Salaam aleikum wa Rahmantullah wa Barakatuh. May Allah bless you for this. I have been struggling over the past week because of this topic and I can't believe just as I was breaking down, you uploaded this video. I am so grateful for Allah for sending guidance my way thro ugh your channel.
A REAL WAKE UP CALL FOR PE0PLE WH0 ARE RELYING ON PEERS As we know the most pious person of Allah's was the Prophet P.B.U.H & he said the following to his daughter 👉🏻 l can not save you from hell ( Saḥīḥ Muslim 2O5 ) ( Yet people are relying on other pious people to save them 🤔)
Happened to me often : when I want to know honestly (ikhlas), nothing to do with worldly thing : SOON ENOUGH, sometimes pronto (immediately), the answer CAME. (in sya Allah)
Loved this lecture, subhanallah very clearly addressed the issue on liberal islam, which has become very annoying and painful specially when dealing with it with ur own family. This lecture can help one to deal with such muslims inshaallah
Subhanallah May Allah grant me the opportunity to make Hijra to Muslim country one day, I’m grateful to have lived in the west but since I became a Muslim it is frightening to see our generation slowly turning into this mess we call liberalism and atheism.
I like your videos, how we know that GOD existance using a written book. How we accept it whether it is written on a book. Anyone can write a book and anyone can follow the books. Books can contains many lies. How we accept, welcome things written on a book..🤔.
To answer your Question? In the Quran Allah says if your in doubt of the Quran sent to man, then produce a verse like it? Quran makes a open challenge to man in other words. Also the Quran means recitation. The Quran was a oral transmission conveyed by Allaah swt to Angel Jibraeel and then prophet Muhammad s.a.w. From memory from one person to another never was a book form. It is the most widely read and memorised book in the world. If all the Quran disappeared it will be matter of seconds for Muslims to bring it back to a book form again. As its preserved by memory first and foremost. This way it cannot be changed etc...
@@Hamjaz You've just used the book to prove the book - exactly what Naik has been doing for years. That's fallacious reasoning as it's logically circular, because effectively your answer to the question of 'How do we know what the book says is true?' is 'Because it says it is!' You can understand this simple problem, right? Also, yes, it's clearly been changed. Why did Uthman burn all contradictory copies then? Why was it only canonised by the Saudis in the 1980s? Why is the Saana manuscript a palimpsest? Why are there different Qurans even now, which your scholars admit differ in words, not just qurat? Also, the 'produce a verse like it' is such a stupid challenge. It's a really odd boast for all-powerful creator to boast 'Hey! Look at my great book!' What does 'like it' mean? Who would be the judge? What happens if you try to prove how absurd this claim is in the Muslim world? You get thrown into jail. It's a really stupid argument.
@@XiagraBalls Again, the words were descended orally from Allah swt to Jibraeel to the Prophet (pbuh), and the followers that were present memorized it orally, and to prevent it from being lost or distorted, the fellow people documented it for future descendants. Also, just by your choice of words, in which you are an example of us, humans, it proves that man can and will never produce anything just like it. It will be nothing but causing a tantrum and harm on this Earth with no moderation on site, which makes sense. USA is an example of this, a country made by man for man, banning God from law, which is of course, stated in the first amendment, a secular-based nation, hence the bad acts becomes normalized and desensitized in the country. From the elites' trafficking ring, the expansion of identity confusion (man=women, ignoring physical observations), greed, and other liberal idealism, which is active today. This is not even politics, it's literally an observation of a paper written by men that ignores the way of life, and it trickles down in the system from education unto those who are in control of the system and under it -- the officials to the citizens and to the general public, they agreed to embody this exact paper into their personal lives as well and not only the system. You can observe the crisis that is happening from poverty to intoxication to mental health issues to family values to other situations, which can be discussed and change, but many collectively refuse. In history, initially the US forefathers, the men, wrote the system on paper based on individual thought, and at one point even wrote on paper to banned people based on DNA, and then, added other things that God did not encouraged at all in this world. Collectively, all it takes is to observe, set our ears to the side, and close our mouths to understand what is happening and then, conclude the reality -- no wonder why we have two eyes in front of our faces and two ears on each side, which is twice more than our own mouths.
This is just an observation, so I can care less about what the country is doing and who is heavy on "free speech, free speech!". I am focused on my personal route, and I don't need to follow that paper descended by a group of humans in private, but of course, I had to in public fake it; this is another way of minding my own business, which is encouraged by Allah swt.
Al Qur'an chp 112 : verses 1-4 Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to Him any equivalent."
Indeed, your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne. He covers the night with the day, [another night] chasing it rapidly; and [He created] the sun, the moon, and the stars, subjected by His command. Unquestionably, His is the creation and the command; blessed is Allah, Lord of the worlds. Qur'an 7:54
And they ask you, [O Muhammad], about the soul. Say, "The soul is of the affair [i.e., concern] of my Lord. And you [i.e., mankind] have not been given of knowledge except a little." Qur'an 17:85
All religion say the same thing their so-called god or gods created everything my question is who is al-allah ??? what and what is al-lah ??? Do Al-lah have a spirit???
@@TheQuran-TheSunnah bro i did it i have registered my self but nothing is free as bilal philibs said; he specificly siad all islamic basic are free no cost at all so i want to study it for free
Dissecting Quran Series.. Here we continue to look at the quran verse by verse, chapter by chapter and even at times word by word and applies reason, common sense and critical thought to analyze the verses. We look at does it flow, make sense or if any errors might present themselves. We are doing what Muslims should be doing.
You just live in a Western country and enjoy all benefits and privileges as a citizens. Why don’t you move to any Muslim country in Africa and live up to your own Muslim standards?
With respect, there is so much wrong with this Zakir-Naik-level apologetics: 1. Agnostic atheists don't deny the existence of god or gods; we simply don't accept the claim; we don't believe (tbf, tho, you corrected this later). 2. Humans are animals. 🤦🏼♂What do you think we are, if we're not animals? 3. We didn't come from monkeys; we share a common ancestor. We are apes, though. This comment suggests you don't understand the first thing about evolutionary theory. 4. Atheism isn't a religion, state or otherwise. It doesn't have doctrine, ritual, practices, worship, prayer, priests, etc. If anything, atheists tend to be free thinkers. 5. The fitra is a claim, not a fact. Prove it. 6. Argumentum ad populum - yes, millions of people have believed in God. So what? Agnosticism/Atheism is growing - almost 50% in the UK now. Does that now make atheism more true now? No, of course not. 7. Appeal to Authority: Plato & Aristotle - were they Muslims? No! Plato talked about the demiurge and the divine. Both his and Aristotle's religious beliefs were much more abstract than the anthropomorphic gods of Abrahamic religions. 8. Argument from Design (Teleological Argument) + Strawmans + False Dichotomy (it's either designed or random). Scrapyard analogy. This has been debunked so many times, I really can't be bothered to write an essay in response to explain how bad this argument is. 9. Atheism isn't a premise; it's a response to a claim. You're also an atheist, because you don't believe in the thousands of other gods man has come up with over the centuries. 10. The Big Bang wasn't an explosion! That's a common misconception.🤦🏼♂ 12. Yes, some atheists might pray or cry to a god if an engine falls off a plane's wing as they think they might be about to die. Why? Because people act 👉🏻irrationally 👈🏻 in such circumstances. So praying to god is irrational, right? 12. Terrible school/factory analogy. Naik uses a similar analogy of an examination hall. It's terrible. Is the universe a factory? If so, what's the end product? Is the universe a school or examination hall? Odd how all the teachers are invisible, isn't it? 13. Deists are lazy. Right... 🙄Not that they don't believe in what organised religion teaches. 14. Fanciful conspiracies about "liberalists" questioning Hadith authenticity and some sort of Western-inspired influence? Proof? 15. Islam might be on the rise in Malaysia and the Middle East, but only through birthrates, not conversions. This is the same guy who talks about young people leaving Islam in large numbers - a "tsunami of apostasy", although I'm not sure of the date of that video - whether it predates or postdates this one. 16. In the Q&A you highlight some of the absurd beliefs that are part of the Islam package - plucking eyebrows are haram? Adding a gap between your teeth? Haram! These are just so stupid. Why would a creator of the universe care about such details?😄 17. The date story was very telling - so M had thought an agricultural method was haram? (via revelation - again, weird thing to "'reveal", but whatever 🤷). Turns out it was completely terrible advice. Oh? But that wasn't from Allah! That one was from M and he makes mistakes, despite apparently being perfect, of course! So some revelations were just M getting stuff wrong? So he lied when he claimed it had been a revelation? That whole segment was just an example of cognitive bias with a smile. 18. An evil eye? 👁Are you sure you're not thinking of Sauron? 😄Water with truffles dispels the effect of the evil eye? Wut? Sounds very much like you believe in witchcraft. How does anyone believe such nonsense? Your comment about the words "usury" and "interest" was er, interesting, though, and you've got a very pleasant voice to the ear. Your arguments just suck, though, if I'm being brutally honest (See! Atheists can be honest! Therefore atheism is "true", right? 😉).
*Sigh* , the reason why our DNA is similar in sequences to every creation on this Earth, whether the DNA strand is cut or lengthened, is because we share the same Creator. The roots are descended from one source, a Creator, yet humans are more complex in value and have dominion over the resources on Earth. Valid proof of Allah swt and His creations. Science is not a religion. Science is not the same. Sciences are just documentations of human observations -- it is not a way, nor the way of life, and should not be looked at as such. It never will be the "way" because it is only a "study" of life; it is just segmented observations. This is coming from a biologist: "we only look at the physical world and document that speck of it." Most of these documents cannot be fully trusted given that there are some biologists out there that fabricate and use it to modify genetics for greed by interbreed or cutting out parts, to make it believable with or without informing side effects. Then, there are good ones who are honest and use observations to enhance the quality of a speck without ignoring the chance of failure -- it is a business. We, biologists, are tired of people confusing religion with science. If anything, thank Allah, Alhamdulillah, that He gave us the intellect to observe what He created. Addressing your #7, Allah swt told us before Aristotle came into the picture. You should read Surat-Ar Rahman. In it, Allah swt tells us the imagery of His creations, and His description of the two seas proved that the Earth is, in fact, round in shape.
Allah, almighty.gaves all or everything's Rolls and made religion for their business slavery, reflected come to my Mother's Land AMA GHANA, ELIMINA CASTLE CAP COST TAKORADI TAADY NOOOOOO MOSQUE. but there's church and cross, PLZ.REPLY THANKS 👍 that's was the some Arabs Christina's etc, hmmm, the whole humans beings or human kinds is messy
Can Allah pass the test of Abraham (Peace be upon him) to the idols of Sumeria? I challenge the Imam of the Kaaba! (Manifest a Prayer. Even one by invoking Al-Kabeer or Al-Aziz). Let the Men see whether Allah can do anything in the Heavens or the Earth.
Bilal please debate Christian Prince. Because your so unsure of the God of the Quran.The God of the Bible is bound to give you the assuring conviction your looking for.Sinless Jesus
My kids' grandpere. My 4yr old refused to go to bed till we finish watching grandpere Phillips. May Allah accept your efforts Ameen 🤲
Do you get your kids to believe that such a thing as 'Evil Eye' exists? 👁
@@rohail_aziz Evolution is backed with a plethora of evidence; the existence of an Evil Eye is not. 👁
MashAllah to the shiek 74 and still going strong 💪 . Thought he was much younger may Allah continue to bless him with wisdom.
Salaam aleikum wa Rahmantullah wa Barakatuh. May Allah bless you for this. I have been struggling over the past week because of this topic and I can't believe just as I was breaking down, you uploaded this video. I am so grateful for Allah for sending guidance my way thro ugh your channel.
Brother you should check out the speakers corner videos on Ef dawah channel. They address atheistic ideas through debates
As we know the most pious person of Allah's was the Prophet P.B.U.H & he said the following to his daughter 👉🏻 l can not save you from hell ( Saḥīḥ Muslim 2O5 )
( Yet people are relying on other pious people to save them 🤔)
Happened to me often : when I want to know honestly (ikhlas), nothing to do with worldly thing : SOON ENOUGH, sometimes pronto (immediately), the answer CAME.
(in sya Allah)
MashaAllah sheikh Bilal speaks clearly and calmly and you can easily understand what hes explaining.
AlhamdulillAh ,Masha Allah. That's is why your my Dr and I proud of you and my university (IOU).
May Allah increase the blessing He has been done for you.
Loved this lecture, subhanallah very clearly addressed the issue on liberal islam, which has become very annoying and painful specially when dealing with it with ur own family. This lecture can help one to deal with such muslims inshaallah
Such a beautiful talk 💎
It was of fallacious reasoning. Nice voice, tho.
Sheik's voice is soothing to listen to, and I enjoy his sense of humor.
Allah blessed this man with charisma
Yes, but terrible arguments.
there are many gems in this lecture. and this whole lecture is a gem by itself ❤❤
Masha Allah sir
Jajakallah Khairan Ya Shykh
حفظك الله وبارك في علمك و عملك
I love this man hes a human through and through
JazaakAllaahu khairan katheeran
salaam Dr Bilal Philips I always respect you a lot
May Allah reward all the believers that help us genuinely for only Allahs sake. May he unite us all with our beloved in the highest heaven. Ameen
Subhanallah May Allah grant me the opportunity to make Hijra to Muslim country one day, I’m grateful to have lived in the west but since I became a Muslim it is frightening to see our generation slowly turning into this mess we call liberalism and atheism.
I honounestly learned a lot.
JazakAllahu khairan
May Allah bless you 💓
Aameen Aameen
43:00 deism
46:12 👍👍👍👍
28:18 👍👍👍
Educational system
30:45 👍
Allah bless his faithful servants
22:25 😂👍👍
Ini macam 👍
Good 🌹
جزاكم الله خيرا
Subhanallah alhamdulillah
Facts 💯
Where? He said quite a lot that was just factually incorrect. Humans are animals, e.g. Evolution doesn't claim we evolved from monkeys.
The way you are explaining this xd (18:41 minute).
I like your videos, how we know that GOD existance using a written book. How we accept it whether it is written on a book. Anyone can write a book and anyone can follow the books. Books can contains many lies. How we accept, welcome things written on a book..🤔.
To answer your Question? In the Quran Allah says if your in doubt of the Quran sent to man, then produce a verse like it? Quran makes a open challenge to man in other words. Also the Quran means recitation. The Quran was a oral transmission conveyed by Allaah swt to Angel Jibraeel and then prophet Muhammad s.a.w. From memory from one person to another never was a book form. It is the most widely read and memorised book in the world. If all the Quran disappeared it will be matter of seconds for Muslims to bring it back to a book form again. As its preserved by memory first and foremost. This way it cannot be changed etc...
Listen to sciencetific miracles in the Quran and numan ali khan lectures
@@Hamjaz You've just used the book to prove the book - exactly what Naik has been doing for years. That's fallacious reasoning as it's logically circular, because effectively your answer to the question of 'How do we know what the book says is true?' is 'Because it says it is!' You can understand this simple problem, right?
Also, yes, it's clearly been changed. Why did Uthman burn all contradictory copies then? Why was it only canonised by the Saudis in the 1980s? Why is the Saana manuscript a palimpsest? Why are there different Qurans even now, which your scholars admit differ in words, not just qurat?
Also, the 'produce a verse like it' is such a stupid challenge. It's a really odd boast for all-powerful creator to boast 'Hey! Look at my great book!' What does 'like it' mean? Who would be the judge? What happens if you try to prove how absurd this claim is in the Muslim world? You get thrown into jail. It's a really stupid argument.
@@XiagraBalls Again, the words were descended orally from Allah swt to Jibraeel to the Prophet (pbuh), and the followers that were present memorized it orally, and to prevent it from being lost or distorted, the fellow people documented it for future descendants.
Also, just by your choice of words, in which you are an example of us, humans, it proves that man can and will never produce anything just like it. It will be nothing but causing a tantrum and harm on this Earth with no moderation on site, which makes sense.
USA is an example of this, a country made by man for man, banning God from law, which is of course, stated in the first amendment, a secular-based nation, hence the bad acts becomes normalized and desensitized in the country. From the elites' trafficking ring, the expansion of identity confusion (man=women, ignoring physical observations), greed, and other liberal idealism, which is active today. This is not even politics, it's literally an observation of a paper written by men that ignores the way of life, and it trickles down in the system from education unto those who are in control of the system and under it -- the officials to the citizens and to the general public, they agreed to embody this exact paper into their personal lives as well and not only the system. You can observe the crisis that is happening from poverty to intoxication to mental health issues to family values to other situations, which can be discussed and change, but many collectively refuse. In history, initially the US forefathers, the men, wrote the system on paper based on individual thought, and at one point even wrote on paper to banned people based on DNA, and then, added other things that God did not encouraged at all in this world. Collectively, all it takes is to observe, set our ears to the side, and close our mouths to understand what is happening and then, conclude the reality -- no wonder why we have two eyes in front of our faces and two ears on each side, which is twice more than our own mouths.
This is just an observation, so I can care less about what the country is doing and who is heavy on "free speech, free speech!". I am focused on my personal route, and I don't need to follow that paper descended by a group of humans in private, but of course, I had to in public fake it; this is another way of minding my own business, which is encouraged by Allah swt.
May Allah grant you Jannah Ameen 🤲
55:25 ❤️
who is al-lah ??? What is and where is al_lah ??? Do Al-lah have are spirit? ??
Al Qur'an chp 112 : verses 1-4
Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One,
Allah, the Eternal Refuge.
He neither begets nor is born,
Nor is there to Him any equivalent."
Indeed, your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne. He covers the night with the day, [another night] chasing it rapidly; and [He created] the sun, the moon, and the stars, subjected by His command. Unquestionably, His is the creation and the command; blessed is Allah, Lord of the worlds. Qur'an 7:54
And they ask you, [O Muhammad], about the soul. Say, "The soul is of the affair [i.e., concern] of my Lord. And you [i.e., mankind] have not been given of knowledge except a little."
Qur'an 17:85
All religion say the same thing their so-called god or gods created everything my question is who is al-allah ??? what and what is al-lah ??? Do Al-lah have a spirit???
Learn your deen and you'll be able to answer your own questions, insya Alloh. May Alloh shower us all with HIS light, hidayah. Allohumma aamiin.
anyone can help me how i can learn from iou free islamic courses?
Go the IOU website and follow the steps that will be shown to you
@@TheQuran-TheSunnah bro i did it i have registered my self but nothing is free as bilal philibs said; he specificly siad all islamic basic are free no cost at all so i want to study it for free
Of course it is not free but it is cheap i mean not expensive. What they give is of high value but the fees is very low hence being free
@@imamjihadinstitute3494 how much is it
Jesus the Christ is the way the truth and the life
We did invent god and thats what every single culture does for many reasons and its ok until its not ok
I love you
Dissecting Quran Series.. Here we continue to look at the quran verse by verse, chapter by chapter and even at times word by word and applies reason, common sense and critical thought to analyze the verses. We look at does it flow, make sense or if any errors might present themselves. We are doing what Muslims should be doing.
You just live in a Western country and enjoy all benefits and privileges as a citizens. Why don’t you move to any Muslim country in Africa and live up to your own Muslim standards?
With respect, there is so much wrong with this Zakir-Naik-level apologetics:
1. Agnostic atheists don't deny the existence of god or gods; we simply don't accept the claim; we don't believe (tbf, tho, you corrected this later).
2. Humans are animals. 🤦🏼♂What do you think we are, if we're not animals?
3. We didn't come from monkeys; we share a common ancestor. We are apes, though. This comment suggests you don't understand the first thing about evolutionary theory.
4. Atheism isn't a religion, state or otherwise. It doesn't have doctrine, ritual, practices, worship, prayer, priests, etc. If anything, atheists tend to be free thinkers.
5. The fitra is a claim, not a fact. Prove it.
6. Argumentum ad populum - yes, millions of people have believed in God. So what? Agnosticism/Atheism is growing - almost 50% in the UK now. Does that now make atheism more true now? No, of course not.
7. Appeal to Authority: Plato & Aristotle - were they Muslims? No! Plato talked about the demiurge and the divine. Both his and Aristotle's religious beliefs were much more abstract than the anthropomorphic gods of Abrahamic religions.
8. Argument from Design (Teleological Argument) + Strawmans + False Dichotomy (it's either designed or random). Scrapyard analogy. This has been debunked so many times, I really can't be bothered to write an essay in response to explain how bad this argument is.
9. Atheism isn't a premise; it's a response to a claim. You're also an atheist, because you don't believe in the thousands of other gods man has come up with over the centuries.
10. The Big Bang wasn't an explosion! That's a common misconception.🤦🏼♂
12. Yes, some atheists might pray or cry to a god if an engine falls off a plane's wing as they think they might be about to die. Why? Because people act 👉🏻irrationally 👈🏻 in such circumstances. So praying to god is irrational, right?
12. Terrible school/factory analogy. Naik uses a similar analogy of an examination hall. It's terrible. Is the universe a factory? If so, what's the end product? Is the universe a school or examination hall? Odd how all the teachers are invisible, isn't it?
13. Deists are lazy. Right... 🙄Not that they don't believe in what organised religion teaches.
14. Fanciful conspiracies about "liberalists" questioning Hadith authenticity and some sort of Western-inspired influence? Proof?
15. Islam might be on the rise in Malaysia and the Middle East, but only through birthrates, not conversions. This is the same guy who talks about young people leaving Islam in large numbers - a "tsunami of apostasy", although I'm not sure of the date of that video - whether it predates or postdates this one.
16. In the Q&A you highlight some of the absurd beliefs that are part of the Islam package - plucking eyebrows are haram? Adding a gap between your teeth? Haram! These are just so stupid. Why would a creator of the universe care about such details?😄
17. The date story was very telling - so M had thought an agricultural method was haram? (via revelation - again, weird thing to "'reveal", but whatever 🤷). Turns out it was completely terrible advice. Oh? But that wasn't from Allah! That one was from M and he makes mistakes, despite apparently being perfect, of course! So some revelations were just M getting stuff wrong? So he lied when he claimed it had been a revelation? That whole segment was just an example of cognitive bias with a smile.
18. An evil eye? 👁Are you sure you're not thinking of Sauron? 😄Water with truffles dispels the effect of the evil eye? Wut? Sounds very much like you believe in witchcraft. How does anyone believe such nonsense?
Your comment about the words "usury" and "interest" was er, interesting, though, and you've got a very pleasant voice to the ear. Your arguments just suck, though, if I'm being brutally honest (See! Atheists can be honest! Therefore atheism is "true", right? 😉).
*Sigh* , the reason why our DNA is similar in sequences to every creation on this Earth, whether the DNA strand is cut or lengthened, is because we share the same Creator. The roots are descended from one source, a Creator, yet humans are more complex in value and have dominion over the resources on Earth. Valid proof of Allah swt and His creations.
Science is not a religion. Science is not the same. Sciences are just documentations of human observations -- it is not a way, nor the way of life, and should not be looked at as such. It never will be the "way" because it is only a "study" of life; it is just segmented observations. This is coming from a biologist: "we only look at the physical world and document that speck of it." Most of these documents cannot be fully trusted given that there are some biologists out there that fabricate and use it to modify genetics for greed by interbreed or cutting out parts, to make it believable with or without informing side effects. Then, there are good ones who are honest and use observations to enhance the quality of a speck without ignoring the chance of failure -- it is a business. We, biologists, are tired of people confusing religion with science.
If anything, thank Allah, Alhamdulillah, that He gave us the intellect to observe what He created. Addressing your #7, Allah swt told us before Aristotle came into the picture. You should read Surat-Ar Rahman. In it, Allah swt tells us the imagery of His creations, and His description of the two seas proved that the Earth is, in fact, round in shape.
Allah, almighty.gaves all or everything's Rolls and made religion for their business slavery, reflected come to my Mother's Land AMA GHANA, ELIMINA CASTLE CAP COST TAKORADI TAADY NOOOOOO MOSQUE. but there's church and cross, PLZ.REPLY THANKS 👍 that's was the some Arabs Christina's etc, hmmm, the whole humans beings or human kinds is messy
Asalam alaikoum. I invite everyone to read the holy Quran.
Tried several times. It's a very painful, tedious book. Thousands of better books at your local library.
Can Allah pass the test of Abraham (Peace be upon him) to the idols of Sumeria? I challenge the Imam of the Kaaba! (Manifest a Prayer. Even one by invoking Al-Kabeer or Al-Aziz). Let the Men see whether Allah can do anything in the Heavens or the Earth.
Bilal please debate Christian Prince. Because your so unsure of the God of the Quran.The God of the Bible is bound to give you the assuring conviction your looking for.Sinless Jesus
Beautiful questions
Do you even know what this guy looks like 😂 ,a very shy creature of Allah