earth pass, because if we live for ever and ever and more people are born for eternity we will need this universe, because the earth will not be able too hold all the life that is coming! !!!!! The universe and all its planets will come alive when heaven and earth pass, I believe it's gods plan to fill up the void.the life will start filling up the universe after heaven and earth pass, I can see this happening it's so clear to me.
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. Do you WANT to know the secrets of the universe? Do you WANT people to understand the key points they're missing? Do you WANT to change the world? Let's focus on bearing fruits, and taking the information the LORD gave us in His word and trust that He will reveal what He wants, or wills, for us(which is way better than anything we could dream of wanting) and cast our worries, and anxiety in the dump knowing that we are sheep and we need not worry about the things we do not know because our Shepherd knows, and as long as we follow Him and show the other sheep that we are at peace and humble joy with everyone and thing so they can join us in living life worry free and in harmony knowing our Shepherd has us covered.
I read from an article:
If God created aliens, they surely would have been affected by the fall of Adam because the whole creation was affected. ( Romans 8:22 that the “whole creation groans” because of Adam’s sin. When Adam fell, the entire universe was affected.)
Now would aliens have salvation if that blessing is only given only to humans?
What Denomination is this I am really enjoying listening to it just was wondering if I could find a church around here like it.
They are seventh Day-Adventist
Pastor Batchelor makes some very good points about hell and the lake of fire. I have watched a few of his sermons. However, this one I believe diminishes the glory of God and His creation. God made the universe to show his great glory. Your life is so important to God that he created such a vast universe with billions of galaxies to show his limitless power. Then he created you and I, tiny specks and endowed us with life and a free will. We are unique, tiny creatures in a vast and uninhabitable universe (like a spark in the ocean) to make it overwhelmingly evident that it could only be almighty God who created it. Life's very existence is mathematically impossible. The astronomers know this. Also, God has one son, Jesus, who came to earth to die once for our sins. He was born here, and He died here.
Sun moon n stars
Actually a very interesting theory that we've been blocked from contacting other worlds until the sin problem is sorted.
Exactly we are clearly not allowed contact with other worlds until sin has left us the fallen and unfallen can not come in touch. It is clear in the Bible.
God Bless
GOD is a creator and eternal..what makes people think were the first CREATION.
GREG Because God’s word says so.
Shayneby Shaynebi Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Hebrews 11:3 notice “worlds” in plural.
12squared Network Sure it says “worlds” ... that just means planets and bodies in the heavens, space. That doesn’t mean these planets are inhabited. Nor does the Bible say they’re inhabited. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Why does it specify “earth”? Why doesn’t the word say... In the beginning God created the heavens. Because God differentiates the earth from everything else meaning the earth is special. It’s the world he created to be inhabited by man. By the way....Adam was the FIRST man. The first...If Adam was the first man after God created the universe then it’s pretty safe to say that this planet is the only planet inhabited by humans.
@@tonydardi332 Planet and world are two different terms. One refers to a celestial body the other refers to inhabited celestial body. Besides do you seriously think that God for all of eternity past did nothing but twiddle his thumbs. He is a Creator, he delights in creation. The odds of us being alone in this vast universe are slim to none. The reason we haven't made contact yet is because of sin, it doesn't allow us to come into contact with the other unfallen worlds.
12squared Network How do you know this? How do you know that the reason we haven’t made contact is because of sin. I understand what you’re saying don’t get me wrong but how do you know this?
Brother, I honestly don't feel like I need to bring scripture into this. I just let the Lord bring it to my heart. His word is hidden in my heart. I love you and I'm not trying to argue or prove that I'm right. I'm just sharing what the Spirit leads me to say. The things I'm saying are in scripture. Ask the Lord to reveal these things to you and He will. I don't know whether you believe it's important to be a theologian or not to teach God's word, but I don't. I believe God calls those who hear His voice; those who desire to know Him and who are courageous. May God bless you, and may He open your eyes to the truth. Shalom!
We NEED the old Pr Doug back, that speaks TRUTH without apology ... This is meant for the sermon labelled "women pastors" but they turned off commenting.... Pr. Doug now is too cautious, we need to teach truth no matter what man thinks!
love u dough
even I like this who wouldn't
Amen praise God brother blessings indeed he has created many other worlds of other beings and rulers who rule those worlds .
Adam was made to ne the Lord of our world but he failed those other world leaders never failed and gave in to the deception of the devil.
Revelation 12:9 “...he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
Revelation 12:13 “And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.”
Pastor Doug mentioned Revelation 12. Maybe I'm mistaking, but from what I've read I believe Lucifer and his angels went directly from heaven to earth. I don't see what Pastor Doug is talking about. I read the whole chapter and no where do I get the impression that Lucifer and his angels traveled the universe trying to recruit. I always listen to Pastor Doug but I have to disagree with him on this.
@Charisma 101 where did she say that
@Charisma 101 wow what a load of nonsense, did you come up with that all by yourself ? That just shows you how little you know about SDA and about Ellen White ,
@Charisma 101 save your breath iv heard this sort of tripe many times before ,
The account in Genesis 1:1 states that God created the heaven, not heavens, plural.
Genesis 1:1 is NOT a summary of the entire chapter, as many assume; otherwise it ought to read,
In the beginning God created the heavens (plural) and the earth... order for the summary to give a true testimony.
Only those versions of the Bible that have been perverted render Genesis 1:1 as "heavens" in the plural.
It is only after the first heaven, ours, the firmament, was created that we have,
"Thus the heavens..." plural. Genesis 2:1.
The second heaven with all of its holy intelligences was created before the earth and its firmament.
The Scriptures does indeed make it clear that the universe is populated with holy and righteous beings.
For example, Revelation 12:12 says,
"Therefore rejoice YE HEAVENS, and YE that DWELL in them...."
Who are the "YE" that "DWELL (or INHABIT) in THEM"?
The Scriptures use the word "world" to mean an inhabited planet.
These holy beings are fully aware of the Great Controversy being waged on the earth, and since only the angels are commissioned to "minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation" these holy beings have no direct involvement in the affairs of this planet.
I am amazed that lots of pastors and cristians of all persuasion talk about the Earth as if ist a planet going around the sun in a nonestop circular orbit. When the BIBLE say that the Earth doesn't move, I am 100% SURE you have read lt.
PLEASE verify. Salms 93:1-- 96:10-- 104:5 Job 26:7-- 38:4,8 -- 9:6 Isaiah 13:10,13-- 40:22 -- 2 Samuel 22:8 --1Samuel 2:8,10 --1 Cronicas 16:30 - Rev-7:1 God bless.
I'm 15 mins in and he has only used two scriptures for space. One about stars and the other about heaven being higher than earth. I'll continue to watch...
I thought this when I was a child I knew it God's so powerful I knew ther were life on planets but they were fallen I believe he gave them a chance to obey him an they didn't explains why planets are empty
I have a bit of a problem with what Pastor Doug says around the 37:37 . The problem I have is why would God need an army if the only sin is on earth? Seems like a bit of a contradiction unless army just means a vast number of supporters.
All's im going to tell you guys is that if you dont believe in the sda church that is fine you people have a choice but all I ask is if you guys look into things more and figure out things by yourself because it is eternal life we are talking about and you find out if pork is bad and drinking is bad and what day to worship on and no body is going to tell you that and convince need to figure that out by yourself, you make a choice and its all up to you
Levi - If you want eternal life, then you obey God. That is really simple. He has told us in his word what he has done for us and what we must do if we want to be a subject in His Kingdom. Christ gave us the opportunity to be saved. He died the death we deserved for breaking God's laws (which is what SIN is). The penalty for sin is death, and only a divine being (Christ Jesus God) could pay the penalty for breaking the divine law. However, this is only step 1 in the plan of salvation. Christ wants to fill us with his character attributes so we can fulfill the requirements of His law. We must die to SELF and be born again and ask that the Holy Spirit God fill us with the divine attributes so we can then do the good works that God requires we do - to go ye therefore into and preach the Gospel to the whole world. We can only be filled with Christ if we surrender our will daily to God and ask for His will to have control over our hearts and minds. Jesus promises to write his laws in our heart and mind, so we can do His good works.
The Bible says we will be judged by our works. However, these works are of God, not us. If we die to self and surrender our will to God, then his power of grace will work a miracle in us and make us fit for good works. We don't do works to BE saved, we do them by the Spirit because we ARE saved. We are saved by grace thru FAITH that God will do in us what must be done to transform us back into the image we had when Adam was created. God can recreate us, if we will let Him. To the LAW and the TESTIMONY - that means to his 10 commandments and the writings of the prophets. The Bible informs us what we should and should not eat. It was not just for the Jews. God does not change. He told us what day to worship him in Genesis. He created a 24-hour period just for us, and he sanctified it. The Sabbath was created for man - not man for the Sabbath. God determines what he sets apart and makes holy - not us. In Revelation, Jesus says, If you love me, Keep my commandments. Jesus himself wrote them on tablets of STONE. The entire Bible is about a wedding - between Christ Jesus and His church, which is Israel. We are grafted in as children of Abraham and become spiritual Israelites. Christ Jesus is the God of both the Old and New Testament. Christ Jesus is the Word and the Word became flesh. What an amazing Godhead we have.
Levi Martin,
"Man made" Protestant false teachers are FULL OF CONTRADICTION.
For example???
1. Protestant false teachers preach an "invisible" and "Spiritual" Church, while they hypocritically reach deep down into gullible people's pockets for money in a very "visible" place. Why do Protestants preach an "invisible" or "Spiritual" Church??? To hide the fact and truth they have absolutely no history back to Jesus Christ or beyond a 1500'S "man" Martin Luther.
2. Protestants teach a self contradictory false teaching "Bible Alone", which ironically is found absolutely no where in the Bible.
3. Protestants say "Everything has to be in the Bible to be believed". Where is that statement even in Sacred Scriptures??? Instead, what do Sacred Scriptures say??? John 21:25, 2 Thessalonians 2:15 or especially Acts 1:3. Which ONE CHURCH has these "40 days" of Jesus Christ's teachings that are not in the Bible per the Bible???
4. Protestants say "ORAL TRADITION" is to be rejected. Why??? Because, not one "man made" Protestant denomination has history back to Jesus Christ, so they have to reject it - despite what 2 Thessalonians 2:15 clearly says.
5. Protestants say the "pillar and bulwark of TRUTH" is the Bible. 1 Timothy 3:15 clearly says "the Church" singular meaning the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH is the "pillar and bulwark of TRUTH", who ultimately put the Bible together in the first place.
6. Protestants say "the Bible" is the final authority. As a result, it has led to 35,000 and growing "divisions" - as they each become their own "Pope" deciding what is correct or not. Conversely, we see Jesus Christ giving His final "authority" to resolve faith and moral disputes to His ONE and ONLY established Church being the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH per Matthew 18:17.
7. Protestants preach "Faith Alone". The Bible clearly rebukes this specific false teaching by stating in James 2:24 "NOT BY FAITH ALONE". In John 13:34, Jesus Christ commands us in the NEW COVENANT to "love", which clearly is an action or work that is needed (John 5:29, 15:12, 17, Romans 2:6, Philippians 2:12, Colossians 1:10, Acts 26:20, etc.) for salvation.
8. Protestants say the Holy Eucharist is just "symbolism" - another word not found in the Bible just like "Bible Alone". But, Jesus Christ Himself (WHO CANNOT LIE) repeats over and over in the Bible "THIS IS MY BODY....THIS IS MY BLOOD" (Matthew 26:26, Mark 14:22, Luke 22:19, John 6:51, 54-58) and is needed for salvation (John 6:54-55) or for "Death to Passover" in the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19). Jesus Christ, the "Lamb of God" (John 1:29, 1 Corinthians 5:7, 1 Peter 1:19), is the true fulfilled "forever" GOD liturgically commanded "Bread of the PRESENCE" (Leviticus 24:5-9).
9. Protestants say Matthew 23:9 "call no man father" is an indictment against the Catholic Church priests being called "Father", while they hypocritically call their own biological father's "father".
In that Matthew 23:9 statement of Jesus Christ's, Protestants don't understand Jesus was using a hyperbole teaching emphasizing not to get caught up in honors or titles that can detract from proper worship due to our Heavenly "Father". Proof??? Judges 17:10, 18:19. What did GOD allow His old covenant priesthood to be called??? Philem 10 and especially 1 Corinthians 4:15. What did Catholic St. Paul consider himself in the New Covenant???
10. Protestants say "no man" can forgive sins. However, in the old covenant GOD clearly used ordained "men", the Leviticus Priesthood, to forgive sins (Leviticus 5:5-6, Numbers 5:5-9). In Matthew 16:19, 18:18, and specifically explained in John 20:21-23 what same "power" did Jesus Christ give to His ONE and ONLY established Church being the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH or to the NEW COVENANT ordained "men" of GOD???
11. Protestants claim the Catholic Church is "man made" or "pagan". But, what does clear history and the Bible (Matthew 16:19) say???
The irony and contradiction here is each and every single Protestant denomination (35,000 and growing divisions) is truly "man made" all stemming from a 1500's "man" Martin Luther. For instance, Protestant history can easily be revealed like the Seventh Day Adventist was formed by a "man" in Battle Creek, MI in 1863AD.
So yes, there are many contradictions in the rebellious "man made" Protestant Golden Calf faiths.
I am truly feeling deeply sorry for the disbelievers
As awesome as our God is there is no telling what other kinds of life The Almighty God of The Bible (may have) created elsewhere in this vast universe. Perhaps that's not something we need to know but only for Him to know. We don't even know and haven't seen all of the life He created on Earth.
+Dwayne Winstead
Not wanting to know is a reflection of blind faith.
Ellen white had visions that there are planets that haven't sinned. They dont communicate with us because of our sin.
Ellen false prophetess.
Paul, I understand that. But please be open. I read only the kjv bible and Job 40:22 in my bible says nothing about the earth being suspended on "nothing".
I have a question, If Jesus was not created by GOD, then why does he call GOD his father? From a worldly view a father is someone who came before me. It's just a question out of curiosity
Why does each different episode/sermon have different audio level? Is the devil messing with it so that some programs are so poor that people lose interest? Or do U simply have poor programmers?
Pastor doug hello.. may I ask question about the vision of Ellen G. WHITE that she saw enoch on the other another planets and it has seven moons?'and there she saw also another planet earth that has no sins?'and if they were going to eat the tree of life they will fall? Will you pls. Explain that to us ? Thank Pastor doug.. Pete from philippines..
Humans had enormous power in the beginning. We were suppose to be the second strongest race in the universe with the Angels being the only race stronger than us. However, when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, GOD had no choice, but to take away our power because we now have sin in us and he can't trust us to have such powerful attributes. All the other species in the universe is eons above us in power....physically, mentally, and spiritually and we are now the weakest race in existence, plus we have to be quarantined because GOD won't allow sin to spread to the rest of the universe.
The bible says in Romans 8:22 the WHOLE CREATION groans....I highly doubt there is life on other planets but in the case of an unlikely "IF" did Jesus god there and die too? No he died once and for all
With you on that brother, this is horrible fallacious theology.
I talked about this with other Adventist and it's quite possible the other world's may not have succumbed to satans deceptions......of course anything is possible
We are the only world with sin. Satan & his angels were cast out of Heaven & only allowed on our earth - no where else. Had Adam not disobeyed God, we would have had a very different outcome. Adam chose to believe Satan and lost having dominion over the earth, and by default Satan took it. This teaching is the truth and is not fallacious theology. Pastor Doug provides the Bible texts to back up what he says. You just don't really want the truth, perhaps. Not all do. The Holy Spirit calls those that have open hearts & want to be led into all of God's truth.
Readybrek - You will find out otherwise. The Bible clearly states in two verses (2 witnesses) that God created other worlds. Job 1 and 2 show a counsel taking place and the sons of God (reps for every world) convene in Heaven, and Satan shows us as the prince of our world. Jesus' parable about the lost sheep is about our lost world - the only one with the controversy between good and evil occurring on it. Satan and his angels are prisoners of our world and all of God's universe is watching our world as the stage for this ontroversy and what the outcome will be. Angel beings are NOT called Sons of God, only the beings created on each world that God gives dominion to; the ruler for that world, who is a representative for God.
i believe God might have made other life, but not in His Image... God knew the people would fall, and maybe He then FIRST Created the entire universe in order that we, fallen people... might behold His Hand Work. And one day explore while on the new earth
and when i talk about the earth i meant the earth of mars.also there is a planet out there with two suns.its a red planet.its very interesting to study this all.
Stop believing the lies of the world. Seek the truth in Christ and He will reveal it to you. You must make a choice: Either follow Jesus, or become a slave to sin and unrighteousness. Jesus died for your sins because he loves you. He said he did this so that NONE should perish, but so that he could save us all. But He also gave us free will because he loves us. The choice is yours. Make a decision because tomorrow is NOT promised. If you died today, would you go to be with Jesus, or would you go to hell?
SDA's: What does GOD's promise in Hosea 2:11 and what Jesus Christ did per Colossians 2:14-17 have in common???
the mars photos are taken in greenland, they were caught by google earth and tried to explain it away as a secret practice session lol
What is a world? Is it a planet or galaxy? I know that science is looking for life on exoplanets, but the innumerable amount of galaxies makes me lean toward that. Galaxies move as the universe expands which is why science says we could not detect life there. In the other hand EG White says that in vision she saw a world with seven moons. What is a world?
What Bible is this pastor reading from? It sounds unlike anything I've heard before. It sounds like the words of Man, and not God.
I’m white, raised in a predominantly white state. Never, not once, have I been give a thought that other races are less than, until other white people on TV started saying that I, as a white person, must be racist because I’m white. That I must look down at other races because of this. It’s so stupid if you think about it. No one chooses their own race, God chooses US to be part of his glorious rainbow of children. Who are we to even think that one color of the rainbow is more important than the other? I don’t even understand when white people put words in other peoples mouths and pick up their cause without their ok even. I’ve heard this a lot from Native Americans (Indians, as they prefer to be called). It’s ridiculous. We each have our own voice. Our own story. I hope we’re never afraid to use it. Don’t let anyone pin shame on you.
As far as I know, there was God in His dwelling place and the angels that He created. The creation of our earth and everything in it was a major and unique creation. That’s why the angels ‘shouted with joy’. The devil did not roam around the universe trying to tempt the beings on other planets (because there weren’t any). The devil was cast directly to this earth to test Adam & Eve. They also had to be tested for the ‘sin syndrome’. The entire Gospel story suggests that Christ came to redeem fallen people and they will be His special people for eternity. Not really a scenario for life on other planets. Only this one.
A study on the firmament proves that the earth is the center of every thing. Not the SUN. The earth doz not go around the sun.
Oops. I meant 1 Samuel 2:8
I apologize. I meant they claim it spins between 700-1,000mph. Still, if you jumped, you'd still be hundreds of feet off from where you jumped if you jumped. And think about this: if the earth were spherical, why doesn't all the water flow to the bottom of the earth? And yet, NASA claims Australia is at the bottom of the earth. So, why don't the dance on ceilings, and why don't they fall of the earth?
It's because of something called gravity! If the earth is flat then why is it that when half the world is day the other half is night?
Also, read Amos 9:6 And Job 37:18. After reading these verses, if you still believe the earth is a sphere and that it spins, then you have been deceived.
Chris!!! You are Awesome!! I am glad you know the truth!!!!!!
+BattlefieldAwakening Praise the Lord, for he has led me into truth. God is great! I will NOT be deceived, for the Lord is my eyes. Bless you!
+christopher bell Have you ever heard of poetry like psalm 104 or 19?
No, I haven't. Nothing is more beautiful than the Lord's spirit! Why do you ask?
+christopher bell I've just read some of your commentaries and I think that any discussion is pointless. May God have mercy on you
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Genesis 1:1 KJV
He said not thee earths
How about the 3 frog like unclean species world leaders revelation 16:13
How about 3 frog like unclean species who decive world leader to fight during Armagedon in rev. 16:13
I used to believe this kind of teaching before but, when I reviewed and reexamined the scriptures myself , especially the epistle to the Hebrews by Paul , where the word "worlds" is the only one word found in the entire scriptures translated from Greek word "kosmos" which means "governing systems " not other life forms or creations in other planets. There is no word planets in the scriptures . It's the invention only of atheist scientists. We can read only sun, moon, and stars in Genesis chapter 1, you can't find planets. Why add other things in the Scriptures where it is not revealed there? Planets? Unbiblical. Solar system theory was the invention of nicolai copernicus a roman catholic priest who was commissioned by the pope to publish that work and spread throughout all catholic educational institutions in all countries they have slaves. And Adventist religious members believe and teach this lie? Solar system theory by copernicus is only more or less than 500 years old. The earth is different from the world. There is one earth with two governing worlds. The world of light and the world of darkness. In Hebrew , the word darkness means ignorance and not blackness of night or without light of the sun or day. You are anti-catholic but you teach the lies invented by the Catholic priest.
What Version of the Bible is he reading?
There isn't enough clear scripture to convince me that extraterrestrials aren't just demons working deception. But then again God only tells us what He wants us to know in the Bible, and not everything we could know, so perhaps you can't rule it out.
One thing I can say is that if it's true that there are billions of other species on trillions of other worlds then it does make me feel fairly special as a human, considering that among all the possibilities we were born as the one creation made in the image of God himself, and our destiny in Heaven according to the Bible is to be holy kings and priests in the kingdom of God.
Humans r very special cos we are made in the likeness nd image of God nd also made by the hands of God Himself Gen1:26
i love the last part when he quoted the writings of ellen white. i like preachers who believe in ellen white's writings. ellen white's words are very different because she was inspired by the holy spirit. but why still there are lots of adventists who do not believe in her writings.. thats horrible!
Dina isabel Gubalane , Dina, many Adventists disagree with her because she has claimed a good many things she writes that God told her to speak and write but never came to pass. She does write many good things. However, she writes of two different gospels. There is only one gospel. The problem being is when she read other Christian writers she could not tell the difference between the true and false one. When she copied their works she incorporated a lie with the truth.
Know this: a professed believer can sound or write wonderfully but if they are teaching a wrong gospel their deception becomes more dangerous to the unsuspecting.
John 1:12
King James Bible
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the SONS OF GOD, even to them that believe on his name:
Clearly, the term " SONS OF GOD " is not exclusive to beings from other planets like the Pastor is trying to insinuate.
He clearly clarified that in the bible the term has different meanings just like many other terms. He also clarified specifically with the beginning of the book of job where satan went to the heavenly gathering as the representative of earth. We know for a fact no human has seen heaven or the face of God so in that story the term was clearly used to represent those of unfallen worlds.
I don't know about him being a representative of the earth but during the heavenly gathering, God asked, where have you been?
which is why satan said
"from roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it."
> you said:
"we know for a fact the no human has seen heaven or the face of God"
$$$ the bible states:
Enoch walk with God and he was no more because God took him away.
God resides in Heaven, so if God took enoch away, then enoch has seen heaven.
Also the same case with the prophet Elijah.
Also the same case with the guy mentioned in Malachi 4:5 and Luke 1:17
The pastor mentions SETI, therefore he meant beings which has flesh like us, not spiritual beings which he also mentions as SONS OF GOD
In Genesis, "the nephilim were on earth in those days when the SONS OF GOD chose daughters of men to marry
Which produce a bad hybrid race
Now God is not a being of the flesh
God is Spirit
Therefore the Sons of God are spiritual beings
Notice that in John 1:2
John 1:12
King James Bible
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the SONS OF GOD,
" power to become"
future tense
because man mentioned there are in the flesh
but man is made up of BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT
The bible tells us in Ecclesiastes that when a person passes away, the body returns to dust, the SPIRIT returns to God, but stops right there and did not mention what happens to the SOUL.
John 11:11 ( Lazarus was already 3 day buried in a cave when Jesus Christ said )
Lazarus has FALLEN ASLEEP, i will go and WAKE HIM UP
If the body of lazarus was rotting away and in the process of returning to dust, and the Spirit which gives life to the flesh had already returned to God, which then is sleeping?
The SOUL is sleeping which Jesus Christ said that He will wake up
I know this for a fact which is why i dont go to cemeteries anymore, my presence wakes them up. Already happened several times before i realize whats going on.
The bible states that you can ONLY be united back in a relationship with God while you are still alive. After you die, your decision to be with God will not matter if you have live your life with out a relationship with God. Which is why John 1:12 " power to become " is in the future tense ( when the flesh is no longer alive but the soul is what is left )
Job 1:6
One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord. ( the gathering mentioned )
God resides in Heaven, therefore, this gathering happened in Heaven and not in earthly planets
The pastor mentioning SETI and settings in the book of Job means he believes the sons of God are beings which resides in earth like planets totally forgetting that they are spirits
Firstly, I could not continue reading once you mentioned that nephilim stuff, that is not biblical so be careful what you consider a fact. The sons of God are righteous men, the lineage of a soon to be Hebrew nation that God was making for Christ to be born through. Daughters of men were pagan women that came from the lineage of Cain. There were no angels breeding with women; it is very clear that we are the only beings that can procreate which is why satan being the highest angel at a point in time, hated human beings and wanted to destroy us.
Secondly, Enoch, Elijah and Moses all went to heaven correct. They were no more inhabitants of earth, they lived righteous lives so God found favor in them and took them, what I meant was no human on earth has seen God. In regards to the gathering, only tampered versions of the bible mention the texts with angels. The closest version to the scrolls of the prophets (which is the KJV) does not mention them being angels. God is in heaven, as is the angels therefore they would not have to be gathered somewhere they are already present. Before Christ was crucified satan was able to go back and fourth to heaven because he still had a chance to repent. However, with satan appearing at this meeting he solidified his dominion over earth because once Adam and Eve sinned they surrendered all ownership to satan. Remember God set Adam to rule over earth and everything on it.
+Rod Markie you are wrong in saying there were no angels interbreeding with daughters of men. Search the meaning of Nephilim.
Fallen angels have interbreeded with daughters of men which corrupted the world which triggered the flood during noahs time.
+Rod Markie you have overlooked that theres 3 ,heavens mentioned in the bible but that does not mean that they are beings with flesh like us.
in the book of revelation, to the angel of the church of ephesus, etc see, they being angels does not mean they are always in heaven where God resides.
Is there marriage in the other worlds, will there be marriage after the millennium
Job 38:32 "Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season?
or canst thou guide Arcturus with his SONS?
Arcturus has a population.......
What translation are you reading???????These names are constellations.... How do you get a 'population' out of sons??? (Bear Cubs)Job 38:32 KJV Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?Job 38:32 CJB Can you lead out the constellations of the zodiac in their season or guide the Great Bear and its cubs?
Job 38:32 NIV Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs?
Ok! So you showed a TGI of the Earth (Firmament) produced by NASA, (Operation, Paper Clip, I still have my Walter Von Braun child hood books as a Anglo American born American), yes this video was years ago, but was the Bible Say!
If you're a TRUE believer, that's great. Though I can't say that just because you claim to know Jesus, it means you're a believer. However, I do have a point to bring about, considering your belief that the earth isn't flat. Firstly, NONE of the targeting systems used in the U.S. navy use targeting systems that compensate for the curvature of the earth. Take into account that the navy uses a beam to fire missiles at 50 miles away. The beam is pointed straight to the target and the beam must stay painted on the target in order for the missile to reach the target. Now at 50 miles, the curvature of the earth would cause the target the missile is firing at to be approximately 1,650 ft. below the beam painting the target. So, if the earth were really curved, then how could the beam really reach the target through a wall of ocean water? And how come when we jump up into the air, we don't land hundreds of feet from where we first jumped if the earth is spinning approximately 1,000mph? That's NO other explanation other than the earth is flat and immovable. In fact, the bible makes it clear the earth is immovable. Refer to 1 Chronicles 16:30, Psalm 93:1, Psalm 96:10 and Isaiah 45:18. If God said the earth is immovable, then it means it is immovable, which means it DOES NOT SPIN.
christopher - I am with you. I, too, believe the Bible tells us the earth is immovable and HAS what the Bible calls, a face. A spinning, water ball rocket does NOT have a face. Also, all eyes could not see Jesus return, as the Bible claims, if the earth were a spinning BALL. I so love Pastor Batchelor, but I have so much trouble listening to him REPEAT all of the nonsense we have been indoctrinated with via Scientism, the main false religion of our world. The pastor is just still locked in the matrix of Vatican lies. They started this mess when they set up the order of the Jesuits in 1540. This is when the Copernicus LIE began and it laid the foundation for the Theory of Evolution (Darwin=Freemason) and the Big Bang Theory, which was actually invented by a Jesuit priest. If Doug keeps surrendering his will and prays for God's will, he will come to the truth of our earth as a stationary plane. I sent an email in late 2016 to Doug about the flat earth, but I must not have done a very good job. His reply was that as a pilot, he was 60,000 feet high (which I have trouble believing), and he could see the earth spinning. I wrote him a reply and when I sent to send it, I did something wrong and lost the email. It didn't go to draft - it was just gone. I was so upset because it had taken me a couple of hours to create my reply, but then God just gave me peace and made me realize that He did not want me to send my email to Doug. I told Doug, in the most polite way I could, that the Scientism priests tell us our atmosphere SPINS with the earth, so there is no way he should be able to see the earth spin at 60,000 feet because he and his plane would be traveling with the earth's spin in our atmosphere. I am going to do a lot of praying about this issue and see if God wants me to contact Doug or not, and if so, HOW I should best do so.
Isaiah 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
I live close in arecibo
***In my bible hebrews 11:3 reads "World" not "Worlds" and my bible is old version 1933.. And Hebrews 1:2 the same thing "He created the WORLD" not "worlds" And Genesis 1:1 God created HEAVEN and EARTH, Not "HEAVENS" (my bible is Finnish language and Genesis 1:1 is the same in both versions old and new translate)
Isaiah 45:12 in my Finnish translated Bible it goes like this: "I have made the Earth and created men on it; My hands spread out the HEAVEN, I have invited all its forces"
At 29:19 You mention of the glory that was with God: He share the glory with God and the other intelligent beings that were there were ANGELS.
You must have the new translated version of bible 1993-95, or something don't know.. But in the new translated bible are much false words.***
God created Heaven and Earth and all living beings on it (yes He has created everything that are in space but He never mention in the bible that He created other worlds with other beings on them.) He only speak of our planet Earth and beings on it.
Jesus died here on Earth and He died becouse of OUR sins, not for sins of any other beings on other planets And He DIED ONLY ONE TIME. If there is "aliens" they're satan and his demons.
If God made beings on other planets why doesn't He mention it in the Bible? When you read Bible you can almost sens when Jesus speak about this world and people on it that we humans are Gods only children. The way He speak about His love toward us makes me feel that we are unique to God.
So this guy believes in aliens? What the heck is going on here.. Just like Pastor Frank Marzullo said "Jesus can only be one place at one time" thats a big false as well and these falses mislead people...And im pretty confused right now..Don't really know what to think.. Watched this till 30:34 and this is how confused I am already so I see better to stop here before my head blows up***
+Teuvo Ihalainen Amen. In my polish Bible is the same. And don't be confused as it is written: "What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care of him? You made him a little lower than the angels ...and put everything under their feet" Hebr 2,6-8 I can see only 3 intelligent being here: God,angels,human (animals) No sign of aliens :) We are really very special. God bless you
37:23 Hey i know that guy! lol
How big is God since the universe is so big?? Y can't we see the angels?
SETI is just getting a fund for a next phase (in this July of 2015) for what is called Breakthrough Listen'. What a waste.
it also depends on what you call life.the meteorites that landed here on planet earth prove that there was water on mars.if there is water there is life.also they found a beautiful opal stone on mars.that amazed me even more.and again without water an opal stone can not be created by the earth.
if Jesus was in existence from eternity how is God his father? to denote Jesus as being a Son is to understand his father was before him, if not Jesus cannot be a Son. in the wording of everything being made by him it is understood this refers to all things made AFTER the creation of the Son Jesus was created.
Jesus is the Son of God or equal to God. He is the Son of God for this earth. Likewise, there are Sons of God for other worlds. 'In the Beginning' is meant for the creation of this earth only.