Different Ways of Coming to Believe in Jesus

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • There are many different ways of getting to Jesus, but only one way to have eternal life: faith in Jesus.


  • @fightingwithtruth1698
    @fightingwithtruth1698 5 років тому +15

    I came to Jesus drunk and high on my couch watching a preacher I was cursing at first but by the end of the sermon I was silent and prayed to God and believed on Christ.

  • @straderracing
    @straderracing 3 роки тому +4

    Bob Wilkin is awesome, he reminds me of Steve from Blues Clues! :D

  • @MarkR476
    @MarkR476 11 років тому +10

    I myself came to Christ by looking TO CHRIST as the answer. I looked to Him for peace of mind and found He offerred eternal life- what a deal! However I found out that resting in that life wasnt offered by the theological systems I got caught up in and hence I became unassured. Only since finding free grace have I realized that living for Him is BASED UPON A SURE FOUNDATION OF BEING ETERNALLY SECURE IN HIM! Bob and GES are foundational to that discovery

  • @katluann
    @katluann 3 роки тому +5

    I only recently discovered this guy and I do like just about everything I’ve heard him say! He knows his stuff but of course Calvinist probably call him a false teacher. I think he has it right!

  • @ewagospel2833
    @ewagospel2833 6 років тому +6

    I agree with Bob. He explained it very well. It may take different route to get to Jesus but it's the faith in Jesus Christ that saves, nothing else.
    Found Sheep

  • @NewCreationInChrist896
    @NewCreationInChrist896 2 роки тому +2

    Amen love one another.
    John 6:44
    "no man can come to me, except the Father that sent me draw him: and I will raise him up in the last day."

  • @stevehammond8393
    @stevehammond8393 Рік тому

    yes it is about what He promised, not what I promise. Amen.

  • @jacks5756
    @jacks5756 3 роки тому +1


  • @j.taylor3670
    @j.taylor3670 3 роки тому +1

    So great!

  • @airforceearrings
    @airforceearrings 11 років тому +1

    wow awesome! mine was thru an overdose, and a video of Jesus power later on!... to be specific the video is called "watch close this is real" in pete cabrera jr.'s youtube channel... yupp the Lord used that for me lol(:

  • @christiandam6803
    @christiandam6803 Рік тому

    I have a question. If one really truly believes that everlasting life is an absolutely free gift (even more free than the word free) then He should not have any problems with believing that he has everlasting life, right?

  • @christiandam6803
    @christiandam6803 10 місяців тому

    Is it possible for me or an unbeliever to believe that Jesus gave me eternal life by believing the 1 John 5:11 scripture where it is written that Jesus gave us eternal life?

  • @monicadhaliwal1791
    @monicadhaliwal1791 9 місяців тому

    Please Help me I Believe Jesus Is The Son of God and God The Son of The Holy Trinity I Believe Jesus Shed His Blood and Died in my place to Pay for All my Sins He Was Buried Then 3 Days Later Jesus Arose From The Dead!!! But I am struggling with some Sins that I honestly don’t know how to quit I hate my Sins But I genuinely don’t know how to stop them Am I still Saved because of my faith in Christ or am I Not Saved because of my sins? Thank you for All your Help and Time God Bless you

  • @pankrasekid
    @pankrasekid 7 років тому +5

    Many religions and many people believe in a "jesus." So, you are saying that Mormons are justified by God?

    • @JohnnyF118
      @JohnnyF118 4 роки тому +2

      pankrasekid there is only one Jesus who died on the Cross for our sins. One. The word believe in the original Greek means to trust in. Remember, even demons believe in Jesus, but they are certainly not saved. We have to stop trying to earn our way to Salvation because we can’t. Then we simply trust in Jesus. Trust that He paid for every last sin we have. That’s it. You mentioned Mormons. They are wonderful people, but their Jesus is NOT the one from the Bible. They preach we can all become gods. They devote a huge amount of their lives trying to be pure and good. Very noble, but very wrong. The Bible says if we try to add anything of our own to what Jesus did, we won’t be saved. Does this help? I hope so. God bless you.

  • @servant8509
    @servant8509 6 років тому

    Yes it is all part and parcel of salvation. When one excepts the gift of salvation. This has gotten to be ridiculous semantics to be saved. I guess we may as well throw out the book of James. It's understood we do these things, repent, obey etc. out of love for our Lord. Not to work for salvation. James wrote the book of James because he came across these same issues. That is why there are so many "fake" Christians. Then many fall away because there is no substance to their salvation. That is like John MacArthur saying we can take the mark of the beast and later repent and still be saved (He actually taught that) when in fact the scripture teaches against it. If we truly love our Lord, we do all these things. Read James. he says "You say you have faith but have no fruit! I'll show you my works to prove my faith" (James 2:18), Was James kidding. Are we not admonished by Holy scripture that ALL scripture is give to us. to study daily to be approved. To those who persevere and run the good race, to study scripture daily. That not all who call Jesus Lord will enter in? This grace only salvation is throwing out the whole new Testament almost. Be very careful many will come in that day and teach another gospel. Yes The Gospel is "THE GOOD NEWS:!.

    • @richardthorne2804
      @richardthorne2804 3 роки тому

      James 2 was written to believers that were showing favoritism to the rich coming into their assembly. James 2 is Specifically telling these believers that their faith should align with their works. These believers were guilty of that sin. Let’s not read any more into this passage that’s necessary. Read it in context. Believers are capable of sinning and not producing the fruit of the spirit. Ephesians 2:10 is James chapter 2. You are saved by God’s grace for good works but not by good works.

  • @DonDraperism
    @DonDraperism 8 років тому

    What I find kind of interesting about this is you guys call yourselves "faith alone." Funny how Martin Luther added that phrase to Romans and called the book of James "an epistle of straw," In fact the only time that "faith alone" is used is in James 2:24. I do have a question; Why is it that Protestantism has so many differing denominations, all claiming to have the truth? No offense, as I'm sure you guys are Christian believers, but your "exegesis" is wanting.

    • @byhiscall2969
      @byhiscall2969 8 років тому +5

      I take it you're a Catholic. Your statement about the term "faith alone" only appearing in James (where it supposedly says the opposite about how Salvation and being declared Righteous by GOD is gained - although that's not what the verse is referring to at all) would be a bit like my asking why you guys call your clergymen "father," when the ONLY Scripture that refers to calling a man 'father' is Matthew 29:3, where the Lord Himself states, "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." I think we have a far better case, as THAT verse (Matt 29:3) is cut and dried.
      The entire New Testament is one long treatise on Grace coming by Faith alone; it is indeed what makes real Christianity completely different from literally ever other religion on the face of the earth. Religions are man's system of rules and conduct whereby one might be "good enough for God." REAL Christianity cedes the point that man could never be "good enough for God," and therefore God put on human flesh and condescended to man, and did it all on our behalf.
      I don't think it's our side whose exegesis is wanting.

  • @noelko8038
    @noelko8038 5 років тому

    YOU READ JOHN 6: 53 kindly read it 53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.
    you see also connected to John 3: 16
    if a man will not believeth in him... he will not eat his flesh and drink his blood Because he did not believe in him

  • @greggsingletary9375
    @greggsingletary9375 4 роки тому

    Bob wilken is giving and incomplete gosspell message.You have to repent of your sons and placed your trust in Jesus as your personal God and savor.

    • @jeffallanday
      @jeffallanday 3 роки тому +1

      I remember being witnessed to by a person and he told me about God. I remember thinking oh i need God I know that I do. However, I was so lost in a life of sin. I realized I could not leave that life of sin. I was bound unto sin in such a way that I knew no way out. I knew not how to repent at all from life of sin. Then one day I was at a stop sign and I called out to God to help me. I believed in and accepted Jesus into my life while still in the sin. Then by several events happened shortly after that untangled me from the sin life. It was like God lifting me out of a deep dark pit of which I saw no way out. So, you are incorrect. I placed my trust in him so that I could be unbound from sin. Repent from your sins is found no where in the Gospel of John.

    • @greggsingletary9375
      @greggsingletary9375 3 роки тому

      @@jeffallanday Read mark chapter 1 verse 14 and 15.

    • @greggsingletary9375
      @greggsingletary9375 3 роки тому

      Repentance and faith are two sides of the same coin.

    • @greggsingletary9375
      @greggsingletary9375 3 роки тому

      when you believe you are repenting.

    • @jeffallanday
      @jeffallanday 3 роки тому +1

      @@greggsingletary9375 I am so glad you bring up these verses. The context of these verses are of utmost importance and these verses need to always be viewed in context. Chapter 1 is easily identified as the beginning of Christ's ministry. This was an amazing pronouncement of the coming of his Kingdom. "Repent , and believe in the Good News". The question you have to ask is what did the Jews at this time believe about the coming of God's Kingdom? They believed that a Messiah will come and rule the world. They believed in the promise of an heir of David who will rule the world. They did not believe that this Messiah would be the "lamb of God who takes the sins of the world". So what has to happen is there mind must be changed to understand who the real messiah is who the prophets spoke about. If their minds are not changed to see this (that Jesus is the Messiah sin bearer) how can they believe in the Good News? The Greek for repent is 'metanoe' which comes from meta 'changed after being with' and noieo 'to think'. It means change your thinking. One of the most well known Jew in our day in this country is Ben Shapiro. If you don't know who he is please look him up. He has said that he believes that the Messiah to come is a political figure. He believes this Messiah will bring peace to Isreal. Christians on his broadcast have tried to tell him about Jesus and his death and resurrection. He has said that it means nothing to him. Why does it mean nothing to him? Because his mind has not changed about who Jesus is. So indeed he would need to repent(change his mind) first before the Good News would mean anything to him.