  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @marilynbardell8481
    @marilynbardell8481 3 години тому +3

    Awesome job Em, you look great on Winnie & ride her beautifully. You’re such a talented rider & Winnie is epic over a fence. A credit to Meg as well 🤎

  • @fredmabey1809
    @fredmabey1809 14 годин тому +16

    So happy the intro is back it actually feels like Christmas now! 🎄🫶🏻

    • @emdeventing
      @emdeventing  14 годин тому +1

      Awww yay!! Will make a new one next year 😂

    • @traceybell3673
      @traceybell3673 13 годин тому

      @@emdeventing I love this classic one!

  • @suzannechance5876
    @suzannechance5876 14 годин тому +32

    Emily under rates herself as a rider...Meg needs to credit herself more more also, she has produced some excellent ponies afterall.😊

    • @emdeventing
      @emdeventing  14 годин тому +7

      Think we’re certainly all guilty of it! X

    • @jesscoffey6963
      @jesscoffey6963 10 годин тому

      i agree!! they are both fabulous riders!

  • @diannegirvan6966
    @diannegirvan6966 Годину тому

    Oh Em, you did a fabulous job on Win! You should be super proud of yourself ❤❤❤

  • @malloryalford9808
    @malloryalford9808 9 годин тому +3

    Em you and Winnie smashed it! I also vote that you ride Win every year for a comparison! LOL! Loving the vlogmas content!

  • @JessShowjumper03
    @JessShowjumper03 9 годин тому +2

    Wow see Emily riding Winnie makes me release what a rider she is! Had Winnie performing fantastic. I think that shows real ability when someone can just get on something new and have them going that well!

  • @selfawarepotato
    @selfawarepotato 7 годин тому +1

    It’s hard not to pick yourself apart, we are our worst critics.
    Em you rode like a true professional! Loved this swap, you two were great!!!

  • @kudapooda9993
    @kudapooda9993 14 годин тому +8

    Em you look so good on Winnie , this year's vlogs have been so educational .and all the pony swops have been good to you all . All the best for your plans next year. Thank you all for sharing your journey. MEG thank you for letting Em ride Winnie .😄😄😄😊😊😊👍👍👍💟💖🐈🐈

    • @emdeventing
      @emdeventing  14 годин тому +1

      Thank you so much!! That’s lovely to hear and so n ie to hear you’ve enjoyed them xx

  • @debbieredmon5063
    @debbieredmon5063 7 годин тому +1

    Great job with Winnie. She grown into a snappy little jumper. She does seem to be a bit bored with little fences. All in all not a bad thing but it can complicate when your the jockey! You really look nice on Wilma. It’s funny for Meg to be giving a “lesson”. When she puts on her coach voice she sounds like she means business! Great fun

  • @plove523
    @plove523 5 годин тому

    What a fun pony swap! Winnie had some cute wheee n woohoo moments.

  • @laurenpelling4079
    @laurenpelling4079 15 годин тому +4

    Got to love a spicy Winnie 🤣 looking fab!

    • @emdeventing
      @emdeventing  14 годин тому +1

      Hehe she was keen to get on with it! Xx

  • @SLStablesEquestrian
    @SLStablesEquestrian 13 годин тому +3

    Loved this ❤ Em you are a very good rider and need to give yourself more credit 😊

  • @natalie-7140
    @natalie-7140 10 годин тому

    All my faves swapping ponies this year 😍😍 love these collabs

  • @sdr_animals
    @sdr_animals 13 годин тому +1

    Brilliant loved this. You are such a epic rider,you really listen to the horsesevery single sec and it's so nice to see. ❤❤

  • @meganplank2522
    @meganplank2522 7 годин тому

    You looked so good Em! Winnie looks fun to ride! 😊

  • @hannesofie6071
    @hannesofie6071 12 годин тому +1

    Feel like I'm repeting myself...... But again, interesting and lovely vlog!!! ❤❤ So cool to see your ponies with another rider!!!

  • @1827Beethoven
    @1827Beethoven 13 годин тому +1

    You rode her so well, great job!

  • @janl8683
    @janl8683 10 годин тому

    Loved this swap. Em you rode her so well xxx

  • @flyingcolorsponies
    @flyingcolorsponies 9 годин тому

    Flatwork is so much harder than people give it credit for!! Well done sticking that surprise buck haha.

  • @susanvuturo4361
    @susanvuturo4361 8 годин тому

    I am so impressed with you guys! Emily, you are a beautiful rider. Your posture is just exquisite. And Meg, you actually could be a teacher if you wanted to be. Loving these videos!❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊

  • @sarahcooper3378
    @sarahcooper3378 8 годин тому

    Well done ladies. Emily, you ride beautifully. Always so calm and correct. Love Winnies tail.❤

  • @devils.advocate2354
    @devils.advocate2354 14 годин тому +2

    You looked great on Winnie. Well ridden Em

  • @Toni-uk5bh
    @Toni-uk5bh 13 годин тому +1

    Love u em you're such a fantastic rider looked lovely on winnie hugs x

  • @dianehookham
    @dianehookham 13 годин тому +1

    Em your such a amazing rider!!, I love watching you, you should have more confidence in yourself and Meg is the same, your both amazing riders! Love having the old intro!😊

  • @crazyponies9
    @crazyponies9 14 годин тому +2

    You two look amazinggg ❤ we neeeeddd a meg jumping Addie 🎉

    • @emdeventing
      @emdeventing  14 годин тому

      That’ll be coming very soon 👀

    • @crazyponies9
      @crazyponies9 14 годин тому

      @ OMG that is sooo exciting 🤩 I can’t waittttt 😍 you are an amazing rider and a big inspiration 🥰

  • @tessajm3845
    @tessajm3845 10 годин тому

    I seriously get what you’re saying Em, I degrade myself while I’m riding but it always does look better than it feels. We just have to get out of our heads😅 (easier said than done!)

  • @christinemartindale8715
    @christinemartindale8715 10 годин тому

    Ridden Emily don’t put yourself down you are a very good rider whatever you sit on so please be positive you have gumption remember.tfs🎅🎄🎅

  • @ReaganLowe-q8g
    @ReaganLowe-q8g 10 годин тому


  • @egeegee7146
    @egeegee7146 47 хвилин тому

    That sass will work in your favour if you allow her her expression and ability to make a mess and get out of it. Very capable little mare.

  • @amymooij2531
    @amymooij2531 41 хвилина тому

    I cant find the video were Meg rides Addy helppp

  • @ellahorses-1992
    @ellahorses-1992 11 годин тому

    Brillaint riding Em ❤

  • @emilydarcy5422
    @emilydarcy5422 2 години тому

    Would love to see Emily on bear I bet she would ride her amazingly ❤❤

  • @Yahno1
    @Yahno1 7 годин тому

    Emily you're a good rider , Don't listen to megan .... this pony does not need to be " Round" ... you need to get off her back and let her canter and let her head go wherever it wants , She isn't strong enough to be " Round" and she doesn't need to be Round anyways.... trust me

  • @MelBiggsMusic
    @MelBiggsMusic 11 годин тому +1

    I'm beginning to think Meg only jumps on the left rein... The jumps are always set out that way in all her vlogs 🫣

    • @elphick.event.ponies
      @elphick.event.ponies 11 годин тому +6

      We set them out that side if we’re filming most of the time because it’s a better background, the rest of the time they go the other side!

    • @Jazzthingss
      @Jazzthingss 11 годин тому +1

      She most definitely doesn't her horses wouldn't be as good as they are if all she did was left rein jumps