Recently Atarashii Gakko! shared the stage with Balming Tiger at a festival in Korea, and for Balming Tiger's encore, Atarashii Gakko! came out and joined them to dance and sing this song in a mashup with their Tokyo Calling song. They posted it on UA-cam. It's wonderful. So great to see the cross-cultural pollination between goofy like-minds. I don't know about Korean, but in Japanese, buri-buri is an onomatopoeia for the "sound" of a wiggling butt. Cartoon kid Crayon Shin-chan is famous for it. Of course, it's also a pun for booty-booty, so there's that. You know, deep, serious stuff.
Recently Atarashii Gakko! shared the stage with Balming Tiger at a festival in Korea, and for Balming Tiger's encore, Atarashii Gakko! came out and joined them to dance and sing this song in a mashup with their Tokyo Calling song. They posted it on UA-cam. It's wonderful. So great to see the cross-cultural pollination between goofy like-minds.
I don't know about Korean, but in Japanese, buri-buri is an onomatopoeia for the "sound" of a wiggling butt. Cartoon kid Crayon Shin-chan is famous for it. Of course, it's also a pun for booty-booty, so there's that. You know, deep, serious stuff.
I will have to check out that version. Thanks for the insight!