Easter 2020 - A story of Hope & Celebrations for Kids

  • Опубліковано 26 жов 2024
  • #Easter_For_Kids #Easter_Story
    Visit the website and open the surprise in Easter Basket at
    We present to you the story of Jesus’s crucifixion and his coming back to life. The story of Easter
    To many kids Easter is all about Easter eggs, Easter bunny and Chocolates, so we thought to start with the story of Jesus, though the video also mentions interesting facts about the Easter Eggs, Egg Roll, Easter Bunny, and Jelly Beans.
    The story begins with Jesus, who called himself “the son of God”. He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, and life to the dead. Many people were witness to Jesus’s miracles, and Jesus had a big group of followers.
    But the Jewish leaders did not like Jesus as he called himself the “Son of God”, so they made a plan to get Jesus arrested. One of his disciple’s Judas, got him arrested in exchange for some silver coins.
    Jesus was then taken to the council, where again he said, “I am the son of God”. The council did not like it and decided to punish Jesus. He was taken to Pontius Pilate, the governor of the province of Judaea. Pilate heard the case. He did not think that Jesus was guilty. But the crowd kept screaming, “crucify him, we want him dead”, and Pilate was forced to give the orders to crucify Jesus.
    The soldiers beat Jesus, tore his clothes and put a crown of thorns on his head. He was then taken to place outside Jerusalem, called Golgotha, or the “place of skull,”. They nailed him on the cross, and waited for him to die.
    While Jesus was hanging on the cross, many people shouted to him, “if you really are the son of God, then save yourself”. But Jesus knew - he had to die, to forgive his people for their sins. To everyone’s surprise, at noon, darkness fell across the whole land, and 3 hours later, Jesus died.
    When Jesus died, the curtain in the temple that separated the priests from God’s holy place, tore into two. Soldiers, who were watching the series of incidents said,” He truly was the son of God”.
    Later a righteous man named Joseph, placed Jesus’s body in a tomb. Three days had passed, it was a Sunday, and to Jesus’s disciples, it seemed that the world had come to an end, there was no hope. That Sunday, two women who were followers of Jesus, went to his tomb, and found that the tomb was empty. Just then an angel appeared and told the ladies “go quickly and tell His disciples that Jesus has come back to life. He will meet his followers in Galilee. The ladies were jumping with joy, and ran to tell the good news to Jesus’s followers.
    For next 40 days, Jesus appeared to many people. He had sacrificed his life to forgive the sins of his people, and came back life to give hope to his followers. Jesus’s coming back to life was called as resurrection. Easter is a celebration of Jesus coming back to life.
    Now about the Easter Celebrations- The first recorded celebration of Easter was in the 2nd century, but it was probably celebrated even before that. In addition to its religious importance, Easter is also a popular secular festival, because of its association with the Easter bunny, colourful decorated eggs and of course all those chocolates and candies.
    The eggs represent fertility, and Easter eggs may have become a part of the celebration to mark the resurrection of Jesus.
    The colourful Easter egg soon hatched its own tradition, egg rolling being the most popular one. In 1878 Rutherford Hayes offered the White House lawns for the little rollers, and since then the White House Easter Egg roll became a tradition.
    The fertile rabbit has long been a symbol of new life in Europe Pagan Celebrations in the 17th Century, and was probably brought to America a century later by German immigrants. Later, the Easter bunny delivering the Easter basket, filled with beautiful eggs became a tradition. In Switzerland, a cuckoo delivers the Easter Eggs, while in different parts of Germany kids wait for the Easter Fox, Chick, Rooster or Stork.
    As it goes, the 19th century chocolatiers in Europe, began making egg shaped chocolates, to help fill the Easter baskets. The sweet trend quickly spread across the world.
    Jelly beans were invented in the 17th century, but they became a part of Easter celebrations in 1930s when the merchants pointed out, that jelly beans looked like eggs. And now the US candy makers produce about 16 billion jelly beans each year for Easter.
    Hey friends, if you have decorated an Easter egg or have received that beautiful Easter Basket from your parents, do write to us. By the way, which is your favorite game on Easter? We would love to hear from you.
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