You don't put lights on a spy drone! This is like when Adult Swim promoted the ATHF movie by recreating a character with Lite-Brites and leaving them around the city. People panicked, thinking they were bombs. You don't try to draw attention to a bomb by having a light-up cartoon character on it. It's absurd that they were sued for a "bomb hoax", when no sensible person could interpret it that way.
Because they belong to private citizens. I fly my drone to get sunsets a couple of times a month. It's not easy for a government or police to just tell whose it is up there unless they get geo records and they're not spending the energy to do that with the FAA for consumer drones so they just say they don't know.
@@pryingeyes1551Of course you put lights on a spy drone. It looks like any other legitimate drone. It’s when you get people witnessing swarms of 6 to 50 of them that they get suspicious.
So we got an image of a black hole but not a car sized drone? Edit: Don't take this comment seriously bro. Let the world keep spinnin'. I'm just saying though.
I havent seen any proof of car sized drones. I live about a mile from the airport. I could go outside and get video of "drones" all night and people would believe it
@@Talalpro_1Things in space move around at incredible speeds but i get what you’re saying parallax sure, but I wouldn’t say 60mph or even the world record for drone speed around 300mph is fast in aviation.
Because "images" from things in outerspace are not actually photographs; they're recreations of what scientists think they might look like. For example, the colors are "artifically" added. What they do is measure, for instance, the light that distant bodies emit. With that data they calculate what chemicals are present there and what they probably look like.
I haven't watched the video and probably won't, but I expect him to say something along those lines. He also explained why water flows downhill and more nonsense.
@@ShizukuSeiji Don’t insult our intelligence. We are in the metropolitan area of NYC. What we are seeing are NOT ordinary aircraft. We see plenty of those. Besides the cross type drone I saw there were numerous other objects of some sort higher in the sky and literally in every direction you looked.
Maybe these are ancient Mayan technology , their descendants are using it to make white american pay for the massacre of native Indian and the en-slavering of Black people
This was a gaslight, they go around making fun of common people for noticing unusual patterns, and asking questions. The man didn't even give the public a dignified response, he promoted his book and made you feel stupid.
They're also the size of cars or larger. Tyson is not a very smart guy, he's a meme scientist with an honorary degree. You shouldn't take anything he says seriously.
Yeah, this is all hysteria in a test run for Trump to create mass hysteria to call for martial law and his ascendency to dictatorship in the US. And I hate to say this if you don't believe that, and you would rather believe that aliens are in NJ then you are in denial.
@@pWoLiAn Notice how when there's talk of shooting them down, the gov't says they're manned and you can't shoot them...What? They just said they don't know what they are, right? So...which is it? Does the gov't know or doesn't it? Stop lying.
Reports of spraying something and one report of shooting but not verified at this point. Well there is a video of the shooting but you know how that is these days.
First it would take humans right now to travel 1000 light years a million years to get there. If it were Aliens we would already be toast. If it's not Iran, Russia or China then it can only be one of two things. They are mapping the area and others for security using night vision for possible criminal or terrorists actions. Like Trump attempts (2 that the FBI screwed up) and do not wish to make that mistake again (Trump Golf Course in area, hmmm?) CEO murdered in NY and things like that where they can be in charge of all enemies. The other is not good that we are getting ready for war against those that oppose us. Mock attacks via drones since China and others have gone to. The President might not want to say they are practicing in the neighborhoods. Cites with a huge populations. Only put that as an option since the AFB should know all fights for dozens of miles away. They have to know what's flying around. What's coming is the scary part of it no matter what the outcome. Something is going on that for whatever reason people that work for us and in charge refuse to say.
I agree, for years I thought I was completely alone in thinking this man wasn't both honest and a real scientist. When I said anything like that people went ballistic on me, I'm glad more and more people noticed there is something wrong with Neil deGrasse Tyson. On the other hand judging by the number of likes I will feel a little alone on this.
The least important person to comment on this is Neil deGrasse Tyson. He just deflects everything and ignores the recent UAP info from David Grusch and Ryan Graves
@@CanTho2022why do you keep spamming this exact same comment everywhere? It’s a straw man fallacy. You are literally spamming a logical fallacy all through this comment feed. Congrats…..
Why are you interviewing an astrophysicists about this? I mean Neill can ofc speak his mind on this but I don't see his relevance? Seems more appropriate to talk to politicians, military officers or law makers.
Notice they showed his new book? A lot of older people write books and then go onto shows to grift them. Like how Bill O'Reilly went on FOX to grift his new book and then got mad when they asked him questions about his SA cases.
For a hobbyist to purchase a drone only to go out in the cold at night and hover or fly in circles under conditions you don't see anything is not very realistic, you can tell those who have never owned or flown a drone. And yes I do my own plumbing and it's not my career, he is very out of touch with the normal way of life of many.
Neil needs to learn about the recent sightings in Virginia over Langley which lasted for weeks. He also needs to learn about the recent "drone" sightings over US bases in the UK. It is NOT just New Jersey. The CNN host needs to be able to correct that.
No.. he doesn’t. He is the last person I’d want investigating this. He has a very closed mind and as a narcissist he just dismissed anyone who brings any new theory up with a dismissive tone. All good science starts with a hypothesis and theory. If you are closed minded it can’t proceed to observation, research and data. Theory and hypothesis are therefore PART of science but he refused to even entertain anything that hasn’t already been proven by people before him.
@ what’s funny is his whole premise behind earth not being visited by aliens is “Einstein said can’t travel that fast” and also because he thinks we’re like an ant hill. I guess considering he’s our voice we really are an ant hill.
My plumber has never lied to me. My government on the other hand lies routinely. Neil the "expert" who admits he has no answers about this is doing a bang up job of showing me why we need to trust experts over our own experiences.
@fredbyoutubing Airplanes or not, the government is saying they don't know thier origin. Either they are hiding what they know, or they don't know. I don't know which is worse.
@@Noah_AWICB Yep. Plumbers know thier stuff. Neil the expert, has no experience with these UAPs, believes these car sized drones are the start of a new normal driven by consumer electronics, but says are also cause for concern? Please. Don't forget to pick up his new book!
@@fredbyoutubing Airliners or not, the government/experts say they don't know where they are coming from. I don't know which is worse, that they could be lying again, or they actually don't know.
I've been saying he is not serious about real science for years but people just go ballistic on me. He sure is not a real science man but a repeater of many theories and he puts faith on them all.
@@profounddamas absolutely, many folks just are blinded by hes show, i always perceived him more as a showmaster or even a comedian. But boy when you say that out loud :-D you need a fast horse .-D
I had to Google "NDGT." I had no idea there was an acronym for that too. I suppose that eventually acronyms will replace every phrase in the English language
@@briantomory8399 I really don't want to get sucked into a meaningless internet exchange today, but I can't resist the urge to respond: It's not hard to decipher acronyms if you use your brain a little. This is especially true if the acronym is literally the subject of the video you just watched. Learn to adapt (or should I say LTA lol) to a world that has been and will forever be constantly changing.
@@wydidyadoit Well, the way we did it in the past, is we'd say "Neil" (formal) or "Tyson" (informal). But I suppose the acronym is the more evolved way to do it? I'll adapt if you agree to take a typing class, sound fair? Hopefully that was a meaningful internet exchange
Look at the reaction to “drones” now imagine the reaction to Alien looking ships, advanced intelligence may just have predicted this but still have a reason to be seen in some way, or not?
@@XcaliburNX what is your Point? What a brainless comment is that? Why do you think that? Because I question His approach? Your world must be really black and White. I am sorry for that. Bring in some Grey.
People should never think for themselves. We should only trust people whom the network news considers subject matter experts. They've never been wrong before.
@luzpngtuber437bro their is literally hundreds of consistent videos of the same shape same amount of coloured lights from nearly every high population country you can think of😅
I'm from Bangladesh and I've seen exactly the same kind of thing that was hovering over my city last night.. I checked on the flightradar24 app and there was no trace of that thing there either!
@@glasp-q8n yes they are in uk reported a couple weeks ago over us airbases here..they called in the sas to patrol the perimeter and brought in anti drone tech ..but since then not a peep from the media..if im correct ,the uk media does not have as much freedoms as in the us
Take away from this: Most of the "drones" you all think you are seeing are actually lawfully operated airplanes. The number of actual unidentified drones are far smaller than what the public is reporting because the public does not seem to know the difference between a drone and a commercial plane. I hope most of you take that in and stop posting videos of planes claiming they are unidentified drones..
Ha, ha, bud, this is happening in multiple US cities, orbs exiting these machines, vids of them coming out of and entering the ocean. This is happening worldwide too. Mostly began with these machines violating US airbases in the UK. Try again.
Someone I know counted almost 30 hovering around in a hour, and had video of them weaving around each other. Living less than 20 minutes from a major airport and a smaller airport not much further.....they know what they're looking at.
@@mikejezek5214 Not saying there are no drones but definitely not as many as being reported. Most of these videos are planes. Sorry if you dont have the expertise to know what a plane looks like at night.
Will Kaitlan Collins ever mention Neil's Bush and Star Names story? No. CNN is happy to accept Neil's expertise in history. That story is just one of at least five false stories Neil has used to push his narrative regarding politics and religion. I hope CNN and other establishment information outlets will clean up their act. I don't want to see the legacy media die.
This may be recent news for some but I’ve been seeing these being reported by people for about a month now, prior to the United Heath Care CEO thing happening. It’s just now hitting mainstream news.
The Amalfi Coast for sho! Pretty sure this was a joke for the less dense in the audience. He was funny and right. Why would aliens pick NJ? Think about it....Next think about why a spy ship from China or an alien ship would bother with beacon lights???? This wasn't aliens!!! Everyone knows the Romulans developed the first cloaking technology and traded it to the Klingons in exchange for warp drive technology a long ass time ago!!! Damn! Whatever these thigs are, they obviously want to be that eliminates a ton of possibilities. NDT is 100% correct, with a $trillion budget you should at least be able to figure out where the stupid things are recharging. It's just dumb, and when the "truth' comes out it will be equally dumb. If this is an alien civilization that had to travel millions of light years from their home galaxy or if it's just the latest Chinese attempt at espionage....I'm seriously disappointed.
The statement refers to drones as the "new normal," a term that has been used in the past. It then claims, "the Pentagon spends a trillion dollars and can't identify what they are," which presents a contradiction. If the Pentagon cannot identify them, then they cannot be drones.
@ All of the points mentioned are entirely valid. I was trying to highlight that short video's hypocrisy and contradictory statements. On the one hand, they claim to be discussing drones, but then they launch into a rant about aliens, which seems contradictory, especially considering the question of why aliens would choose to visit New Jersey. Furthermore, I want to emphasise the reporter's brief mention of vaccines and Tyson's statement that “drones are the new normal” before discussing vaccines. This phrase was frequently repeated during the COVID-19 pandemic. It could be just a coincidence or an example of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). However, this leads into a brief discussion about the understandable decline in people's trust in experts.
I agree, for years I thought I was completely alone in thinking this man wasn't both honest and a real scientist. When I said anything like that people went ballistic on me, I'm glad more and more people noticed there is something wrong with Neil deGrasse Tyson. On the other hand judging by the number of likes I will feel a little alone on this.
He has his research papers online. His research was only from 85-08 so he doesn’t seem to be actively conducting any research right now. You may not like the guy which is cool…sometimes he comes off as a know it all, but to say he isn’t a scientist is wrong. He’s passionate about what he does. I don’t really get why everyone shits on him so much lol.
@dbzburstl nope. I think rude people are actually some of the funniest people alive. It's not a personality conflict. Look it up. Every theory or paper has ever written has been proven wrong. His only accomplishments are the demotion of which he just voted. He believes in time travel...hes been a crackpot for most of his career. What he's good at, is regurgitating other people's talking points and remembering them with a great deal of accuracy. I dont blindly hate people. I dislike people who are actually morons that are propped up by an ever more moronic entity...aka the media.
@@ksks6802 he hasn’t really done any research that would need to be proven wrong though. It’s all established work and the last bit of work he’s done is about science communication. I haven’t seen anything of his be considered “wrong” because like I said it was all in well established bounds and nothing groundbreaking like a new discovery.
@dbzburstl on another note. I realize scientists spend 40 years cultivating a theory and be wrong. That's ok, but they're contributing in a meaningful way in other areas. Like michio kauku. Yes finding the higs boson ended his profession career...but at least he built a particle accelerator in his garage when he was little...tyson only taught at a college...some wackjob theories to boot.if tyson has actually done me...I'd be the first to sing his praises
@ his explanation’s have been criticized as they should be. He has said inaccurate information in the past. But his peer reviewed work when he was doing it wasn’t anything that would need to be proven wrong. It’s like he didn’t find a new fruit but has taste tested a fruit that was already founded. If that makes any sense 😂
Neil is brilliant but lacks common sence. Three major possible reasons to fly a UAP over N.J. 1.) New Jersey is the most densely populated state in the United States, with 1,263.2 people per square mile in 2023. 2.) World Population Review: Ranked New Jersey 2nd in the country for gun law strength in 2024. less possibility of getting shot down! 3.) N.J. is located close to the atlantic ocean making easy access to and from a mother ship or base located somewhere in the Atlantic ocean.
@@mikemcmikemcyeahok4977 LOL. Well my home is actually on 2 acres on Bluffs on Lake Michigan, Grand Haven. Guess Im good? The views are magnificent too. 😊
@@ArthurC.Stewartjust don't cut down your bluff's trees or your house will end up in the lake ;) south of you on a bluff in Covert and you can see where erosion hits hardest. It's always along the deforested areas.
If they really want to refer to actual experts, then the big mystery becomes why an 'astrophysicist' is particularly qualified to answer questions about drones.
what are the aliens looking for in New Jersey? Jersey corn, Jersey tomatoes, relaxing at the Shore, listening to Springsteen, seeing the "Trenton Makes, the World Takes" bridge. Ergo, the aliens are smart - they know where the good things are.
As someone who enjoys stargazing with my daughter, we have been very interested and engaged in the sky over the past couple years. She spotted them first and then drew my attention to them. I never felt worried by them. I just could never fully explain it away for her. And now that ita in the news media like this its really become quite a thing. But nothing beats spotting the ISS flyover. Thats still the most impressive aerial vision we seek. We just now have added a fun new aspect of our game of things to spot in the sky.
The drones are appearing all over the USA, UK, Germany, and many parts of the world. This is documented by eye-witnesses and video footage. I have personally seen these for a couple years now in CA. Some are triangular. The size of a large helicopter. Silent with lights. They are all different shapes and sizes. I suspect it's a military operation. Otherwise they would have been engaged with more tenacity.
Wouldn't an alien civilization also have a system that needs such lights when flying on their planet and wouldn't they want to avoid collision when flying on ours?
imagine they look for a dirty bomb...but arent sure where it is, NY, NJ, CA...are you gonna wait till it goes off? Nope, widespread panic and China has a field day.
Has anyone really paid attention to what ELVES look like? They're ubiquitous, right? We've all seen portrayals and the myths have gone on for centuries. Other "fairy-tale folk," too. What if they're not? What if "Santa's helpers" are more than that?! Or... maybe it's just Santa using more advanced tech than flying reindeer.
We've been lied to, Santa's "elves" are actually 600 Guatemalans who Santa keeps locked up and terrified that they will be turned over to ICE and deported if they don't keep making toys as fast as humanly possible. This is how Socialist Santa acquires all the "free" toys for white children all over the world, he's been terrorizing brown people as his slaves for hundreds of years. He need to be in jail.
there is footage, networks notoriously deny good footage so they have plausible deniability about what the facts are to get good ratings (remember they need money and no one watches them anymore), dont let the media dictate your thoughts. these are straight up lies. its a military contract to survey the land with like 5 different companies (not sure exactly the number)
@@robertroark4440 you really think the U.S. Air Force can’t shoot down some drones and just decide to give up? You’d at least see fighter jets scrambling.
Two years ago USA had not reached that level of technological capability however, Ukraine has made great advances in the past few years and so has the U.S. Speed, however, continues to be an issue!
It's literally simple things the government can do and easily find/say what they are but... they don't wanna. It's laughable joke the trillion dollar pentagon/national security can't figure out what to do. Laughable and annoyed. can find big drones made by U.S. companies that are the size of a smaller car. But they can go for like 250,000 dollars or so. Do the math. How many peeps do u know that can buy one?😂
These things are being sent out from the ocean and don't have a detectable heat signature. That's very concerning, normal drones from regular citizens aren't that advanced.
Battery-operated UAVs have squat for a heat signature. Way less than a Human. Even gas-powered RC planes have almost none. FLIR is designed for much more massive & hotter targets.
No they're not. It's mass hysteria. Nothing is really going on, the government has said they're just normal commercial drones. We need to dismiss these reports as nothing more than the mistaking of natural phenomena, and hoaxes I've seen a lot of the videos myself and they look like planes and some look like CGI or edited. Can't believe people are actually considering aliens. Aliens do not exist.
@@stepofwebThe Jersey Devils ! The aliens are hockey fans and got tired of Rangers fans bragging all the time. The gay aliens are watching the Islanders.
New Jersey, known for its diverse landscapes and rich history, holds intriguing connections to ancient corridors and cosmic knowledge. While not typically associated with ley lines like Stonehenge or the pyramids, New Jersey sits at a vital geographical crossroads. Its location near the 75th meridian west and the Atlantic coast has been a corridor for human migration and natural forces for thousands of years. The region’s original inhabitants, the Lenape people, held a deep spiritual connection to the land. They identified sacred landscapes-rivers, hills, and forests-aligned with natural cycles and celestial events, offering parallels to the concept of harmonic grids. Additionally, the Ramapo Fault Line and the ancient Appalachian Highlands add geological intrigue, while the Pinelands and coastal plains preserve ecosystems shaped over millennia. Whether through its unique geology or the indigenous understanding of Earth’s cycles, New Jersey reveals how geography intertwines with cosmic and cultural patterns. Could this point to deeper, hidden connections with the planet’s energetic grids?
New Jersey is a cultural hub. We brought the world George Clinton, the original mothership connection, as well as Thomas Edison, Rutgers grease trucks, New Brunswick punk shows, Jay and Silent Bob, The Palisades, the shore, Pine Barrens, Asbury Lanes, SZA, High Point lookout, Jockey Hollow where George Washington took a crap, QXTs nightclub, the Newark Museum, Atlantic City, WFMU, Redman, and The Great Swamp where 20,000 years ago the mighty Glacial Lake Passaic once sat. Why WOULDNT Ufos want to visit?
@prodgex....Nicely written and correct grammar. Well done.. but please explain the following: ancient corridors and cosmic knowledge, geographical crossroads, the concept of harmonic grids, cosmic and cultural patterns, the planet’s energetic grids, Without explaining these, your message is meaningless fiction (and quite deluded)
You may call it "a place that holds connections to ancient corridors and cosmic knowledge" .. Others may just call it "a geographical area that happens to be suitable for human settlement"..
I agree, for years I thought I was completely alone in thinking this man wasn't both honest and a real scientist. When I said anything like that people went ballistic on me, I'm glad more and more people noticed there is something wrong with Neil deGrasse Tyson. On the other hand judging by the number of likes I will feel a little alone on this.
You would think these news stations would actually send out a camera crew to get footage, instead of relying on people to send in smart phone videos.
That requires journalism
So you want someone standing out staring at a sky for hours on end? lol FOH
They did. CNN said last night they have cameras set up
There would be no greater waste of time and money than sending out camera crews out looking for drones.
US Intelligence: "The drones have no ties to foreign adversaries"
Also US Intelligence: "We have no idea who these belong to"
You don't put lights on a spy drone! This is like when Adult Swim promoted the ATHF movie by recreating a character with Lite-Brites and leaving them around the city. People panicked, thinking they were bombs. You don't try to draw attention to a bomb by having a light-up cartoon character on it. It's absurd that they were sued for a "bomb hoax", when no sensible person could interpret it that way.
also US Intelligence: it’s definitely from Iran
Because they belong to private citizens. I fly my drone to get sunsets a couple of times a month. It's not easy for a government or police to just tell whose it is up there unless they get geo records and they're not spending the energy to do that with the FAA for consumer drones so they just say they don't know.
@@pryingeyes1551Of course you put lights on a spy drone. It looks like any other legitimate drone. It’s when you get people witnessing swarms of 6 to 50 of them that they get suspicious.
So we got an image of a black hole but not a car sized drone?
Edit: Don't take this comment seriously bro. Let the world keep spinnin'. I'm just saying though.
U do realize these drones fly fast….
Black holes and things in space do not move much..
A black a-hole.
I havent seen any proof of car sized drones. I live about a mile from the airport. I could go outside and get video of "drones" all night and people would believe it
@@Talalpro_1Things in space move around at incredible speeds but i get what you’re saying parallax sure, but I wouldn’t say 60mph or even the world record for drone speed around 300mph is fast in aviation.
Because "images" from things in outerspace are not actually photographs; they're recreations of what scientists think they might look like. For example, the colors are "artifically" added. What they do is measure, for instance, the light that distant bodies emit. With that data they calculate what chemicals are present there and what they probably look like.
Dismissing an unknown with assumptions is THE most anti-scientific thing one can do.
Is the Neil methodology
That's what NDT does. And I find it reallllllly annoying because I really used to like this guy at first.
@@Shubhankar_1906 Same; I also used to like him, until I identified this pattern.
He’s not a scientist. He’s a science communicator. He’s a glorified teacher.
All I took away from this video is taxes are high in Jersey and Tyson has a new book coming out
Tyson couldn’t identify the difference between a MAN & a WOMAN….😂😂😂 getting opinions from a turnip is a new LOW for CNN 😂😂😂
Take a course in embryology and fetal development, or endocrinology.
Well Neil did also say that New Jersey is a shithole
He’s an astrophysicist. He has enough brains to discern gender.
this guys a jerk..
Why are they interviewing an astrophysicist about drones?
google "Astrophysicists"...easy answer
He's b lac ONLY REASON
yeah they should be interviewing trump
To help him sell his new book.
@@pWoLiAnLmmfao. They need to be interviewing Dr Oz😂
Someone should explain to Neal, it is not just happening in New Jersey.
is like in the 50 hysteria when you saw ufos all over , even in the bedroom
the problem is no one can explain anything to Neal, he doesn't want to hear it. not very scientific.
Anyone can legally fly a drone with few exceptions. What's all the fuss about?
Right, but they are also flying over restricted areas too. That’s the problem they should have already taken care of.
@@falsemcnuggethopepeople don’t want to hear it or research it!
"From what I understand, people are seeing drones." ~ Neil DeGrasse Tyson
I haven't watched the video and probably won't, but I expect him to say something along those lines.
He also explained why water flows downhill and more nonsense.
Yes we are seeing drones in NJ. Saw one from my back porch.
Ppl are seeing ordinary aircraft
@@ShizukuSeiji weak trolling, step your game up
@@ShizukuSeiji Don’t insult our intelligence. We are in the metropolitan area of NYC. What we are seeing are NOT ordinary aircraft. We see plenty of those. Besides the cross type drone I saw there were numerous other objects of some sort higher in the sky and literally in every direction you looked.
as a gen X -er, I missed the days when crop circles was the big mysteries to talk about
'90s aliens only crop circled beleaguered family farms, and the corpos bought all those up
This is crop circles on steroids with the ignorant politicians and media....
@@al28854 I miss grammar. Perhaps you missed grammar.
You didn't miss anything.
@@TheJonnyzeusu dont know how to read i guess
America, if you're talking about this you're not talking about healthcare.
hahahaha true
My kid works on the west coast 3 weeks a month, he is going to be in Hawaii this January. I can go just for the plane ticket. I'm 65. Need input.
My suspicion as well. I haven’t forgotten about healthcare
Aliens coming to offer real universal health care?
This started weeks before the murder. And it is global.
*BREAKING! THIS JUST IN: Aliens confirm no intelligent life exists on earth*
Just the aliens sitting around pissing themselves laughing watching the humans chase around after a laser pointer.
First good laugh on all this malarkey
We are the ghetto of the galaxy
Nah, they just landed on the West coast.
A trillion dollar military budget, and no one thinks of taking a helicopter up to have a look.
According to Neil, drones the size of cars are "available everywhere." These people are totally uninformed.
Seriously. Even those big agriculture drones are like $30k. Not everyone has one handy.
Maybe these are ancient Mayan technology , their descendants are using it to make white american pay for the massacre of native Indian and the en-slavering of Black people
This was a gaslight, they go around making fun of common people for noticing unusual patterns, and asking questions. The man didn't even give the public a dignified response, he promoted his book and made you feel stupid.
Get this doofus of air jeeez
Neil is a moron. Garry Nolan said it best, he's a tv personality. Stop listening to people like him.
“Drones are available to everyone.”
Not ones that can stay aloft for 6-7hrs and travel 15 miles.
I’m glad this expert knows all the facts. Unless of course he thinks these people are so dumb that he discounts everything they say
@ don’t question the expert😂
They're also the size of cars or larger. Tyson is not a very smart guy, he's a meme scientist with an honorary degree. You shouldn't take anything he says seriously.
@ he also has a phd in astrophysics.
How do you know they stay aloft for 7 hours and travel 15 miles?
Shiny lights so we don't talk about healthcare or billionaires. Thanks media.
Or that Israel will be taking Syria
believe it or not news agencies can report multiple stories at the same time.
Tengo hambre..cada loco con su temA😂
Yeah, this is all hysteria in a test run for Trump to create mass hysteria to call for martial law and his ascendency to dictatorship in the US. And I hate to say this if you don't believe that, and you would rather believe that aliens are in NJ then you are in denial.
"Nobody is getting answers on where all these unidentified cars are driving."
Thats the only thing they need to work on. Who TF does this? 'We dont see themk take off, we dont see them land"
CNN reporting still sucks.
Don't worry. Trump will control all fo the media in a couple of years and all your dreams will come true.
Then why are you watching? I'm not asking to be rude. I just wonder why you would be watching CNN if it sucks.
These stooges are laughing this off...this means it's our gov't doing something nefarious.
iTs a cOnSpIrAcY gUyS
@@pWoLiAn Notice how when there's talk of shooting them down, the gov't says they're manned and you can't shoot them...What? They just said they don't know what they are, right? So...which is it? Does the gov't know or doesn't it? Stop lying.
Iike double dipping the salsa dip
@@LoneWolfClan don't double dip the chip!
How do we know they aren't a threat if they don't know what they are?
Translation: Our government is MORE of a threat
Because there aren't any.
They know what they are and where they are going as well as their purpose.
@@nandib570 Sure they know where these airplanes and helicopters are going :)
Guy I live in this area and have seen them. @jendabekCZ
I like how everyone seems to think aliens are out here using drones
@@vaccumsealed think of them as probes
If they don’t know what they are, then how do they even know they are drones?
Who said they're all drones? The same people who said the jab is 100% safe and effective 🤣🤣
The Government is using the drones to look at the orbs that are flying around to try and collect data that a satellite cant get
This is not à drones. Broo
They aren’t just showing up in Jersey. They are showing up all over the world.
Not really
@@shi117 Yeah, worldwide. Get up to speed with the rest of the class.
Nothing in France...
Nothing in Southern California, skies are clear
They are surveying something, they are not just hovering around for nothing.
dropping mystery packages to activate later
Reports of spraying something and one report of shooting but not verified at this point. Well there is a video of the shooting but you know how that is these days.
Or spreading something
Or spreading something 🤔 🙄 😕
@@therealone513 Guys, you're being ridiculous. Will you be happy when someone gets hurt because of a completely manufactured panic?
love it that aliens fly millions of light years to come to earth and still feel the the need to put their navigation lights on
They live in the ocean
they were never from far away, they are from beneath the ocean
It's the cops. Drones are cheaper than choppers.
First it would take humans right now to travel 1000 light years a million years to get there. If it were Aliens we would already be toast. If it's not Iran, Russia or China then it can only be one of two things. They are mapping the area and others for security using night vision for possible criminal or terrorists actions. Like Trump attempts (2 that the FBI screwed up) and do not wish to make that mistake again (Trump Golf Course in area, hmmm?) CEO murdered in NY and things like that where they can be in charge of all enemies. The other is not good that we are getting ready for war against those that oppose us. Mock attacks via drones since China and others have gone to. The President might not want to say they are practicing in the neighborhoods. Cites with a huge populations. Only put that as an option since the AFB should know all fights for dozens of miles away. They have to know what's flying around. What's coming is the scary part of it no matter what the outcome. Something is going on that for whatever reason people that work for us and in charge refuse to say.
What a chuckle. These two are having a blast.
I agree, for years I thought I was completely alone in thinking this man wasn't both honest and a real scientist. When I said anything like that people went ballistic on me, I'm glad more and more people noticed there is something wrong with Neil deGrasse Tyson. On the other hand judging by the number of likes I will feel a little alone on this.
The least important person to comment on this is Neil deGrasse Tyson. He just deflects everything and ignores the recent UAP info from David Grusch and Ryan Graves
Was he asked about it?
Because those guys are lying out their ass
Tyson couldn’t identify the difference between a MAN & a WOMAN….😂😂😂 getting opinions from a turnip is a new LOW for CNN 😂😂😂
@@CanTho2022why do you keep spamming this exact same comment everywhere?
It’s a straw man fallacy.
You are literally spamming a logical fallacy all through this comment feed.
Why are you interviewing an astrophysicists about this? I mean Neill can ofc speak his mind on this but I don't see his relevance? Seems more appropriate to talk to politicians, military officers or law makers.
They are trying to sell something to the general public. It's just the start of it.
Or electric flying car manufacturers.
Because he's a sensible person that the world needs in the middle of endless media stunts.
@@ecamp6360 there are those out there already. I believe Honda has one.
I sure as hell hope aliens 👽 have better technology than drones!!!!
Some look like orbs, not drones.
Me waiting for a random UA-cam posting video titled :
I pranked people in believing that aliens visited New Jersey
Isn't New Jersey where the aliens showed up in War of the Worlds?
Yes, Grovers Mill, New Jersey. 👍
Tom Cruise filmed that alien 👽 movie in the iron bound section of Newark
Not the book. In the book it was England. :)
Some of it was actually filmed in Bayonne, NJ.
Why is this guy even relevant
Tyson couldn’t identify the difference between a MAN & a WOMAN….😂😂😂 getting opinions from a turnip is a new LOW for CNN 😂😂😂
Jealous much
he know more than you thats for sure
Notice they showed his new book? A lot of older people write books and then go onto shows to grift them. Like how Bill O'Reilly went on FOX to grift his new book and then got mad when they asked him questions about his SA cases.
@@anettedesire8824no just stating the obvious. This dudes a clown 🤡
CNN and Tyson what a match.
Both owned by the same Master
For a hobbyist to purchase a drone only to go out in the cold at night and hover or fly in circles under conditions you don't see anything is not very realistic, you can tell those who have never owned or flown a drone. And yes I do my own plumbing and it's not my career, he is very out of touch with the normal way of life of many.
With all due respect to Neil, it's not just New Jersey. It's the whole Earth. 🌎🌍
it started to happen here where i live. i live in the middle of the amazon rain forest.
He deserves respect at this point!?! . I respectfully disagree.
@@joaofreitas6185 you have internet service in the middle of the Amazon forest?
Not its the US the only country that exist on Planet Earth 🤦♂️ so theres nothing south of the global map and east and north??
@sofakingkewel technology... doesn't just exist in cities. You ever heard of satellites? 😂
Two questions
1: How did they get Neil Tyson to go so long without reminding everyone how famous he is?
2: When TF did he become a drone expert?
Well, he has a habit of droning on for hours, so...
@ I wonder if he ever got his new law passed that says only Harvard alumni can wear clothing that has Harvard written on it…
@@Holocaustica- That’s ridiculous !!!
Especially in a capitalist country !!!
Meaning they are not gonna give up all that money 💰
Neil needs to learn about the recent sightings in Virginia over Langley which lasted for weeks. He also needs to learn about the recent "drone" sightings over US bases in the UK. It is NOT just New Jersey. The CNN host needs to be able to correct that.
Neil pushes whatever they tell him too. He doesn’t think for himself
They're here in northern Colorado... Have been for a while.
They are moving nukes... they usually do moves like this during the night, and now just using drones to patrol for it.
No.. he doesn’t. He is the last person I’d want investigating this. He has a very closed mind and as a narcissist he just dismissed anyone who brings any new theory up with a dismissive tone.
All good science starts with a hypothesis and theory. If you are closed minded it can’t proceed to observation, research and data.
Theory and hypothesis are therefore PART of science but he refused to even entertain anything that hasn’t already been proven by people before him.
@ what’s funny is his whole premise behind earth not being visited by aliens is “Einstein said can’t travel that fast” and also because he thinks we’re like an ant hill. I guess considering he’s our voice we really are an ant hill.
Scary how nobody knows what’s in the sky not good or safe for US 💯🤟🏾
My plumber has never lied to me. My government on the other hand lies routinely. Neil the "expert" who admits he has no answers about this is doing a bang up job of showing me why we need to trust experts over our own experiences.
Your own experience is looking at poor quality videos of airliners with people freaking out like it's the first they have ever seen...
Experts are significantly more reliable than your experience.
@fredbyoutubing Airplanes or not, the government is saying they don't know thier origin. Either they are hiding what they know, or they don't know. I don't know which is worse.
@@Noah_AWICB Yep. Plumbers know thier stuff. Neil the expert, has no experience with these UAPs, believes these car sized drones are the start of a new normal driven by consumer electronics, but says are also cause for concern? Please. Don't forget to pick up his new book!
@@fredbyoutubing Airliners or not, the government/experts say they don't know where they are coming from. I don't know which is worse, that they could be lying again, or they actually don't know.
Why would they ask an astrophysicist about this?
have no Idea bro. I just heard a lot of bullshit though
Trust the Monkey Man Science
He servers an agenda
I'm very disappointed with this coverage by CNN. Tyson is not a relevant and informed individual to interview on this topic, and CNN knows better.
that guy is just some TV celeb clown, and CNN is crap either, so what you expect
that you don't know how to spell or write out your thoughts or a complete sentence/question
I've been saying he is not serious about real science for years but people just go ballistic on me. He sure is not a real science man but a repeater of many theories and he puts faith on them all.
@@profounddamas absolutely, many folks just are blinded by hes show, i always perceived him more as a showmaster or even a comedian. But boy when you say that out loud :-D you need a fast horse .-D
MMD -- Military Manned Drone.
Ah! Nothing comforts quite like a smug rant by NDGT.
I had to Google "NDGT." I had no idea there was an acronym for that too. I suppose that eventually acronyms will replace every phrase in the English language
@@briantomory8399 I really don't want to get sucked into a meaningless internet exchange today, but I can't resist the urge to respond: It's not hard to decipher acronyms if you use your brain a little. This is especially true if the acronym is literally the subject of the video you just watched. Learn to adapt (or should I say LTA lol) to a world that has been and will forever be constantly changing.
@@wydidyadoit Well, the way we did it in the past, is we'd say "Neil" (formal) or "Tyson" (informal). But I suppose the acronym is the more evolved way to do it? I'll adapt if you agree to take a typing class, sound fair? Hopefully that was a meaningful internet exchange
Please, God, let it be aliens 😅😅
Yes aliens naturally traverse light-years through space, but attach propellers to hover over New Jersey 🤦♂️
@@leok7193 Propellers were seen? I didn't hear any mention of that. Who saw propellers if I may ask?
Could be a warning! The aliens are saying no to nuclear war
Look at the reaction to “drones” now imagine the reaction to Alien looking ships, advanced intelligence may just have predicted this but still have a reason to be seen in some way, or not?
Hel yeah! I hope lol
Neil, they are not just in New Jersey. They are being seen everywhere. What a ridiculous comment to make.
Where else?
@@Flandish Still not convinced ? Just search this video here: Aircraft radio traffic reporting UFOs over Oregon coast
He is the typical liberal.
but this guy was saying all the opposite last year
They are not only in NJ! They are almost in 1/2 of the upper east coast... I can't believe he is talking without being properly informed.
That is all that clown does!!!
Source? Fox News?
He’s government paid shill
That's what this guy does.
Would expect anything different on CNN
Dude...seriously?? That's your approach? Come on...
Seriously. The least intelligent take I’ve heard.
What a stupid, worthless comment. Offers NOTHING informative. Just an egotistical "dude...."
He's so far up his own ass the common people do not deserve a dignified response, he gaslit us and promoted a book.
lol.. you believe in little green men are here? woo woo!
@@XcaliburNX what is your Point? What a brainless comment is that? Why do you think that? Because I question His approach? Your world must be really black and White. I am sorry for that. Bring in some Grey.
People should never think for themselves. We should only trust people whom the network news considers subject matter experts. They've never been wrong before.
Yeah we trusted 'experts' during Covid and only discovered they were either dead wrong, or completely corrupt.
prove to me that these drones are car sized, because I see nothing that implies that.
He always has an opinion when his books come out.
Sure, but there is a lot of folks here with an opinion, and I suspect many of them hardly read at all. Watching Fox news is not reading or research.
What's the last book you read?
@ of his or in general?
It's not only NJ. It's worldwide. They are trying to minimize it through the media sticking to one location.
What? I’m sure you’ve seen something in the sky before, that’s normal, you’re going to have to give evidence for the claim
@luzpngtuber437bro their is literally hundreds of consistent videos of the same shape same amount of coloured lights from nearly every high population country you can think of😅
@@jacoblyon3652 its project blue beam, the globalists are staging an "alien invasion" to unite the world into a global government
@@jacoblyon3652 nothing in france
@luzpngtuber437 huge drones flying around cape town South Africa at 3:30 in the morning yesterday.
Ain't no plumber gunna fix this leak.
Mayabe we shoulda calla de Mario.
I would call Tyson to unclog my toilet.
maybe they woke up and felt 80% alien, 20% human so they stuck on their big eyes, grey makeup and jumped in a drone instead of a space ship😂🤦♂️
How about getting a more powerful camera to zoom right in. FFS people, mobile phones only zoom so far.
There are posted on X
Or fly their own drone to go see what it is
Supposedly people have tried but the batteries die. Who knows, we live in Crazy Town
Amazon doesn't deliver that fast unless those drones work for Amazon
Is there not a photo-journalist to be found in New Jersey?
I thought they were being seen all over the world?
Haven't heard of this in the UK. Maybe a good old mass hysteria thing?
Are they not? A lot of people on these comments are suggesting they are being seen in Africa, across Europe, and other states like Oregon.
They are starting to show up on the west coat of USA and in the UK now.
I'm from Bangladesh and I've seen exactly the same kind of thing that was hovering over my city last night.. I checked on the flightradar24 app and there was no trace of that thing there either!
@@glasp-q8n yes they are in uk reported a couple weeks ago over us airbases here..they called in the sas to patrol the perimeter and brought in anti drone tech ..but since then not a peep from the media..if im correct ,the uk media does not have as much freedoms as in the us
Okay it’s not just New Jersey anymore.
Neil is like a person that give me comfort in life ; I enjoy him so much but I was disappointed in his take.. it’s like he wanted no smoke
Take away from this: Most of the "drones" you all think you are seeing are actually lawfully operated airplanes. The number of actual unidentified drones are far smaller than what the public is reporting because the public does not seem to know the difference between a drone and a commercial plane. I hope most of you take that in and stop posting videos of planes claiming they are unidentified drones..
Ha, ha, bud, this is happening in multiple US cities, orbs exiting these machines, vids of them coming out of and entering the ocean. This is happening worldwide too. Mostly began with these machines violating US airbases in the UK. Try again.
Venus is spectacular this past week. Easy to make a mistake.
Someone I know counted almost 30 hovering around in a hour, and had video of them weaving around each other. Living less than 20 minutes from a major airport and a smaller airport not much further.....they know what they're looking at.
@@wedp112 Someone I know is the story of the drones. get that video posted
@@mikejezek5214 Not saying there are no drones but definitely not as many as being reported. Most of these videos are planes. Sorry if you dont have the expertise to know what a plane looks like at night.
Maybe the aliens watch Jersey Shore 👽
@@rosko4745 Could be. The sheriff of Ocean County NJ watched 50 drones come off the ocean.
New song.
Did he just say not to do your own research, and used plumbing as a comparison?? This guys tool,and thats why they LOVE him
He sure did!
I'll paraphrase:
"Doing your own research, can be lethal. So, trust the experts and don't question them."
Will Kaitlan Collins ever mention Neil's Bush and Star Names story? No. CNN is happy to accept Neil's expertise in history.
That story is just one of at least five false stories Neil has used to push his narrative regarding politics and religion.
I hope CNN and other establishment information outlets will clean up their act. I don't want to see the legacy media die.
Why u softies so triggered?
They're trying to find out where the smell is coming from
It comes from Uranus.
@Shadow__133 funny shit
It's the cow flatulence changing the weather.
I think it’s our own. It’s how they deflect before this health care incident escalates.
This may be recent news for some but I’ve been seeing these being reported by people for about a month now, prior to the United Heath Care CEO thing happening. It’s just now hitting mainstream news.
in indonesia someone said in 2025 we will be introduced to alien as a normal situation😂
And where would be a good location for aliens to show up Neil????
He's a mouthpiece for the deep state. If you fall for it your a moron.
The Great Pyramid of Giza would be pretty good.
Jefferson Park neighborhood here in Chicago. It's so boring in this neighborhood, we need some entertainment!
The Amalfi Coast for sho! Pretty sure this was a joke for the less dense in the audience. He was funny and right. Why would aliens pick NJ? Think about it....Next think about why a spy ship from China or an alien ship would bother with beacon lights???? This wasn't aliens!!! Everyone knows the Romulans developed the first cloaking technology and traded it to the Klingons in exchange for warp drive technology a long ass time ago!!! Damn! Whatever these thigs are, they obviously want to be that eliminates a ton of possibilities. NDT is 100% correct, with a $trillion budget you should at least be able to figure out where the stupid things are recharging. It's just dumb, and when the "truth' comes out it will be equally dumb. If this is an alien civilization that had to travel millions of light years from their home galaxy or if it's just the latest Chinese attempt at espionage....I'm seriously disappointed.
The statement refers to drones as the "new normal," a term that has been used in the past. It then claims, "the Pentagon spends a trillion dollars and can't identify what they are," which presents a contradiction. If the Pentagon cannot identify them, then they cannot be drones.
Maybe Pentagon is not interested in identifying that, OR they know what they are but will not tell you.
If the government is known for anything. It's being transparent. /s
@@pawelzielinski1398 ...IMO they know
@ All of the points mentioned are entirely valid. I was trying to highlight that short video's hypocrisy and contradictory statements. On the one hand, they claim to be discussing drones, but then they launch into a rant about aliens, which seems contradictory, especially considering the question of why aliens would choose to visit New Jersey.
Furthermore, I want to emphasise the reporter's brief mention of vaccines and Tyson's statement that “drones are the new normal” before discussing vaccines. This phrase was frequently repeated during the COVID-19 pandemic. It could be just a coincidence or an example of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). However, this leads into a brief discussion about the understandable decline in people's trust in experts.
@ 😆
Tired of media always going with this guy
He has a calming effect because he is a science guy and a space guy so what he says must be right
I agree, for years I thought I was completely alone in thinking this man wasn't both honest and a real scientist. When I said anything like that people went ballistic on me, I'm glad more and more people noticed there is something wrong with Neil deGrasse Tyson. On the other hand judging by the number of likes I will feel a little alone on this.
Old media is just so strange to watch now.
Confirmed, Neil Degrasse Tyson doesn’t have high regard for the people of New Jersey 😬
It's literally a joke. Are you from jersey? You don't have to get offended for us.
He grew up 10 miles From NJ .
News flash, tyson isnt a scientist. He's a science writer. And hasn't contributed one thing to the scientific community
He has his research papers online. His research was only from 85-08 so he doesn’t seem to be actively conducting any research right now. You may not like the guy which is cool…sometimes he comes off as a know it all, but to say he isn’t a scientist is wrong. He’s passionate about what he does. I don’t really get why everyone shits on him so much lol.
@dbzburstl nope. I think rude people are actually some of the funniest people alive. It's not a personality conflict. Look it up. Every theory or paper has ever written has been proven wrong. His only accomplishments are the demotion of which he just voted. He believes in time travel...hes been a crackpot for most of his career. What he's good at, is regurgitating other people's talking points and remembering them with a great deal of accuracy. I dont blindly hate people. I dislike people who are actually morons that are propped up by an ever more moronic entity...aka the media.
@@ksks6802 he hasn’t really done any research that would need to be proven wrong though. It’s all established work and the last bit of work he’s done is about science communication. I haven’t seen anything of his be considered “wrong” because like I said it was all in well established bounds and nothing groundbreaking like a new discovery.
@dbzburstl on another note. I realize scientists spend 40 years cultivating a theory and be wrong. That's ok, but they're contributing in a meaningful way in other areas. Like michio kauku. Yes finding the higs boson ended his profession career...but at least he built a particle accelerator in his garage when he was little...tyson only taught at a college...some wackjob theories to boot.if tyson has actually done me...I'd be the first to sing his praises
@ his explanation’s have been criticized as they should be. He has said inaccurate information in the past. But his peer reviewed work when he was doing it wasn’t anything that would need to be proven wrong. It’s like he didn’t find a new fruit but has taste tested a fruit that was already founded. If that makes any sense 😂
Neil is brilliant but lacks common sence. Three major possible reasons to fly a UAP over N.J. 1.) New Jersey is the most densely populated state in the United States, with 1,263.2 people per square mile in 2023. 2.)
World Population Review: Ranked New Jersey 2nd in the country for gun law strength in 2024. less possibility of getting shot down! 3.) N.J. is located close to the atlantic ocean making easy access to and from a mother ship or base located somewhere in the Atlantic ocean.
Neil is brilliant at hype and self promotion.
He sucks at math, medicine, biology, history, even at physics and astronomy.
It was a joke
and he's not brilliant either..LOL
@justaguy-69 i was trying to be nice! 🤣🤣🤣
I gotta see this mother ship. This story just gets funnier and funnier. lol
Why is no one talking about Godzilla? Not one person has mentioned it. Am I the only person alive that thinks that's utterly insane?
This guy's face just drips arrogance. Ugh.
Maybe because he finds it laughable, which it is. Neil is absolutely right, there's nothing even going on. Little green men? lol
@@XcaliburNX it drips no matter what he discusses.
It drips with excess fat.
If you ever encounter a Neil Tyson, it’s important to remember two things.
• He met Carl Sagan once.
• He’s very, very famous.
@@shepherd2346 de GRASSE after all lol
If there's a problem with the plumbing in my house, yes, I fix it myself.
Well, some can,lol. I built my own house. Structure to Electrical. But plumbing ? I leave to a Licensed plumber.😅
@@ArthurC.Stewartcrap floats on water, water runs downhill.
@@mikemcmikemcyeahok4977 LOL. Well my home is actually on 2 acres on Bluffs on Lake Michigan, Grand Haven. Guess Im good? The views are magnificent too. 😊
@@ArthurC.Stewartjust don't cut down your bluff's trees or your house will end up in the lake ;) south of you on a bluff in Covert and you can see where erosion hits hardest. It's always along the deforested areas.
What if you got Cancer - would you treat it yourself or go to an expert?
If they really want to refer to actual experts, then the big mystery becomes why an 'astrophysicist' is particularly qualified to answer questions about drones.
Behold, Elon's Public Surveillance prototypes.
That was a good one!
New Jersey caught a stray insult 😂
When have we not? Lol we don't care
what are the aliens looking for in New Jersey? Jersey corn, Jersey tomatoes, relaxing at the Shore, listening to Springsteen, seeing the "Trenton Makes, the World Takes" bridge. Ergo, the aliens are smart - they know where the good things are.
Intelligent life, but they didn't find it
I saw them in PA
I think Ohio and New Jersey should form an alliance. After all we're both hated by that pothole other Hudson Noo Yawk Siddy.
As someone who enjoys stargazing with my daughter, we have been very interested and engaged in the sky over the past couple years. She spotted them first and then drew my attention to them. I never felt worried by them. I just could never fully explain it away for her. And now that ita in the news media like this its really become quite a thing. But nothing beats spotting the ISS flyover. Thats still the most impressive aerial vision we seek. We just now have added a fun new aspect of our game of things to spot in the sky.
The drones are appearing all over the USA, UK, Germany, and many parts of the world. This is documented by eye-witnesses and video footage. I have personally seen these for a couple years now in CA. Some are triangular. The size of a large helicopter. Silent with lights. They are all different shapes and sizes. I suspect it's a military operation. Otherwise they would have been engaged with more tenacity.
Or if it was aliens they wouldn't be able to shit about it either......
Aliens with FAA required lights? Iranian aircraft carrier-mother ship ? Really 😂
That Iranian mothership BS took me aback, last night. I was *_not_* expecting that one.😂😂
Wouldn't an alien civilization also have a system that needs such lights when flying on their planet and wouldn't they want to avoid collision when flying on ours?
The lights have different patterns not known to the faa
Lights are the dumbest argument people use to disprove alien theory.. Maybe they purposely wanted to copy humans
would an advanced alien race use propellers ?
Wow they will never tell us if it's something serious that threatens the lives of Americans
imagine they look for a dirty bomb...but arent sure where it is, NY, NJ, CA...are you gonna wait till it goes off? Nope, widespread panic and China has a field day.
Why are these people freaking out now when there have been thousands of drones and planes flying around for years? Just forget about it.
He acts so jolly like those weathermen with doplar radar images of Santa.
LMAO, spot on.
Excellent observation. Why do all these people have the giggles?
Has anyone really paid attention to what ELVES look like? They're ubiquitous, right? We've all seen portrayals and the myths have gone on for centuries. Other "fairy-tale folk," too. What if they're not? What if "Santa's helpers" are more than that?! Or... maybe it's just Santa using more advanced tech than flying reindeer.
We've been lied to, Santa's "elves" are actually 600 Guatemalans who Santa keeps locked up and terrified that they will be turned over to ICE and deported if they don't keep making toys as fast as humanly possible. This is how Socialist Santa acquires all the "free" toys for white children all over the world, he's been terrorizing brown people as his slaves for hundreds of years. He need to be in jail.
They keep showing these stupid pictures of lights in the sky ..Someone please get a cemera with a zoom lens and get closeups ..cmon.
there is footage, networks notoriously deny good footage so they have plausible deniability about what the facts are to get good ratings (remember they need money and no one watches them anymore), dont let the media dictate your thoughts. these are straight up lies. its a military contract to survey the land with like 5 different companies (not sure exactly the number)
Supersonic drones that mystify pilots, stop on a dime, and evade radar. The new normal. [Neil deGrass].
It's likely that they tried to shoot the drones down and were unable to do so.
@@robertroark4440 you really think the U.S. Air Force can’t shoot down some drones and just decide to give up? You’d at least see fighter jets scrambling.
Two years ago USA had not reached that level of technological capability however, Ukraine has made great advances in the past few years and so has the U.S. Speed, however, continues to be an issue!
I don’t think Neil appreciates how many people actually try to fix their own plumbing. Lol
It's literally simple things the government can do and easily find/say what they are but... they don't wanna. It's laughable joke the trillion dollar pentagon/national security can't figure out what to do. Laughable and annoyed.
If they are not foreign drones then who in America is mass producing these? That should be easy enough to find out.
they are not drones. They are ufos. They have been told to call them drones. can find big drones made by U.S. companies that are the size of a smaller car. But they can go for like 250,000 dollars or so. Do the math. How many peeps do u know that can buy one?😂
@@brianmucha6426 Well- Elon Musk could probably afford quite a few.
@@charlesbillante7388 Elon is not gonna violate US airbases in the UK, Europe and in multiple US cities.
@mikejezek5214 how would you know that for certain.
These things are being sent out from the ocean and don't have a detectable heat signature. That's very concerning, normal drones from regular citizens aren't that advanced.
Battery-operated UAVs have squat for a heat signature. Way less than a Human. Even gas-powered RC planes have almost none. FLIR is designed for much more massive & hotter targets.
These Drones are World Wide!👽👾🤖
I haven't seen any...
Nothing here I’m in Europe
No they're not. It's mass hysteria. Nothing is really going on, the government has said they're just normal commercial drones. We need to dismiss these reports as nothing more than the mistaking of natural phenomena, and hoaxes I've seen a lot of the videos myself and they look like planes and some look like CGI or edited. Can't believe people are actually considering aliens. Aliens do not exist.
" Mr. President, we cannot allow... a flying drone gap!" " Thank you General" Dr. Strangelove what are your thoughts on this?"
Ok ok you are the smartest human ever
Neil is stupid when he says that there is no reason why their over jersy, he should do his homework and find out just what is in jersy first.
Well... what is in Jersey?
Your mom 😉
But, sure, Neil is the stupid one
@@stepofwebThe Jersey Devils ! The aliens are hockey fans and got tired of Rangers fans bragging all the time. The gay aliens are watching the Islanders.
@@stepofweb Thats CLASSIFIED.
New Jersey, known for its diverse landscapes and rich history, holds intriguing connections to ancient corridors and cosmic knowledge. While not typically associated with ley lines like Stonehenge or the pyramids, New Jersey sits at a vital geographical crossroads. Its location near the 75th meridian west and the Atlantic coast has been a corridor for human migration and natural forces for thousands of years.
The region’s original inhabitants, the Lenape people, held a deep spiritual connection to the land. They identified sacred landscapes-rivers, hills, and forests-aligned with natural cycles and celestial events, offering parallels to the concept of harmonic grids. Additionally, the Ramapo Fault Line and the ancient Appalachian Highlands add geological intrigue, while the Pinelands and coastal plains preserve ecosystems shaped over millennia.
Whether through its unique geology or the indigenous understanding of Earth’s cycles, New Jersey reveals how geography intertwines with cosmic and cultural patterns. Could this point to deeper, hidden connections with the planet’s energetic grids?
Or the aliens are searching for Jimmy Hoffa.
New Jersey is a cultural hub. We brought the world George Clinton, the original mothership connection, as well as Thomas Edison, Rutgers grease trucks, New Brunswick punk shows, Jay and Silent Bob, The Palisades, the shore, Pine Barrens, Asbury Lanes, SZA, High Point lookout, Jockey Hollow where George Washington took a crap, QXTs nightclub, the Newark Museum, Atlantic City, WFMU, Redman, and The Great Swamp where 20,000 years ago the mighty Glacial Lake Passaic once sat. Why WOULDNT Ufos want to visit?
What did you type into chatgpt to get it to spit this out?
@prodgex....Nicely written and correct grammar. Well done.. but please explain the following:
ancient corridors and cosmic knowledge,
geographical crossroads,
the concept of harmonic grids,
cosmic and cultural patterns,
the planet’s energetic grids,
Without explaining these, your message is meaningless fiction (and quite deluded)
You may call it "a place that holds connections to ancient corridors and cosmic knowledge" .. Others may just call it "a geographical area that happens to be suitable for human settlement"..
The fact that people are just noticing drones flying around is astonishing! Pay attention people!!
"New normal " Ah I've heard that one before.
Comment section proves that legacy media has been called out and we don't believe their lies anymore. 😂😅
Neil deGrasse Tyson no expert......
I agree, for years I thought I was completely alone in thinking this man wasn't both honest and a real scientist. When I said anything like that people went ballistic on me, I'm glad more and more people noticed there is something wrong with Neil deGrasse Tyson. On the other hand judging by the number of likes I will feel a little alone on this.
It’s called obfuscation. These are literal shiny things that the government would like us to focus on.
Not even a theory? Thanks Neil. 🤦♀️
he been out of touch since he became woke
Giving an answer without data is not a theory, it's a guess.
@@xbubblehead you can always give a hyphotesis with some evidence...
@@stringsandhamers As of now, it's lights in the sky that could be so many things that it would be foolish to propose an answer.
@@xbubblehead no body said an "answer" i said hypothesis... a starting point to study anything in the scientific method.
Um... they're not just in New Jersey though