Using Acrylic Inks with Soft Pastels / Underpainting Fun!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @rayemartineau8644
    @rayemartineau8644 2 роки тому

    What you say is more important than the mood music. I agree with your other followers. You words has changed so many techniques iI didn't understand. Thanks

  • @karenleah1477
    @karenleah1477 10 місяців тому +1

    This is so beautiful.

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  10 місяців тому

      Thanks Karen. I really need to paint more koi fish!

  • @asherrogers2687
    @asherrogers2687 3 роки тому +2

    All of your "experiments" are the reason my art supplies are getting more elaborate and expensive. Not!

  • @arttulip100561
    @arttulip100561 Рік тому

    I’ve watched so many of your videos and learned so much! Thank you for your generous spirit which is clearly the fruit of the Spirit. Bless all your days. ❤️ 🙏

  • @emilyadams6194
    @emilyadams6194 Рік тому

    This is such a complex subject and you have made it a beautiful painting. Watching yuu has been so instructive..The nuanced color and shapes really capture it .Putting in additional darks later in the video made such a difference. Thanks for the inspiration!

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  Рік тому

      Thank you so much, @emilyadams6194! Your comment blessed me.

  • @rayemartineau8644
    @rayemartineau8644 2 роки тому

    Koi's are so beautiful. They dance together.

  • @mustafamhaji4193
    @mustafamhaji4193 3 роки тому +1


  • @tbm7187
    @tbm7187 2 роки тому

    Absolutely gorgeous!

  • @jenniFaux1
    @jenniFaux1 6 років тому +1

    OH! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this painting! The inks really give a nice, rich under-painting! Just beautiful.

  • @MollyPorter
    @MollyPorter 2 роки тому

    Gorgeous work!!

  • @denisestover2416
    @denisestover2416 2 роки тому

    Dusty's such a cutie-patootie! Nice work!

  • @gullwingstorm857
    @gullwingstorm857 3 роки тому

    I'm convinced you're a magician. This is amazing.

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  3 роки тому +1

      That's so sweet!!!! And what's interesting about your comment is that when I was young I actually was a magician (or illusionist as I like to say). My dad got me hooked on some magic tricks, I started taking lessons and eventually started doing magic shows at parties, etc. ha ha!

    • @gullwingstorm857
      @gullwingstorm857 3 роки тому

      @@monetcafe Oh my goodness. See I was right. 😆

  • @popnocturne7909
    @popnocturne7909 2 роки тому

    Aw man, that painting, the music. This is so calming 💛

  • @soniagibbs3366
    @soniagibbs3366 2 роки тому

    Beautiful painting. Great choice of printable type music. I’m keen to try alcrylic inks

  • @KatheeRN
    @KatheeRN 6 років тому +3

    You are def a master pastelist.. right up there with the best, and such a talented teacher.. loved this video..ty for doing what u do.

  • @vickie6228
    @vickie6228 6 років тому +1

    I was mesmerized, Susan. Thank you from the heart for sharing the knowledge and your talent. (And for the peeks of little Dusty). Sisters in Christ

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  6 років тому

      Vickie ... Sisters in Christ!!! Amen!!

  • @TeoKaiGuan
    @TeoKaiGuan 6 років тому +1

    100% happy carefree artist - definitely the point !

  • @christineamstutz420
    @christineamstutz420 6 років тому +2

    What an inspiring video! I so love your impressionistic, strong coloured paintings. I am learning and catching up with what I have never learnt, although I have been painting (different mediums, though) for soooo many years. It feels like wide opening doors into new techniques (for me). Thank you, Susan, for your own way of sharing your beautiful artwork and the process of achieving it!

  • @annmarie3520
    @annmarie3520 6 років тому

    Very nice! Calming and Colour pleasing. Love the little kitty! Sweetness!

  • @jayneposey417
    @jayneposey417 6 років тому +1

    Very fun and relaxing to watch. I’m just starting out with pastels and have do many questions and so much to learn. Thank you for sharing your talents and methods.

  • @p.a.turner8240
    @p.a.turner8240 5 років тому +2

    where is the little statue? it looks good reflecting in the water in the photo. was it hard to draw?

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  5 років тому +3

      p.a. turner I did like the reflection Love the statue and how it worked in the composition, but I’m a Christian and just didn’t feel right putting in a Buddha statue.😉😉

    • @anthonybrianfoster584
      @anthonybrianfoster584 3 роки тому +1

      @@monetcafe Enjoyed the video, but rather a shame to let such limiting beliefs spoil a good artistic opportunity? By the same token, ought atheists leave out Christ the Redeemer in a Rio de Janeiro landscape? ;)

  • @Hawise1
    @Hawise1 4 роки тому +1

    Beautiful, that's a really gorgeous painting! I love the colours and the feel of movement in there, it's really nice!

    • @victorleon8150
      @victorleon8150 3 роки тому

      i know I am quite off topic but does anybody know a good place to stream newly released movies online ?

    • @ahmirmekhi4415
      @ahmirmekhi4415 3 роки тому

      @Victor Leon Try FlixZone. You can find it by googling :)

    • @aridawson3775
      @aridawson3775 3 роки тому

      @Ahmir Mekhi Yup, have been watching on flixzone for since march myself :)

    • @victorleon8150
      @victorleon8150 3 роки тому

      @Ahmir Mekhi thank you, I went there and it seems like a nice service =) Appreciate it!

    • @ahmirmekhi4415
      @ahmirmekhi4415 3 роки тому

      @Victor Leon You are welcome :D

  • @gloriap2914
    @gloriap2914 6 років тому

    I actually enjoy the music. Thank you for sharing of your talents.

  • @KMayflower
    @KMayflower 6 років тому

    It's so hot here today and I came home from work and saw your video and just sat and relaxed and listened to the music and your sweet voice. What a beautiful painting!

  • @cherylhughes691
    @cherylhughes691 6 років тому

    Lovely painting!

  • @daisydog8127
    @daisydog8127 6 років тому

    Just gorgeous. You are so talented!

  • @jeanetta59
    @jeanetta59 4 роки тому

    I am very tempted to start painting with pastels

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  4 роки тому +1

      Oh Yay!!! Do it 🙌🏻🙌🏻💜

  • @dulcieogilvie5786
    @dulcieogilvie5786 3 роки тому +2

    I would have had the Buddha ….he’s a teacher, not a God. But love the painting anyway. I really want to try this.

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  3 роки тому

      I can respect that… Thanks.

  • @peggyhenderson3695
    @peggyhenderson3695 6 років тому

    That was fun Susan. Thanks to you and Dusty🙂

  • @ginatexasgirl9438
    @ginatexasgirl9438 5 років тому

    Susan I had to laugh today when you brought up about the music I once commented about. You are a grate sport for making light of my lack of respect. You honestly have grate compassion with people. Love ❤️ your paintings.

  • @Angelica-bt4hh
    @Angelica-bt4hh 6 років тому

    Love your videos. Such beautiful work! 🎨

  • @roslynburgess-clay1419
    @roslynburgess-clay1419 6 років тому

    Thank you so much Susan...this is my favourite painting...just love the koy. Beautiful work💕🙋🏼

  • @crystalthursby2808
    @crystalthursby2808 6 років тому

    This is gorgeous! Turned out beautiful and what a fun underpainting, love this this most of all. Thank you so much for sharing your paintings with us.

  • @ceciliasart502
    @ceciliasart502 6 років тому

    I happen to have those same inks and a set of pastels that I am not too sure how to use . Your video was very inspiring . Thanks for sharing.

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  6 років тому

      Wonderful Cecilia! The acrylic inks are really fun. So glad you are learning and I hope to have more videos coming soon! :)

  • @cinnie2543
    @cinnie2543 5 років тому +1

    Wonderful. Absolutely gorgeous. Love your eye for color. Do you think there is much difference in using the Inktense sticks vs this acrylic underpainting? Which do you prefer? Or is it like comparing apples and oranges?

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  5 років тому +1

      Thanks so much, and yes, I find the difference between the acrylic inks and using Inktense sticks is that the inks allow more "light" to come through... they are more transparent in other words while the Inktense are more opaque. :) Hope that helps.

    • @cinnie2543
      @cinnie2543 5 років тому +1

      @@monetcafe Yes, that was helpful. Thank you!

  • @flarose97
    @flarose97 6 років тому

    So beautiful, Susan!! Thank you for sharing!!! And I like the new music format too.

  • @TeoKaiGuan
    @TeoKaiGuan 6 років тому

    beautiful painting! Another handy tip =)

  • @jlusk999
    @jlusk999 2 роки тому

    Beautiful piece Susan. Do you have a copy (or does anyone else) have a copy of this reference photo? I would love to try this!

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  2 роки тому

      I have the photo on my computer…. I’ll try to find for you. Can you remind me via email @ ?

  • @mywifetheartist
    @mywifetheartist 2 роки тому

    I want to start using acrylic ink on a canvas. Do you have a video on that? I don’t see one. I guess you do not use any alcohol while using acrylic ink?

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  2 роки тому

      I haven't used acrylic ink on canvas, but it sounds like fun! And I have only used water using acrylic inks, but now you've got me wanting to experiment. I'll have to try alcohol and share the results. Thanks!

  • @lisaswank-artfulinspiratio1865
    @lisaswank-artfulinspiratio1865 6 років тому

    Beautiful! 😃🌸

  • @danacoutlaw
    @danacoutlaw 3 роки тому

    So beautiful..was wondering, are you wiping your brush in between colors or dipping in water ? Like when u use that yellow ..did you completely clean that brush? I just appreciate sooo much what you do!

  • @lr0000
    @lr0000 Рік тому +1

    thank you so much for all your videos! i’ve learned a lot from you. i’m trying to find an answer to this question and hoping you’ll see this and have one: i have some shellac based inks (india inks from dr ph martin) and am wondering if there would be any issue using these instead of acrylic inks on pastelmat as underpainting. i would thin them out but can’t predict if the shellac would cause issues with either the paper or the pastel… if you’ve tried this i would so appreciate a response!

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  Рік тому

      That sounds like a great idea. I think it should probably work, but I’ve never tried it. If I were you, I’d experiment on a small piece first. Hopefully it will work!

  • @annettefournier9655
    @annettefournier9655 4 роки тому

    I thought the underpainting was fantastic and might have stopped there. Lol. Subbed recently and have been watching past videos to make some informed choices to trying this medium. I love January clearance sales! I ordered 2 types of paper , some handmade soft pastels round, square soft pastels and have Nu Pastels. Nothing grand so I won't find them too precious to practice with but good reviews. Hooray for great sales.😃👍

  • @ami4302
    @ami4302 3 роки тому

    I heard under soft pastel as boundry making can contaminate oil and acrylics.? Please advice

  • @jeanetta59
    @jeanetta59 4 роки тому

    Wow! It's stunning! You mention that you do not cover all the underpainting. I can see the lighter blue showing. Does it give a different texture though?

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  4 роки тому +1

      The underpainting can actually give a bit of texture depending on what product you use. When I use clear Gesso to apply as an under painting I can often use a stiff bristle brush to get vigorous and energetic strokes. This texture will show through in the final painting and I really like the result.

    • @jeanetta59
      @jeanetta59 4 роки тому

      @@monetcafe but the gesso is on the parts that was not covered by pastels, so it has the same texture as the rest. Same glow, it you get my drift.

  • @derickelsner6802
    @derickelsner6802 6 років тому

    Hello great video..I was wondering if you add a little water to your. Inks or do use hem straight out of the bottle. Thanks

  • @susankeller3198
    @susankeller3198 6 років тому

    So Stunning! Thanks for the inspiration & beauty!

    @PAINTWITHJOY 6 років тому

    Amazing video

  • @gila1959
    @gila1959 4 роки тому +1

    ...thanx for your video especially thanx for NOT using music..

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  4 роки тому

      You're Welcome... and I'm learning too from listening to my subscribers about "NO MUSIC" while I'm talking. ;)

  • @andreatorraca8755
    @andreatorraca8755 6 років тому


  • @catrinahampton3556
    @catrinahampton3556 6 років тому +2

    HAHA.. I thought for a second when you held up Dusty you were going to use him to blend!!! lol.. too funny.

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  6 років тому +1

      Ha ha ha! But I bet she'd make a great pastel "blender"... LOL! But then I'd have all the animal activists after me telling me about the toxicity of pastels. Tee hee. I did have a friend's cat lay across one of my paintings once though. He smeared the painting, but had a nice imprint of it on his fur!

  • @dr.maryllishughes1214
    @dr.maryllishughes1214 5 років тому +1

    Very helpful about the acrylic inks but please tell your viewers more about the PASTELS you use (brand) & fixative you use when the artwork is complete! THANKS !

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  5 років тому

      Hi Maryllis.... I have an older video where I give information on different types of pastels and pastel papers. Here is the link. I also have a playlist on my channel with all sorts of videos on different pastel products. Happy Painting!

  • @derickelsner6802
    @derickelsner6802 6 років тому

    Would this work with uart paper or should I get a white paper?

  • @terrilynnstalvey1416
    @terrilynnstalvey1416 5 років тому

    What a sweetie, 👋 Due the. Love under painting. 😲 then you work it. Lol, questions answered before asked. Love the Koi. Understand re fixative for longest time thought it would protect as sold but am learning to use sparingly. Music is wonderful low, great choice. 👏👍 becoming a fan. Next up the Monet Cafe coffee cup Yee Haa from Texas 😀❤

  • @safi456
    @safi456 6 років тому +3

    Wow...I mean, WOW. You just effortlessly pull it out of the bag! I'm so impressed. I'm a watercolourist, but got given a few acrylic inks recently, and started playing. That led me to pull out some very old oil pastels and chalk pastels to experiment with alongside the inks. I know next to nothing about pastels so I started looking around UA-cam and stumbled upon you. I've already watched 3 of your videos when I should've been asleep 3 hours ago!
    Please can you tell me what type of pastels you're using - oil or chalk? How do you do details with stubby chunky pieces of pastel? Do you ever smudge because I can't seem to see that in your videos... Also, in one video you were using both water and alcohol with your pastels: why is that and can you do that with all types of pastels? Do you never use turpentine? Can you use pastels with watercolor paper?
    Sorry for this long list of Q's! Pastels just really confuse me!

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  4 роки тому +1

      I am so sorry it's taken me 2 YEARS to respond to this! I never saw your comment until now. Here are some answers to your questions:
      1. I use soft pastels (not oil)
      2. I get detail by simply using edges of the pastels (even though some of them are chunky)
      3. I don't blend much, but let the pastels blend themselves (that's why the color stays vibrant and not muddy)
      4. You can use both water or alcohol with soft pastels, it basically turns them into paint and I like alcohol just because it dries faster. Any alcohol will do... even vodka!! lol
      5. I never use Turpentine
      6. I use pastels with watercolor paper all the time and have lots of videos of me using that surface.
      Hope that helps... and I've got lots more instruction here on UA-cam since 2 yrs ago. Happy painting!

  • @brendahicks4701
    @brendahicks4701 5 років тому

    Do you offer classes in St Augustine

  • @KashiGirl911
    @KashiGirl911 Рік тому

    good point on editing the image you want to draw. I have a nice photo, but there is a big cross smack dab in the middle. I'll have a nice photo reference if i edit out the religiosity

  • @wesleyashworth5061
    @wesleyashworth5061 2 роки тому

    Hahaaa…..I actually thought for a second you were gonna just go ahead and use Buddy as an eraser 😂

  • @rayemartineau8644
    @rayemartineau8644 2 роки тому

    💓👍👀 3/25/22

  • @derickelsner6869
    @derickelsner6869 6 років тому

    I totally just ordered some inks;; now im broke lol

  • @leon899
    @leon899 6 років тому

    I like most of your video tutorials, but if you can increase the video resolution to be HD- 1080p would be much better!!!

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  6 років тому

      Can you tell me how to do that?

    • @leon899
      @leon899 6 років тому +1

      First, you will need a camera that able to take video in 1920x 1080 resolution. most of the current new cell phones can do that. after finish the video recording your painting process and editing. upload that final video to your youtube channel with " HD" setting. that is the key. thank you for your time to make the videos for us!

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  6 років тому

      Leon Chen ... thank you so much for that. I have a good camera for filming and always have it set to record at the highest resolution, but I guess I was not uploading it in the HD setting on UA-cam. I’m a bit limited now with my upload speed however, because I am in a rural location. But hopefully that will change soon and I can upload at higher speeds. Thanks again for that tip and I hope to have this taken care of soon.

  • @margcromack1229
    @margcromack1229 5 років тому

    have u ever used inksticks?

  • @ClariceAust
    @ClariceAust Рік тому +1

    I just so happen to have been told this week by my art teacher that FW inks fade badly, so be wary of using them in your artworks.

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  Рік тому +1

      Thanks Clarice👍🏻 Good to know.

  • @TroliciaPelotilla
    @TroliciaPelotilla 3 роки тому +1

    Too many ads

  • @mapeandrews3951
    @mapeandrews3951 6 років тому

    Pity you sped up the painting so much it became annoying to watch. I wish you would just leave the videos at a watchable speed. I watch the videos on a tablet and the speed of the video cannot be slowed down.

    • @monetcafe
      @monetcafe  6 років тому +2

      Mape Andrews .... hopefully one day I can be at a location with better Wi-Fi. Our home flooded due to hurricane Irma last year, and we are living in a remote location where there is very limited Wi-Fi capability. I’m afraid I wouldn’t even be able to upload the video at the regular speed. It would probably take more than 24 hours to get one video uploaded. You can pray for me though and that I will one day have the resources to make real time videos. Blessings 👍🏻💜

  • @KassiusFineArt
    @KassiusFineArt Рік тому

    Keep your kitten out of the art, please.