Wow see Emily riding Winnie makes me release what a rider she is! Had Winnie performing fantastic. I think that shows real ability when someone can just get on something new and have them going that well!
Em you look so good on Winnie , this year's vlogs have been so educational .and all the pony swops have been good to you all . All the best for your plans next year. Thank you all for sharing your journey. MEG thank you for letting Em ride Winnie .😄😄😄😊😊😊👍👍👍💟💖🐈🐈
Great job with Winnie. She grown into a snappy little jumper. She does seem to be a bit bored with little fences. All in all not a bad thing but it can complicate when your the jockey! You really look nice on Wilma. It’s funny for Meg to be giving a “lesson”. When she puts on her coach voice she sounds like she means business! Great fun
I am so impressed with you guys! Emily, you are a beautiful rider. Your posture is just exquisite. And Meg, you actually could be a teacher if you wanted to be. Loving these videos!❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊
Em your such a amazing rider!!, I love watching you, you should have more confidence in yourself and Meg is the same, your both amazing riders! Love having the old intro!😊
I seriously get what you’re saying Em, I degrade myself while I’m riding but it always does look better than it feels. We just have to get out of our heads😅 (easier said than done!)
Emily you're a good rider , Don't listen to megan .... this pony does not need to be " Round" ... you need to get off her back and let her canter and let her head go wherever it wants , She isn't strong enough to be " Round" and she doesn't need to be Round anyways.... trust me
Awesome job Em, you look great on Winnie & ride her beautifully. You’re such a talented rider & Winnie is epic over a fence. A credit to Meg as well 🤎
So happy the intro is back it actually feels like Christmas now! 🎄🫶🏻
Awww yay!! Will make a new one next year 😂
@@emdeventing I love this classic one!
Emily under rates herself as a rider...Meg needs to credit herself more more also, she has produced some excellent ponies afterall.😊
Think we’re certainly all guilty of it! X
i agree!! they are both fabulous riders!
Oh Em, you did a fabulous job on Win! You should be super proud of yourself ❤❤❤
Em you and Winnie smashed it! I also vote that you ride Win every year for a comparison! LOL! Loving the vlogmas content!
Wow see Emily riding Winnie makes me release what a rider she is! Had Winnie performing fantastic. I think that shows real ability when someone can just get on something new and have them going that well!
It’s hard not to pick yourself apart, we are our worst critics.
Em you rode like a true professional! Loved this swap, you two were great!!!
Em you look so good on Winnie , this year's vlogs have been so educational .and all the pony swops have been good to you all . All the best for your plans next year. Thank you all for sharing your journey. MEG thank you for letting Em ride Winnie .😄😄😄😊😊😊👍👍👍💟💖🐈🐈
Thank you so much!! That’s lovely to hear and so n ie to hear you’ve enjoyed them xx
Great job with Winnie. She grown into a snappy little jumper. She does seem to be a bit bored with little fences. All in all not a bad thing but it can complicate when your the jockey! You really look nice on Wilma. It’s funny for Meg to be giving a “lesson”. When she puts on her coach voice she sounds like she means business! Great fun
What a fun pony swap! Winnie had some cute wheee n woohoo moments.
Got to love a spicy Winnie 🤣 looking fab!
Hehe she was keen to get on with it! Xx
Loved this ❤ Em you are a very good rider and need to give yourself more credit 😊
All my faves swapping ponies this year 😍😍 love these collabs
Brilliant loved this. You are such a epic rider,you really listen to the horsesevery single sec and it's so nice to see. ❤❤
You looked so good Em! Winnie looks fun to ride! 😊
Feel like I'm repeting myself...... But again, interesting and lovely vlog!!! ❤❤ So cool to see your ponies with another rider!!!
You rode her so well, great job!
Loved this swap. Em you rode her so well xxx
Flatwork is so much harder than people give it credit for!! Well done sticking that surprise buck haha.
I am so impressed with you guys! Emily, you are a beautiful rider. Your posture is just exquisite. And Meg, you actually could be a teacher if you wanted to be. Loving these videos!❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊
Well done ladies. Emily, you ride beautifully. Always so calm and correct. Love Winnies tail.❤
You looked great on Winnie. Well ridden Em
Aww thank you xx
Love u em you're such a fantastic rider looked lovely on winnie hugs x
Em your such a amazing rider!!, I love watching you, you should have more confidence in yourself and Meg is the same, your both amazing riders! Love having the old intro!😊
You two look amazinggg ❤ we neeeeddd a meg jumping Addie 🎉
That’ll be coming very soon 👀
@ OMG that is sooo exciting 🤩 I can’t waittttt 😍 you are an amazing rider and a big inspiration 🥰
I seriously get what you’re saying Em, I degrade myself while I’m riding but it always does look better than it feels. We just have to get out of our heads😅 (easier said than done!)
Ridden Emily don’t put yourself down you are a very good rider whatever you sit on so please be positive you have gumption remember.tfs🎅🎄🎅
That sass will work in your favour if you allow her her expression and ability to make a mess and get out of it. Very capable little mare.
I cant find the video were Meg rides Addy helppp
Brillaint riding Em ❤
Would love to see Emily on bear I bet she would ride her amazingly ❤❤
Emily you're a good rider , Don't listen to megan .... this pony does not need to be " Round" ... you need to get off her back and let her canter and let her head go wherever it wants , She isn't strong enough to be " Round" and she doesn't need to be Round anyways.... trust me
I'm beginning to think Meg only jumps on the left rein... The jumps are always set out that way in all her vlogs 🫣
We set them out that side if we’re filming most of the time because it’s a better background, the rest of the time they go the other side!
She most definitely doesn't her horses wouldn't be as good as they are if all she did was left rein jumps