My way Courtney - Killer Bass - She was really bossy {Ezekiel didn't made sexist comments, Heather and Leshawna starts a rivalry, Duncan starts bullying Harold} 22.Sadie - Killer Bass - She and Katie had a fight during the day cause of Heather. This fight annoyed the team and Sadie had more votes than Katie {Heather makes an alliance with Beth and Lindsay} 21.Justin - Screaming Gophers - He was useless for the team 20.Izzy - Screaming Gophers - She was crazy and creepy so everyone voted for her {Harold and Katie form an alliance against Duncan} 19.Harold - Killer Bass - Duncan discovered their alliance and told it to others. Harold had more votes {Duncan and Katie starts a rivalry} 18.Katie - Killer Bass - Cause of Duncan {Beth broke up the alliance with Heather and Lindsay, Heather adds Noah in the alliance} 17.Noah - Screaming Gophers - Cause of Beth {Heather adds Cody and Owen in the alliance} Heather - Screaming Gophers - Lindsay betrayed Heather and voted against her, causing a 5 - 3 and not a 4 - 4, so she basically eliminated Heather 16.Eva - Killer Bass - She hitted Bridgette with many apples and convinced everyone to vote for her 15.Owen - Screaming Gophers - He was the worst in the challenges 14.DJ - Killer Bass - Cause of Duncan 13.Tyler - Killer Bass [Injured] - He was injured cause of a bear *MERGE* COURTNEY AND HEATHER RETURN 12.Courtney - Same as the original,but here Heather sabotaged the votes 11.Geoff - Heather kissed him in front of Bridgette and so Leshawna convinced everyone to vote for Heather but she had the immunity,so everyone voted Geoff 10.Duncan { *Secondary villain*} - He lost the challenge 9.Heather { *Villain of the season*} - She lost the challenge beacause Leshawna and Beth sabotaged her bike 8.Cody - He was scared by a wolf and Chris eliminated him 7.Lindsay - She lost the challenge 6.Bridgette - She was too popular 5.Beth - The losers accidentally voted her off 4.Ezekiel -The boys lost the challenge and Chef eliminated Ezekiel 3.Leshawna - Gwen chose Trent for the finale 2.Trent { *Runner up*} He lost against Gwen 1.Gwen { *Winner of the season*} She won the season!!!
I was only one that knew instantly that Eva is screwed after heather making alliance with Harold due to having rivalry with: ex killer bass teammates, Leshawna if Harold confessed his feelings to her and from that moment also with Heather and Lindsay due to Heathers alliance with Harold. So if sbd didn't vote Eva in that outcome it could be only our original winners: Gwen and Owen. Also Eva must have damaged Harold very seriously if even Duncan thought she crossed the line and voted her then
My way Ep 1- No elimination Ep 2- Ezekiel (24°) Ep 3- Eva (23°) Ep 4- Sadie (22°)/Katie (21°) Ep 5- No elimination Ep 6- Justin (20°) Ep 7- Izzy (19°) Ep 8- Beth (18°) Ep 9- Cody (17°) Ep 10- No elimination Ep 11- Noah (16°) Ep 12- Harold (15°) Ep 13- Tyler (14°) Ep 14- Courtney (13°) Ep 15- Bridgette (12°) Ep 16- Trent (11°) Ep 17- Merge / Izzy and Eva Return Ep 18- Eva (10°) Ep 19- Izzy (9°) Ep 20- No elimination Ep 21- Lindsay (8°) Ep 22- Leshawna (7°) Ep 23- Heather (6°) Ep 24- Geoff (5°) Ep 25- Duncan (4°) Ep 26- Owen (3°) Ep 27- Gwen (2°) DJ WINNER
Total Drama Island Killer Bass Ezekiel Duncan Harold DJ Jeff Tyler Bridgette Courtney Eva Katie and Sadie Screaming Gophers Heather Leshawna Gwen Lindsay Beth Izzy Owen Noah Trent Justin and Cody Episode 1 Non Elimination Round Episode 2 Gophers wins Bass loses Duncan Harold DJ Jeff Tyler Bridgette Courtney Eva Katie and Sadie voted for Ezekiel Ezekiel voted for Courtney 10 votes for Ezekiel 1 vote for Courtney Ezekiel was the 1st one off the show for his stereotypical sexist comments towards the girls and started to pick his nose and offended them Episode 3 Gophers wins Bass loses Duncan Harold DJ Jeff Tyler Bridgette Courtney Katie and Sadie voted for Eva Eva voted for Harold 9 votes for Eva 1 vote for Harold Eva couldn't control her temper over her MP3 Player and accused her teammates for stealing it when Heather found it by the campfire pit and it feel out of pocket while going to the bathroom Episode 4 Bass wins Gophers loses Heather Leshawna Gwen Lindsay Beth Trent Justin and Cody voted for Noah Owen Noah and Izzy voted for Heather 8 votes for Noah 3 votes for Heather Noah refused to play Dodgeball and participate and let his teammates down by sitting on the bleachers for the entire game rounds by reading his book and had enough of Heather's bossiness Episode 5 Bass wins Gophers loses Heather Lindsay Beth Owen Izzy and Cody voted for Justin Justin Gwen Trent and Leshawna voted for Heather 6 votes for Justin 4 votes for Heather Heather wanted 6 votes against Justin by reading Gwen's diary infront of the entire world and embarrassed her for what she writes on her diary about her love for Trent Episode 6 Gophers wins Bass loses Duncan Harold DJ Jeff Bridgette and Sadie voted for Katie Courtney Tyler and Katie voted for Sadie 6 votes for Katie 3 votes for Sadie Katie got Sadie lost in the woods and had a heated argument Episode 7 Gophers wins Bass loses Duncan Harold Courtney Jeff and Bridgette voted for Tyler DJ Tyler and Sadie voted for Courtney 5 votes for Tyler 3 votes for Courtney Tyler didn't want to face his fears over chickens and freaked out about it Episode 8 Bass wins Gophers loses Heather Leshawna Gwen Lindsay Beth Trent and Cody voted for Izzy Owen and Izzy voted for Heather 7 votes for Izzy 2 votes for Heather Heather contacted the RMCP to have Izzy taken away and arrested Episode 9 Bass wins Gophers loses Heather Leshawna Gwen Lindsay Owen and Trent voted for Cody Beth and Cody voted for Heather 6 votes for Cody 2 votes for Heather Cody got attacked by a bear due to Heather Episode 10 Bass wins Gophers loses Heather Leshawna Lindsay and Owen voted for Beth Gwen Trent and Beth voted for Heather 4 votes for Beth 3 votes for Heather Beth cursed the whole team with a wooden statue doll from Boney Island win Chris explained the rules do not bring anything off from Boney Island or else you will be cursed and missed the rules while she was in the bathroom and Heather found out about it and betrayed her and took her out of the alliance Episode 11 Gophers wins Bsss loses Duncan Harold DJ Jeff Bridgette and Courtney voted for Sadie Sadie voted for Harold 6 votes for Sadie 1 vote for Harold Sadie cost them the challenge and made the whole team lose Episode 12 Gophers wins Bass loses Duncan Courtney DJ and Bridgette voted for Harold Harold and Jeff voted for Courtney 4 votes for Harold 2 votes for Courtney Harold was supposed to be eliminated but instead Heather told Lindsay to switch up the votes against Courtney to make Duncan lose his mind Episode 13 Gophers wins Bass loses Duncan DJ Jeff and Bridgette voted for Harold Harold voted for Duncan 4 votes for Harold 1 vote for Duncan Harold lost it for team by writing a love letter to Leshawna by seeing Heather topless Episode 14 Teams Dissolve Boys win Girls lose Boys get to go on the yacht boat for the weekend and Girls get to stay with Chef for the weekend Episode 15 Courtney and Noah returns Leshawna wins inciabillty Leshawna Gwen Trent Owen Noah Duncan DJ Jeff Bridgette and Courtney voted for Heather Heather and Lindsay voted for Trent 10 votes for Heather 2 votes for Trent Heather was supposed to be going but instead she switched up the votes against Trent and forbid Gwen to see and love him again Episode 16 Heather wins inciabillty Heather Leshawna Gwen Lindsay Owen Noah DJ Jeff and Bridgette voted for Duncan Duncan and Courtney voted for Gwen 9 votes for Duncan 2 votes for Gwen Heather manipulated Duncan and kissed him infront of Courtney Episode 17 Courtney wins inciabillty Heather Lindsay DJ Jeff Bridgette and Courtney voted for Noah Owen Noah Gwen and Leshawna voted for Heather 6 votes for Noah 4 votes for Heather Heather told Lindsay DJ Jeff Bridgette and Courtney to vote for Noah thinking he's the bigger threat around Owen Episode 18 Heather wins inciabillty Bridgette was the last one to cross the line due to Heather Episode 19 Gwen wins inciabillty Heather betrayed Lindsay and made her scream too much and Lindsay called out Heather for what she did to her and everybody on the show when everyone warned her about Heather and didn't realize what Heather was doing to Lindsay and she cursed out Heather and gave her the middle finger on live television Episode 20 Gwen wins inciabillty Courtney came in last with her animal due to Heather Episode 21 Owen and Heather DJ and Gwen Jeff and Leshawna Leshawna voted forHeather DJ and Gwen voted for Jeff Owen Jeff and Heather voted for DJ 1 vote for Heather 2 votes for Jeff 3 votes for DJ Heather told Owen and Jeff to vote off DJ thinking he's the biggest threat and ruins DJ's and Jeff's brotherhood Episode 22 Visit from the eliminated contestants Episode 23 Leshawna wins inciabillty Heather Owen and Jeff voted for Gwen Gwen and Leshawna voted for Heather 3 votes for Gwen 2 votes for Heather Heather told Owen and Jeff to vote for Gwen thinking she's a big threat around Leshawna Episode 24 Owen and Jeff Heather and Leshawna Boys wins Girls loses Owen Jeff and Leshawna voted for Heather Heather voted for Leshawna 3 votes for Heather 1 vote for Leshawna Chris and Chef found out what Heather did was cheating through the challenges switching up votes and not playing fair for the other contestants and got caught on camera and took her off the show Heather Total Drama Island Main Antagonist Villain defeated once and for all Episode 25 Owen and Leshawna made through the finale Jeff couldn't due Bridgette's dare Episode 26 Total Drama Island Rundown with unseen footage exclusive clips and deleted scenes from each episode of the show Episode 27 Leshawna Runner Up Owen Winner of Total Drama Island Main Protagonist Hero with 1 million dollars Episode 28 Total Drama Island Reunion Special Owen Noah Izzy Lindsay Beth Justin DJ Duncan Harold Leshawna Heather Courtney Gwen Trent Jeff and Bridgette qualified to be on Total Drama Action Ezekiel Cody Tyler Eva Katie and Sadie didn't qualify to be on Total Drama Action but instead their be watching it on live television
My way no elaboration because my phone is about to die Ezekiel Eva Justin Beth Sadie Katie Izzy Cody Harold Tyler MERGE (Izzy and Katie come back) Bridgette Eva Trent DJ Lindsay Geoff Leshawna Duncan Heather Alt. Gwen Winner: Noah
wow its beautyful video
I'm gonna pass out how you have 3 like
my way:
24. Ezekiel
23. Sadie
22. Beth
21. Justin
20. Izzy
19. Katie
18. Cody
17. Tyler
16. Noah
15. Harold
14. Eva
13. Gwen
MERGE (Eva and Cody return)
12. Trent
11. Eva (again)
10. Owen
9. Cody (again)
8. Lindsay
7. Bridgette
6. Dj
5. Courtney
4. Duncan
3. Heather (villain)
Geoff vs Leshawna
Wow fantastic!! I’m currently remaking some of my old videos too
My way
Courtney - Killer Bass - She was really bossy {Ezekiel didn't made sexist comments, Heather and Leshawna starts a rivalry, Duncan starts bullying Harold}
22.Sadie - Killer Bass - She and Katie had a fight during the day cause of Heather. This fight annoyed the team and Sadie had more votes than Katie {Heather makes an alliance with Beth and Lindsay}
21.Justin - Screaming Gophers - He was useless for the team
20.Izzy - Screaming Gophers - She was crazy and creepy so everyone voted for her {Harold and Katie form an alliance against Duncan}
19.Harold - Killer Bass - Duncan discovered their alliance and told it to others. Harold had more votes {Duncan and Katie starts a rivalry}
18.Katie - Killer Bass - Cause of Duncan {Beth broke up the alliance with Heather and Lindsay, Heather adds Noah in the alliance}
17.Noah - Screaming Gophers - Cause of Beth {Heather adds Cody and Owen in the alliance}
Heather - Screaming Gophers - Lindsay betrayed Heather and voted against her, causing a 5 - 3 and not a 4 - 4, so she basically eliminated Heather
16.Eva - Killer Bass - She hitted Bridgette with many apples and convinced everyone to vote for her
15.Owen - Screaming Gophers - He was the worst in the challenges
14.DJ - Killer Bass - Cause of Duncan
13.Tyler - Killer Bass [Injured] - He was injured cause of a bear
12.Courtney - Same as the original,but here Heather sabotaged the votes
11.Geoff - Heather kissed him in front of Bridgette and so Leshawna convinced everyone to vote for Heather but she had the immunity,so everyone voted Geoff
10.Duncan { *Secondary villain*} - He lost the challenge
9.Heather { *Villain of the season*} - She lost the challenge beacause Leshawna and Beth sabotaged her bike
8.Cody - He was scared by a wolf and Chris eliminated him
7.Lindsay - She lost the challenge
6.Bridgette - She was too popular
5.Beth - The losers accidentally voted her off
4.Ezekiel -The boys lost the challenge and Chef eliminated Ezekiel
3.Leshawna - Gwen chose Trent for the finale
2.Trent { *Runner up*} He lost against Gwen
1.Gwen { *Winner of the season*} She won the season!!!
Great Order!
This Is My Way:
(Merge,Tyler And Izzy Returns)
I was only one that knew instantly that Eva is screwed after heather making alliance with Harold due to having rivalry with: ex killer bass teammates, Leshawna if Harold confessed his feelings to her and from that moment also with Heather and Lindsay due to Heathers alliance with Harold. So if sbd didn't vote Eva in that outcome it could be only our original winners: Gwen and Owen. Also Eva must have damaged Harold very seriously if even Duncan thought she crossed the line and voted her then
@@Big-Bang-Theory this was when i was an idiot and didn't post
@@BrickTD Oh Lol
Great video love the elimination order. also what music is this?
Tobu seven
My way
Ep 1- No elimination
Ep 2- Ezekiel (24°)
Ep 3- Eva (23°)
Ep 4- Sadie (22°)/Katie (21°)
Ep 5- No elimination
Ep 6- Justin (20°)
Ep 7- Izzy (19°)
Ep 8- Beth (18°)
Ep 9- Cody (17°)
Ep 10- No elimination
Ep 11- Noah (16°)
Ep 12- Harold (15°)
Ep 13- Tyler (14°)
Ep 14- Courtney (13°)
Ep 15- Bridgette (12°)
Ep 16- Trent (11°)
Ep 17- Merge / Izzy and Eva Return
Ep 18- Eva (10°)
Ep 19- Izzy (9°)
Ep 20- No elimination
Ep 21- Lindsay (8°)
Ep 22- Leshawna (7°)
Ep 23- Heather (6°)
Ep 24- Geoff (5°)
Ep 25- Duncan (4°)
Ep 26- Owen (3°)
Ep 27- Gwen (2°)
My Way
22nd Zeke
21st Harold
20th Justin
19th: Beth
18: Eva
15th Noah
14th Izzy
13th Cody
12th Bridget
11th Trent
10th Geoff
9th Courtney
8th: Lindsay
7th: Leshawana
6th Tyler
5th: Duncan
4th DJ
3rd Leshawna
2nd: Gwen
1st: Owen
A little question. If Lindsay forget you again, you'll still like her?
24 Ezekiel 23 Katie 22 Justin 21 Izzy 20 Beth 19 Trent 18 Harold 17 Eva 16 Sadie 15 Noah 14 Cody 13 Geoff 12 Bridgette 11 Tyler 10 Eva 9 Gwen 8 Lindsay 7 Harold 6 Owen 5 Courtney 4 Heather 3 DJ 2 Leshawna 1 Duncan
Cuando aras total drama World tour my way
My way
22nd Ezekiel
21st Justin
20th Noah
19th Gwen
18th Katie
17th Tyler
16th Izzy
15th Heather
14th Cody
13th Sadie
12th Courtney
11th Harold
Merge + Heather and Izzy return
12th Eva
11th Geoff
10th Bridgette
9th Beth
8th Dj
7th Izzy
6th Trent
5th Leshawna
4th Duncan
3rd Heather
2nd Lindsay
1st Owen
Total drama your cast
Team red
Team green
My way 22 sadie 21 Katie (quits) 20 Justin 19 Izzy 18 eva 17 Geoff 16 trent 15 cody 14 Owen 13 Harold 12 Courtney 11 Tyler merge trent and Harold rejoin 12 DJ 11 leshwana 10 Bridgette 9 Beth 8 Harold 7 Gwen 6 trent 5 Duncan 4 Lindsay 3 heather runner up Ezekiel winner Noah
Total Drama Island
Killer Bass Ezekiel Duncan Harold DJ Jeff Tyler Bridgette Courtney Eva Katie and Sadie
Screaming Gophers Heather Leshawna Gwen Lindsay Beth Izzy Owen Noah Trent Justin and Cody
Episode 1
Non Elimination Round
Episode 2
Gophers wins
Bass loses
Duncan Harold DJ Jeff Tyler Bridgette Courtney Eva Katie and Sadie voted for Ezekiel
Ezekiel voted for Courtney
10 votes for Ezekiel 1 vote for Courtney
Ezekiel was the 1st one off the show for his stereotypical sexist comments towards the girls and started to pick his nose and offended them
Episode 3
Gophers wins
Bass loses
Duncan Harold DJ Jeff Tyler Bridgette Courtney Katie and Sadie voted for Eva
Eva voted for Harold
9 votes for Eva 1 vote for Harold
Eva couldn't control her temper over her MP3 Player and accused her teammates for stealing it when Heather found it by the campfire pit and it feel out of pocket while going to the bathroom
Episode 4
Bass wins
Gophers loses
Heather Leshawna Gwen Lindsay Beth Trent Justin and Cody voted for Noah
Owen Noah and Izzy voted for Heather
8 votes for Noah 3 votes for Heather
Noah refused to play Dodgeball and participate and let his teammates down by sitting on the bleachers for the entire game rounds by reading his book and had enough of Heather's bossiness
Episode 5
Bass wins
Gophers loses
Heather Lindsay Beth Owen Izzy and Cody voted for Justin
Justin Gwen Trent and Leshawna voted for Heather
6 votes for Justin 4 votes for Heather
Heather wanted 6 votes against Justin by reading Gwen's diary infront of the entire world and embarrassed her for what she writes on her diary about her love for Trent
Episode 6
Gophers wins
Bass loses
Duncan Harold DJ Jeff Bridgette and Sadie voted for Katie
Courtney Tyler and Katie voted for Sadie
6 votes for Katie 3 votes for Sadie
Katie got Sadie lost in the woods and had a heated argument
Episode 7
Gophers wins
Bass loses
Duncan Harold Courtney Jeff and Bridgette voted for Tyler
DJ Tyler and Sadie voted for Courtney
5 votes for Tyler 3 votes for Courtney
Tyler didn't want to face his fears over chickens and freaked out about it
Episode 8
Bass wins
Gophers loses
Heather Leshawna Gwen Lindsay Beth Trent and Cody voted for Izzy
Owen and Izzy voted for Heather
7 votes for Izzy 2 votes for Heather
Heather contacted the RMCP to have Izzy taken away and arrested
Episode 9
Bass wins
Gophers loses
Heather Leshawna Gwen Lindsay Owen and Trent voted for Cody
Beth and Cody voted for Heather
6 votes for Cody 2 votes for Heather
Cody got attacked by a bear due to Heather
Episode 10
Bass wins
Gophers loses
Heather Leshawna Lindsay and Owen voted for Beth
Gwen Trent and Beth voted for Heather
4 votes for Beth 3 votes for Heather
Beth cursed the whole team with a wooden statue doll from Boney Island win Chris explained the rules do not bring anything off from Boney Island or else you will be cursed and missed the rules while she was in the bathroom and Heather found out about it and betrayed her and took her out of the alliance
Episode 11
Gophers wins
Bsss loses
Duncan Harold DJ Jeff Bridgette and Courtney voted for Sadie
Sadie voted for Harold
6 votes for Sadie 1 vote for Harold
Sadie cost them the challenge and made the whole team lose
Episode 12
Gophers wins
Bass loses
Duncan Courtney DJ and Bridgette voted for Harold
Harold and Jeff voted for Courtney
4 votes for Harold 2 votes for Courtney
Harold was supposed to be eliminated but instead Heather told Lindsay to switch up the votes against Courtney to make Duncan lose his mind
Episode 13
Gophers wins
Bass loses
Duncan DJ Jeff and Bridgette voted for Harold
Harold voted for Duncan
4 votes for Harold 1 vote for Duncan
Harold lost it for team by writing a love letter to Leshawna by seeing Heather topless
Episode 14
Teams Dissolve
Boys win
Girls lose
Boys get to go on the yacht boat for the weekend and Girls get to stay with Chef for the weekend
Episode 15
Courtney and Noah returns
Leshawna wins inciabillty
Leshawna Gwen Trent Owen Noah Duncan DJ Jeff Bridgette and Courtney voted for Heather
Heather and Lindsay voted for Trent
10 votes for Heather 2 votes for Trent
Heather was supposed to be going but instead she switched up the votes against Trent and forbid Gwen to see and love him again
Episode 16
Heather wins inciabillty
Heather Leshawna Gwen Lindsay Owen Noah DJ Jeff and Bridgette voted for Duncan
Duncan and Courtney voted for Gwen
9 votes for Duncan 2 votes for Gwen
Heather manipulated Duncan and kissed him infront of Courtney
Episode 17
Courtney wins inciabillty
Heather Lindsay DJ Jeff Bridgette and Courtney voted for Noah
Owen Noah Gwen and Leshawna voted for Heather
6 votes for Noah 4 votes for Heather
Heather told Lindsay DJ Jeff Bridgette and Courtney to vote for Noah thinking he's the bigger threat around Owen
Episode 18
Heather wins inciabillty
Bridgette was the last one to cross the line due to Heather
Episode 19
Gwen wins inciabillty
Heather betrayed Lindsay and made her scream too much and Lindsay called out Heather for what she did to her and everybody on the show when everyone warned her about Heather and didn't realize what Heather was doing to Lindsay and she cursed out Heather and gave her the middle finger on live television
Episode 20
Gwen wins inciabillty
Courtney came in last with her animal due to Heather
Episode 21
Owen and Heather
DJ and Gwen
Jeff and Leshawna
Leshawna voted forHeather
DJ and Gwen voted for Jeff
Owen Jeff and Heather voted for DJ
1 vote for Heather 2 votes for Jeff 3 votes for DJ
Heather told Owen and Jeff to vote off DJ thinking he's the biggest threat and ruins DJ's and Jeff's brotherhood
Episode 22
Visit from the eliminated contestants
Episode 23
Leshawna wins inciabillty
Heather Owen and Jeff voted for Gwen
Gwen and Leshawna voted for Heather
3 votes for Gwen 2 votes for Heather
Heather told Owen and Jeff to vote for Gwen thinking she's a big threat around Leshawna
Episode 24
Owen and Jeff
Heather and Leshawna
Boys wins
Girls loses
Owen Jeff and Leshawna voted for Heather
Heather voted for Leshawna
3 votes for Heather 1 vote for Leshawna
Chris and Chef found out what Heather did was cheating through the challenges switching up votes and not playing fair for the other contestants and got caught on camera and took her off the show
Heather Total Drama Island Main Antagonist Villain defeated once and for all
Episode 25
Owen and Leshawna made through the finale
Jeff couldn't due Bridgette's dare
Episode 26
Total Drama Island Rundown with unseen footage exclusive clips and deleted scenes from each episode of the show
Episode 27
Leshawna Runner Up
Owen Winner of Total Drama Island Main Protagonist Hero with 1 million dollars
Episode 28
Total Drama Island Reunion Special
Owen Noah Izzy Lindsay Beth Justin DJ Duncan Harold Leshawna Heather Courtney Gwen Trent Jeff and Bridgette qualified to be on Total Drama Action
Ezekiel Cody Tyler Eva Katie and Sadie didn't qualify to be on Total Drama Action but instead their be watching it on live television
My way no elaboration because my phone is about to die
MERGE (Izzy and Katie come back)
Alt. Gwen
Winner: Noah
Why did Eva win the first merge challenge anyway?
I'm surprised when i watch Vals version they had the same finale but i respect your opinion
yeah I noticed but I liked it a lot as a final
My man Trent got out so early :(
In My way he got out instead of Beth, but he returned and won!
Wish Leshawna win
24 Harold 23 Eva 22 Noah 21 Justin 20 Sadie 19 Ezekiel 18 Izzy 17 Cody 16 Beth 15 Tyler 14 Courtney 13 Katie 12 Eva 11 Trent 10 Izzy 9 Lindsay 8 DJ 7 Bridgette 6 Geoff 5 Leshawna 4 Duncan 3 Heather 2 Gwen 1 Owen